
Rise of the Robots - SNES Retro Review [Suite101.com]

With countless great fighting games on the SNES, it's hard to imagine anyone enjoying Rise of the Robots back in the 16-bit generation. When gamers look back on this title, it's very likely that they look back on it with scorn.

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Community5071d ago

Mortal Kombat X Is Still the #1 Game of 2015 so Far in the US, Warner Bros Is the Top Publisher

Written by Jason Dunning: " In Time Warner’s earnings release today, they announced that Warner Bros saw revenues increase 15% to $3.2 billion, with the video games division primarily helped out by the releases of LEGO Dimensions and Mad Max, as well as continued sales for Mortal Kombat X and Batman: Arkham Knight."

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Community3145d ago
marioJP873145d ago

Literally just experienced Mortal Kombat X on PC last night when i downloaded it. But WOW, number one game of 2015? Nice. Story is amazing and gameplay is pretty good.

VJGenova3145d ago

You bought it at the right time. The game ran like absolute trash on pc at launch. I haven't boight a game day 1 since. Witcher 3 doesn't count cause ot was already preordered ;-).

Also, your purchase does't count towards these figures as this is "retail sales only". Why can't these people figure out how to aggregate online sales? Only games I buy retail are ps4 exclusives ... so dumb.


Batman Arkham Origins: Will it Measure Up to Rocksteady’s Legacy

Batman: Arkham Origins has finally been revealed. It’s amazing to think that Arkham City was less than two years ago. Rocksteady’s open world action adventure title took everything we loved about the first game and seemingly made it better. The makeshift city of Arkham, complete with elements of old Gotham, combing the DC Comics lore with plenty of twists, turns and cameos – and a boatload of side quests – made for one of the most enthralling games of the year, if not the decade.

It’s with some trepidation that Rocksteady isn’t returning for Arkham Origins. Yes, we appreciate that the concept allows for a brand new type of Batman game. However, considering the incredible groundwork created by the developer, can Warner Bros. Montreal measure up?

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Community4080d ago

Warner Bros Montreal developing DC Comics game - but is it Batman Arkham 3?

Warner Brothers Games Montreal is developing a game set in the "DC Comics universe", job listings for the studio have revealed - but could it be Batman Arkham 3?

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Community4140d ago
outsider16244140d ago

SUPERMAN...please let it be Superman

toxic-inferno4140d ago

A good Superman game would be extremely difficult to make. However, the same could have been said for a Batman game 5 years ago...

If it is a DC game, I seriously hope that they use the mould of the Arkhamverse to shape it. I can imagine that the freeflow combat would work brilliantly for a Superman game.

cyborg474140d ago (Edited 4140d ago )

The last superman movie tie-in, though wasn't really successful, looked pretty good. The flying mechanics were very well done, and I'm sure it will be great using the tech we have now. All they have to do is work on the game mechanics, enemies and a good story. But it definitely has a lot of potential.

toxic-inferno4140d ago

@ cyborg47

Actually, after reading your comment, I'm fairly convinced. While the gliding sections of Arkham City weren't exactly "flying", a lot of the same mechanics could be used, such as the "drop attacks" that Batman could perform.

As a Batman fan, I'd still prefer another Arkham game (maybe where part of the game sees you returning to the abandoned Asylum to hunt for a villain in the ruins). But pretty much any DC hero game would be great!

SeanScythe4140d ago

I would love a superman game if done correctly. The only problem I have is that it's almost impossible to make SM into a game. The world would have to be GTA size and scale at least. The thugs need to be realistic, and not like spider-man type of fighting. Think about how GTA works when you break the law and the police come down on you then the FBI then the military. Superman would be the last one to end it all, we need AI that is ready for superman and his powers. Not just robots and aliens, I would like a world that I have to choose between saving the women being attacked or the kids in a burning building on different end of the city.

The detail needed has to be with how well superman is able to protect the city and it's people. Flying someone to the hospital when they just got in a car wreck should be the hard choice that while you are en-route you see a hostage scene taking place and decide which is more important.

Imagine a Dam breaking and having to devert the water or stop it with ice breath before it wipes out a small camping grounds filed with people. Or having to fly and detect a lost child in the woods. It would need seasons and weather that can affect your powers. At night it's easier for your energy to be drained and not heal as quickly.

Maybe Lex covers the sun with a Red film that lowers your powers like in the cartoons. How about someone like the flash challenging you to a foot race? Or wonder women to a test of strength? It would be a more living world not just about stopping robots every few mins.

Black-Rock-Shooter4140d ago

Sadly a good superman game is rare and some of them are huge flops or evil to some gamers so it would be good to see something new and good for superman.

Also if its not up to them an Aquaman game that could make him cool and so people will hate him less.

InMyOpinion4140d ago

A Lobo game would peak my interest.

It might be DC Universe Online 2 as well.

WildStyles4140d ago

It's going to be the Justice League people.

KillrateOmega4140d ago

I hope that's it's not Arkham 3. Rocksteady has been doing so well with the Arkham series so far.

Heisenburger4140d ago

I'm not saying that this is what I want(because I don't) but I heard of the success that the green arrow show has had, so maybe him.

I also heard that Deathstroke is in it. Considering that he is one of my faves I guess I should give the show a chance.

I just wonder if they mean DEATHSTROKE, or some guy named Slade Wilson like in Smallville. Boy was that a kick in the teeth.

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