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Super Street Fighter IV Will Play the Same on 3DS

When porting a console game to a handheld, sacrifices are often required. However, Super Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono believes that the 3DS version of his game will play the same as its console counterpart.

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izuna5076d ago

No it won't. Unless you can plug in an Arcade Stick into the 3DS.

Nitrowolf25076d ago

it has a joystick you know that right?

izuna5076d ago

You mean Analogue Stick? Arcade Sticks are near essential for high-level play due to the dexterity required for the execution.

Also, the 3DS doesn't have a six-button layout, good look pulling off those Gen/C.Viper trials.

ExplosionSauce5076d ago

"...essential for high-level play due to the dexterity..."

Arcade sticks work better than analog sticks on controllers and handhelds.
But I've always found the D-pad easier for me to execute moves on (except on the Dreamcast, GameCube or any Xbox controller)

izuna5076d ago (Edited 5076d ago )

Yeah, I know what you mean. I play average level Tekken, but High level Street Fighter. When it comes to SF I need to use a Stick, but for Tekken, I can only EWGF/Wave-Dash with a PS2/PSP D-pad.

By the way, I said "...near essential...", there was someone who played as Viper using an Analogue stick; people like that are in the minority though, the vast minority.

Marceles5076d ago

meh...I did all the trials on a controller, I've been using a controller since Street Fighter 2 on SNES

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Natsu X FairyTail5076d ago

Who gives a sh1t about HIGH LEVEL plays. This is SF on handheld not arcade. We'Re not not into SF at that extent.

kyiren5076d ago

ill stick with my 73 inch tv. thx

DORMIN5076d ago

and I mean Joystick not Analog.

For those wondering I got to try the 3DS at E3 and the analog stick is pretty annoying. It felt a bit fragile and slippery, its almost as bad as the PSPs analog stick. Hopefully those will be changed though.

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VersusEM5076d ago (Edited 5076d ago )

No offense to the fans, But to me Street Fighter IV was just so boring. It seem fun first day I bought it but it just gets really boring after a while. All the characters play the same, the story is just complete crap-you could tell right off the bat they both didnt try or care,online-seems like I always fight the same characters, but most of the time I cant fight because of someones bad connection. I think Blazblue is WAYY better-in all departants. Again no offense to the fans, just my honest opinion.

izuna5076d ago (Edited 5076d ago )

It may have been boring to you, but all of the character definitely do not play the same.

To the guy below me: Virtua Fighter has and always will be the most Technical fighter.

23478ueyur_9382235076d ago (Edited 5076d ago )

I think VF is the most technical 3D fighter. Having said that, I don't care for or play 3D fighters.

But on the other hand, I think SF is all-around the most technical. You can't get more technical than a one-frame-link IMO. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe VF has no such links. I believe it has 0-frame throws but that is not at all the same.

Edit: I see it has one-frame delays. Similar concept, but I think SF's 1 frame link is still more difficult since it is the absence of a delay after a move's animation ends that makes it more technical.

23478ueyur_9382235076d ago (Edited 5076d ago )

I see you still disagree with me. Fair enough. I have other reasons for disliking Virtua Fighter in any case, most notably that I think it is boring as hell to actually play. Though as I said before, I do not question its technicality. This for me, is where SF becomes a much better choice. It is both technical and has a much greater 'fun factor' in terms of the feeling you get for pulling off difficult combos and links.

I would not recommend VF5 to anyone, myself.

If you want to discuss fighting games by the way, there's a thread in the forums (where bubbles won't limit you):

23478ueyur_9382235076d ago

BlazBlue is a great game and my current favourite fighter, BUT I cannot agree with anything you said about SF4. SF4/SSF4 is the most technical fighter out there right now, and no one plays the same. In BlazBlue's case, the roster happens to be diverse as HELL but that's just how Arc System Works makes their games.

I agree with the story part but who really cares. I love that BlazBlue has a good story, but I don't care that SSF4 doesn't. That in no way makes or breaks the game.

23478ueyur_9382235076d ago (Edited 5076d ago )

When I say 'out there right now,' I mean this generation (PS3, 360, modern Arcade fighters specifically). So I'm not including let's say, SF3 or any of the Guilty Gears, or KOF for that matter. And I am biasing my comment towards 2D fighters if that wasn't obvious.

lizard812885076d ago

if they will include the new arcade characters too. i didn't like SF4 that much, but i haven't played SSF4. i love 2D fighters so i'll see how it develops. i would rather have MvC3 on the 3DS though.

condorstrike5076d ago

OMFG, what now you all want a Arcade Stick in the 3ds too, stop bitching about trivial stuff, the 3ds is giving the few psp owners the only thing they bitched about: Graphics and added 3d, wtf else do you want? is not like you're going to spend 3 hours playing street fighter on the thing.

and no game comes close to the technical and fun prowess of Street Fighter, but that's just me, an old timer and it might be nostalgia kicking in, but VF and Tekken were so damn boring even though VF is really advanced.

Spenok5076d ago

You know what i want? I want a second Joystick. After how much bitching went on in the PSP community (correction, bitching still exists) you would think Nintendo would have learned something from its rivals. Oh well. Im still buying the 3DS.

ndibu5076d ago

You've made DS articles a scary place to be here on N4G. There are now scary looking men and girls foaming in the mouths shouting and being mean and surly and crying like wiwle babies about the 3DS and how much more awesome it is than their handheld.
Please Capcom, make DS articles a safe place to be again and release Street Fighter IV on the PSP.
PS(no pun intended) could you pass on the message to Activision please.
Thank you. Little Tommy.


New Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Key Art From a Retail Poster

This image basically confirms that in Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon we will be seeing an alternate story. While it has been stated by Nintendo multiple times that this was the case, they were never really clear on it.

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Community2467d ago
Antnee5342468d ago

Why in fucks name did the designs for the mc make it through the planing stages of development? They are by far the worse thing pokemon have produced.

MeteorPanda2467d ago customize your own characters now? l dont like that boys neck. holy shit it's about as strong as a twig

Antnee5342466d ago

I understand that, but if you pick a boy you get the worse choices.

MeteorPanda2466d ago

oh for sure. The franchise just shits on the male version more and more per new entry, lol

Antnee5342466d ago

It's so weird being that the player base is 70/30 male you know. You would think that they would give the males a better choice selection.


Hey! Pikmin Review - Culture of Gaming

Hey! Pikmin is brand new adventure set on the Nintendo 3DS as Captain Olimar's ship crash lands on a mysterious alien planet.

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TargusX2467d ago

Every time I see 'released on Steam' my heart sinks. Why don't these guys release on GOG instead?


Metroid: Samus Returns Review - Culture of Gaming

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