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David Cage – “Wii is a Toy”

Gamersmint writes : In a recent interview, David cage had good things to say about the PS3 and he also called wii a Toy.

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Community5072d ago
units5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

anyone else surprised

Nitrowolf25072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

Well it seems he is referring to the tech base. Wii has online but it is a joke compared to other network, and they used friends code. It has the ability to play dvd and yet Nintendo decided not to enable that feature. He is comparing the power advantage that the PS3 has over the wii, hell the 360 makes the wii look like a toy. The wii is last gen still even though it was the console that really pushed motion tech, the specs of the wii are not that special compared to other consoles.

"I think at some point people make the difference between something that is like a toy, a funny boardgame like the Wii, and a real… well a real multimedia center with an extremely strong videogame experience”"

The PS3 has so much more stuff that it can do that is why he is using boardgame and multimedia center, compare those 2 and yeah it's true.

The Wii has great games though, can't deny that.


judging from the comments most of them have not even attempted to read the article to understand what he means

MeatPopsicle5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

Yes, of course that is exactly what he was talking about:

“When you have a game console like the Playstation that has a hard drive, a blu-ray reader, that connects to the internet, and does a billion other things, and that has a “hard” in terms of games that really is extraordinary, well, I think at some point people make the difference between something that is like a toy, a funny boardgame like the Wii, and a real… well a real multimedia center with an extremely strong videogame experience”

The title is just fanboy journalism spin.


Exactly, that's why I wanted to put the actual quote. And then you added to your comment. So sorry for the redundancy.

-Alpha5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

Thanks for clearing that up Nitro, it's unfortunate how much spin a random N4G poster can possess over the reality of a dev's comment. And it's even more unfortunate that people don't read actual content.

Remember that fiasco with Ted Price?

Anyways, if it's a toy then it looks like a pretty fun toy. Although I completely look down upon the Wii's lack of next gen features I can still enjoy it for its games. I think the Wii is just as capable as any PS3/360 title to make a solid gaming experience, despite its hardware shortcomings. Tools are only as great as the people that use them, but it's definitely time for an update.

na-no-nai5072d ago

Just cuz the ps3 and xbox360 can do more doesnt make the wii anyless a toy compare to the HD twins. It just to show you that Nintendo dont need other multimedia to help it sell more to the consumers. Beside David Cage is pro Sony and never gonna be making games for other console

Nitrowolf25072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

hello, created by quantic dream, David cage is one of the founder of QD. There been rumor lately that hgis next project is multiplat

" help it sell more to the consumers"
like i stated this is tech wise not sales wise, Cage doesn't mention anything about sales he is talking about the tech.

DigitalAnalog5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

"judging from the comments most of them have not even attempted to read the article to understand what he means"

That's why this site should be called "H4G" (Headlines for gamers). Just looking at the top poster;s comment is already crippling my IQ.

**looks at na-no-nai's comment..

I guess "Figure-of-speech" doesn't exactly translate to you very well does it. Wait, you DID read the article.... right?

-End statement

DORMIN5072d ago

@ people still commenting without realizing the quote out of context.

ChickeyCantor5071d ago (Edited 5071d ago )

"Wii has online but it is a joke compared to other network, and they used friends code"

Actually its unified.
Its up to the developers, they do not have to use friendcodes. There are games out there that use a different system.

"The Wii has great games though, can't deny that. "

So in what does this "toy" nonsense matter?

I love how something that is weaker considered a "toy". While in fact all 3 are. Get over it fangirls.

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Gue15072d ago

He is third party so... What is your point again?

Nitrowolf25072d ago

yup, they have developed for xbox, PC, and Playstation. This is coming from a third part company

zeddy5072d ago

its a toy for fat girls and old people.

Imperator5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

I've really been enjoying Kirby and Goldeneye this past couple of months, so while the Wii may not have next gen graphics, it does have many great games and I personally do consider it a video game console, not a toy. This is one time I have to disagree with Mr. Cage. DK Country and Epic Mickey are coming out soon, and then Zelda next year is gonna be awesome!

RageAgainstTheMShine5072d ago

Gamecube used to be a console but Nintendo repackaged it and marketed the Gamecube 2.0 aka Wii as a toy whether you like it or not.

J_Cob5072d ago

I don't own the Wii and never plan to, but for him to say that is retarded. I believe without the Wii the Move wouldn't exist. You have to show respect and this guy clearly has none. What a bastard.

xino5071d ago

how many times do we have to tell you nintendo fanboys that Move is not a copy of the wii!

Move is just a device to help utilize the full potential of the PSEye!
PSEeye has been in development for a freaking long time!

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dgroundwater5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )

Hate to jump in on a losing bandwagon. But I'd have to agree that his existence is one of pretension and douchebaggery. The guy couldn't direct himself out of a cardboard box. He'd need another director to show him how so he could copy it.

dgroundwater5072d ago

Between the cliched Hispanic pervert, the raging big black guy, and the unexplained sexual contact between the main character and the journalist, I knew I was playing a games that panders to the Hollywood crowd.

There is little room for originality when you are busy ripping off Saw, and having fights on conveyor belts while the crooked cops loaf around wondering with innocents they should arrest. Y'know how crooked those big-city cops are.

GTmonster5072d ago

wii is not a toy, play smg2

NecrumSlavery5072d ago (Edited 5072d ago )


Look dude, everyone loves Nintendo, but the Wii is a joke. A waste of so much potential. And I get that they went for inexpensive, and to get the casual crowd. But the poor online, lack of social features. The lack of HDD, HD, and much more kills it for me.

Seferoth755071d ago (Edited 5071d ago )

and your ignorance is killing me..

First off Wii doesnt even need a HDD dumb ass. HD SD cards work wonders on the system. This isnt the 360 or PS3 where you need to do 5 gig installs or do patches to make games work.
You need it for Wii ware and I seriously doubt a troll like you could find 64gigs worth of games to fill up a single card.

Wii is a social console. Just not built for online socializing. You know not for nerds and lsoers that need to be in a fake online world pretending to be cool (Home). Poor online? Funny it works just fine for me and in all my time of playing online I never used a friend code. Just another example of you letting your ignorance of something determine how you feel.

It is funny to hear some kid call the fastest selling console in history with the highest rated game this gen a joke without comprehending that the joke of a console beats his in every way that really matters.

Other than HD, blue ray there is nothing on the PS3 that the Wii cannot do also. BLuetooth, Wifi, free online(PSn is shitty compared to Live but the excuse is always that it is free well Wii online is free too and not near as bad as you haters make it out to be.)

You are probably one of the many fanboys on this site that are excited to finally play tue next gen games like Move Tiger woods. Wii owners have been playing those type next gen games for 4 years kid.

Shoko5072d ago

Then so if every other game console.

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25 years of story-driven titles, the present and future of Quantic Dream - Interview with David Cage

Ruliweb interviewed Quantic Dream CEO David Cage at G-Star 2022.

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Community673d ago
jznrpg673d ago (Edited 673d ago )

Heavy Rain was my favorite . Fahrenheit was great too

MadLad672d ago


Beyond Two Souls and Detroit were alright for the most part.
They're still making games, so something going decent for them.

Supermassive is definitely beating them in this genre though.


David Cage defends response to allegations of unhealthy studio culture at Quantic Dream

From Eurogamer: "David Cage has responded to allegations of unhealthy studio culture and inappropriate behaviour at Quantic Dream, which he previously described as a "smear campaign".

Published in this month's Edge Magazine, Cage discusses in depth the company culture of the studio and denies a lack of humility in its response to allegations.

"I don't think we had an aggressive attitude," he said. "When you're accused of things that go against everything you believe in, everything you've done in your life, it hurts. It went beyond just attacking the studio culture."

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Community775d ago
jznrpg774d ago

Hasn’t this been a story for years now ? Doesn’t seem like anything changed or they have some very upset workers who lie for a long time ? Seems like it isn’t the latter .

SegaSaturn669774d ago

They should hire Kevin Spacey as a janitor. That would be awesome.

sourOG774d ago

The people who use words like “unhealthy culture” are usually mentally ill themselves. Not saying it’s not true, just sayin.

MadLad774d ago

Interesting comment to make ..

sourOG774d ago

Lol just saying. The last person I want to hear about “healthy culture” from is the people who use those words. Ususlly some kind of identity theory-ism. Commie talk.

jartoon774d ago

Okay... How would a mentally healthy person describe a shitty work environment?

sourOG774d ago

Shitty work environment

sourOG774d ago

I’m getting some disagrees so let me elaborate and try to change your mind.

Do you want to hear about healthy culture from people who celebrate fatness or put kids on puberty blockers as a few examples? That’s the kind of people who say shit like that and they are the most destructive force I’ve ever seen in my life when it comes to culture. Easily.

When you say culture what do you mean? The very core, right? The soul. QD is rotten to the very core and it needs to be replaced. With what? Ask whoever is using that term. I’m sure they have an idea. And I’d bet money their idea of healthy culture is ass backwards and not profitable lol.

Another example. I just saw a Kellogg ad that said “Food Justice for black communities”. They think they can trigger black folks into buying cereal with words like justice lol. They might be right, who knows. I laugh at shit like that though because I see right through these idiots.

Some people use words to communicate. “Shitty work environment”

Some people use words to manipulate. “Unhealthy culture” “Food justice”

774d ago Replies(2)
generic-user-name774d ago

Sites like Kotaku have been crapping on Cage for a long time now, to the point where I'm suspicious of if he has earned the bad rep he has. Go read Kotaku's review of Detroit, I recall it being borderline unprofessional.


Heavy Rain 2: Should David Cage Work on a Sequel?

Cage has confessed he has no plans for Heavy Rain 2, but fans have been quite vocal about their love for the game. Perhaps now that the PlayStation 5 is revolutionising the gaming landscape, we might get a proper sequel to one of the best games David Cage has ever made.

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CrimsonWing691117d ago

If he did it’ll probably be toned way down.

Ninver1117d ago

No! Leave the IP alone. It's a classic.

NecrumOddBoy1117d ago

No need. Heavy Rain was incredible as it was. Detroit Become Human was the next evolution. I do think they should continue with a new story but perhaps something less dark drama. I think it would be really cool to do something lighter with humor. The fantasy demo they showed off was pretty cool. If Kara became a full game, that would be great too!

smashman981117d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Detroit become Human the full game for kara

NecrumOddBoy1117d ago (Edited 1117d ago )

Yes. Kara became Detroit. Also the job interview trailer demo back in 2007/8 became Heavy Rain. There was also a video about an actor who was portraying a dark sorcerer. I think that could be something too. I was saying since Kara did become a game, then their newer demo trailer could have too.

smashman981117d ago

Oh ok I misunderstood. I see what u meant now.

Muigi1117d ago

Lol I’m actually replaying that now love this and Detroit. Doesn’t need a sequel imo.

Orchard1117d ago

No. One of the most boring games I’ve played.