
Report: Kinect only works while standing

Wave goodbye to sitting on the couch while gaming. According to a report on IGN, Microsoft's upcoming motion control interface Kinect only works while you're standing.

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deadreckoning6665213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Instant fail. I was exaggerating before..but now I'm totally convinced that this will be the biggest entertainment flop in gaming history.

GreenRingOfLife, we know u don't really mean that. Yeah ur funny sometimes, but c'mon, try to leave a serious comment for once. Microsoft shuldn't have bothered with this motion control crap and should have invested that money in first-party exclusives.

"I sure as hell am not standing up to play a racing game either, I don't think MS is going to be that stupid."

Well Alpha, lets say this is all B.S and u can play while sitting. What if u cough, what if u sneeze, or decide to cross ur legs? Will these motions translate on screen? What I find odd is that if you could use Kinect while sitting down..why haven't they shown demos of people doing so?

WhittO5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Might sound lazy but most of the time I will want to sit while I'm gaming, especially when gaming for 2+ hours!! (and almost everyone I know prefer gaming sitting down lol)

Guess there is no way hardcore gamers can actually play a game using Kinect lol, since we tend to play games longer than like 20 min!

Also, you need alot of room to play Kinect, which I just don't have, really cba moving everything out of the way just to play a game.

-Alpha5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Edit: OK nevermind, apparently even when navigating the menus you need to stand up. Wow.

I sure as hell am not standing up to play a racing game either, I don't think MS is going to be that stupid. Perhaps its just for this model, MS better delay it if this is the case.


You really are a funny guy, that was hilarious.

Tinted Eyes5213d ago

Supposed to kill the PS3 right guys?

Shadow Flare5213d ago

And i'd question if that works as well

lzim5213d ago

100% agree with instant fail.

I was so hoping it was bad marketing to have only standing demos, but that also means people without the use of there legs are getting shafted by Microsoft! and people who are too fat (which I also haven't seen using Kinect.. hmmm.. I wonder what other limitations there are that are being kept from us.

zootang5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Kinect says no to wheelchair gamers. That can't be right can it?

darthv725213d ago

you get up and play the active games. you sit and play the passive games with the controller. You can wave your hands to control the UI. I wonder of the sensitivity though. Imagine you are watching an event on ESPN and you wave your hands in excitement then "BAM" you have changed screens and loaded up something else (i know that is exagerating).

If anything I would expect this and the move to be like the wii. You play certain games standing and others sitting. I play wii sports standing and I play mario galaxy sitting. I would play kinect sports standing and halo reach sitting. I would play move table tennis standing and play gt5 sitting.

How hard is that to understand that not every game requires the use of standing motion to play?

N4G king5213d ago

oh boy i can see this going down FAAAST

sikbeta5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )


God Damn you Green, Stop being So Delusional, there is no way you can spin this and make it cool you Fool, you think all the people will want to keep standing just cos of kinect, what If they want to lie down to enjoy Gaming like they want... ah, I can't believe there is people agreeing with you... and stop describing your life fatty boy XD (edited)


Sure about this?, What happened with those ads with the family in the couch, now suddenly that can't be done, it's really weird...

Shadow Flare5213d ago

a visual representation of Microsoft and GreenRingOfLife


karl5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )


ok ok.. ididnt read the article but

if this is true ""This includes menu navigation"

what happens with all those videos where families were playing while sitting on the couch?

Johnanderson5213d ago

""This includes menu navigation"

OMG so much fail!

EvilBlackCat5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

well Move & kinect are options

NOBODY is forcing you to play with them

but if you call yourself a hardcore racing gamer....

Why da fnck do you wanna spend money on Move or Kinect to play a racing game instead on a fanatec?

I really dont gives a fnck about Kinect and move.

People just stop bashing and speculating so much WE dont know shit about both... What if MS Kinect end up using a damn wands like the competition? YES CAN HAPPEN and you cant go "oh they are stealing our idea" Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!

Millah5213d ago

hmmm, turns out i was right. I made a comment a few days ago saying its apparent you are required to stand up to play.

So where are all the Xbox fanboys now who were proclaiming, "oh but the Natal can be complimentary for hardcore games, you can play still with a normal controller and Natal at the same time"

Oh yea? Well have fun standing during your entire 8 hour frag sesh.

karl5213d ago

hahaha... so true!!!

i dont know what MS is gonna do to keep the xbox afloat after this but
u cant fix this.. not even with money


It looks like they are going to have to prove it but here you go folks


Anon19745213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

I can't wait to get home from a hard day of work and stand around in my living room to relax. And standing up to navigate through menu's, why, that's like Minority Report! That's so much more advanced then pressing a button on my controller, and won't irritate me in the slightest!

No thanks. I've got a couple of hand gestures I'm interested to see if Kinect can make out.

Information Minister5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

This is pure gold! When the guy at the MS press conference said that you no longer needed a remote to control your movie playback and that you didn't have to remember which button did what anymore, he should have added "you just need to stand up".

Seriously now, wasn't Natal demoed with Burnout Paradise soon after being announced? I believe the guy controlling the game was sitting down. I think this one is fake. It is coming from IGN.

Parapraxis5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

So ...remember last E3 when MS unveiled Natal.
It was a big buzz.
But as the year passed MS only showed videos of 1 game, and people started to become a bit skeptical. MS fantards jumped down the throat of ANYBODY who said anything negative or critical of Natal, oh I mean Kinect.
What did they all say.."wait until E3 2010, you'll see"
We (who were critical) were pre-judging, and being skeptical of MS is apparently a big NO-NO.
Well boys?
What have you got to say about this?

Do you really think the HARRRRRRRDCORE games using Kinect are coming now!?!

LOL of the f**king century!

KINECT = Dead on Arrival

KingME5213d ago

When they did the video chat wasn't it tracking the girl moving from side to side when she was sitting on her bed talking to her sister?

TheXgamerLive5213d ago

ha ha ha, le douche, it's, well something you can do sitting as well. ha ha ha ha

Ilikegames765213d ago

playing Forza with Kinect for 5 minutes and you're sure to get sore from holding your arms out. Funny thing is the PR guy said that the game does the acceleration and braking for you.

morganfell5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Nooooooooo! There goes that playing in the crapper idea...


The reason they haven't shown people sitting down is MS are demoing their slowmotion technology. Did everyone notice how the people moved navigating menus during the MS keynote?


If Tom Cruise had move like that during Minority Report I would still be sitting in the theater waiting for the end of that damn movie.

RosoTron365213d ago

Well, technically if you do wanna kill someone/something... It is more convenient if you are standing up. :Þ

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 5213d ago
blu_yu_away5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

If this turns out to be true it pretty much dashes any hope of Kinect being utilized in traditional hardcore games in unison with a controller. Maybe this is why there was no word on the preveiously announced Fable 3 Kinect integration.

chaosatom5213d ago

Why in the world would I ever buy this then?

ryuzu5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

Oh dear :/

If true, then this is very bad news for Kinect.... I think the investment and hype they've pinned on it is great enough, that it could sink the Xbox division altogether if it bombs badly.

While that might seem good to SOME people reading this, that is in fact a very bad outcome for the industry as a whole.

I wonder if MS are guilty of getting a little of bit of that Sony arrogance circa 2005/6? Seems like they've forgotten about what their existing customers might want and are trying to get into a market with a product that is ill equipped.


Bubble Buddy5213d ago

The only cool thing about Kinect is that it makes you feel like you have the force when you navigate through the menu. How long will that novelty last lol?

silvacrest5213d ago

not long if you have to stand up to use it

BYE5213d ago

Apple is probably already working on perfecting the technology.

R2D25213d ago

Say good bye to Doritos,Pizza Hut, Hot pockets, Cup Noddles, Pepsi, Red Bull, Snickers, Ice Cream, Burger King, KFC.....

Obesity will never be the same.

Horny5213d ago

what if I just wanna scratch my balls, should I expect a game over screen?

callahan095213d ago

Good lord. Kinect is such an absolute failure of a gaming device. Honestly, how can anybody be excited for this thing? It's inconvenient and imprecise and there hasn't been a single original game shown for it, and the closest thing to a gamer's game we've seen is the multiplatform Child of Eden, which could be played with the EyeToy if they wanted to program it to. So what was up with the videos Microsoft showed of the guy fast-forwarding the video clip while he was sitting down? Faked, I guess, just like most of the other Kinect footage we've seen.

DTClown5213d ago

Gamers sometimes like to sit on, what we call in the future, our asses when we game!

What makes this more funny, all the PR videos showing families sitting on their couches using Kinect in every form....games, DVD playback, xbox menu navigation. If this is true, holy shit Bat Man... MicroShaft will NEVER live this down!

Oh, by the way...Future me is reading the paper on the thousands of lawsuits from wheel chair bound gamers against Microsoft. Unbelievable!

Mista T5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

this is teh future of tech!!!! thats what ms is saying, they had the nerve to call everything else outdated

- Ghost of Sparta -5213d ago

Is this a joke? I'm seriously asking 'cause this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

marinelife95213d ago

You can see the lag in even in the IGN Forza driving video. You can't have lag in a racing game.

sinclaircrown5213d ago

Wow, I hope you're being sarcastic. If you have to play every game standing its a fail.

PeterGriffinSays5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

- The "Project Natal" event on Nickelodeon, that showed the kids on the couch using Kinect = FAKE
- All the promotional videos showin' the consumer on a couch playin Kinect games, such as DRIVING games = FAKE
- Kinect = Big fckin waste of time

For those who watch the "related video" I posted here, start from 0:38. And when you do, just "shake your head" in contempt.

HighDefinition5213d ago

Ouch. Could things get any worse for MS?

niceguywii605213d ago

Dam you PS3 fanboys are stupid. It depends what the game code or what Kinect is running LOL

Parapraxis5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

I'll give you credit here bud, you're a real trooper.
Pretty much 99% of the 360 fanboys who have constantly stuck up for Kinect over the last year are now eating humble pie.
But you, you just won't admit it's sh*t.
Congrats...I guess?

At least now for us people who care about tech and gaming in general on N4G can easily pinpoint the hopeless cases such as yourself.

I really expected MS to pull out at least a few new games for 360 owners this time to compensate for their apparent over-emphasis on a 3rd rate "motion" gaming system.
But they didn't. And that SUCKS!
You should be pissed that MS didn't give you anything other than Gears or Halo, seriously.

Qui-Gon Jim5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

During the conference they showed that video chat feature being used, and the person on the other end was sitting down while being tracked by the Kinect unit when she moved.

Edit: Just thought of this, that could have been just regular head tracking software using just the RGB camera on the Kinect unit.

Hallmark Moment5213d ago


Just depends on what the developers program Natal to do. It's that simple.

Imperator5213d ago

That is just FAIL... normally there is some doubt, but I'm certain that this thing will fail.

It's minigames are priced at 60 (unlike 40 on PS3),
the camera is expensive,
too much room required,
and now you can only play standing?!?

it's like MS WANTS this to fail.

XxZxX5213d ago

talking about anti-hype. This should be it

Triella5213d ago

Gesturtek is the company licencing the technology to MS I went to their website to confirm or deny this news.

And by the look of it you can perfectly use the gesture control interface while seated... the downside is that you still look like a tard.


Qui-Gon Jim5213d ago

I knew they were working on similar technology, but are they the ones doing Kinect's software? I thought Microsoft did it all in-house. Could you please post a source?

Triella5212d ago

I've posted this video three times already where it is explained how Gesturtek is the company behind the technology for the PS2 Eyetoy and Microsoft Kinect

DigitalAnalog5213d ago


-End statement

Bereaver5213d ago

You can still watch movies sitting down and use your hand to fastforward and stuff.

execution175213d ago

why would i want to stand up all day while playing game?

BeOneWithTheGun5213d ago

Who in their right mind would STAND all evening to play video games?


Sarick5213d ago

In the videos and demos I thought I saw a woman sitting on couch driving. At least that's what I thought I remember.

Could have been my imagination. So I agree *seriously?*

Heisenberg5212d ago

I always though if there was any reason why I'd wanna use Kinect, it would be something like head tracking while playing a FPS with a controller, or something like that, but this issue basically renders all possibilities of incorporating Kinect with regular games you'd sit down and play with a controller moot, and hence, further alienates their hardcore audience.

pain777pas5212d ago

This whole Kinect thing has become a complete debacle. They cannot be serious about this. Instant fail indeed. WTF! Like....... really?

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5212d ago
ActionBastard5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )


They have a video that shows it.

"Voice Recognition
In more than a few demos, Kinect didn't always understand what people were saying. And these were folks without accents and in rooms without a lot of echo or noise. Kinect has a setting for audio that measures the amount of ambient noise in your room and filters it out, but until we can field test it, it's impossible to know how well this works. Accents are a bigger concern. We've been told the "hope" is that accents are not an issue. Maybe Microsoft can enlist Ubisoft for help, because EndWar used voice commands and did an excellent job accounting for accents. "

Standing Room Only
Right now, Kinect only works when you stand. This includes menu navigation. All the cool options to grab a slider and advance through frames of a movie you are watching only work when you are on your feet. Kinect, we've been told, has problems handling your skeletal frame while sitting. The voice commands still work, but every game we've seen and even simple menu navigation have to be done with you out of your seat. That's not exactly how I want to watch my movies. If the focus for Kinect is creating games like Dance Central that naturally would require you to be off your couch, that's great. But I have to say, no one thinks "I am driving a car!" while standing up in their living room.

Shadow Flare5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

OK, this is another case where microsoft have blatently lied. Because in their conference they showed a family watching tv, all of them were sitting down, and the mum foward-winds the movie using her hand while sitting. So that is another lie, another fake demonstration to add to the list. You're such decieving fools microsoft

SpaceFox5213d ago

Ya know, I just realized something about voice recognition. If it even works in the first place, this would mean that anybody could literally walk into the room, yell "Xbox OFF" or "Xbox Pause" and completely mess up your movie or whatever you're doing. That's so lame.

Briefcase Joe5213d ago (Edited 5213d ago )

If someone wanted to be a dick, they could mess with you all day.

LeonSKennedy4Life5213d ago


Some guy walks by the Kinect camera and whispers "Xbox Off" to it. Lol.

So many great spoof videos could be made with this!

Karooo5213d ago

I've lost all interest in this now.

Brian52475213d ago

So MS is telling me that, instead of ironing out issues detecting skeletal movement, they were working on shovelware games for launch that must be played while standing? Kinect is DOA.

RememberThe3575213d ago

It's price. ATM they are going to 60 buck while Move and Wii games are going for 50-30.

lzim5213d ago

Pricing is going to work itself out after all the nut jobs buy it before Xmas and it gets cheaper for the rest of us. Frankly you needn't consider the thing until there are proper AAA games announced.. like Geometry Wars (which sadly isn't going to happen).

Right now though, my ass isn't getting up to play no stinking Barbies Horse Adventure OR Star Wars Adventures on Naboo.

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Joy Ride Turbo - The Beginning of the End for Xbox Kinect

Joy Ride Turbo launched 10 years ago today. The first title was Xbox Kinect exclusive, yet this sequel failed to support the device at all.


10 of the Biggest Video Game Hardware Failures Ever

Cultured Vultures: "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal, and no matter how much developers might try, some gaming hardware just fails to hit the mark. We’ve compiled a list of 10 gaming hardware fails, and boy did some fail hard."

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Knightofelemia975d ago

I would label the Power Glove, Kinect, and that Tony Hawk skateboard more as hardware addons hardware failure would be like the Virtual Boy and one day Stadia.

Magog975d ago

Kinect was bundled with every Xbox One and inflated the price on an already underpowered and low RAM machine so for the One it wasn't an accessory as much as a white elephant.

CaptainHenry916975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Definitely the RROD but that power glove had a lot of issues as well. The Kinect just didn't work

975d ago
CrimsonWing69975d ago

Hardware add-ons are more like RAM or a video card, basically components that enhance capabilities or performance of the computer.

If you really want to get technical the Kinect is more of a peripheral device, kind of like a keyboard or mouse to a computer.

ThatsGaming975d ago

The person in this article obviously is not up on their gaming history....

Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Coleco Gemini, Commodore 128, Commodore Amiga, Atari 5200, Atari 7800 were all massive failures and in most cases cost their companies participating in future gaming generations.

Gamer79975d ago

Sega saturn (successful in Japan) and dreamcast were not failures.
Seems like you're not up on you're gaming history

septemberindecember974d ago


How in the world are the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast not seen as failures? They both sold around 8M each, which is much lower than the ~30M that the Genesis had sold before it, and even the Master System before that. They were both the worst selling consoles in their respective generation (PS1, N64 outsold Saturn, PS2, GC, and Xbox outsold Dreamcast). Both of the consoles were incredibly short lived. The Saturn was discontinued in every territory but Japan after just three years. In Japan the console was discontinued after six years. Meanwhile the Dreamcast was discontinued worldwide in 2001 after launching in most territories in 1999 and in Japan in 1998. The failure of the Saturn and Dreamcast lead to Sega pulling out of the hardware market. Which, by the way, all of this occurred when Sega was massively dropping the price of their consoles quickly to compete. Sega was hemorrhaging money at this point.

None of this indicates a successful console. Saying the Saturn was a success because it did better in Japan is like saying the Vita is a success (they both sold around the same amount of units in Japan). Even the Wii U outsold these consoles worldwide.

Magog975d ago

The picture should be the 360 RROD. When I think of gaming hardware failures that's what springs to mind. Kinect and it's bundled price tag definitely hobbled the already underpowered Xbox One though for sure so I would give it a close second place.

porkChop975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

That's not what the author means by failures. It's about hardware that failed in terms of sales (Wii U) or just failed to deliver on its promise (Kinect).

Magog975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Given that the 360 had a year head start, much easier hardware to develop for, was cheaper, and still ended up in third place I think it qualifies especially when you factor in the frustration and huge losses incurred by RROD.

porkChop975d ago

Selling over 80 million consoles isn't a sales flop. We get it, you don't like Xbox, but that doesn't mean the 360 is suddenly a failure.

Rhythmattic974d ago

You know how many people I know bought a 2nd or third 360 due to RROD? Even when MS had to confront the issue with replacement systems, my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in, and waiting for a replacement.,,..,..
If that's how you consider it a win... OK.. but so is having 5 , of which 3 don't function.... Its a win win....mwhahahahaha

porkChop974d ago

"my mates couldn't wait for even the turnaround of sending it in"

You're acting like it would take months. When I sent my 360 in I got a new one literally 5 days later. As soon as MS had tracking confirmation that you sent yours, they'd send a new one to you the same day. No one is going to spend hundreds to buy a new console instead of waiting a week. I swear you guys pull some of the dumbest shit out of nowhere and think people will actually believe it.

Regardless, none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about.

Rhythmattic973d ago (Edited 973d ago )

"You're acting like it would take months"
Sometimes it could.. FFS.. 'Strya here...
Best turnaround I reckon was 2-3 weeks.....
Either way, My mates experiences still exist.. So Sorry, no point trying to earn Xbox Achievements when it doesn't feature in what was a situation you never dealt with,,,,
3 of my friends would disagree (overall, 10 extra Xboxes purchased)
Regardless.. MS sold a lot of 360's that was due to this reason.. That is sales. Fact

"none of this changes the fact that this isn't what the article is even about."
Headline says HELLO !
Oh and "Sadly, not all hardware is created equal," that's enough to pass this on without taking your article bias into consideration.....
As for the rest.... Ok.. But you've actually gone out of your way to give MS a Pass... Fap on.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 973d ago
Aloymetal975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Yup, and because of that big fiasco MS had to fork out 1 billion but knowing them I think they're very proud of the 360, it's the only time a MS console reached 80mil+ sales, RROD played a big part of that and a record they will never break again.

Rhythmattic974d ago (Edited 974d ago )

So true.. Even when MS accepted they where caught out in the biggest lie of any generation, The wait for a replacement was outweighed by just buying another, and having one be returned as a backup, which, btw, generally failed on first swap.
I own honestly can't believe MS tards are just supporting , or arguing why and what MS did by just dismissing it....

lonewolf10975d ago

Lol I had the Atari Jaguar, surprised its "competition" the 3DO isn't on the list too, both as "popular" as each other.

SullysCigar975d ago

Lol same. Played the crap out of Aliens Vs Predator and Tempest 2000 .... aaand that's about it really!!

lonewolf10975d ago

Sad but true that was pretty much it.

Kurt Russell975d ago

Agreed, I never actually saw a 3DO make it to retailers in the UK. At least the Atari Jaguar was sold for around 6 months.

lonewolf10975d ago

It made it to some my brother got one, fared just as well as the Jaguar so most probably hard to find in general.

darthv72975d ago

3do had way better games. Jaguar not so much. Neo Geo sold less than both and yet isnt considered a failure. Go figure.

LWOGaming975d ago

Stadia is a weird one. It hasn’t sold at all well but in terms of how it works it’s still miles ahead of Xcloud in terms of stability and performance. Xcloud is still a way behind and that needs sorting but it will be in time. Stadia for me is one of those things that will go down as a what could have been moments. With better marketing it could have been a roaring success. I still play it and it remains the best place in my opinion to play CyberPunk 2077. Only platform I have played it on without having any issues at all. The tech is great. The concept is fine. Marketing terrible. Shame really.

Magog975d ago

The sales model was awful. They should have teamed with an existing player to allow for local and cloud access to games or a gaming subscription service.

LWOGaming975d ago

It was a strange mess from such a huge company, as I said, as a system it works really well but without gamers it’s nothing. Such a waste,

LWOGaming975d ago

The Xbox One was Microsoft’s Nintendo Wii U. Undercooked, undersold and just an unholy mess. The thing is with any of these failures is to learn from them and thankfully both Nintendo and Xbox did just that to the benefit of gamers everywhere.

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Pivotal Decisions in Gaming History - Xbox Goes All-In on Kinect

Xbox 360's Kinect had flopped yet Microsoft insisted on mandatory Kinect for Xbox One, driving the price up and alienating their potential customers.

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darthv721152d ago

the tech was pretty damn good but their focus on making it the centerpiece was not. Had they opted to keep it as a secondary or even tertiary device, it may have found new use for AR/VR.

PrimeVinister1152d ago

Maybe. But they were two early for VR and too late for motion control

1152d ago Replies(2)
Godmars2901152d ago

Their focus was marketing metrics. Information gathering for targeted advertising. Also "event curating" or head counting for special TV events. If MS had had their way with always online and mandatory Kinect pre COVID, as and during it they'd likely be turning into dominant presence in many Western homes. Be getting subsidized by Disney and other streamers as well as the NFL.

Thing was, Kinect as an actual game system, its games, just weren't ready. MS moved on it too soon. Thankfully.

Atticus_finch1152d ago

Sorry but it was incredibly bad for gaming. The thing barely worked as intended and the games were broken shovelware. And let's not forget all the lies from Xbox to try and sell it. What happened to Milo?
It's like Xbox it's a perpetual lying machine.

PrimeVinister1152d ago

I had almost forgotten about Milo. It looks so unbelievable in retrospect. How did anyone believe it?!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1152d ago
TheEnigma3131152d ago

Kinect requirement, TV focused, DRM, and $100 buried Xbone before it even stared.

PrimeVinister1152d ago (Edited 1152d ago )

I think Kinect was the worst of the bunch. They reversed DRM overnight and try to play down the TV stuff when they realised it made them look disinterested in gaming.

Kinect stuck around for six months, preventing sales and making more and more people upset when they dropped the Kinect and the price.

Atticus_finch1152d ago

Don't forget the inferior hardware which affects their game development to this day.
And the constant boasting and lying that hasn't change very much to this day.

kayoss1152d ago

I was kind of excited for the kinect. It had potential. That was until i tried it at one of their Microsoft store. The thing was so laggy and worker who was there, had no clue what he was doing. It kind of made rethink about buying an Xbox One with Kinect.

PrimeVinister1152d ago

I had already been turned off of the idea by Kinect for 360. Even when it worked, the games were bad and showed no potential.

Wii made you understand what they were going to do with it within about 10 seconds of Wii Sports. It went on to become a bit of a joke but at least it worked and had a purpose.

Thundercat771152d ago

The damage to the Xbox brand was so hard that til this day they are just the last place brand in the market.

PrimeVinister1152d ago

Totally. They haven't been really all that relevant since.

Godmars2901151d ago

That has to do with repeatedly failing, having to reaffirm only to again fail at creating a competent flow of decent games.

Until Game Pass and BC are mentioned. Only for the point to be missed.

kayoss1151d ago

thats because they dont know what they want to be. A gaming console, Television, or a gaming service?

Godmars2901151d ago

They wanted, expected, to be Steam. To have everyone coming to them and paying for the privilege. That's the exact mentality on display when they tried to push always online.

brewin1151d ago

Its sad because the Xbox one version of Kinect was actually pretty solid. Not for motion games, I couldnt care less about those, but for the other features that are now commonplace in the gaming ecosystem. Things like voice control and optional motion features in games. Stuff that Sony did with the PS camera was pretty sweet and they could have done some of that stuff with Kinect.

The tech was pretty sweet when implemented right though. Who remembers the implementation in Dead Rising 3?! You could lure zombies away by saying stuff into the kinect, it was a bit hokey at first, but it actually enhanced the game significantly once you learned all the different voice commands. There was and still is nothing else like that!

The focus on TV seemed to be an issue for people, but the TV pass through had some real potential. They could have had cable companies giving the XBone out instead of cable boxes! I understood what they were trying to do, but they needed to show the games too, and thats where they lost the core gamers. Being able to jump right to a sports event or TV show with out leaving the console was actually a pretty cool thing. I spent many nights switching between NHL games or TV shows and jumping right back into my games seamlessly, just by telling Kinect to do so. It was better than people care to admit, but I loved it!

People say XBone had no games, but on launch I got Dead Rising 3, AC Black Flag, Watch Dogs, Killer Instinct, Battlefield 4, Forza 5, and Ryse. That was actually a pretty solid lineup in hindsight! Then later on it got gems like Quantum Break, Dead Rising 4, Sunset Overdrive, Gears 4 and 5, the Ori games, Rare Replay, Forza Horizon 3/4, State of Decay 2, ReCore (SUPER UNDERRATED GEM), Halo 5, Halo Wars 2, and all the great 3rd party stuff as well! I dare anyone who sat on the Xbox One to go back and give it a shot now.

It was actually a pretty great console all things considered. Yes the PS4 had better 1st party stuff, stuff that MS just couldnt top or even compete with, but there are some really great games that a lot of people missed out on that they would probably really enjoy if they actually played them. Thats why I recommend a Series S and Gamepass to a lot of people, as its a great way to get an awesome lineup pf games for super cheap!

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