
Eye of Judgement Impressions

It's not until you see The Eye of Judgement in action that you begin to realise its revolutionary potential. Sure, it's essentially just another a card game at heart, but complete with a package of peripherals including the new Sony Eye camera, The Eye of Judgement could turn the genre on its head. Developed in conjunction with acclaimed card game creators Wizards of the Coast--the firm behind the Star Wars TCG and Magic: THe Gathering-- the game recognises the cards being played via the camera, and automatically generates the game on-screen.

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ALIEN6243d ago

This game look cool. Am i going to buy it? no!

ParaDise_LosT6243d ago

Wouldn't anyone buy a Ps3 to play a cardgame?...

._. what we're they thinking!

but then again...if it becomes as popular is yugeoh
then this game might be a system seller....

who knows....
but really.... A CARD GAME?...this is the kind of game that should
be for the wii...
waste of blu-ray space :(

razer6243d ago

How many people would pick up a PS3 to play this game. The card game business is huge and Wizards of the Coast is at the forefront. If the game plays well I think this might have a bigger draw for the system than something like HOME.

It seems to have a casual gamer appeal. It could quickly become a flop, but the fact Sony is trying stuff like this I have to give them some credit.

d3l33t6243d ago

look at the comments on the article! So many people stated purchasing a ps3 because of this game! It seems to be quite a popular feature.

I would never buy a console because of one game, or I'de own a Wii (SSBB) glad my sister picked one up. Just looks like ill have to bribe her to borrow it.

SubZero6243d ago

I've never played any of those "Magic" type games. But i have to admit I might buy this one and not tell my frieds. lol

AllroundGamer6243d ago

i neeed this game!! does anyone know the EU release date?

KeMoBLUE6242d ago

i already pre-ordered it at amazon. i like the game but i mainly pre-ordered it because it was only 60 bucks.

playstation eye
deck of cards
Eye of Judement

all that for just 60. doesn't sound like a sony price to me i thought the camera alone would cost that much. sony hasnt released an official price yet but im pretty sure it will be over 60 bucks. warhawk alone costs 40 bucks and that's just the game.

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The Sad State Of Augmented Reality Video Games (Modojo)

Chris Buffa (Modojo): Augmented reality is a simulated version of the real world that has become a staple of television broadcasts, most notably as the yellow first down marker in football games. You've also seen it on the news and reality shows like American Idol and Dancing with the Stars, whenever the overlay appears, urging you to vote. Suffice to say, it's improved the viewing experience tenfold.

NukaCola4846d ago

Vita should do good for Aug Reality. The new fighting game looks cool. I would love to have a ghost hunting camera game. Like a Fatal Frame.

plmkoh4846d ago

AR has seen relatively low success because of mainly two reasons:

1. Low key marketing attempts.
2. Limitations: Low interactivity or bound by physical glyphs cards.

However Sony did show off an impressive tech demo that showcased AR that properly reads real world spatial data, which might lead to better interactivity and applications. The fact that it was demonstrated on a mobile phone means greater audience reach.

AR has really only caught on in the last 4-5 year and it's popularity gradually rising. It's still too early to start comparing it to traditional video game mediums when that has had over 30 years to mature.

jujubee884846d ago

Invizimals is not really a "blip", it is actually pretty popular and has arguably the largest community for an AR game ever (due to the fact it's got multiplayer).

AR games are not to different in nature from motion controls in that they require movement from the players side. In that respect, stuff like Mario on the Wii might have done well but, there are still many IP's that work and sell nicely on motion control gaming like Wii or Move so, I don't buy that AR needs an old IP to do well.

Also, the guy stated how silly one would look playing an AR game on the 3DS than states how cool a Pokemon game would look. That is either bias or inconsistency in his/her argument. xD


Playstation Insider: Creature Defense Giveaway

PSI Writes:

"Creature Defense places gamers in a variety of stunningly illustrated worlds where they are tasked with defending their land from invading attackers and we've got multiple download tokens to giveaway!"

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The Bitbag Review: Eye Of Judgment, Biolith Rebellion 3

For people who have not played the Eye of Judgment for awhile it's time to assemble your stand and dust off your cards. With the new Biolith Rebellion 3 expansion pack you have additional in-depth storylines for each of the four elements and decks from all three sets. These features are easily accessible from the main menu. The new cards give players amazing new creatures with enhanced abilities and attack options that allow you to submerge yourself in additional modes of game play. Keep in mind, you still have to register every single card with your playstation eye, easily downloadable from the PLAYSTATION(R) Network and purchase additional booster packs from you local game store.

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