
Warhawk reviewer attacked PS Home

Rob Smith, former OXM Editor-In-Chief: "Suck it up, Sony. Xbox 360 has you licked. As promising as Home is, by the time it matures, the 360's integrated approach and rapidly expanding media options could see it completely out of sight."

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23478ueyur_9382236184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

If this influenced the Warhawk review, that is just not acceptable. I'd hope that any editor would not hold their personal biases towards the review marks of games on other systems.

Also, the way he wrote this makes him seem quite unprofessional. He rips on Sony quite aggressively.

Edit: Post #14 -- couldn't agree more.

@below: Clearly I'm criticizing Rob Smith, no one should let their personal preference affect a review.

kingofps36184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

- deleted by Microsoft -

***Kingofps3 will by executed by morning for his act of bravery.
- Bill "Evil XBoss" Gates

23478ueyur_9382236184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? I'm saying that this would be a poor reason to give Warhawk a bad review.

The editor himself seems totally biased though, I'm not arguing that.

kingofps36184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

- deleted by Microsoft -

23478ueyur_9382236184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

I'm saying I would hope that people in general would NOT allow their biases to influence reviews.

larry0076184d ago

so ofcourse he fabricated the LAIR and WARHAWK reviews

ROB was injected into PSM by MS to give bad reviews to PS3 games

look at this

***************************** ******************************* ****

Playstation 2. Do you own one and will consoles kill PCs or will the two mate and produce unholy offspring?

No. Never will. Got a DVD player, so why do a I need one. And no they won’t kill the PC because regardless of whether people like it or not, there’s a social mentality built around the PC beyond gaming (home accounts, creating crappy holiday cards on the old printer, surfing for porn, writing resumes…) that won’t be replaced by any of the new handhelds, and won’t be available through consoles. It’s a huge argument, and not one to go into here, but PCs are here to stay (for at least the next five years). But X-Box will kill the PS2 (tee-hee).


How could they hire fanboy like him

***************************** ******************************* ******

ROB was also EIC of OXM magazine


Link: gameindustry.biz
PSM: Independent PlayStation Magazine, Future US Inc.’s leading publication devoted to coverage of Sony’s console, has appointed Rob Smith as Editor In Chief. Prior to his position as Associate Publisher for both magazines, Smith contributed as Associate Publisher of Official Xbox Magazine (OXM) and before that, as Editor In Chief of the publication.

***************************** ******************************* *

ROB was injected into PSM by MS to do dirty tricks.

MS also paid paramount 150million for 1.5 year exclusive deal..
see the TIPS section for proof

23478ueyur_9382236184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

Again, I'm saying that it's stupid if he let his bias influence the Warhawk review, and that he shouldn't have ripped on Home like he did. I'm not commenting on whether his bias led to the review score of Warhawk or not. Personally, I'm waiting for IGN's review.

kingofps36184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

- deleted by Microsoft -

23478ueyur_9382236184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

Read post #14. He sums what I'm saying up very well.

Violater6184d ago

isn't even remotely funny.
From here on out games I am on the fence about wont get bought unless the Demo wow's me.
Reviews are no longer a factor.
Too much politricks

kingofps36184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

- deleted by Microsoft -

***Kingofps3 will by executed by morning for his act of bravery.
- Bill "Evil XBoss" Gates

23478ueyur_9382236184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

I've changed the post so it's clearer.

To sum it up: no editor should let their personal bias affect a review. If they do, they are not good reviewers.

I'm not defending this guy at all, I'm criticizing him if he ripped Warhawk because of his bias.

@Anego: He misunderstood my post. I guess I'll have to be blatantly clear next time.

@Anego: double agree. bubbles for you. I hope this does not happen again.

@king: I think ripping any system like that in any mag is unacceptable. Well let's just forget about the argument now that we're clear.

Anego Montoya FTMFW6184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

this argument is ridiculous.



its all good, you guys are just wasting your bubbles on NONSENSE, i`d just rather you`d use them else where. Both of you always got interesting things to say.

edit: thanks. bubble for you as well.

oh, it`ll happen again. LOL.
it happens to the best of us.


i know. but you guys are burning up bubbles over the WAY he said it.
don`t bug SATANAS w/ that stuff. Go find First Knight or someone(ya know), who deserves to be disected. LOL.

thanks, bubble from me as well.

"deleted by MS" thats hilarious.

The Brave 16183d ago

there are so many conspiracies that i can think of as to some of the reviews of lair and warhawk.its all propaganda.dont think that because a mag says psm its affiliated with sony.these are independent companies.i saw lair get eights and 9s,warhawk even better.thats a big gap between 5,and 9 0r 6 and 9.how can you deduct points to a game because its made to be played online only?why not just deduct 2.5 points off of SOCOM:CONFRONTATION before its even out IDIOT.What im trying to say is times changing in the gaming world and in a multi-billion dollar industry anything is up for grabs including opinions.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 6183d ago
the worst6184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

they would have found him with a suicide note
with a bullet hole in the back of his head
(somethings you just dont do)

s8anicslayer6184d ago

The only thing this post is going to do is start another flamewar!

macalatus6183d ago

Satanas, it isn't your fault if this becomes flamebait (seriously, are there any news, remotely or otherwise, that isn't a flamebait to fanboys?). News are still news. Though I understand your position that there is no direct proof that Rob Smith somehow influenced the Warhawk review, such implications are still glaring as hell. Heavens forbid if IGN becomes somehow influenced by PSM's review. If this was the jury selection, no way in hell Rob Smith is going to be picked!

nomuken6184d ago

FACT. Waiting for reply(s) LOL.

A Man6184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

Wa? Games? Ok then. LOL

Edit: BTW Bioshock just got 9.5/10 on gametrailers.

hac-hunter6184d ago (Edited 6184d ago )

Dude, I like your avatar...who is that nomuken??

DEADEND6184d ago

This really going to start a flame war.

macalatus6183d ago

As I have just stated on an earlier post, any news is a potential flamebait to a dedicated fanboy, so this news doesn't make any difference.

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Roundtable: Dead Game Franchises We Miss

With every big game now belonging to a big intellectual property, there are those that have become redundant. Here are the series' we miss.

RPGer1181d ago

I miss Dark Cloud I mean damn, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the best Action RPG game ever made. The game have: Rich Worlds, different setting, tons of contents, vareity in gameplay like never before (and even after), best buliding mechanics, crafting system like no one did and finally impressive graphics.

Most underrated game ever. It deserved the popularity and sales of Zelda and Final Fantasy. ut unfortunately, Level-5 and Sony didn't advertise it at all.

titans99991181d ago

My franchises I wish would make a come back, are Battlefront by pandemic studios - galactic conquest was the best, mercenaries 1 and 2, and prototype 1 and 2...great games!


Remembering Warhawk – one of the PS3’s first multiplayer must-haves

TSA writes: "For many PS3 owners and members of the TSA community, Warhawk was our first foray into the mesmerising world of online multiplayer. Now, after more than a decade of dogfights, the skies over Eucadia are clear, the game’s two warring factions having called an eternal ceasefire. To put it in less poetic terms, Sony finally pulled the plug on January 31st with the online servers no longer accessible."

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ArchangelMike1963d ago

I hope we do get a next-gen Warhawk, that would be awesome. Warhawk was so underrated for it's time.

SegaSaturn6691962d ago

This game...my god. What a masterpiece.

mkis0071962d ago

I really enjoyed warhawk on ps3. Hope it isn't dead because of Starhawks average reception.

Knushwood Butt1962d ago

Time just flew by when playing this, and I always had that, 'just one more game, then I quit for the day.' urge.

Spent entire days playing it. Not healthy, but endless fun.

PoSTedUP1962d ago

after a very long hard days work i would come home and drink a few coors light 24 ounces while playing this game on my vita through PSnow, for hours and hours. it made me happy. it is one of those experiences i will never forget.

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Sony Plays Nice, Renews Life of Servers for Warhawk and More Until January 2019

Back in September 2018 Sony broke the news that online servers for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sounds & Shapes, Warhawk, and Twisted Metal would be going offline on October 25th. Sony has now given them an extended lease on life.

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TheColbertinator2093d ago

Warhawk had a good run in the early PS3 days

jukins2092d ago

It's still very active considering its age. The primary reason I had and will reactivate my psnow subscription

tucidic2092d ago

Wyatt . if you think Benjamin `s rep0rt is unimaginable... on friday I got Mitsubishi Evo after I been earnin $8977 recently and-even more than, ten thousand this past munth . it's by-far the most-financialy rewarding I have ever done . I started this eight months/ago and straight away started making a nice minimum $72.. per/hr .
try here .......... http://tiny.cc/9ygp0y

bouzebbal2092d ago

I wish killzone was extended as well

2092d ago Replies(1)
Majin-vegeta2093d ago (Edited 2093d ago )

Guess I can now plat all stars😁

porkChop2092d ago

A Warhawk remaster or remake would be nice, but we know Sony isn't going to bother.


I only diagree because please dont say that. We have had zero games like this so far. No MAG, SOCOM, TWISTED METAL etc...

TheSaint2091d ago

I'd kill or die for a MAG 2 on PS4.

Babadook72092d ago

Yup. Remaster or better yet. A remake.

FunAndGun2092d ago

Please, for the love of all things gaming, make a Warhawk remaster. I logged on for Warhawk day last year, and promptly got destroyed by ground and air. Some hardcore players still playing today. Warhawk is my favorite MP game ever made, hands down!

Sevir2092d ago

Honestly, Warhawk and the original Resistance was pure multiplayer bliss on PS3 in it's first few years on the market. If they did a ground up remake of Warhawk for PS4 I'd be so happy. In similar to how they did Wipeout Omega collection on PS4

Concertoine2092d ago

I miss the simplicity of early 7th gen shooters.

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