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Bungie ready for PS4, Xbox 720

Bungie is creating its new, post-Halo action series with the next generation of consoles front of mind.

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Community5064d ago
izuna5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

They can remind me when it's the next generation, chances are I'll be old and have forgotten about this by then.

Christopher5064d ago

So... we'll see their next game 4-5 years from now?

DeadlyFire5064d ago

I don't think 2012 is that far away.

Christopher5064d ago

@DeadlyFire: Unlikely that the next PS3 will be out until 2014.

DeadlyFire5064d ago

I must disagree. Another slim PS3 will likely be out before 2014.

I highly doubt that noone is gonna announce a new console generation until 2014. Even if it does indeed launch around 2014. It will be known by end of 2012. It is most likely PS4 to launch in 2012/2013 and not 2014. Microsoft will plan for 2014 console launch, but they will be ready to move it around. We will see at E3 2011/2012 if I am right. Sony's Line up is settled in right now for at least another year or two of solid games. You have to keep the game line ups in mind as well. Nintendo should be aiming at 2012/2013 as well.

You have to keep in mind 2010/2011 was the original date for the next generation of consoles to come about anyway. Until they decided to push it all backwards for Motion idea.

Besides all that though just cuz they say they will be Next-generation ready. Could just mean they have signed a deal with someone for a high dollar multiplatform game engine. UE 4? CE 4? CE 3?

Christopher5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

***I must disagree. Another slim PS3 will likely be out before 2014. ***

Sorry, in my previous post I meant to say the PS4, not the next PS3.

***It is most likely PS4 to launch in 2012/2013 and not 2014. Microsoft will plan for 2014 console launch, but they will be ready to move it around. ***

It's more likely that we'll see the next generation xbox before the next generation PS. At the earliest we would see a PS in 2013 following their standard 10-year plan and release schedule for their consoles, though most say this generation will be longer than the typical generations due to cost and level of technical advancements. Microsoft, on the other hand, has had shorter release periods and released a year earlier as it is. I say late 2012 or early 2013 for the next xbox, late 2013 or early 2014 for the next PS.

Regardless of their current development into the next generation of consoles, it's unlikely that they will use any technology made prior to 2011 in them and are working mostly with the various hardware manufacturers towards the planned concepts to be used in the next console generation (Nvidia, ATI, Intel, etc.).

+bubs for good convo.

ExplosionSauce5064d ago

That gave me the lulz :P

Anyways, who's to say when the next generation of consoles will come.
My guess is around 2014 as well.

AAACE55064d ago

Next gen will start next year!

I expect Nintendo and maybe MS to announce their new console at E3 2011. MS may decide to announce in 2012 though. Sony will announce in 2012 or 2013. The Ps3 and Ps4 will be on the market at the same time. Maybe 2014 for Ps4.

You may doubt this, but if Nintendo and MS hit the market with something that looks better than what the Ps3 offers... and at a decent price... the Ps4 will have to come early!

But then again, as unpredictable as things have been, we might see something totally different in the future!

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TEFL0N_D0N_815064d ago

As much as I want my investments (PS3 60gb, PS3 Slim, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Arcade) to last, I wouldn't mind a fresh console with stunning graphics. Gotta "try" and catch up to PC more often than 10 years. That's just ridiculous. I'm not a graphics whore, but if I can see the nipple rings on Marcus Fenix, I'd be happy.

zeeshan5064d ago

Well it seems they will have to wait to get their hands on PS4 as I am almost dead sure that X720 and Wii 2 will be available in the market before PS4 hits.

NIRVANArazor5064d ago

well most developers get their hands on new tech way before its actually out.

raztad5064d ago

I prefer them to be ready for THIS gen.

BeaArthur5064d ago

I just prefer they do what they do. This generation, next generation, doesn't matter to me. I have full faith in Bungie no matter what they decide to do with their new IP.

Faztkiller5064d ago

BeaArthur great comment I couldn't agree more

bjornbear5064d ago

I'd like to see what else they can do. Same goes for Guerrilla Games! I love FPS and all but with such amazing talents these guys could easily pull off another genre!

R2D25064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

The PS3 and 360 generation will last for ten years - I cant wait that long, I want my Bingie fix by 2012.

I think what will happen is that Nintendo will release the Wii 2 next year and become an instant hit with the harcore and casuals - forceing Sony and MS to eat those 10 year words.

FragMnTagM5064d ago

I think the ten year thing will be much like the PS2 and PS3. The 360 and PS3 may be supported for ten years, but I bet anything the new consoles will come out by then.

I mean think about it, by 2015 and 2016, there will be so much new technology that has passed, I doubt the current console gen will last that long as far as full support. My money is on Wii 2 in Christmas 2011, XBOX 720 2012, and PS3 in 2013.

D4RkNIKON5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

I just don't see what it is about Bungie that every one loves so much because I never had an interest in Halo. What else have they done that I might have heard about? What makes them such a big deal?

I am looking for an honest answer and not trying to troll.

BeaArthur5064d ago you assume that because you don't like Halo that nobody else does either? That's like me saying, I just don't see what it is about Media Molecule that every one loves so much because I never had an interest in Little Big Planet. Do you see how that works? Just because you don't see what makes Bungie great developers doesn't mean they aren't.

MicroSony4Life5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

I dont think its mostly about HALO but BUngie them selfs. They treat there fanbase like kings and always listen to what fans want - when you get a chance I advise you to check the Bungie website and read some of the forums - a bungie member is always present and is excited about gaming as much as us.

I think Bungie, Naught Dog, Media Molecule, Bioware, Sucker Punch are the few developers that will always hold a place in my heart as Gaming Heroes.

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theonlylolking5064d ago

I want the next xbox to come out so the PS3 can be pushed even farther.

I dont care about the nintendos consoles taht much.

izuna5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )


@nickjl: don't be silly, he can't be that stupid.
@The real killer: each system is able to do things better than the other, yeah, exclusive PlayStation 3 games do look better. I can't wait for RAGE to come out and shit over all over your ridiculous mindset.

@Thecraft1989: sorry for being old fashioned, but I don't give that much of a shit about graphics when it comes to playing games. The "unlimited" storage of the PlayStation's Blu-ray discs doesn't make its games have better gameplay.

Thecraft19895064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

multiplats are getting hold up by the 360 it needs to die or Microsoft need bring new console out. If you have not noticed most devs complain about dvd no standard hdd rock star think its problem pgr4 devs thought it was problem Ea complained

Izunin lol I cant wait for rage to come out because it going to be same fate Alan wake it will low res 30fps on 360. Remedy promised 720p 60fps best grahpics on console but them realised after 5-6 years its not possible.

I remember trusting Remedy Iam willing to bet my life it will downgrades and will not run 720p or 60fps and iam willing to bet life on it.

lowcarb What are these games are you comparing multiplats that are ported over to ps3 ? becuase thats only games you can compare no 360 exlcusive better ps3 exclusive fact.

poopface1 They may have allready but what you fail understand is that can change I will belive it when it when its gold.

lowcarb5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

Yet having all those limitations the 360 version of many games still outperform the PS3 on 1 disc. Not saying it's more powerful but your logic and reasoning are out of whack.

izuna5064d ago

RAGE is supposed to run 60fps, and HD on all three platforms (PC, PS3, 360). I definitely trust Mr. Carmack more than I trust what your fanboy stupidity arse says.

poopface15064d ago

like RDR, ohh wait, the Ps3 version was sub hd.

As for rage, they already got he 360 version running at 60 FPS, its the unseen ps3 version that people are worried about.

thrust5064d ago Show
doshey5064d ago

thecraft sounds like he has sand in his vagina

WLPowell5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

There's nothing impressive about rage, yeah it runs at 60 FPS, to bad the animations are weak and the AI is ass. That's like assuming Dante's Inferno was better than God of War 3 becauase DI had a higher frame rate. It means nothing if the game itself is unimpressive, it's an empty argument that PC fanboys made a big deal out of, yet they also don't have many games to brag about, just that they're crap is smooth.

Poopface: yeah RDR was sub-HD, because Rockstar's engine that they used work (somewhat) well on the 360 (barely hitting HD on the 360 so so much for your great example) and it doesn't play well with the PS3. Now explain why we have yet to see a game on the 360 that can touch Uncharted 1.

Kurt Russell5063d ago

Because Uncharted 1 was a shit pile and nobody wants to touch it with a 10 yard barge pole...

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nickjkl5064d ago

hes implying the ps3 is as power as the next xbox

and that the 360 is holding the ps3 back

bjornbear5064d ago

I don't want to put words in his mouth, as you are, but I interpret what he says as:

If next xbox comes out, it WILL be more powerful than the PS3 ( that would be the point ) but it will cause the PS3 devs to make THE BEST games possible (stress to meet demands)

this will take place a year before the PS4 im guessing.

edhe5064d ago

*clap clap.

It's nice of you to interpret the foolish :)

theonlylolking5064d ago

No I am not. I am saying the PS3 will be pushed farther not next xbox power. You people are so defensive.

The real killer5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

Becouse the PS3 is hell of a power beast.
Also the PS3 is two or mebay three time powerfull as the 360 with a powerfull engine.

Becouse that multiplatforms holding back the PS3, you need really look games like Killzone 3 and all upcomming games for the PS3 ;) Than you can ask by your self again.
----------------------------- ------------------------------ - ----------------

"each system is able to do things better than the other, yeah, exclusive PlayStation 3 games do look better. I can't wait for RAGE to come out and shit over all over your ridiculous mindset"

Yeah, that's a pitty answer of yours. Man look at those game's like Killzone 2/Uncharted 2 or even GOW3, no single 360 multiplat or first studio from MS can't touch them.

Further more, the PS3 use hell allot more new hardware than 360.
The facts is is that the PS3 is two time powerfull than the 360 and you can't see no big different each year on MS console while you can see big different like Killzone 3, killzone 3 beat Uncharted 2/Killzone 2 or GOW3 easy...........until another first studio will outperform Killzone 3, the PS3 has the potential, the 360 has not the potential, becouse it laks proseccing power from CPU/GPU/RAM speed and Blu-ray capacity.

So, hold your tongue ;)

Funny all those 360 fanboy can't stand the facts and they get mad and clicking on the disagrees. Very funny.

Lord_Doggington5064d ago

haha 2-3x powerfull ...llllllllllllllllllllllllll lol


XactGamer5064d ago

Bubbles Lord_Doggington that was funny. Careful when you stand that close to a troll they are contagious.

Convas5064d ago

What're you smoking? At MOST, I'd say the PS3 has 50% more power simply because of THE CELL. The Cell takes over some of the work of the SPU and free up more processes for Devs like ND and GG to work with.

And Blu-Ray gives the devs more space to store the game data. That's it. 2 advantages. + Free PSN.

poopface15064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

ahahahhahahahaha. PS3 fanboys believe the stupidest things.

HAhaHHAHAHA, this comment section is full of clueless little PS3rd fanboys.

Why is the PS3 version of RDR sub HD, and the 360 version is HD? Must be the power of the cell.

EDit- HAHAhAh the raging PS3 fanboy, killer, sent me a PM filled with broken English. Sorry kid, your made up crap is so far from being fact.

thrust5064d ago Show
edhe5064d ago

"becouse it laks proseccing power from CPU/GPU/RAM speed and Blu-ray capacity"

Nuff said. Really.

XactGamer5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

In reality the PS3 is maybe 5% more but the lack of ram for the PS3 even them out. The Cell is one mean chip if you can speak alien. The GPU in the 360 still has lots of horse power but Bluray gives an advantage in space but the drive speed is slow.

See how the even out, both are on par with one another but they do not compare to my PC. Now my PC is about 10x more than the PS3 and 360 combined.

@raztad then why is GTAIV, Red Dead, Bioshock and MGS4 sub HD on the PS3? See how that argument can go back and forth? On PC however there are no sub HD games.

raztad5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )


Interesting question. However, I have another for you:

Why is FFXIII sub-hd in the xbox and

AW almost SD? I'm specially interested in AW, which is an exclusive game, being developed during 5 years on the supposedly easy to develop for xbox, and yet it failed to deliver. A similar game in the PS3 would have ran EASILY at 720p no screen tearing.

I'd like a single xboy to answer that question. I really want to know what do you think.

"In reality the PS3 is maybe 5% more but the lack of ram for the PS3 even them out."

LOL that sounds very scientific. NO. It sounds made up. Where did you get that 5%? and PS3 memory is 512= 256+256.

FragMnTagM5064d ago

but that post is pure classic fanboy BS! The PS3 is not much more powerful than the 360. In fact, the GPU in the 360 shits on GPU of the PS3. You have no idea about what hardware is in the systems obviously if you think that.

If the 360 had Blu Ray, the games would look equal or a little bit better. That is really is the only thing that holds the 360 back other than the slightly more powerful CPU.

I know you probably won't look at these links because you are in denial land, but here you go: http://journal.pcvsconsole....

There a couple things the RSX does better, but for the most part the 360 has a more powerful GPU. Likewise, the Cell is quite a bit more powerful than the XENON in the 360, but the XENON does a few things better. This current console generation is far closer than the PS2 to Original XBOX gap. That didn't stop the PS2 from putting out some truly great looking and great playing games towards the end of it's life.

Stop being such a fanboy, is it really necessary? You are obviously not a gamer and just like to troll. I can enjoy games on any platform irregardless of power or brand if the games are good. The fact is 360 has plenty of great games and so does the PS3, that is why I have both. The Wii and PC have some awesome games too, that is why I have them too... Why be so stupid and harsh all the time. You do know that people that are mean all the time tend to live a lot less longer, right? Being a happy and kind soul ads years to your life.

Hotel_Moscow5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

well technically

if you use final fantasy as a bar

the 360 version was dumbed down even though the crystal engine only used 4 of the 6 spus and wasnt exactly pushing the ps3 to its limits

then you look at killzone 3

which runs close to the resolution of the 360s best looking game alan wake while rendering each frame twice with higher AA and its in pre alpha

god of war apparently used only 50 percent of the power santa monica engine is capable of and that had a higher AA and res than most 360 games

@ frag obviously new to the technical side of the ps3 which uses the cell processor (CPU) to do work that the rsx gpu can do making that whole post of youres rendered useless

blu ray has nothing to do with graphics only thing it does is aloow for more things to be implemented in game

and then you say this generation is closer than the ps2 gap if im not mistaken they were both doing 480i

and this generation the 360 can hardly do 720p while the ps3 is capable

DaBadGuy5064d ago

What the hell? Are you four? "the PS3 has the potential, the 360 has not the potential, becouse it laks proseccing power from CPU/GPU/RAM speed and Blu-ray capacity." No wonder you got so many disagrees, even the ps3 fanboys don't want to side with your dumbass.

raztad5064d ago


RDR was already mentioned by poopface1. I know the argument can go back and forth, thats is why I asked about FFXIII.

I would say there is a pattern in PS3 exclusive games. They improve in every iteration. MGS4 was sub-hd but that is so 2008. Fast Forward a bit a you will find KZ2 and beyond.

Multiplats are another tale. It is very well known multis for the most part perform better on the xbox. However multi platform development is by no means the best way to measure console power, considering most games are just ports from one console to the other.

Lord_Doggington5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

he just sent me a nigerian-letter-scam-broken-en glish message too. get this guy outta here

Snoogins5064d ago

The reason why GTA IV, RDR and other games don't fair as well on PS3 as 360 isn't due to an inherent weakness of the PS3, but due to a lack of engine optimization and a laziness on part of the developers themselves. When the CELL is properly utilized, spreading the processing and calculation tasks to the SPUs, the RAM can be properly used to provide what we've seen only through the exclusives on the PS3. However, very few developers actually do this (or even have an incentive to do so beyond a job well-done), though, admittedly, a poor job on porting a title is why I either skip the game or wait until it is at great discount.

His argument is that the "inferiority" of the 360 is holding back the multiplatform development on PS3, and that a more superior XBOX development would automatically benefit development on the PS3. It's possible, but then, depending on the architecture of the next generation XBOX, developers would still have to consider the alien development aspect of the CELL, its SPUs, and divided RAM.

hoops5064d ago

Real Killer you're stupid. Stop posting on N4G.COM.

hoops5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

Good god Real Killer can you suffer anymore forms of full motion retardation? You are truely related to Sarah Palin.
3 TIMES as powerful? LOL.
If you pull numbers alone its not that. You mention RAM and GPU in your PS3 Fanboy rant but fail to realize that those are the strengths of the XBOX360 over the PS3.
Please do not say the 5 year old RSX (7800GTX) is superior to the GPU inside the XBOX360 or that SPLIT memory pools is better than a unifed memory interface. If you do, you will finally prove that you're a dumbass. Which we know you are. THIS is why you get the most disagrees than any other person on this site.
Take a hint Real Stupid. YOU know SQUAT about hardware. Stop posting!!!


If you post hardware specs of the PS3 to show Real Killer is a moron...he will then private message you how those specs are not the final specs and they have changed...LOL
Even if you link him to Nvidia's site and show him the link for the RSX and the specs...Real Killer will tell you those are lies that its not a Geforce class 7, (5 year old GPU that does not even support HDR+AA at the same time)
I know this because you should see the amount of private messages he sends me that are BS...then I ask him for links to back his statements...Then he says..."I dont have any but my mate told me its true. He work at Nvidia..."
No shit he says this. LOL

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NYC_Gamer5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

for what?if the next xbox came out right now i'm sure it would be way more powerful than would still have to be cut down..

Qui-Gon Jim5064d ago

A person who cares only about his console of choice defeating the other guys.

edhe5064d ago

"A fool who cares/believes only that only their console of choice is superior to the competition."

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Thecraft19895064d ago

really i dont want them making games ps platform they cant even get halo to 720p and really it looks terrible for engine they have had for 5-6 years.

izuna5064d ago (Edited 5064d ago )

Halo Reach has a new engine, and I'm pretty sure that engine is owned by 343 Industries.

In layman's terms for people who disagree: Bungie won't be using the same engine they used for Halo 3.

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Former Bungie Staff Speaks Out on Destiny 2 The Final Shape DLC: Blames Crunch for Missteps

Liana "Hippy" Ruppert, a former Community Manager at Bungie, spoke out about how crunch affected the Destiny 2: The Final Shape DLC.

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Kaii8d ago

Crunch+Bad management+Greedy disgusting monetization.
I'll tune back in when D3 is dropping and they've toned down the monetization & the foundation is good

DefenderOfDoom27d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Final Spape campaign getting very positive reviews. I am enjoying the Final Spape campaign myself. Definitely worth the delay.


Bungie CTO Leaves Company After 14 Years, Joins Sony PlayStation

Bungie veteran and current CTO, Luis Villegas, has left the company after fourteen years and has joined Sony PlayStation as its new Head of Technology.

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Sonic188130d ago

"I feel incredibly lucky because as part of my new role I get to still work closely with my Bungie family."

New role and more pay and still can work closely with Bungie

30d ago
fr0sty29d ago

Yeah, he basically just got a big promotion within the same parent company.

30d ago
S2Killinit29d ago

Seems logical for him and probably for PlayStation

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Destiny 2: The Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview

Bungie - "Join our development team to see the new updates arriving with Destiny 2: The Final Shape. Releasing on June 4, 2024."

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InUrFoxHole66d ago

What is this she/her, he/him bs?