
Top Ten Games That Should Have Sucked

Sometimes when certain games are coming out we assume right from the start that they will suck. Either due to past reputations, or due to the unfortunate tie-ins with a movie. Paranerds.com presents the Top Ten games that should have sucked; in this list the games aren’t that bad even though they should be. Most of these are super hero related and we are aware of that but we go into detail as to why the following top ten games are included.

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Nate-Dog5079d ago

For a second there I thought the writer said that the Simpsons: Hit and Run sucked too! I thought that game was awesome.

seanadelph5079d ago

Arkham Asylum is a good (if somewhat obvious) choice. 50 Cent Blood on the Sand is a damn good call though.

Venatus-Deus5078d ago

Because you haven't set your filters (just above the lastest story) to ignore opinion piece's.

It's your fault, not N4G's

CrzyFooL5079d ago

Blood on the Sand and Ghostbusters def belong here. It's amazing that either game is decent and Ghostbusters is downright good!!

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Ranking Every The Simpsons Game From Worst to Best

Cultured Vultures: While the number one entry might be a foregone conclusion for some, let’s see if we can surprise you with our look at every Simpsons game ranked from worst to best.

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Stuart5756177d ago

The Simpsons Arcade was awesome

VenomUK177d ago

I never knew there are TWENTY-EIGHT Simpsons games!

Stuart5756176d ago

Its crazy when you look at ALL the games they made. Same with Assassins Creed, when you count in all the handheld and mobile games there are three times what you may have thought. Some of it shovelware though. I completed Simpsons Arcade recently at a local retro gaming arcade, awesome, I really felt like a 90's kid all over again, except my back was hurting!!


10 Rarest Nintendo Wii Games Worth Their Weight in Gold

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The 10 Rarest PS2 Games That Are Worth Their Weight in Gold

The Nerd Stash: “A list of the rarest games for the PS2, all with hefty price tags worth a fortune 25 years after the console first hit shelves.”

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gold_drake243d ago

still have haunted grounds its so good

Limitedtimestruggle243d ago

I found Haunted Grounds still sealed at a Salvation Army store, but it's the PAL version lol.

S2Killinit243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

I grew up in a country where we didnt have the majority of consoles you guys had in the rest of the world. My consoles were a Sega 16, and a Microgenius (which I think was a knock off Nintendo NES), I traveled to UK once as a child and bought a Sega Mortal Kombat game, but it was a Sega Genesis (or whatever it was called), and the damn game wouldnt fit into my console. I resorted to cutting the edges of the cartridge to get it to fit in my desperation (imagine that)! Lol

Needless to say it wouldn't run it.

Limitedtimestruggle240d ago

Damn lol! Our first home console was the Sega Master System! Played the controllers to shambles, the console is still live and kicking though!

LordStig243d ago

NIce! I got .hack/QUARANTINE

jznrpg243d ago

I have some of these games but I have played them. Still worth a good amount though and they’re in great condition.

P_Bomb243d ago

I’ve got Shattered Memories. Can’t remember if I beat it or not.

Pyrofire95242d ago

If only there were trophies on PS2, amiright?

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