
Is a Lack of Innovation Acceptable from the Wii

When the Wii was first announced I was very skeptical of Nintendo's decision making. After owning, and being severely disappointed with the GameCube, I thought this was going to be Nintendo's swan song. However, I like almost everyone else on the planet, was proven wrong. Nintendo realized that the market wasn't necessarily asking for a console with a lot of power, but a console that offered them something new and innovating. Enter the Wii and its Wiimote. The Wiimote offered endless possibilities; the accuracy that was promised was mind-blowing. This console could allow you to simulate tennis, baseball, bowling, boxing, accurately control Link, Mario, Samus, and most importantly, and I can't emphasize this enough, you could finally act out your dreams of being a freaking Jedi!!! I mean come on, a Jedi. What a brilliant idea.

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Dark_Energy5137d ago

There is no innovation on the Wii anymore it's all shitty shovelware.

Saying this there are some good games on the Wii or should I say there were some good ones.

darkcharizard5137d ago

Stupid, idiotic troll! GTFO with your FAIL and never come back!

-bubbles to you for trolling!

Shadow Flare5137d ago

You the same guy who was crying over britney spears?

user8586215137d ago

bloody hell charizard pipe down and get back in ur pokeball

Theonik5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

-bubbles for you for personal attack.
Thanks for playing.

sikbeta5137d ago

The problem with the wii are the Third Parties and the way N don't create new IPs and keep using the same franchises, third parties make 90% shovelware and Nintendo make 99% of sequels...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5137d ago
Natsu X FairyTail5137d ago


the wii got all types of sweet games that are original.

Theonik5137d ago

It does. Just not enough per year. Frankly if my only gaming platform was the Wii i'd have gone mad. Hell the Gamecube had more innovative games with the exception of motion controls.

TheDeadMetalhead5137d ago

The Wii's innovative. It's at least more innovative than Call of Halo: Gears of Warfare 2. The problem is that whenever a good game comes out on Wii that isn't Mario/Zelda/Metroid/whatever, nobody buys it. Then they whine about there not being any good innovative games on Wii.

DigitalAnalog5137d ago

3 Words:





-End statement

badz1495135d ago

but a side scroller GoTY and in 2010? not gonna happen! but at least Wii has SMG2 as a strong contender

eagle215136d ago

Pure bullshit!

When it comes to GAME DESIGN, Nintendo is second to none in innovation. And why is Sony and MS running around making a Wii controller? LOL :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5135d ago
Gamer Muzz5137d ago

I'll argue in favor of the Wii all day every day. is there a lot of shovelware for the console? Hell yes there is, But that doesn't mean there isn't a lot of great content for the system as well.
Just about every title Nintendo has released has been very good (At worst) and a worthwhile experience.
Sure, games like Wii fit aren't what hardcore gamers are looking for, but opening their console to a wider demographic wasn't a bad thing and though it doesn't suit everyone, that doesn't mean it's not worth while.
Meanwhile, I just finished NMH2 and the conduit and had a fantastic experience with each. Looking forward to many more. (including goldeneye!:)

darkcharizard5137d ago

Truly an epic adventure! The best game of the 2000s!


handheldwars5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Also, that video still gives me the chills!

mrmikew20185137d ago

I've been currently been playing Metroid Other M and that game is freaking amazing. If anybody can remember the commercial for Metroid Fusion when they play MOM, that's exactly how the game plays. Anybody downplaying the Wii either don't have one or they are just plain ignorant.

stragomccloud5136d ago

Just ordered NMH 2 from Amazon. Really looking forward to playing it!!!

tunaks15137d ago

lack of innovation...
this after other m comes out... just look at how much ideas were put into that game.

Gr815137d ago

But the Wii in general is the catalyst for why the other console makers are shoe horning Motion Controls onto their systems..How innovative is that?

Third Parties are the ones dumping shit on the system..Not Nintendo. I for one love Other M. And I can't wait for GoldenEye and DKC..Even Kirby looks fun as hell.

Lame ass article.

SuperMGS5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Did you read the article? The author states that they think other M is innovative. they are just waiting to play it. If you bothered to read the article in the first place, then you would see their frustration with the lack on innovation, not quality games. There is a difference. That is why I quite liked the article. The author doesn't chastise Nintendo for a lack of good games, just innovative ones.

tunaks15137d ago

he should have waited before writing the article then, they made some pretty bold moves with one of their biggest franchises. What has Sony or MS done differently this gen compared to the last? I don't see innovation in Halo or God of War.

Chris3995137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Heavy Rain. Demons Souls. EchoChrome. WKC (free MMO town-sim and hub questing + a single player adventure is pretty unique in the console space). Limbo (though that one was more due to developer inventiveness as opposed to MS, who just published it).

Those games are all rather innovative. Halo and God of War are distilled and stereotyped franchises. You really could have chosen better examples.

I'm enjoying Arc Rise quite a bit at the moment and I just got done playing Muramasa on the Wii as well. They system has some fantastic games. It also has a tonne of shovel-ware, more than any of the other systems. You'd be remiss to ignore this fact. The rest of this article is just made to rile people up, and it seems to be working. I am not even going to touch this article beyond contenting your point, as it's a fanboy minefield.

Edit: I think that its safe to say that with the over-abundance of FPSes and the homogenization of gaming in general that there is a distinct lack of "innovation" in the industry at large. Nintendo's library isn't the only one guilty of this (though theirs tends more toward throw-away party games as opposed to dime-a-dozen shooters).

user8586215137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Also add pixeljunk eden and shooter, and flower to that list :)

plus I could say mario galaxy, zelda ss, smash bros dont have any innovation, its still same sh*t 4rm n64 days

tunaks15137d ago

heavy rain is made by Quantic Dream,
WKC is made by level5
Limbo was only published by MS.
1st party titles tend to be short on the whole innovation things (from all 3- though there are exceptions)

Chris3995136d ago (Edited 5136d ago )

Whether a game is made by 1st party studios or not is irrelevant. That's not the point of the article. The PS3 has a breadth of quirky, adventurous titles some funded by Sony - EchoChrome, LocoRoco, LBP, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted (innovative in the scope of it's cinematic flair, hadn't really been done before) - some not.

I already mentioned that Limbo was only published my MS, so I'm not sure why you'd bring up that either. The fact is that whether they're just publishing or developing this content themselves, it's being put out there on their systems. There's nothing to stop Nintendo from standing behind and publishing interesting 3rd party content. They just choose not to.

Edit: Heavy Rain and WKC were also heavily endorsed and marketed by Sony. Again, it doesn't matter who makes the game, so long as a company is standing behind it, they are associated with the mind-share.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5136d ago
eagle215136d ago

Glad to see some of you guys are using your good brains. And don't defend this dude if he hasn't even played all the 2010 games yet. When I see the gameplay of the new Kirby, how is that NOT innovative? Like I said, this guy is pure bullshit on a stick. And the number of Wii games I want outnumbers the other two consoles combined this fall. And "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Nintendo games have been ahead of the game so long that some people forgot where most of their so called favorite games got their ideas from. LOL

Tommykrem5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

Look, you can throw out single games all you want and say that they're great. But to be fair to this writer of the article, we're discussing if the Wii lacks in innovation here. So even though Super Mario Galaxy 2 is one of the best games of all time, it's still not innovative. What is innovative is the games that pushes and uses Wii's controller mechanics in new ways. Super Mario Galaxy (the first one), Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and also Wii Sports (yes, actually)

But have we seen a lot of innovative content on Nintendo Wii lately?
I'd say no. Metroid: The other M and Red Steel 2 (note: It's a sequel, but the first one failed) are the most innovative games this year. And when we look at what the other consoles have received so far I think it's pretty clear that Wii is behind.

lolzers5137d ago

Who cares about innovation when a game is fun to play? I didn't stop to think about how innovative UC2 was because I was having too much damn fun playing it, the same goes for SMG2.

Too much attention is focused on innovation nowadays, when the major factor of a game is how much fun it is to play.

Optical_Matrix5137d ago

I don't care. Can I not say the same about Xbox 360? When was the last time an Xbox 360 game innovated? Even on PS3, I can't think of THAT MUCH innovation although Little Big Planet 1 and 2, GT5 and some other games are doing so within their space. I'm too excited about DK, Kirby Epic Yarn and Zelda: Skyward Sword to care.

Tommykrem5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

(I feel a bit stupid for listing games, after actually thinking that the difference between 360/PS3 and Wii in terms of innovation lately is big enough for everybody to see)

Limbo - Very recently, and probably the most innovative game of the year.
ModNation Racers - First time someone innovates the Kart Racing genre in the 21st century.
3D Dot Game Heroes - Brand new take on retro gaming.
Demon's Souls - Just unique and incredibly good.
AND Singularity, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2 (not very innovative, but it sort of innovates in quality), Bioshock 2, the list goes on...

All these games were released in 2010 (in Europe at least, which is where I live)
And don't try to counter I can name a lot more.

A lot of PS3's and especially a lot of 360's innovation comes from downloadable games (Joe Danger, Shank, DeathSpank and so on...). It doesn't take a genius to figure out that there's more of that on 360 and PS3 then on Wii.

However, my main point is that Wii was a console made to innovate. When PS3 got Resistance: Fall of Man and 360 got Gears of War Wii owners were mostly like "Not really bringing anything new to the industry", but now all you say is "Who cares, we have these established franchises" which is fine by me, but don't come here and say that you still play the innovation card.

Optical_Matrix5137d ago

I'm all for innovation. My point is this generation has become obsessed with innovation and can't appreciate a game for just being good. I mean look at Uncharted 2 and God of War III. They weren't innovative at all but they just practically perfected their genres.
I didn't say that PS3 and 360 had less innovation than Wii. You misread. My point is that innovation is lacking in this generation across the spectrum. PS3 and 360 have more of it as obviously it has more 3rd party devs working on them. But innovation is lacking all over the place and to call up one system on it that has abysmal 3rd party support is stupid. Really we should just appreciate the few good games the Wii gets and look for the innovation elsewhere.

Tommykrem5137d ago (Edited 5137d ago )

I couldn't agree more, but I didn't misread.
What I meant to say is that there's no point in mentioning established franchises that obviously are great when we're talking about innovation.
If Wii lacks in innovation, then it lacks in innovation and even though it makes up for it by being great in other ways it still lacks in innovation.

(And now I've actually managed to use all my bubbles. Oh well, I had a good run)

jneul5137d ago


Heavy Rain
Mod Nation Racers
Sports Champions

WII I.P's that I can think of which are new

Wii music, Wii Fit, Wii Sports - not exactly brilliant compared to the above, heck even some of the franchises on x360 are better and I love my wii, but Ninty loves remaking old games and adding new elements and calling it a whole new game, just look at the differences between SMG1 and SMG2 for evidence...

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Hardcore gamer grandma plays 4,000 days of Wii Fit

This hardcore gamer grandma has put nearly 4,000 days into Wii Fit!

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Eonjay2040d ago

Exercise is exercise no matter how you get it.

BlacKJesu52040d ago

Looks like every other church going grandmother...good job


Here Are the Top 10 Best-Selling Exclusives Since 1995 (USA)

The NPD Group has revealed the top 10 best-selling exclusives in the U.S. since 1995, and Nintendo holds all 10 spots.

Highlife2137d ago

Yeah as a gamer that list sucks. Wouldn't be to prod of that.

Paytaa2137d ago

Oh you're one of those real gamers

Literal_Cringe2137d ago

You're not much of a gamer then.

lxeasy2137d ago

Damn Nintendo Domination!

King_Noctis2137d ago

Kindda surprising actually. All games are from Nintendo.

darthv722137d ago

And the #1 game on this list is also the #1 game (and accessory) to be found at the local goodwill.

Imalwaysright2137d ago

Take a look at the 50 best selling games of all time https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

telekineticmantis2137d ago

Nintendo has always had the most mass appeal, my Mother would play Mario.

2137d ago
EddieNX 2137d ago

There's landslides and then there's this. Wouldn't be surprised if the top 50 was mostly Nintendo games.

Paytaa2137d ago

The only other game's that cracked the Top 15 aside from Nintendo were Halo 3, Halo Reach, and Halo 4.

EddieNX 2137d ago (Edited 2137d ago )

Good. I adore Halo!! It's the only online shooting game for me.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2779d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.