
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Map pack 5 ( White Pass Rush, Nelson Bay CQ) incoming

Confirmed on in game store. It's supposed to be out the 28th July.

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captain-obvious5081d ago

lets hope its not easy to use C4'S on M-COMs this time

cus everyone is using C4's to destroy them after the last update which is so damn lame

chak_5081d ago

more mocking from ea/dice, nice one

jetlian5081d ago (Edited 5081d ago )

new maps or just new modes on old maps. I'm sick of dice calling these new maps when they just modes

also how much is it

jjohan355081d ago

Old maps. We already have those old maps according to their names.

Senden5081d ago

When will dice learn these "new map packs" are just damaging their usually good rep. To release these as special content we should be happy to have is a joke at best.. it was bad enough with the vip content already being on the disc but to keep releasing these is annoying more people than it is exciting them.

gypsygib5081d ago

I don't blame DICE I blame EA. This VIP stuff is bullshit, people that bought the game new should have gotten everything the day they bought its it's already on the disk.

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20 Amazing Games That Have Completely Disappeared From Storefronts

Cultured Vultures: In the spirit of preserving some kind of history of this industry, we’ve decided to list some of the best games that you just simply can’t get hold of digitally at the minute.

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TheEnigma313122d ago

I just started playing Spec op. I've had it for years on steam and forgot about it. Such a good game.

EvertonFC122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

Fantastic game,.so underated

Cacabunga122d ago

Yes great game spec ops! Since the time we’ve been asking sony to make one:/

Auto Modelista.. a PS2 capcom racer!! A blast to play and great graphics!
Rival Schools!

LordoftheCritics122d ago

Spec Ops: The Line was super dark.

Incredible story.

SheenuTheLegend122d ago

all the games in the above list are bang on. this is the only reason we need backwards compatibility and physical presense of games for the upcoming future, no matter what.

Yi-Long122d ago

Honorable mention to the excellent Driveclub, one of the best racing games of all-time and one of my favourite games ever.

melons122d ago

yes! incredible rain effects; so good to drive along in rain with your Spotify playlist blaring

Skuletor122d ago

I really wanted a MotorStorm using the same engine, Driveclub is easily one of the best looking games on PS4 and I'm surprised they didn't even give it a PS4 Pro patch.

ravens52122d ago

Yes indeed. May just install it on my PS5. You know, physical copy and all.

monkey602122d ago

I adored Driveclub and the Bike expansion. I also loved Motorstorm. Evolution shutting down was a crime

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 122d ago
darthv72122d ago

Outrun Online Arcade, Sega Rally Online Arcade, After Burner Climax... all good stuff. I keep my 360 hooked up to play these as well as the TMNT games that were also delisted.

Skuletor122d ago

I have quite a few of these. Timed licenses suck.

Terry_B122d ago (Edited 122d ago )

wow...I have all of them except the Nintendo ones either in physical or digital version.

Also..Deadpool the Game is missing on that list.

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EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX197d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled196d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa196d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno196d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast196d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial196d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


Battlefield Legacy - Sunsetting Announcement

EA: "As we close in on 15 years since the release of Battlefield 1943, and Bad Company™ 1 & 2, we are announcing that their journey is coming to an end."

darthv72460d ago

This reminds me... I have ME on my PS3 hdd. Never really played it, but it was free.

XiNatsuDragnel460d ago

Digital future ppl is good they say nope imo

Eidolon460d ago

And it still says nothing about being able to downloaded even when it's off the storefront, that's a huge ouchie for some who somehow still have it in their backlog...

Shane Kim460d ago

Dont make it an issue when it's not. If you haven't played it in 15 years, chances are you'll never play it.

isarai460d ago

That all digital future sure looks great!


zidane1341460d ago (Edited 460d ago )

Online game servers shut off eventually all the time. Doesn’t matter if you have the disc or not. Even if you have the disc, it’ll be just paperweight unless the game lets you connect directly to a friend or LAN play.

isarai460d ago (Edited 460d ago )

Read the article bro. They are delisting the games, including mirrors edge which is an offline game. Online servers i can understand, not being able to buy/download the games anymore? Completely separate issue, especially seeing as how some these games had lengthy sp campaigns and not just mp.

zidane1341460d ago

@israrai, you can still buy the disc for less then 10$. Hardly a loss.

TheEnigma313460d ago

You shouldn't have to buy the disc, that's the issue.

OhReginald460d ago (Edited 460d ago )

Some brilliant minds created servers to keep these old online games alive. A lot of ps2 and ps3 games that had there servers shut down a long time ago have been restored by fans to keep it going. Warhawk, killzone 2, socom 2/ confrontation, resident evil outbreak series, etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 460d ago
DankSinatra460d ago

The disc still exist. I don’t understand the issue. You guys are upset about that “all digital future” yet these games are not “digital only”. Hell digital only is a minority in the gaming world and so far we haven’t moved into it, the only digital only games are games as a service or online only games, which end up failing in the end.

This is no different than a store that stops selling old games, just go and buy a copy somewhere else. So which is it, you hate all digital or you like it? Make up your mind.

isarai460d ago

Talk about missing the point entirely. I'm not going to sit here and explain it to you, figure it out.

DankSinatra459d ago

Talk about whining about something and not wanting to explain from an off handed sarcastic original comment.

I got the point just fine. You’re literally complaining about something that has an easy alternative to it.

ManMarmalade459d ago

I don't think you got the point

DankSinatra459d ago (Edited 459d ago )


No I got it, it has to do with the push towards a future of all digital and reprocussions of losing games. Something I already stayed that hasn’t happened nor is it large enough right now to cause any issues as the games that are all digital are online only to begin with or make up the minority of games

So I’ll say it again, the disc still exists for these games that are over a decade old and can still be played easily. You guys are contradicting the whole “we don’t want a digital only future” crying when the dude I originally responded to stated:

“Read the article bro. They are delisting the games, including mirrors edge which is an offline game. Online servers i can understand, not being able to buy/download the games anymore? Completely separate issue, especially seeing as how some these games had lengthy sp campaigns and not just mp.“

So again, which is it? Do you hate all digital or do you want it?

Inverno460d ago

On PC I don't think it's much of a problem but I'm sad to see BF43 being shut down. I haven't played it in a while since it's stuck on PS3, but i preferred it way more over BF3. It was the lack of invisible barriers which made it better for me.

badz149460d ago

BFBC2 was still the best overall package offered by the franchise so far IMO

porkChop460d ago

Absolutely. BC2 was such a great game. It's a shame we never got BC3.

P_Bomb459d ago

I had a great run on Bad Company 2. Pound for pound, as solid a BF package as there’s been.

InUrFoxHole460d ago

Does anyone play the last BF anymore? I searched crossplay servers and it was 20 people the most on all the servers? Can never find a game

SonyStyled460d ago

The last BC you mean? I was still able to find 10v10 on ps3 2 years ago on NA servers during the evenings. I have all the free and paid dlc installed, but there want any matches in the Vietnam dlc.

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