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wohoo (3) - 5122d ago Cancel
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Community5122d ago
Forbidden_Darkness5122d ago

Confirmed: Capcom has lost it completely. RIP.

Nitrowolf25122d ago

well at least we know what happened to Dante hair
anyway he looks like NIER

Forbidden_Darkness5122d ago

Yes, he turned emo and started using meth. Great excuse to ruin a great franchise.

rockleex5122d ago (Edited 5122d ago )

Because this article below says this game is actually DMC.

newhumanbreed5122d ago

What exactly is wrong with this?

hazeblaze5122d ago

VERY weird!!! I will have to see more gameplay... could be interesting. Could just be fucking weird! So far I'm disappointed in Capcom though... DMC announcement is lame hell.

ABizzel15122d ago

I didn't really care for this trailer it looks like a bad God of War rip off.

But it's being made by Cyber Connect 2 (aka Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm dev.) so it may be pretty good gameplay wise.

And I don't see the big deal about the new DMC character. Dante is too powerful now, and Nero was a big @$$ crybaby, so it's time for someone new. Hopefully you can still play with Dante like DMC 5, or unlock him after beating the game, or worse DLC.

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NYC_Gamer5122d ago

its real sad...Capcom used to be one of my fav studios

HeroXIV5122d ago (Edited 5122d ago )

I kinda thought that looked cool. He can really destroy environments and it's a bit DBZ-ish. This should do well, but I do understand why Capcom fans would be angry... All those amazing established franchises and they bring an IP out.

Forbidden_Darkness5122d ago

Not only that (i support new ips), but they even decided to ruin a grand standing franchise (DMC). So yes, Capcom veterans have every right to hate them at this point. Just wait until tomorrow, more bad news im sure.

dosgrtr5122d ago

this game looks to have some potential IMO

Simon_Brezhnev5122d ago

yeah it does it looks a lot more promising then DMC5

andoni5122d ago

Yeah, gameplay-wise it looks quite innovative and varied, and as far as design is concerned, it is really fresh and elaborated.

In my opinion, we should give it a try ;) .

colonel1795122d ago (Edited 5122d ago )

The problem is that almost all Japanese developers want to "westernize" their games. I think that's where Sony has an advantage in their own studios. They have developers for each region, so they don't need to "westernize" their Japanese developers. That's why games like The Last Guardian or Demon's Souls can exist in this generation of "make everything west and causal"

EDIT: on the trailer...... I didn't like it at all. Definitely not looking forward to this game

NabikiTendo5122d ago

capcom has been around since nintendo came in the industry. rip to the beast formerly known as capcom.

Graey5122d ago (Edited 5122d ago )

So many thoughts floating through my mind as I watched this vid.

1. The arrows...same set up as that Hero movie with Jet LI.
2. You know this reminds me of DBZ or practically every Japanese anime/manga styled theme like that, in which the protagonist some how beats the odds even though it seems at first that the bad guy is stronger.
3. It also reminds me of Fist of the North Star. I liked the animations...then hm you know this is getting way out of hand.
4. This God like figure standing in the universe...questions so many questions.

- 1 Uh Why are you serving some piss ant guy if you could pretty much finger the

- 2. Why couldn't the Antagonist just finish the protagonist off himself if he could summon this God Like creature....

- 3. Dude that is a really big hand...I mean wouldn't that kill a lot of innocent people. Not to mention have the impact of say a Meteor?

Ole well trailer was interesting to say the least.

Good Day Gentlemen

jack_burt0n5122d ago

good point colonel the only problem is i think sony should do a little expanding in japan like maybe buying up FROM but your totally right japan studios and all its sub sections are leading the way for japanese developers.

Aleusia5122d ago

Blame western society for being so outspoken against their games since about 2006-2007. The problem is that they started listening to them and want to appease their uncalled for hatred and rage.

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6 Games That Make You Feel Overpowered As Hell

While some video games overwhelm you with sheer scale, titles like Asura's Wrath and Doom Eternal make you the boss player right upfront.

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solideagle122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

where is GOW (original trilogy)?


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Community553d ago
jznrpg553d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal553d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


Xbox Store Kicks Off Back Compat, Family Time & Free to Play Sales

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ZeekQuattro810d ago

I had no idea Binary Domain was backwards compatible. I know what I'm downloading.

JayRyu809d ago

I would like El Shaddi, Afterburner Climax, and outrun 2 please. I am sure that there are other games as well but those came to mind for me right now.