
Fallout MMO Site Opens, Beta Registration Begins

That Gaming Site writes: "Official website opens, beta registration begins."

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pangitkqb5214d ago

The Fallout Universe is the perfect place for an MMO. I can't wait for more info.

N4GAddict5214d ago

I didn't know they were making a MMO

TABSF5214d ago (Edited 5214d ago )

Its not made by Bethesda its made by the original creators of Fallout Interplay

Bethesda and Interplay had a major dispute all because Bethesda thinks they own Fallout when in fact they only own Fallout singleplayer rights

Controversy5214d ago

I tire of all the super magic 5000 ones out there. Post apocalyptic scenarios are the best.

tdrules5214d ago

MMOs thrive off loot.
what possible loot could this game have?

SOAD5214d ago


Weapons, armor, special skill books like the ones found in Fallout 3.

I'm sure the Fallout universe has a lot of loot.

jimineyscrickets5214d ago (Edited 5214d ago )

Looking forward to even more Fallout.

I'm signing up for the beta!

Elven65214d ago

Agreed, the MMO site seems to have slowed to a crawl right now though, here's hoping they get things back on track to deal with the registrations.

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gameplayingfool5214d ago

As a major Fallout fan I'm all over this.

PS360WII5214d ago

Looks like Interplay won the battle over the continuation of this. Sweet deal. I'll be signing up for this beta naturally ^^

TheColbertinator5214d ago

Just did too.Hope we both get in.

Elven65214d ago

Not exactly, Bethesda tried to get a court order to stop work on the MMO but weren't able to get it so development continued, the lawsuit is still on though.

Cajun Chicken5214d ago

Good. Now do the purpose you were made for; MDK 3. Hire Planet Moon as third party developer.

Elven65214d ago

I'm sure we'll see it soon, I take it you didn't like Bioware's MDK game then?

Cajun Chicken5214d ago (Edited 5214d ago )

It was good, but it felt like an imitation of what Shiny did already. Not very much changed. It's not that MDK2 was bad, because it was excellent, well, aside from the puzzles of Doc Hawkins levels.

I'm sure you're probably familiar with Planet Moon, they're the original team that broke off from making MDK in Shiny. Giants and Armed and Dangerous follow their hectic third person shooting action and eccentric comedy and vivid worlds.

Nick Bruty has been commenting on Youtube in the last few months about wishing he had the MDK franchise again. MDK could have the most marvellous HD reboot with the original guys at the helm. Just imagine the minecrawlers, diving and sniping from MDK1 remade and updated now, even with a slight cover system and much larger scale, it could be amazing.

Elven65214d ago

Good point, I guess having the original guys behind it would make it more memorable anyway especially for the fans. I am aware of Planet Moon, fingers crossed they're the ones contracted for MDK 3 if it comes to fruition.

Interplay had also stated interest in the MDK franchise exists for them, a match made in heaven?

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10 Canceled Video Games None of Us Will Ever Get to Play

Lots of video games get canceled due to studio closures, lack of resources, and other issues, but we would have loved to play these 10 canceled games.

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KwietStorm_BLM1955d ago

Not only was P.T. an awesome demo, but just the way it was dropped on us and eventually revealed as Silent Hills was one of those really special moments in gaming. I don't even want to be reminded of it now.

PhantomS421955d ago

Konami screwed up. They could easily cut the Silent Hills ending cutscene and sell it for 5/10 bucks and I would easily buy it again. The demo was tons of fun and terrifying each time, I loved to make friends play

NecrumOddBoy1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

Plot Twist: PT was a tease, Silent Hills was fake, the Konami fallout was staged, and Death Stranding is actually Metal Gear Solid VI. 🤯 #kojimawoulddothis

KwietStorm_BLM1955d ago

That would be the long con to end them all, but I don't know if even Kojima would do all that. Then again, Metal Gear Solid 2 was a thing.

King_Noctis1955d ago

It would be one hell of a story to tell.

PhantomS421955d ago

No Agent, that's a pretty easy one to get on this list.

Iceball20001955d ago

2 days to Vegas and 8 days ooh and Agent

KyRo1955d ago

I just want a Getaway 3. I mean Sony has nailed the cinematic, open world genre for a while now. A return to the Getaway with the tech they got now would be so good

LOOK_AT_THIS_I1955d ago

Six Days in Fallujah was a game I would have been interested to see how it would have turned out. SOCOM like tactical shooter with destructive environments. Lots of work on it and then it was just scrapped.

MadLad1955d ago

One of the first casualties of the early outcry mobs.

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5 Heartbreaking Game Cancellations

Now Loading: We all know the feeling, a new game just got announced, and it looks awesome! You follow all of the news, watch all of the trailers, and the hype train storms full steam ahead towards release day.

And then suddenly, boom. The game's cancelled. Months of anticipation, all for nothing. The pre-order disappears from you basket, and once again you find yourself thinking "Dammit, I really wanted to play that one", but you know you never will.

Over the years, this feeling has become all too common with gamers across the globe, as stellar-looking titles get dropped time and time again by publishers for a variety of reasons.

Here's five of the best cancelled games that we'll never get to play:

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Fearmonkey2762d ago (Edited 2762d ago )

Silent Hills is the worst for me, was really excited about that game.
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