
Gears of War 3 delay pretty much confirms no Halo in 2011, sparse line-up

Microsoft and Epic Games announced earlier today that they were holding back Gears of War 3 until Fall of 2011 to make it a "marquee title." The Xbox 360 maker has made it a point not to have Halo games and Gears of War titles out at the same time and cannibalizing each other’s sales. The announcement appears to make it certain that no new Halo game is coming in 2011 now but it also raises questions about the Xbox 360 lineup for next year.

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Gue15106d ago

People were expecting a new Halo next year? lol

Joule5106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

Well according to Microsofts pattern this is true.

Holiday releases: 2006 (Gears) 2007 (Halo 3) 2008 (Gears 2) 2009 (ODST) 2010 (Reach) 2011 (Gears 3)...

redDevil875106d ago

Don't know why people are disagreeing with El Jugador. He's simply stating a fact, go check the release calender if you don't believe him.

ico925106d ago

Microsoft relies heavily on those 2 franchises every year, there no doubt about it

sack_boi5106d ago

I can't wait to see what i343 has been doing all these years. With people Frank O'Connor and Corrinne Yu I know it's going to be awesome.

DORMIN5106d ago Show
5106d ago
jetlian5106d ago

2005!! problem came from gears it totally messed up the cycle

AngryTypingGuy5105d ago

This is a good thing. Not that Gears is delayed, but that a Halo won't be releasing next year. When games release annually, they begin to not become as big of a deal when they're released. It's called over-saturation of the market.

No game gets more buzz than Halo. If MS is smart, they'll keep it that way by skipping at least one year in between releases.

Hideo_Kojima5105d ago

2012 should come with a new Xbox and Halo 4...

2013 should be the year of PS4.

1996 PS1
2000 PS2
2006-US/7-EU PS3
2013-US/EU PS4

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5105d ago
TOO PAWNED5106d ago ShowReplies(9)
8thnightvolley5106d ago

which idiot would think halo would come out in 2011>??

lonix5106d ago

M$ is free to make as many Halo games as it likes
So be ready for some hyped up shovelware

StanLee5106d ago

Well, I think there was some expectation of a Halo title, maybe an expansion along the lines of Halo 3: ODST, after comment made recently by Microsoft that a Halo game every 3 years wasn't enough. On the flip side, I never expected Gears of War 3 in April. It's a holiday title, it's a November game. It was always going to be release in November for the Thanks giving and Chrismas Holidays.

El_Colombiano5106d ago

Wait Halo ODST was $60. There's no way it was simply a little expansion.


mastiffchild5105d ago

I was told that there WILL be a Halo named title next year but it would be a sequel for Halo wars-IDK if I was being lied to and didn't really like the first one anyway(not a big RTS man as it is let alone on consoles)but it's a fair amount of time to have another one out isn't it? Also it wouldn't harm, Gears3 at all.

The thi9ng I'm pissed off about, though, is that they didn't have to delay Gears til after the summer, did they? In the summer I think it would possibly have sold even better as there's generally sod all about and Reach released in Sept this year so are Ms saying that they won't have another decent, large game to release holidays 2011 if Gears shipped earlier? I do dearly hope that isn't the case cause Gears34 would sell like mad whenever they released it and I feel like I'm just being forced to wait for something that could be here a lot sooner-which always winds me up!

Elven65105d ago

lonix: You think Bungie was holding Microsoft back? Microsoft owns the IP, they can do what ever they want with it whether Bungie agrees with it or not.

But the fact that a few ex Bungie employees who were key members of the Halo team are now at 343 I think there will be restraint.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5105d ago
Shaka2K65106d ago ShowReplies(15)
Blacktric5106d ago


That's what we call as "secret exclusive desperation".

InTheKnow5106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

The fact that 343 studios is not putting out a Halo game in 2011 does make the argument for a new xbox 360 in 2012 more plausible. There have been rumors of the next Bungie-less Halo for years going back to the release of Halo 3.

It would seem to me that 343 studios is pretty useless at the moment. When are they gonna make a actually game. They ruined the Halo movie that Peter Jackson was suppose to make, that turned into District 9. The Halo MMO was shelved...what are these guys good for???...comic books and that kind of crap I guess. When 343 Studios came out and said that they were looking at Halo Reach as Halo 4, I new something as up. It's a PREQUEL...how the heck is that a Halo 4??? Master chief is Halo and I for one am disappointed they have decided to shelve the game AGAIN until who knows when. So Far 343 studios has been just a waste of time.

Evoluti0n5106d ago

How do you know what 343 is up to? As far as I know they're already working on a halo title, and prob for some time now.

Where are the facts, to backup your opinion?

Rubberlegs5106d ago

Do you even know what your talking about? They had nothing to do with the Halo movie, that was all MS and Bungie. The production was going nowhere so Jackson and Neill Blomkamp left and went on to District 9.
Ensemble Studios (which MS owned) did Halo Wars and they closed down after Halo Wars was complete.
Reach is based off the book, there is a couple books that take place before the first game. Notice how its called Halo: REACH and not Halo 4.

343 has worked on map packs and Halo Waypoint, they created Waypoint. They will be the lead devs for whatever next Halo game comes out.

Evoluti0n5106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

Refer to previous post.


KillerPwned5106d ago

Yeah can`t we just take a break from halo damn MS. I understand hes like your own little mario in a metal outfit.

tplarkin75106d ago

I doubt that we'll see another Halo on 360. I would bet on the next Halo by 343 Industries to be a launch title for the next platform.

Queasy5105d ago

How many articles were there recently about MS possibly moving to a yearly release with Halo? A bunch.


+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5105d ago
Mr_Bun5106d ago

Hope natal/kinect work out for 360 owners as that seems to be all they have to look forward to in the near future

maxcer5106d ago

you know some of us 360 owners do have ps3's

lucifon5106d ago

Indeed we do. Not only that but theres a ton of titles hitting next year, you know...multiplatform games?

siliticx5106d ago

I buy multiplats on ps3. Considering im getting fable III on pc, the 360 will be covered in dust for a year and a half... 2 good games a year just dont cut it.

shoddy5106d ago

one you play for free online.

Graphic different is too small to mention.

Gamer_Z5106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

Who needs Halo next year we have kinectimals! :P

LordMarius5106d ago

I dont think anyone is asking for more Halo

Convas5106d ago (Edited 5106d ago )

Exactly, Halo: Reach just came out. Not even the most hardcore Halo fans are thinking about another Halo right now.

gamingdroid5106d ago

Halo: Reach is a fantastic game so no need for a new one right now.

DaBadGuy5106d ago

Agreed. Halo 3 came out in 2007 and I was still playing that when Reach came out. With all the crap Reach has in it, I'll be good till the 720 comes around.

Gam3s4lif35106d ago

Yea about 700000 ppl are still playing halo 3 so beat tht

BigKev455106d ago

Like no one knew? Come on, author.

Queasy5106d ago

Yes but consider the recent comments by Phil Spencer about releasing Halo games more frequently.

Plus, the reason for the delay for Gears of War 3 paints a troubling picture for next year's Xbox 360 first-party lineup.

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XiNatsuDragnel66d ago

I see it's good they're developing in-house but question is will it be a good halo game?

RaidenBlack66d ago

Next mainline Halo sequel likely to continue with the in-house slipspace engine (since they invested so much in its development) ...and the Halo 1 Remake likely to be UE5 based one and act as UE based Halo template for future Halo projects

rlow166d ago

Nice to see the truth being reported.

CrimsonWing6966d ago

I know this is gonna twist a lot of people's panties, but I'm over Halo. The peak for me was 3 and Reach, after that they've been boring and extremely by the numbers. Infinite was not that great, in my opinion. Was it horrible? Absolutely not. But I'm starting to get the feeling of "if you've played one, you've played them all" ever since 4. My apologies to those I triggered.

anast66d ago

In house AI with independent contractors.

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