
New Battlefield 2042 Comparison Highlights Visual Improvements in Returning Maps

A new Battlefield 2042 early comparison video has been shared online, highlighting the visual improvements introduced in the returning maps.

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ABizzel11095d ago

The problem is the old games don't look bad to this day. It's definitely an improvement, but not a huge jump that shows off "Next-Gen" except more environmental details. The base games were good looking enough to still be acceptable. The framerate however looks noticeably better.

Good-Smurf1095d ago

Kinda reminds me of TDU Oahu map on TDU 2 the complete change in camera tricks and its filter effects make returning look both better and worse than original.
Caspian Border BF3 looks really cinematic warring and a bit gritty while on 2042 it looks almost Fortnite like in comparison,quite colorful very clean looking.
Still prefer a more grounded look of past BF up to BF3.

DMgHalt1095d ago

Improvement, yes, great. But not enough for me to care. haha

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Tankbusta4012d ago

Damn does that grant me the keys to any city???


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Psychonaut8521d ago

This is like when Ubisoft put Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon. Like breh. Not what we want, give us an actual fucking game.

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Will get a handful of new people to give the game a shot via gamepass. Little else will come of this.

TheColbertinator21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Battlefield Zombies? DICE can't even come up with original ideas anymore. They should have created that dinosaur mode fans asked for years ago.

Mroc1321d ago

They are just doing the bare minimum at this point


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