
Passed on Super Mario Galaxy 2? Then You're an idiot

From DAMNLAG.com:

"After a year of sifting through the football field of shit that is the Wii’s game catalogue, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is the ultimate form of relief. Super Mario Galaxy 2 isn’t just everyday entertainment; it’s entertainment perfected. It is in many ways the apex of video games; a true triumph in game design, and you should be shot if you willingly skip it."

AzzidReign5174d ago

It really is a great game...

Jazz41085174d ago

Apparently I am an idiot since I dont care for that game. Please. I like Pizza and you like sardines. Does that make one a idiot?

MexicanAppleThief5174d ago

According to this deluded man, yes.

lociefer5174d ago

apparently im an idiot for not wanting to buy a wii just for one game :S

Ares84PS35174d ago

How these video games websites go on and insult their readers and think they can go on without any consiquences?

I think gaming journalism is where journalism goes to die.

These people should be fired from their jobs.

ChickeyCantor5174d ago (Edited 5174d ago )

" I like Pizza and you like sardines. Does that make one a idiot?"

Of course you are, cause they go well together =P.


Lets be honest, he is just expressing it his own way.
I mean David Jaffe's does it all the time but the kids think its cool.

@rocket Sauce below:

Were all idiots btw, cause be fighting and not playing them games.

Rocket Sauce5174d ago (Edited 5174d ago )

I'm an idiot, too - I didn't like the first game.

Aim your fanboy rage right here!

mint royale5174d ago

Very true. Personally I hated Uncharted 2 but many people love it. As you say Pizza and Sardines.

mikeslemonade5173d ago

I bought Mario Galaxy 2 used and I don't really care for it. I think the main reason why it's successful is because it's the starvation of the Nintendo fan.

Uncharted 2 is awesome to everybody so you're wrong.

mint royale5173d ago

Uncharted 2 wasn't awesome to me so thats not everybody so you're wrong. Booyah.

R0me5173d ago

Well why is uncharted so bad? You can say Uncharted isnt the gametype I like or something, but hate? Why? Just give a reason and people might understand.

I didnt play galaxy 2, but it looks awesome. Wont buy a Wii for that.

StarCSR5173d ago

Not an idiot, that's such a harsh word. But in my 30-year-old-gamer-with-all-con soles' eyes any real gamer MUST play and like games like Galaxy 1 & 2.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5173d ago
Noble Spartan5174d ago

Super Mario Galaxy 2 has owned both PS3 & Xbox 360 exclusives with highest rated exclusive game this gen.

No crappy PS3 or Xbox 360 games can even touch this. Nintendo with one game owned all PS3 games and Xbox 360 games.

Well if you haven't played it..then you are a complete idiot and waste of time.

DarkTower8055174d ago

Nintendo's unrelenting milkfest of all things Mario has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Every new Mario game I try to get into gets old fast because I feel like I've played it before. SMG2 may own any PS3 or 360 game rating wise, but I'll take an Alan Wake, Heavy Rain or Call of Duty over any Mario game any day of the week

Matthew945174d ago (Edited 5174d ago )

yeah mario is milked but COD isnt

Shadow0175174d ago

You do realize wii game's are aren't compared to ps3/360 games right? I skipped on it to get mass effect 1 and 2 better choice in my opinion.

Colonel-Killzone5173d ago

Actually there is more to that story then you think. Mario barely has the same average as some of the exclusives on the PS3 and also the 360.

Its only average by 86 reviews which gives it a average of 97 while Uncharted 2 has a average of 104 reviews which gives it a average of 96. Super Mario Galaxy 2 will drop when it gets more reviews averaged into it. So I don't know why your going about touting ratings for.

Like I said before when all games have the same average of reviews for every single major gaming site then you tout its reviews. Until then its really nothing and even so nothing. It can be a 10 in your opinion and a 1 to someone else.

DarkTower8055173d ago

Yeah, COD has been milked, but nowhere near the levels of Mario. You have all the Mario and Super Mario games, Mario Carts, Mario and Sonic, etc, etc, etc.

On the other hand, COD games have always been ONLY COD games. Plus, the replayability of COD games with multiplayer blows Mario games out of the water.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5173d ago
Dsnyder5174d ago (Edited 5174d ago )

Well excuse me for not playing your piece of heaven but when I buy a horse, I like it unbeaten thank you very much.

EDIT:That was to the author of this article but it really could apply to 1.2. who posted at the exact same time as me lol.

Mastersnake105174d ago

I had a good solid twenty hours of fun on it. Can't complain.

games4thought5174d ago

it is a great game. I dont know why anyone who has a Wii wouldn't get it.

Chris3995174d ago (Edited 5174d ago )

I played a bit of the first one, and it just wasn't my cup of tea. My early NES memories are of Final Fantasy, Rygar and Deadly Towers (now THAT was a brutal game - a Demon's Souls of yesteryear), not Mario.

I've never been a fan of super cute platformers featuring everyone's favorite plumber. That certainly doesn't make me an idiot, it's just a preference. Bought my Wii for Arc Rise, Crystal Chronicles, Muramasa and Valhalla Knights (I like the series).

I don't know why journalists feel the need to make such sensationalist, polarizing titles these days. Whoever wrote this article is an idiot, there are better ways to express your excitement other than shitting on other peoples opinions.

GamingForever5174d ago

still haven't got it but I want it...

giantchicken5174d ago

I've been trying to decide whether or not to get this game. The article was quite convincing...

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos197d ago (Edited 197d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.

Knightofelemia1293d ago

I know it's not a Wii title but it can be played on the Wii I want the Metroid Prime games on the Switch I have never played them.

darthv721292d ago

I wouldnt mind seeing a conduit compilation on the switch.

Yi-Long1292d ago

Would like to see MadWorld getting a proper new release.


5 Wii Games that Need to be Ported to Nintendo Switch

5 Wii Games that Need to be Ported to Nintendo Switch - The Nintendo Switch would be a great home to the following Wii games...

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Nyxus1339d ago

Pandora's Tower and The Last Story.

northpaws1339d ago

Switch needs less ports and more original games.

DefaultComment1338d ago

what it needs is not your opinion that's for sure.

northpaws1338d ago

Omg, you are so witty, somehow can provides even less value than my comment. I don't know about you, but I prefer Pikmin 4 over Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 9 over Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, BotW2 over BotW Wii U port, a new Donkey Kong instead of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze from Wii U...

But I guess I am just being weird here, who the fuck would want a new entry. /S

Neonridr1339d ago

Red Steel 1 & 2 Remastered Collection please. I adored the 2nd title.

Cuzizkool1339d ago (Edited 1339d ago )

I don’t think it would be so bad to turn Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort into a continuing franchise. The Wii isn’t around anymore, but we still get New “Super” Mario Bros, which the original “super” was based on the Super Nintendo console. Nintendo tried switching it up (heh) with 1-2 Switch, but that wasn’t nearly as big a hit. I think if they did an HD remaster of Wii Sports, or a new entry in the “series”, it would have immediate name recognition and would pull in some casuals, as well as some who want to get that sweet sweet nostalgia.

iplay1up21339d ago

I did not like Skyward Sword. I played till the bird part, and just couldn't do it anymore. It felt like a chore playing it. Also, I am a Zelda fan, and this is the only Zelda game I didn't like.

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