
GT5 Gamescom 2010 Demo Menu, Car/Track Selection Videos

See all the cars and tracks of GT5’s Gamescom 2010 demo(3 videos)

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cobraagent5149d ago

to PS+ subscribers? It would be an excellent idea

yewles15149d ago

Because it's probably 7GB or more...

DERKADER5149d ago

If it bigger than 7GB then they can sell it as GT5P2

poindat5149d ago

Yeah, 3 months before the full game comes out... Hell, I'd buy it anyways to keep me satisfied until then!

HeroXIV5149d ago

Question about the Miura in this video, is that a standard car or a premium one? It looks kinda standard because the windows are so darkly tinted but then again I hardly know anything about the car.

poindat5149d ago

Look under the names of the cars and it tells you. I find it a bit odd that it has darker windows, as well as the old Fiat 500, but they are apparently all premium.

HeroXIV5149d ago

Ahh thanks man. I actually did a bit of research and the real life counterpart has windows that dark too.

Antan5149d ago

Head over to Neogaf and look at some brand new screenshots! Absolutely the most graphically impressive piece of software I've ever seen! A few of the shots show a mind boggling amount of engine detail! They are called premium for a reason, and the difference with Standard it's huge to say the least. Embargo lifts 2mora 9:00 am GMT where more announcements will be made.

PirateThom5149d ago

Epic GIF time... http://i35.tinypic.com/fks6...

I posted this in another article, but it pays to post again because... hell.

Antan5149d ago

Crazy stuff 2day! How they're doing this is beyond me mate! value for money with this will be through the roof!

quen_gta25149d ago

When are they going to release the official car list for this game?


Sony launches AI racing agent Sophy 2.0 worldwide for Gran Turismo

Sony AI and Polyphony Digital announced the global release of Gran Turismo Sophy 2.0, an innovative AI racing agent in the Gran Turismo 7.

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EazyC325d ago

Between Sophy and PSVR 2, Polyphony is REALLY pushing videogames forward into a whole new era.

crazyCoconuts324d ago

"Gran Turismo has to run on the PlayStation 5, and that means Sophy cannot consume all the computing resources of the machine."
Interesting - I thought at first Sophy was controlled from their server farms. Seems like they've got it running locally.


Yamauchi on Why Gran Turismo Works in VR Without Making You Sick

Remon: "I didn't expect Gran Turismo 7 to be the most relaxing and soothing game on Playstation VR2 . Yes, it's a high speed racing game with extremely realistic physics. But for me, next to Tetris Effect Connected, it's become the most meditative PSVR 2 experience. What's even more surprising is that Gran Turismo 7 in PSVR 2 doesn't make me sick despite its high speeds.

Gran Turismo series producer Kazunori Yamauchi spoke to me via video chat to discuss why the GT7 feels so enjoyable to drive and what inspired his design choices."

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Babadook7518d ago (Edited 518d ago )

I was very careful not to push myself when i first popped GT7 in VR, by limiting myself to 30 min sessions. I got sick from Drive Club VR. Surprisingly, even after hours of playing on a Gr 3 race, I don’t get sick now.

SullysCigar518d ago

Yamauchi has suggested in the past that choosing a slower car that's a convertible is a good choice for your first drive, because it makes you feel less enclosed, but you still have the frame of reference of the car itself.

When I put friends or family into GT7 on PSVR2, I sit them in front of my wheel, put them in a Mazda MX-5 / Miata, roof off and tuned to remove body roll, improved brakes, slick soft racing tyres and a turbo. This seems perfect, as they spin out less and can get started again more easily if they do. It's not too fast, but fast enough for a first timer. Set up a fan facing them too - that certainly helps.

But people quickly adjust and you just want more variation, speed and handling as you get better at the game. It's the most hooked I've been for years.

XiNatsuDragnel518d ago (Edited 518d ago )

Congratulations Yamauchi

Viljong518d ago

Is vr sickness even a thing. 30 fps games are worse

mandf518d ago

Nothing to do with frames although that has a part. Walking and then saddening stopping messes with your brain for some people. Me included

Viljong517d ago

Switchback is the only game which give me slight nausea same as irl rollercoaster. When it go highspeed and steep downhill comes it feel like my stomach is moving up and im falling off my stool. Interesting that i get the same effect than irl coaster without movement. But i dont call it vr sickness its just very immersive. Other games i play with freemovement and all vignette effects off.

Have GT7 too and playing it without nausea. Its superb in vr mode. Wish i could get the logitech g923 for it. But dualsense is very good aswell and feel right at home after playing forza on series x. Ofc with better haptics that dual sense offer. Only bad thing about gt7 is the unskipable movie when you play it first time. I was getting frustrated after all the motor history it start showing ingame racing i think the whole thingh lasted like 20-30min. Then you get the coffeeshop things and tutorials going on and finally when you get to race you have 120hp hybrid family car.

lucian229517d ago

Any artificial movement can cause motion sickness. Certain games I can't play in vr be cause of it. That's why I prefer games like superhot thst move only when your body moves

kneon517d ago

It's the discrepancy between what you are seeing and feeling and what your brain expects to be seeing and feeling that causes issues in VR. That's why latency is a killer. if you turn your head and the image lags behind it messes you up.

mandf517d ago

You're right about that. Gt7 gave me motion sickness in the beginning but went away. I play for 12 hours a day on the weekend with no problems now. Pavlov still gets me. Resident evil is awesome but when I walk it gets me. It gets less over time.

RPGer518d ago

Because the nature of GT games. The game and the camera is static as ever, and it very usable and a prefect way to play racing game with long sessions in VR.

Einhander1971518d ago

I must say I'm still feeling sick when playing Turismo.

Babadook7517d ago (Edited 517d ago )

That’s too bad. Take it slow. Don’t push through uncomfortable feelings. Just play within your limit and build your VR legs over the course of a month or two. Eventually you’ll be able to play much more and with faster cars. It’s worth it, trust me.

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Sony Cites Redfall’s Harvey Smith After Cancellation of PS5 Version in Its Response to the CMA

Sony and Microsoft have responded to the CMA's revised findings with Sony citing Redfall's Harvey Smith about the cancelled PS5 version.

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sparky77535d ago

Sony: "If PlayStation received a degraded version of Call of Duty, it would "seriously damage our reputation. Our gamers would desert our platform in droves and network effects would exacerbate the problem. Our business would never recover."

Wow Sony just admitted that their 1st party titles are meaningless to the success of the platform, so much for exclusives matter lol.

MS will literally have the existence of the Playstation brand in the palm of their hand if Sony is being truthful.

Christopher535d ago

CoD is 10% of their annual revenue and similarly so for Xbox. If gamers move elsewhere for CoD, the biggest game out there, then they will also buy other third parties elsewhere.

Zero platforms survive on exclusives and rely primarily on third party titles (even Nintendo).

Losing a huge portion of your revenue stream means you can't compete as well and your competition gains what you lose.

This isn't rocket science. Why are you acting like you've figured out some sort of gotcha moment when saying exclusives matter isn't the same as saying they determine the profitability of your company.

The problem is that CoD is too big of a game and people are acting like it isn't. It is the juggernaut in the industry. It is the Usain Bolt of video games, no one is catching up to it and it keeps running.

sparky77535d ago

I am just quoting Sony if you think they are lying that's up to you to believe that.

Christopher535d ago (Edited 535d ago )

You're miscontextualizing their quote, not quoting them. You're essentially saying that someone that says they prefer hamburgers will never eat pizza. They never said what you said, which is that exclusives are all that matter.

TGGJustin535d ago

Well said Chris. People really don't think about all the facts

Sonic1881534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

I agree with this. Well said Chris

Obscure_Observer534d ago

"Zero platforms survive on exclusives and rely primarily on third party titles (even Nintendo)."

Not true. Nintendo´s Switch TOP 20 best selling games is literally made of Nintendo´s first party games ONLY. Check your facts.

So yes, unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo relies on their first party first and foremost to survive.

Jim Ryan´s statements is just stupid and irresponsible. Playstation ain´t going nowhere with or without COD, all he´s doing is downplaying Playstation first party games and developers every time he opens his mouth by calling COD the holy grail of games.

343_Guilty_Spark534d ago

Why would they move if the game is still on PS5?

Christopher534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

***Why would they move if the game is still on PS5?***

Did you miss the first part of sparky77's quote? "If PlayStation received a degraded version of Call of Duty, it would "seriously damage our reputation."

I'm replying to sparky, not the title of the submission.

***Not true. Nintendo´s Switch TOP 20 best selling games is literally made of Nintendo´s first party games ONLY. Check your facts.***

Guarantee fortnite and Minecraft make more money than any of those best selling games. Being best selling doesn't mean saving the entirety of the platform. Those are also the titles that cost Nintendo the most to put out. Third parties are literally w/o any production/manufacturing costs. Just a percentage of sales, including MTX/DLC.

ApocalypseShadow534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

Obscure, Jim's not downplaying anything. He's stating that if Microsoft takes away 10 percent of their revenue that comes from cod, that extra money they make to use on creating first party games, getting exclusives from third parties, investing in indie developers, releasing innovative hardware like PS VR 2 would be lost because of Microsoft's monopolization of publishers and franchises.

You can't just quickly recover from a big portion of your money being taken away. Microsoft could easily recover because Daddy Warbucks is footing the bill of a loss leading platform. Sony's PlayStation platform makes money on its own.

But you guys want to make it seem he's saying that internal games are worthless. Which isn't the case. And Sony's teams know that. They know what it means as well to lose money to create games besides from exclusively created game revenue.

darkrider534d ago

Because they don't have arguments. They want to put under the rug the impact of Cod. So they are tryng to say it's just Cod.... For me it's the Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi of videogaming. Every year means billions. No other game does this. Fact

Obscure_Observer534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

"Guarantee fortnite and Minecraft make more money than any of those best selling games. Being best selling doesn't mean saving the entirety of the platform."

And guarantee that you won´t see Nintendo crying over the possible loss of any of those.

Nintendo always had and will continue to rely on themselves, period! They never needed some third party GaaS games to survive and never will.

gleepot534d ago

Nintendo absolutely doesn't not primarily rely on third party titles.

zekk534d ago

@Obscure I'm pretty sure the WiiU pretty much failed because they made it difficult for third parties to put games on the console

Christopher534d ago

***And guarantee that you won´t see Nintendo crying over the possible loss of any of those.***

I think you'd be surprised.

***Nintendo absolutely doesn't not primarily rely on third party titles.***

I guarantee the majority of Nintendo's profits from gaming comes from third-parties. People forget how much it costs to make your own content and how that eats into profits compared to the 30% off of other people's work.

rlow1534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

So a lot of people have commented on Sony receiving an inferior version of the game. It seems that most people on here haven’t read or heard of the remedies/concessions MS bound itself to.
The biggest of which is an independent oversight committee that is paid for by MS and its members chosen by the government agencies. Their job will involve ensuring parity on quality and content. They will have the power to stop the game releasing on all platforms if the standards are not met.

So all the fuss over an inferior version is mute.

534d ago
RedDevils534d ago Show
IamTylerDurden1533d ago (Edited 533d ago )

Well said.

To add on, obviously Sony is going to push this sentiment just as MS pushed the fact that Sony is dominant and they can not compete with them. Each company will play to the legislative powers and appear more weak and vulnerable than they are in an attempt to sway the results. For ppl to use either as a "gotcha" moment is ignorant.

While both are technically true, Sony's reliance on CoD and Xbox being less successful than PlayStation, each company is embellishing their particular ssentiment.

IamTylerDurden1533d ago (Edited 533d ago )


"PlayStation ain't going nowhere with or without CoD"

I'm sorry but this guy depicts the worst of fanboy culture. I'm bias to a degree. I have preferences and i pull for a particular platform more than others bc i enjoy that product more. However, the inability to give any credit or at least be realistic about the opposition is weak.

Are you insinuating that PlayStation isn't or won't be successful in the future? They are dominating. PS5 projections are outlandish. They are breaking revenue records. Demand is insane. They are pushing more hardware, software, and studios than ever. Your agenda is so bluntly obvious and weak. Yeah, PlayStation is clearly struggling and has no future. Ppl who live by the "wait til next year" mentality do so bc they are failing in current day.

VariantAEC529d ago

"I'm pretty sure the WiiU pretty much failed because they made it difficult for third parties to put games on the console"
All the way wrong, couldn't be anymore wrong if you tried. See Wii U had Watch Dogs, NFS and even Batman: Arkham Asylum (or some other Arkham game) and at least one or two CoD games, but it sold less units than PS Vita (which had some version of CoD that was poorly received)...
Nintendo really might be fine without third parties until we consider Pokémon. Without Pokémon Nintendo might really be hurting, as far as I'm aware it actually is a third party game, Game Freak and The Pokémon Company can pull their support for Nintendo and Pokémon revenue disappears... even so Nintendo games are some of the best selling out there and more often than not these days they include MTX and/or subs to unlock things or to play at all like Splatoon does.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 529d ago
Lifexline535d ago

We’ll yeah call of duty is a very important game in the industry probably the most important one right now. So not surprising they think that it’s the truth. It moved consoles and gives them a lot of money so they obviously don’t want Microsoft in control of that.

But on topic I guess it’s good Microsoft never promised anyone that they wouldn’t make Bethesda games exclusives so they are doing nothing wrong. If that was a stipulation for buying Bethesda then okay I get it but it wasn’t.

shinoff2183535d ago

Supposedly it was said by ms that whatever was in development for ps would still be put out. Therefore shutting down development of said game by ms was a bs move. Pretty sure that's it

Lifexline535d ago

@shinoff come on your smarter then that.

Vanfernal534d ago ShowReplies(3)
Flawlessmic534d ago ShowReplies(2)
Sonic1881534d ago


You need to think before you type. What a dumb comment 🙄

Chevalier534d ago


Great suggestion! Only problem is they would need to think. So.... seems unlikely.

534d ago
Stanjara534d ago

You also forget that all Cod players buy Playstation Plus.

That is also a huge financial hit if those players switch platform.

Crows90534d ago

Finally... In some way you finally get it. Yes their monopolistic to tendencies are fatal for other companies...hence why the deal shouldn't go through...and as Christopher said....you're also misrepresenting their quote.

TheKingKratos534d ago

Sparky, i truly trying to figure out why you care so much act like Sony is the bad guy here for trying make this multiplatform publisher stay independent and making games for every one

I hope you have this strength when Sony is doing the same and i hope to see you defend the decision when buy big publishers like Capcom and Square Enix or From Software etc etc

Petebloodyonion534d ago

Sony: "If PlayStation received a degraded version of Call of Duty, it would "seriously damage our reputation. Our gamers would desert our platform in droves and network effects would exacerbate the problem. Our business would never recover."

But we have no issue with giving a degraded PC version of our game or paying to ensure that the PS4 version of COD has exclusives features
As we said in the past PLaystation is the home of Call of Duty

SoulWarrior534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

Hey lets just take everything out of context and present it as fact, truly emulating Phil and MS!

Abracadabra534d ago

Sony are a monopolistic cancer in the gaming business.
Just plain hypocrites.

534d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic533d ago

I actually fear the damage Microsoft would moreso do to the gaming sector than Sony would, Microsoft is just throwing money around to buy themselves a monopoly, truely cancerous behavior.

And I'm had much more quality experiences with Sony than I ever have with Xbox.

IamTylerDurden1533d ago

Just like MS admitted they are getting dominated by Sony and have no chance to compete. Read between the lines. Each company will make themselves appear weak or vulnerable in an attempt to influence legislation. Stop with the bs. I seriously wonder if ppl are naive or just pushing their agenda.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 529d ago
535d ago
XiNatsuDragnel535d ago

COD is too big an IP to be handled by 1 company and COD fans will move to xbox easily.

Traecy534d ago

Highly doubt that unless someone bought a PS solely to play COD otherwise PS fans,loyalist & owners will continue to support the PS platform.

Crows90534d ago

Again...the lack of brain activity is incredible.

Yes! There are many who buy a console based on what other are purchasing and aren't entirely loyal to one brand. They will easily move if one of their biggest games goes to another platform. Heck I already know a few individuals purchasing Xbox over PlayStation because of starfield. They were originally going to purchase PlayStation but when I told them about starfield exclusivity...of which they had no idea...they changed their mind on which to purchase.

Traecy534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

@crows Having a lack of brain activity is incredible. It seems you don't know what fans & loyal customers mean. Most loyal customers & fans of PS do not own a PS console solely to play COD though you may have some casuals that buy a PS console to play COD only with their casual friends that only play COD. I play COD but I only play the campaign then I'm done with it. I've bought all generations of PS consoles & it wasn't to play COD & I'm quite sure there are millions of PS owners that have the same mindset. That's a ridiculous notion to think PS fans & loyalists will drop PS if it was exclusive to XB. They would play it on PC, finally buy an XB alongside their PS or they won't bother to play COD at all.

343_Guilty_Spark534d ago


Except the game will be on PS, PC, Nintendo consoles, and streaming

darkrider534d ago

Nintendo doesn't care. Look at the sales of Nintendo without Cod... If they wanted activision would be jumping at their door. Streaming... No words... Pc got lackluster sales. Let's see what will haopend

Petebloodyonion534d ago

If the case then why is COD back on Steam instead of just Battle.net?
Or how come EA games are back on Steam too?
Surely it's cheaper and easier to install a FREE launcher compare to buying a 500$ console + subscription.

badz149534d ago

"FREE" launcher on your FREE PC?

Petebloodyonion534d ago

I'm pretty sure that Steam users do own a PC.
So again my question Why did Blizzard Activision or EA decide to come back to Steam when it's free to install Battle.net or EA Origin?

wesnytsfs534d ago

Crows90, PS is still getting Call of duty. The only changes are so are Nintendo and Gamepass.

534d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 534d ago
Sonyslave3535d ago

All Ms gotta say is look at Stellar Blade it was announced for Xbox in the trailer and it not all the suddenly.

Street Fighter 5 your honor the previous Street Fighter 4 was on all consoles and was best played on Xbox for Evo tournament and Sony paid Capcom a huge amount of $$$ to skip Xbox and Nintendo for a whole generation.

Sonyslave3535d ago

Lol also CMA already know about RedFall being Xbox/Pc in their last report.


derek534d ago

@343, don't be ignorant get informed. Capcom was in bad shape back then and would not have made street fighter 5 but for Sony funding the game and publishing it. Capcom since then has recovered financially and therefore sf6 has returned to being multiplatform. Doesn't matter xbox players don't buy games anyways.

shinoff2183535d ago (Edited 535d ago )

How do you know stellar blades still ain't coming to xbox 6 months to a year later.

Street fighter I've read Sony played a part in helping develop that. Maybe it's not true. Eh I ain't looking it up

Sonic1881534d ago

Its true. Sony did help develop and publish it

343_Guilty_Spark534d ago

This lie that “Sony helped” needs to stop.

SF6 is coming to Xbox. Did Sony help with SF6. Did it help with SF4. Read between the lines they paid to keep it exclusive.

Lightning77534d ago

It won't. Sony never said it was timed or anything. They funded the rest of the game and took away the already announced and planned Xbox version.

There's no "what ifs" Don't even begin to make excuses. .

sinspirit534d ago


Is it also a lie that FF16 was helped developed by Sony? This partnership ives Sony a few months of exclusivity, but the game itself would have taken that many months or more of development without Sony anyways. The first FF game to have no development troubles in who knows how long. Interesting how people can point out supposed "lies" on one side and not apply the same attention to detail or reading between the lines of another to provide criticism for.

IamTylerDurden1533d ago


It's foolish to use SF6 as an example of why Capcom didn't need Sony's help with SF5. Capcom is vastly more successful now as opposed to the inception of SF5. The resurgence of Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, etc gives them the financial freedom they lacked back then. Around a time when RE was floundering, Monster Hunter was on essentially one platform, and Deep Down and Panta Rai were draining money. Look at RE6, MvC Infinite. That era of Capcom was largely a flop. They are much stronger now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 533d ago
IamTylerDurden1533d ago (Edited 533d ago )

And Tomb Raider was the same thing. Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, The Gunk, Pugb, etc. Both companies have done and continue to do this with 3rd party games. How many timed deals are on Game Pass? Stop clinging to Stellar Blade and FF like MS never did the same thing.

If anything, 3rd party deals are common. However, publisher acquisitions that cancel in development versions of games for a particular platform and banish IP from a particular platform forever are less common to the point of nearly unprecedented. Not saying either is good for fans but to act like timed exclusivity on Stellar Blade is equal to the Bethesda and ABK deals is ignorant.

And the only reason MS doesn't acquire bigger 3rd party exclusivity these days is bc Gamepass limits their ability to do so. But even last generation as the vastly inferior platform they still had major 3rd party exclusives timed or otherwise via Tomb Raider, Titanfall, Pubg, Ryse, Dead Rising, ReCore, Quantum Break, etc. Early 360 they had deals for Mass Effect, Oblivion, Bioshock, Alan Wake etc. You guys cling to Stellar Blade though. Funny.

Lightning77533d ago (Edited 533d ago )

You still missed the entire point if the argument. 3rd party has been goin on for ages it's fine it's normal. "times deals on gamepass" is something you clearly made up I don't even know what that means.

"And Tomb Raider was the same thing. Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, The Gunk, Pugb, etc. Both companies have done and continue to do this with 3rd party games. How many timed deals are on Game Pass? Stop clinging to Stellar Blade and FF like MS never did the same thing."

But how many times has a game that was announced to the world as a multiplatform game only for MS to take over and rid of said PS game?

Let me say it again. People like you have trouble reading.

Again ANNOUNCED to world as a multplat? How many times has MS done that? You have no excuses for Stellar Blade. If you make excuses then it's only ok for Sony to do it right? Since you love defending terrible buissness practices.

"Not saying either is good for fans but to act like timed exclusivity on Stellar Blade is equal to the Bethesda and ABK deals is ignorant."

Hifi, Redfall and Starfield are own by MS. No contracts or obligations were done by Sony (they almost got Starfield though) those games were never announce just to take away like Sony did with Stellar Blade. A game and studio Sony doesn't even own. Owning with no contracts or obligations vs none owning and canning the announced Xbox version. Which ones worse?

You lost this argument.

Ryuk_2007535d ago

The CMA did not care if Bethesda made their games exclusive to Xbox. Also they already knew about Redfall's cancelled version. Doesn't matter what Sony says now.. the CMA doesn't care.

Obscure_Observer534d ago

"Doesn't matter what Sony says now.. the CMA doesn't care."

Jim Ryan is desperate, he just called CMA irrational yesterday and now he´s trying to bring them some "sense" by mention Bethesda. What a loser.

gold_drake534d ago

its a fair argument to make.
but you'd know all about losers.

Obscure_Observer534d ago


"but you'd know all about losers."

Yeah, I can easily tell that bozo is gonna lose this case and will be begging at MS´s door in no time.

derek534d ago (Edited 534d ago )

@Ryuk, Jim,Ryan is,right, the CMA did a complete 180 from their own stated position (supported by their own extensive research) just 2 months ago. Was their logic/research completely wrong just 2 months ago? Lol. I doubt it. Any reasonable observer would find such behavior on the part of the cma "irrational " .

kingnick534d ago

Evidently MS and others made a more compelling case then Sony for the merger to be approved.

If Sony wasn't in such a dominant position in so many markets the merger may have been blocked, success can be a double edged sword.

derek534d ago

@king, it was never Sony's job to make any case, I'm talking about the cma's own findings a few months ago. Anyone who knows a little about administration law knows that regulatory bodies are very careful when giving findings, the cma was not nuetral at all on their last report about this purchase they said definitively it would reduce competition. A complete reversal on their own findings call into question the validity of all their reasoning on this issue. I don't like conspiracies but I believe Microsoft recent purchase of a sizeable portion of the London stock exchange influenced this decision to change course.

Extermin8or3_534d ago

@derek what is this about London stock exchange?

@kingnick MSs case and details of it are completely public and it was not compelling AT ALL. Infact it was deeply flawed as is the CMA's new position. Their new position, makes no sense and by the same logic they are using elder scrolls 6 should still be on PlayStation as should redfall and no titles should go to games pass fay 1 as they are causing MS tonloae out on alot if money. It assumes microsofts gsme isn't to destroy competitors revenue streams vs increase their own. They have plenty of form in such practices.

FinalFantasyFanatic533d ago (Edited 533d ago )

It's pretty suspicious behavior from the CMA, I can imagine some "greasing of the wheels" may have happened, but I don't have any evidence to suggest this was the case, it's just a weird turn of events anyhow.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 533d ago
badz149534d ago

yup, when the eyes are already blinded and ears already closed by money from MS, nothing else matters

IamTylerDurden1533d ago (Edited 533d ago )

But they should have. Bethesda alone banishes future iterations of IP like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Starfield, Doom, Wolfenstein, Quake, Redfall, and potential future iterations of Dishonored, Evil Within, or other IP from Arkane/Tango etc. That's so many impactful multiplat IP to strip from a particular fanbase. Pretty egregious. Pretty unprecedented.

Then factor Crash, Diablo, Overwatch etc. Even if CoD remains multi the potential that all of these other IP could eventually be taken from a fanbase is unconscionable.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 533d ago
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