
Achievements vs. Trophies

Achievements on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3's Trophies are virtually identical, but they mean very different things to us.

SmokexFFx4978d ago

The only difference I can think of is that "Trophy Sync" sh!t.

MinskyM4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

There is a fundamental difference between the two:

One was designed by bean counters
One was designed by gamers

Everyone knows that Microsoft copied Sony and Insomniacs Skill Point system and renamed them "Achievements".


"You've earned a Skill Point"
"You've unlocked an Achievement"

Microsoft saw Sony's Skill Point system as way to pump up their attach rate and get Xbox owners to buy junk and shovelware games just to pump up their pointless gamerscore.

They never really grasped the concept for Skill Points. They were a way for gamers to get even more out of the game and be rewarded for their extra work.

It shouldn't be surprising that Sony got things right with their Trophy system since they are the ones who originally came up with the concept. At a glance you can get an instant idea of what type of gamer a person is from their Trophies:

* They have Platniums - serious gamers who has the skill to take on everything a game throws at them

* They have some Golds and Silvers - standard gamer with good skills but either not elite

* They have only Bronze - nibbler gamer who doesn't ever complete games

People don't buy junk games on the PS3 to pump up their Trophies because no one cares that you got a Plat in Barbies Horse Adventures because it doesn't get lumped into some silly and pointless gamerscore.

It is rumored that Microsoft is working on copying Sony's Trophy system but I don't think it will really matter much now that Microsoft seems to be entirely focused on chasing soccer moms with casual games.

Sony absolutely nailed it with Trophies, but I think they could be a few tweaks to make them perfect:

* Making sure companies don't throw in random silly Trophies for single player games that require for controllers or a single multiplayer Trophy.

* Possibly having separate online and single player Platinum trophies. Many people play single player games that have an online component but don't have the time or will to put in the insane hours online Trophies require.

* Auto syncing would be nice but not really a big deal

Nitrowolf24978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

. They have always had some sort of way to unlock a special emblem or something, i remember is some ps1 games always trying to get every single title or something for a game for doing something specific.

All what MS did was take that idea and actually implement it into the console themselves rather then the game. It's like M.A.G. they have in-game achievements and some don't even correspond with trophies.

Anyway here i thought this would be an article that goes in depth and describes each pro and con, only to find that the author is saying they are the same although he prefers achievements ( have no issue with that)and that MS came out first with them and redefined the way gaming is.

SmokexFFx4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )


There is a big difference between unlocking points in a single game and being able to unlock achievements in every game on your console plus being able to show them off to your friends and others on XBL. And then there is Avatar awards on top of that which you can unlock.

"Microsoft saw Sony's Skill Point system as way to pump up their attach rate and get Xbox owners to buy junk and shovelware games just to pump up their pointless gamerscore."

I guess Valve and Sony saw it as a way to get users to buy junk too because there trophies/achievements don't reward anyone with anything either.

* Platnums are then same as completed games on Xbox

* Gold Silvers and Bronze trophies are the same as 5,10,15,20,25,50,100 G score achievements on 360.

"People don't buy junk games on the PS3 to pump up their Trophies because no one cares that you got a Plat in Barbies Horse Adventures because it doesn't get lumped into some silly and pointless gamerscore."

Actually trophies do get lumped into something, and that is your trophy level. Also if you watched the Tester season 1 you would have heard the Cyrus(the winner) played pointless games to boost his trophy level, he uses Hanna Montana as an example.

"Sony absolutely nailed it with Trophies, but I think they could be a few tweaks to make them perfect:"

I got one to add to your list, *Work on getting all old games support with trophies, there are still many games not trophy compatable where on the 360 every game has achievements.

will114978d ago

I like trophies better because it has Platinum. 360 doesn't have that.

-Alpha4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Minsky loves to go out of his way to prove that MS stole Achievements from Sony.

Yet he fails to realize that making gamers do optional challenges for fun is not a new concept, and it certainly has existed before Spyro games. Additionally Insomniac made Spyro, not Sony. But he HAS to use Sony because it's the only way to support his underlying motive to discredit the 360 at every point while making Sony seem like the real leaders. Sorry, but you not only misunderstand the difference but also are misguided to prove something that is not true.

Minsky, why are you trying to convince yourself that Sony created the Trophy system before MS? The Achievement system's purpose was to universalize a standard of challenges to earn Gamer Points for online profiles. Insomniac's purpose (not Sony's) was to create a list of challenges to complete in that one game for fun.

On top of this, if you really think MS copied this then Sony surely must have copied Trophies from games like TimeSplitters:


By your logic, since Spyro has a similar system, MS surely copied it, right?

If you honestly think that MS stole it from Sony then you are simply lying to yourself. Your proof is very weak and merely makes a correlation, not a direct relation.

The Achievements/Trophy system is a natural evolution to individual games that have their own system. MS didn't "Steal" the idea, and Sony certainly didn't create it first.

Convas4978d ago

MinskyM sounds a bit sore in the nether region ...

MeatPopsicle4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

I don't know what the hell Microsoft was thinking with the idiotic gamerscore.

Honestly, did they really think gamers would sit around talking about who has the bigger number?

I don't think people really care that Microsoft ripped off Sony or Insomniac's Skill Points. It is that they did such horrible job at it and really seem to failed to grasp the concept and instead saw it as simply something to help up their attach rates.

HydraxFFx4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )


Read pls.
* Platnums are then same as completed games on Xbox

At the time I got the name wrong, it's achievement progress, any how it tracks games you have fully completed. Just like a platinum would.

Prototype4978d ago

I miss gaming BEFORE trophies/achievements

-Alpha4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )


"Honestly, did they really think gamers would sit around talking about who has the bigger number?"

It's amazing how you and Minsky are always around when it comes to these Achievement articles. I love how you both use the same exact wording too. You both try to make such childish accusations about Achievements, yet somehow, they don't apply to Trophies. You clearly don't have a double standard here /s

Only people like you would take a fun idea like achievements and try to spin it into something like "MS tries to enslave people to buy bad game" or in your words "drive up attach rates" And how isn't this applicable to Trophies?

Achievements did what they were meant to do: create a competitive way of keeping track of who plays what games and how friends are doing in challenges. I see it as a friendly game of competition, yet you guys spin it to make it sound like MS is trying to force people to buy bad games.

"I don't think people really care that Microsoft ripped off Sony or Insomniac's Skill Points"

Because they didn't. Even if they did get the idea from Spyro it wasn't a rip off considering they evolved the concept. You once again show your blatant agenda to simply discredit MS just because they are MS.

"It is that they did such horrible job at it and really seem to failed to grasp the concept and instead saw it as simply something to help up their attach rates"

Again with the no-proof conspiracies and mindless biased over-criticism.

ExplosionSauce4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

360 Achievements result in a Gamerscore, which is an accumulation of points, aka numbers. Each Achievement has a different amount of points depending on difficulty.

PS3 Trophies result in a Gamer level, which is the main reason why some consider them more "game-like" or "RPG-like". Each Trophy is ranked by bronze, silver or gold. A platinum Trophy is awarded upon completion of a game and all of its trophies(these have the biggest percentage boost on the Gamer level.

Those are the differences.
Stay on topic and some people may learn.

OSU_Gamer4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Minsky, meatpopsicle, and the people who agreed with them give PS3 gamers a bad name.

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Dsnyder4978d ago

Difference? A level up system+platinum which therefore makes it better.

DigitalAnalog4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

"By the time Sony pushed Trophies live in July 2008, my gamerscore had a two-and-a-half year head start. No way would my Trophy count ever catch up, so why bother?"

So that's why he doesn't like collecting trophies? It's all about the numbers isn't it.

The reason why I collect trophies is because a budgeted gamer like me who can't afford a lot of games can at least extend the value of my game without pointless repetition (back then you had a rocket launcher if you finished a game in below a certain time) especially when I'm usually a single-player gamer.

-End statement

kneon4978d ago

Basically he has self esteem issues. Because he's too far behind on trophies he would rather not compare them with others as it make him look bad, so he declares that he doesn't care about trophies. That's a pretty immature attitude.

MariaHelFutura4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Whores vs. Whores......Round 1.......FIGHT!

Convas4978d ago

There's a difference between whores and completionists. You best learn the definitions.

MariaHelFutura4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

I`ve seen the light. I`ve reflected and I`ve learned. I must be imagining all the games I completed before this gen. Sorry.

Convas4978d ago

As if you're the only person in the world who completed games before the advent of Trophies and Achievements. Again, you best learn the definition of a completionist.

MariaHelFutura4978d ago

My left eye is closed for you. Teach me.

Convas4978d ago

Close the other one too. Learning must take place by reflection and repetition. Simply looking upon the subject matter is not enough.

Rocket Sauce4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

That's right - whores get paid.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4978d ago
MariaHelFutura4978d ago

Completionists VS. Whores.......Round 1......FIGHT!

bearsfaan4978d ago

I'm totally with the author on this one. I don't have anything against trophies, it's just that I've invested so much time in achievements I have no desire to do it on another system.

multipayer4978d ago

I wonder if achievements/trophies will even last into next gen or will they decide it needs a fresh coat of paint and make a new ranking system. Something to entice new customers to get involved on an equal playing field...

ikkeweer4978d ago

lol, if they did that, they'd piss off alot of whores(as mariaH put it so eloquently).
I'd actually be a littlebit pissed aswell. Whats the point of all my trophies/achievements if i loose my bragging rights?

wicko4978d ago

That's exactly it, you invest time on one system, so you don't care about the other. I've invested a lot of time on trophies and I honestly couldn't care less about achievements. But also, I prefer the leveling system that Sony uses as opposed to the total points system MS uses. And I prefer the idea of platinums as well. In the end, they are pretty much the same thing.

Xander7564978d ago

Achievements are better than trophies because they are more specifically tailored to things. It's different saying you have a bronze trophy for something than 50 gamerscore for it. A bronze could mean anything, the 50 is an actual quantifiable score.

chrisco84au4978d ago

You do the exact same thing to get the trophy/gamerscore points. Therefore nothing is tailored for gamerscore points.
What a stupid thing to try and say.
Just enjoy your console of choice instead of having the need to pointlessly defend it.

Fishy Fingers4978d ago (Edited 4978d ago )

Sweet... http://n4g.com/news/641220/...

First "Trophies Reflect Skill More Than Achievements"^^ now in retaliation (?) a Achievement > Trophy piece. Both, like steam achievements, are pretty pointless.

High scores for the new age that promote performing mundane tasks rather than displaying an actually measure of "skill".

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

Read Full Story >>
Terry_B50d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits50d ago (Edited 50d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv7250d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii50d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast50d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife50d ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit49d ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife49d ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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-Foxtrot72d ago

It’s an awful downgrade to the last one they did

They included physical disc back then

ocelot0770d ago

Forgot I ordered this until I got the dispatch email.

FPS_D3TH70d ago

I want the first two games to come to iPhone/android

Friendlygamer70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

I would love the classic fallout games on console. Closest I could find was atom rpg, I liked that one a lot

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I though it was a new Killzone when i saw the image, looks like a hellghast..


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