
God of War: Ghost of Sparta Review (GamesAreEvil.com)

While you might think that the life of an Olympian god is a pretty plum assignment, we’ve learned over the course of the God of War series that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Series protagonist Kratos has been deceived, used, and generally abused by petty gods and titans, ultimately driving him to the brink of madness and sending him into a hate-fueled rage to destroy all those who toy with the lives of mortals. Ghost of Sparta, the latest entry into the series and Ready at Dawn’s second God of War PSP title, attempts to show players how Kratos started down the path of madness. The result is an impressive title that breathes new life into the PSP, but in a few respects it falls short of its console brethren.

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starven5082d ago

Was there any doubt this was going to be good?

crunchychocobo5082d ago

Dammit, now I'm becoming even more interested in playing the GoW series.

bgrundman5082d ago

God, I want this game so hard.

roblef5082d ago

The first GoW on PSP was so damn good. I'm glad this one doesn't suck too hard. The storyline has always been lame, really.

Davedough5082d ago

I've always enjoyed the GoW series, even on the PSP. Its too bad that Ready At Dawn isn't going to make any more due to PSP piracy.


Meta shuts down Quest developer Ready at Dawn

Across its 21-year lifetime, Ready at Dawn developer the Echo series for the Meta Quest, along with Daxter, various God of War spinoffs, and The Order: 1886.

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italiangamer49d ago

They signed their death sentence when they accepted to be bought by the lizard Zuckerberg.
What a freaking shame, almost every time a developer leaves Sony they end up in shambles.

purple10149d ago

we have heard nothing from Quantic Dream for ages, - supposed to be making multiplat starters game.

solideagle48d ago

I think they are making star wars game. They should be fine because of Star Wars name alone if their quality is closer to their last games...

purple10148d ago

sorry meant starwars yeh, but autocomplete*

Neonridr49d ago

lol, a bit dramatic there. Meta saw interest in them, hence the buyout. They made some amazing VR experiences. They were never a Sony developer or studio. They made a few games for Sony systems, but also for Nintendo as well.

solideagle48d ago

If they made ORDER 1886 £30/25 then it would have sold a lot or made it 10-12 hours long...That game had potential. its one of those decisions which will haunt them for the rest of life or maybe Sony did the pricing hence killing the sales...

porkChop47d ago

The price really was the biggest issue. The Order wasn't necessarily a "bad" game. It was far too linear, as in it was literally corridors and hallways for the most part. There was also zero replayability. But all of that would have been fine if it was priced to match. I remember the game was $80 in Canada and I felt very much ripped off after having been hyped for the game.

Even if there was potential for a sequel I can understand why Sony passed on it. With a launch that suffered backlash as bad as that, it's really tough to justify spending even more resources to build a bigger, better sequel.

coolbeans48d ago

That probably kept them afloat for longer, if anything. They were interested in pursuing VR games and Meta seemingly gave them more runway.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 47d ago
RaidenBlack49d ago

Can they somehow release the PC version/source code of 1886?
They showed it off in SIGGRAPH. It's fully playable. Just needs a release.

ziggyzinfirion48d ago

Why would Ready at Dawn release a PC port/source code from an IP owned by Sony PlayStation?

RaidenBlack48d ago

Of course, it's not going to happen ... but a near complete build of a game, which was even showed off publicly at a conference, will never be made available .... and that bums me out.

neomahi47d ago

Sony would have the code in their archives, not Meta. Ready at Dawn, thankfully, doesn't own the IP or itd be gone with the shutdown so, there's still hope for you yet, just not from Meta because as was mentioned, it's Sonys IP

RaidenBlack47d ago

Sony has the PS4 code in their archives .... Ready at Dawn should have both the PC & PS4 code in their own repository. Meta doesn't even come in this discussion.

P_Bomb49d ago

It just keeps happening! Feel bad. I’ve beaten a few of their games.

Relientk7748d ago

Wow guess a sequel to The Order: 1886 is even more unlikely at this point

neomahi47d ago

You do know Sony owns the IP right? How do y'all know what The Order 1886 is but don't know anything about it? Y'all are s****d or something. READY AT DAWN DOESNT OWN THE IP, NEITHER DOES META, ITS OWNED BY PLAYSTATION, it's their intellectual property. Read a book on IP and gaming

DarXyde47d ago

Maybe drop the caps lock and chill out, buddy. This a bizarre reaction and needlessly hostile.

You can inform people that don't know this stuff without being so dramatic, yeah?

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The Best PSP Games of All Time, Ranked

The must play PSP Games every gamer will enjoy.

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jznrpg214d ago

My son and I played a ton of Monster Hunter on PSP


Ready at Dawn reportedly heavily impacted by latest Meta layoffs

Lone Echo developer Ready at Dawn has reportedly been heavily affected by the latest round of job cuts at Meta Quest.

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-Mika-523d ago

I thought Sony owned them. 1/3 of their studio was laid off including the studio head. Jesus, they were literally acquired by Meta in 2020 and now their whole studio has been gutted. They should have focused on making console games instead of pursuing VR. I kinda wished MS would have bought them in 2018 when they were acquiring smaller studios. They would have been a good acquisition.

IamTylerDurden1523d ago (Edited 523d ago )

Sony never owned them, they were a third or second party at best. They did great work on GoW and 1886 was an IP with potential. Sony imo gave up on a talented studio, intriguing IP, and impressive engine bc they care more about critical reception than they have conviction in talent and Days Gone/Ross and Garvin was another.

Feel bad for RaD. After Sony were visionless cowards and stopped working with RaD they made limited game called Deformers for Gamestop, probably had little funding, then the transition into VR. Luckily their talent shined through and their VR games were well received. Obviously Meta acquired them. Now, the reward for being a good dev with Meta is layoffs. Sucks.

-Mika-523d ago

Yeah, I was looking through their wiki. Ever since the creation of their studio, they worked with Sony and I enjoyed each and every single game they collaborated on. It sucks to see Sony threw away their relationship over just one game. Especially, since the only complaints about The Order was that it was linear and short. Sony really dropped the ball with this studio. They would have been a great asset. Just sad all around, so much potential.

RpgSama523d ago

I mean, it is on them for going over to Meta, did they think that was going to actually work out?

That's like the studios that went with Stadia.

MIDGETonSTILTS17523d ago (Edited 523d ago )

It’s easy to offer support when it isn’t your checkbook…

Sony have not been gutless at all. They let a US studio spend 7 years making a game reflective of Japan’s own history! That was a big deal for Sony to be willing to acknowledge that Sucker Punch, regardless of their origin, was THE best team for that Japanese-centric game.

The risks they let ND make with Part 2 were insane, and 100% not concerned with critical reception; just the game the studio wanted to make.

Pursuing PSVR2 is hardly a venture into critical reception, or an easy market to pioneer.

The best example of Sony’s judgement at work is Returnal and Housemarque. That game is great, but not the most renowned game worldwide(although a top 10 of all time for me). I don’t even think it shipped a million units. Bought, Sony saw their talent and innovation, and acquired them despite their sales numbers.

Ready at Dawn and Bend studios were passed over because of their output, and future visions. Ready at Dawn made a very short game, which raises questions about their future. And Bend released a buggy game after a very long time in development. And, it sounds like their only other idea was “Days Gone 2”, and every studio should have multiple creative routes, especially if you want to be owned by a publisher that offers support for those visions.

Not every studio gets selected, and that’s OK. As much as I love Sony’s output, it only seems to work for some. Many will flourish fine without Sony’s structure.

IamTylerDurden1523d ago (Edited 523d ago )


I agree on virtually everything. Sony has taken great risk in many scenarios and certainly aren't gutless overall. However, as a fan, i will voice my opinion when i disagree with their actions. RaD made Daxter, Chains of Olympus, and Ghost of Sparta prior to 1886. All were hugely successful. But to cut and run bc their first AAA didn't receive the reception they had hope was weak. Especially bc The Order was so obviously filled with potential. The engine was worth inheriting. They had a strong relationship and 3 prior successes with them.

Evolution bothered me as well bc imo Sony mismanaged Driveclub and ruined an eventually great IP by pushing it out uncooked, fumbling a ps+ version, and numerous other mistakes a premier publisher should be on top of. Plus, Motorstorm could've been rebooted.

Guerrilla Cambridge as well. KZ Merc and Rigs were actually good. Zipper i understood. Firing some of JP Studios talent i get, but some of them didn't make sense. Gavin Moore for example. Sony is great at cultivating and nurturing talent but they aren't perfect and as a fan, i'll voice my complaints. But obviouslyi love what they are doing with almost every studio currently. Love the new acquisitios as well. Imo the best publisher running. I hold grudges though. Loved me some Evolution and RaD.

sinspirit523d ago

RAD was definitely a missed opportunity. It felt odd they weren't acquired by Sony after all the partnership. The Order seemed just harshly reviewed.

MIDGETonSTILTS17523d ago (Edited 523d ago )

@Edward’s ulcered stomach:

Evolve was the victim of family tragedy, not Sony mismanagement. I’m still dreaming of a Pacific Rift (favorite racing game EVER) remaster, maybe even in VR 🤙

RaD did not demonstrate their chops yet at AAA. What makes them entitled to absorption?

I’m not familiar with the Cambridge studio, but that does suck.

And I think Japan Studios wanted to still cater to the Japanese market, but Sony wanted to fund worldwide marketable games…. AAA games are expensive to make; so you either find your own vision, or remain open to creative input from your financial backers. It sounds like Gavin Moore wasn’t the latter.

fan_of_gaming523d ago

@MIDGETonSTILTS17 I'm not sure why you're saying Bend Studio was passed over, as Sony owns them.

blackblades523d ago

Reception, if your restaurant got a F rating i definitely wouldn't be going there. Your place would definitely get closed and lost of money.

MIDGETonSTILTS17523d ago


Bends wasn’t passed over, their first pick of projects (Days Gone 2) did

IamTylerDurden1522d ago (Edited 522d ago )

I'm not here to protect Sony. They mismanaged Driveclub. How do you as a great pub allow your first major new IP that gen to launch unfinished with broken servers? It didn't have weather and servers were busted for at least the first month. Where is the oversight?

Then the ps+ edition? It was treated like a service almost but it waffled around. The game was eventually great and they cut Evolution. I enjoy DC VR but even that was fumbled.

Sony wildly mismanaged DC and idc if it hurts fanboy's feelings. You lose credibility when u fail to be honest. I love Sony but i'm not here to protect them. That's the prob with gaming culture, ppl adhere to narrativs and agendas, i say what i feel. If i rip Redfall or say Hi Fi was overrated it's bc i believe it. If i praise Gamepass it's bc it deserves it. If i say PS5 has been dry this it's bc imo they have in terms of games. I don't spit fanboy rhetoric just because, i say what i feel.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 522d ago
neutralgamer1992522d ago

Game development is really expensive. Sony funded the order 1886 and RAD blew their chance. You have to have enough self awareness to know that a fully priced AAA game can't be 4-5 hours long

Only if RAD had gone to 15+ hours of gameplay with RPG elements it could have been special. Also co-op would have been great addition too

We can't blame Sony of any publishers for that matter because now a days AAA games cost 80-1000 million to develop

Inverno523d ago

What a waste of talent and potential this studio turned out. Oh what could've been, just another victim of fabricated outrage.

IamTylerDurden1523d ago (Edited 523d ago )

To no fault of their own.

CoO and GoS were two of the best PSP games and The Order was limited but underrated/full of potential. The setting and engine alone were imo enough to green light a more robust sequel. And their VR output has been well received. Not their fault that publishers screw them. They've done enough to prove their ability.

They also made Daxter which i didn't realize. 8/11 career games 80 Meta or above and the other three were the last Echo game (78), The Order which i enjoyed, and dogwater Deformers which was a half funded Gamestop published experiment. RaD is certified imo. Deformers imo is their only bad game. Should've been acquired by Sony a decade ago. Even if Sony refused to pursue The Order further they have VR chops. They have talent.

RaidenBlack523d ago

What's even more depressing ...
Ready at Dawn had a working PC version of Order 1886 ready and showed it off at SIGGRAPH 2015.
* sigh* we'll never get that, nor Order 1887
pity, their proprietary graphics engine was ahead of its time ...

IamTylerDurden1523d ago (Edited 523d ago )


The engine alone was worth inheriting via acquisition. The Order was benchmark visually and an IP with potential. I actually loved the game and felt it was one of the most critically misrepresented titles that gen. It has around 63 Meta if i remember correctly? Deserved 15 points higher imo.

The setting, weapons, and story were enjoyable. Tesla making gadgets, arc rifle, Arthurian lore with vamps/wolves in 1800s London? Awesome. It was ridiculous how critical ppl were of QTEs at the time. The game short but awesome imo.

-Foxtrot523d ago

It is a shame because I'd have taken an Order sequel

The concept and setting was great

They just needed to make it more open and create a longer game

Also maybe try to loosen up the gameplay, like I think this game would have done better in the style of Uncharted rather than the over the shoulder similar to Gears of War. With the Black Water giving them abilities they should have been able to be more nimble, climbing walls and the like.

Shane Kim523d ago

I thought the order was one of the best games on PS4. Intersesting characters, nice gameplay, cool weapons. Shame Sony let IGN fanboys dictate what to incest in.

Chocoburger523d ago

Your autocorrect is quite curious. May want to edit that second-to-last-word. 🤣

Shane Kim523d ago

Lol stupid phone. Now it's too late to do anything about it haha.

BlackTar187523d ago (Edited 523d ago )

Lol auto correct on my phone doesn’t list incest in the correction words. You sir just exposed your pornhub searches lmao

masterfox523d ago

Im actually more surprised that Ready at Dawn devs still exists, I havent hear of them until this article appeared , what have they being doing all this effing time?, at least throw 60 fps patch for the Order.

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