
PlayStation Store Global Update 08/17/10

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation Store Update.

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wolfehound225092d ago

Nothing real interesting this week.

MGRogue20175092d ago (Edited 5092d ago )

... What are you on mate.. Grass?

You've got those demos, Joe Danger & HawX 2

They should be really enjoyable :)

SeanRL5092d ago

Demos are meh, probably because I own joe danger.

Munky_VIII5092d ago

I wish I had never wasted 800mb+ on the HawX 2 demo, graphics are nice but I found the demo really disappointing.

FamilyGuy5092d ago (Edited 5092d ago )


This theme is of the Resident Evil Afterlife movie.
It's really just an advertisement running on your screen with slowly moving still photos. It even has the movies release date permanently in the bottom left corner = fail.

ftwrthtx5092d ago

All a matter of opinion

I'm hoping HAWX 2 is improved over HAWX.

Taggart4515092d ago

Not gonna lie...I think that these updates are actually a bit more organized than the official PS Blog updates. I just want to know the stuff and be done with it. Good stuff! Keep it up!

decimalator5092d ago

Oooh, anyone who doesn't already have Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is mentally deficient, but should at least try and get their 2 brain cells to figure out how to download and enjoy it, as best as their tiny little brains can.

Neo Nugget5092d ago

FINALLY! I knew it would be getting a price cut soon. ^^

coldfoot5092d ago

Make a US account if you don't have it already and get it!

TheBalloMan5092d ago

*sigh.... the European store is always last lol
why is the Euro store so undermined by the others??? T.T

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The Best Video Game Opening Levels In Gaming History

The Opening Levels that hooked gamers from the outset.

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Top Gun - An Underrated PlayStation Gem

In the absence of a Top Gun: Maverick videogame, we look back at Doublesix's underrated Top Gun from 2010.

darthv72553d ago

It's not a bad game, and the version i have includes the movie. Same with days of thunder and a nascar game on the same disc.

jwillj2k4553d ago (Edited 553d ago )

The name top gun haunts me. I have flashbacks of that hell spawn Nintendo game laughing at me attempting to refuel in mid air and trying to land on that f*cking aircraft carrier 🤬🤬😭


Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

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banger88562d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven562d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad561d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt562d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil561d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx562d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades561d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602562d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

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