
DTG: Preview- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Dedicated To Gamers preview the as-yet-unannounced-for-the-Wes t Monster Hunter Portable 3rd for the PSP.

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Capcom's Monster Hunter on Life Support

Dash Bomber writes, "I’ve started noticing a trend in certain video games recently. Developers appear to believe that if you release a multiplayer online game they will maintain an extremely high player base if they release tiny bits of DLC throughout the following months of release. While this can be a noble goal in the case of certain games in which this DLC is free such as Monster Hunter, or Splatoon; in other cases such as the one with Evolve (which the entire game with DLC (aka season pass) costs about 150+ USD) it works as a way of milking the players of their hard-earned money (or parental units money’s). I fear that in the misguided attempts at extending the life cycle they are completely missing the fact that gamers are usually a fickle group."

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HexxedAvenger3038d ago

I can't help but think this is Capcom's own doing. As much as I love it on the 3DS maybe it's time to release it on other consoles. And if you are going to do an mmo, release it in the west. 2 perfectly good mmos that doesn't look like they want to localize. This is one of my favorite games. >.< I really don't want to see it buried.

DashTheBomber3037d ago

You could be onto something Avenger, but it's also the fact that games do lose exponential amounts of fans after the first few months, if they released everything at once at least the fanatics could enjoy everything the game has to offer before that new car smell wears out.

Stealth20k3037d ago

Capcom's one good move was to make MH 3DS exclusive, took sales globally to another level and they remain there.

gokuking3037d ago

Total sales of the games have plateaued. Portable 3rd is still the best selling release in the franchise globally, and that's despite it only seeing release in Japan.

Stealth20k3037d ago

"Portable 3rd is still the best selling release " By not that much, the difference is sales might be slightly less. but the series is popular in the US now which is even more important

superchiller3038d ago

It's on life support because of Capcom's terrible decision to make it exclusive for the 3DS and Wii U. They have only themselves to blame for the decline and fall of the franchise.

Kalebninja3038d ago (Edited 3038d ago )

i dont understand how its on life support, the games still sell millions. The most recent one sold close to 3 million and it hasn't even released in the west, life support my ass.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3038d ago

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate sold 4 million to be exact.

DashTheBomber3037d ago

Life support has nothing to do with sales, if you read the article it's more in regards to how they try to artificially extend it's life by releasing time gated content. It doesn't have to do anything with the popularity of the series, but rather how interest is lost over time in a specific title from the series.

DarkOcelet3038d ago

How is it on Life support when the last game sold over 3 million copies?

styferion3038d ago

decline? lol the last game set a record for the franchise, and there are still so much people playing the last game right now, just one month before the new game release

please.. if you don't know jack about the actual situation don't act like a know-it-all

PurpHerbison3038d ago

I think Capcom realizes that if they went to another console, they would have to make a new engine. You can only reuse and upscale the PS2 engine so much. They already make a fortune from putting in minimal effort into the handheld Monster Hunters, why would they ever stray away from that?

3-4-53037d ago

Well 3DS has sold very well in US & Japan so there is a huge install base for it...........more so than the PS4...makes sense to make it for the 3DS.

Concertoine3037d ago (Edited 3037d ago )

What's the alternative? The vita has good loyalty in Japan but no where near 3DS levels. The PS4 has been out two years in Japan but still hasn't passed the Wii U. It probably wouldn't sell much better on the PS4 than Wii U, and it would cost a LOT more to make either than a 3DS game.

hduce3037d ago (Edited 3037d ago )

When does superchiller ever have time to play games? This dude is in every article spreading his message of hate. I can tell he didn't read the article either. He saw another chance to take a few shots at Nintendo. He also trolls the Microsoft articles as well. I'm starting to think something is missing in his life. Maybe you should try dating or a dating simulator.

Fin_The_Human3037d ago

Capcom has been making some crappy decisions lately... With SFV exclusive and Dead Raising exclusive.

Can't wait till Capcom files for bankruptcy.

Segata3037d ago

Dead Rising and SF as exclusives is because Capcom can't afford to develop them on their own because of all the previous stupid decisions by them.

jcnba283037d ago

Still butt hurt over MH moving to Nintendo I see?

The games sells millions on 3DS, it was never on life support.

Get back in your stable.

Segata3037d ago (Edited 3037d ago )

Because it would have sold so much better on Vita right? As of this post their is more 3DS systems than PS4 and Vita combined.

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MeteorPanda3038d ago

um... monster hunter 4 ultimate has a very active online community even now.

l read the article. it goes on about fucking fps and evolve. Capcoms monster hunter is as unkillable as WoW is here in the west. Click bait about essentially the first sentance in that paragraph...

theFAYEsorceress3038d ago

it could be a much better and bigger game if they gave it better treatment. you can't deny they're settling just because they can at this point.

MeteorPanda3038d ago

oh yeah ofc. l'm annoyed they're staying in their comfort zone and ignoring the wests preference for console editions. also being lazy af with their graphics, looks like psp after a decade, l know graphics isnt everything but c'mon, push yourselves. Also never localizing spin offs so we probably wont see that cute monster hunter tamer game either

and not going on vita when it'd be amazing on that handheld also breaks my heart

PurpHerbison3038d ago (Edited 3038d ago )

I swear Monster Hunter is almost PURE profit. There really hasn't been any effort put into a Monster Hunter game since the first one released on PS2. Speaking of PS2, they have been using that same engine for over a DECADE. Minimal effort, max profit every single time. I have MH4U, and I'll be getting MHGen. I am part of the problem.

Fist4achin3038d ago

It's another case of Capcom pulling dick moves. I'm to the point of not wanting to support them anymore with my wallet. They chose the exclusive route for the Monster Hunter series, they let the Resident Evil series turn to crap, i can't remember if they have had any new IP in the last 10 years,... I wonder how they maintain any sort of significance in today's gamer market.

DarkOcelet3038d ago

Lost Planet was a new ip btw.

Fist4achin3038d ago

That's true and I did enjoy the first one. I don't know if it was really popular though. I also know the MH series was huge in Japan. It would have been nice to see it on other platforms than just Nintendo. I think it would have had a larger niche of the gamer community.

robothouserock3038d ago

Lost planet came out almost ten years ago.

Darkfist3038d ago

I really loved Lost Planet 2, too bad capcom killed the franchise with LP3.

Mikefizzled3037d ago

Asura's Wrath, Dark Void, Dead Rising is 10 this year, Dragons Dogma, Remember Me. Internally and externally, It's not that they've not tried. They're probably not considering anything else new until they finally get Deep Down out the door.

Segata3037d ago

Play EX Troopers. It's what became of Mega Man Legends 3. Spinoff of LP and more arcade like and cel shaded. For PS3 and 3DS and VERY easy to play without knowing Japanese.

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DarkOcelet3038d ago

That is Capcom's dumbest mistake. They need to make a Monster Hunter game for Current Gen Consoles. It would be insane.

HexxedAvenger3038d ago

they have a monster hunter MMO that looks amazing but they dont want to localize. then again I don't think its capcom that made it.

Movefasta19933038d ago

no more mmo bruh I want a Monster Hunter FIVE.

ShaunCameron3037d ago

Yet that exclusive route turned in a profit for them.

gokuking3037d ago

Their last new attempt at a major console IP was Gaist Crusher on 3DS. It was a major failure and never left Japan.

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Enigma_20993038d ago


Does that sound like a game that's on life support to you?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3038d ago ShowReplies(2)
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The state of Handheld Gaming in the current market. Order A Game Podcast 7

The state of Handheld Gaming in the current market. Order A Game Podcast 7

Are dedicated Handheld Game Systems doomed?

We cover the major news from the last week in gaming and then move on to our topic of the week - The State of Handheld Gaming in the current market.

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3-4-54079d ago

The State of handheld gaming is really good. Always has been and always will be. Those who think otherwise fail to look at history and learn from it.

There is no doom and gloom within the gaming industry, the media just makes it seem like there is so people read their BS.

KingDon4079d ago

That is exactly what is discussed


The Ever Expanding World of Monster Hunter Has a Store

How big the fan base is for Monster Hunter is something that might puzzle you. In fact, with Monster Hunter Tri being the largest third party selling game on the Wii in Japan, it’s bound to raise a brow or two. Not only that, but it is so popular that in Japan there are Hunter meetups and camps that have been organized where fellow hunters gathered together to, well, obviously play Monster Hunter together, mainly on the PSP (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite series). Its success in Japan is also spreading to western cultures with Saturday nights online community being in it’s thousands on the Europe and Australia/New Zealand servers. And with the anticipation for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on its way to stores in March 2013, what else could be more exciting?

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Snookies124346d ago

I've played Monster Hunter on PSP, I really wasn't impressed... I don't get what the big deal is about it, perhaps I didn't play enough?

Nitrowolf24346d ago

Most likely
I played it on PSP first and hated it, played it on PS2 and was into it for a good few motnhs before buying the PSP version. It's better with friends to

RaikRhythm4346d ago

It's significantly better with friends. I didn't get into it till after I started playing with my best mate and my boyfriend.

Snookies124346d ago (Edited 4346d ago )

Ah okay, I suppose it'll be like Borderlands for me then. I really didn't like it when I played solo. Though trying it with friends made it infinitely better lol. I'll give the MH series another shot in that case. :]

Blastoise4345d ago

It sucks on your own. If you have ad-hoc on PS3 you can connect online. Thats what I do, its a game designed for multiplayer. If you can get online its every bit as good as the Wii Monster Hunter other than graphics

HarvesterOSarow4345d ago

Huge MH fan here. I've beaten all the Chief (solo) and Guild (Co-op) missions in FU. I have to agree, it is better with friends, but I also like being tested 1v1. It tests your merit as a hunter. However, the PSP titles are far superior to Tri on the Wii. I have both, and not to be mean, but I can honestly say that if you have friends with a PSP/MH, there is no point in getting Tri.

On a side note, MH4 for 3DS looks like it has great monster design, but I wish the graphics didn't looks so jaggy in comparison to previous games. I also wish they would get rid of this "chase sequence" crap highlighted in the trailer, and remove the Dragons Dogma climbing on monsters stuff.