
Super Mario Still Out Of This World

The Chronicle Herald writes: "Super Mario Galaxy 2 is about as pitch perfect a sequel as you will ever find in the gaming world."

"It takes an amazing game, tunes up the best parts, sprinkles in a bit more of what made the original great and brings it all together with the kind of first-rate presentation that Nintendo al­ways delivers with its premier titles."

"I can’t imagine a better game than this coming out this year on the Wii, but I’ll remain open to a potential surprise for Game of the Year."

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byeGollum5132d ago

I never thought I'd need a Wii.
But after having hands-on with Super Mario Galaxy at Gamestop, I was F*ckin' hooked and it reminded me why I game in the first place(Fun Factor). It just shows that hardware doesn't matter too much Software is the real deal. The wii ain't as power as ps3 and 360 but this game makes it 1up them both(ps360).

Imperator5132d ago

Exactly. Besides, SMG2, Metroid other M, and Zelda Wii all make it worth it. Especially for 200 bucks.

tinybigman5132d ago

because of RDR, Modnation, and 3D Dot. imma try and get Galaxy 2 sometime this month as i love galaxy 1.

RedPawn5132d ago

I have all three of those games as well, but Mario is that type of platformer you can jump in and just hit lvl to lvl without sidetracking.

Continuous Pure Platforming.

tinybigman5132d ago

i'll get to it sometime this month. i really enjoying the online mode in RDR, the creating of tracks in ModNation, and the overall retro feel of 3D Dot. i know ill love galaxy 2 and ill get to it soon.

PS360WII5132d ago

I hear you on that. RDR has stolen most of my free time but I just tried out Galaxy 2 last night and oh goodness it is pure fun to play. Yoshi naturally is still an awesome buddy!

MiyagiSPG5132d ago

Will be getting this game for my birthday, can't wait the first was epic :)

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20 Best Super Mario Games of All Time

Cultured Vultures: Put on your freshest dungarees and chow down on the ripest mushroom as we reel off the best Mario games ever made to celebrate Mar10 Day.

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Barlos104d ago (Edited 104d ago )

My top 3 are Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64. Mario Odyssey is also excellent, and I enjoyed Sunshine but didn't care for the Galaxy series.

Knightofelemia1200d ago

I know it's not a Wii title but it can be played on the Wii I want the Metroid Prime games on the Switch I have never played them.

darthv721200d ago

I wouldnt mind seeing a conduit compilation on the switch.

Yi-Long1199d ago

Would like to see MadWorld getting a proper new release.


5 Wii Games that Need to be Ported to Nintendo Switch

5 Wii Games that Need to be Ported to Nintendo Switch - The Nintendo Switch would be a great home to the following Wii games...

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Nyxus1246d ago

Pandora's Tower and The Last Story.

northpaws1246d ago

Switch needs less ports and more original games.

DefaultComment1246d ago

what it needs is not your opinion that's for sure.

northpaws1246d ago

Omg, you are so witty, somehow can provides even less value than my comment. I don't know about you, but I prefer Pikmin 4 over Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 9 over Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, BotW2 over BotW Wii U port, a new Donkey Kong instead of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze from Wii U...

But I guess I am just being weird here, who the fuck would want a new entry. /S

Neonridr1246d ago

Red Steel 1 & 2 Remastered Collection please. I adored the 2nd title.

Cuzizkool1246d ago (Edited 1246d ago )

I don’t think it would be so bad to turn Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort into a continuing franchise. The Wii isn’t around anymore, but we still get New “Super” Mario Bros, which the original “super” was based on the Super Nintendo console. Nintendo tried switching it up (heh) with 1-2 Switch, but that wasn’t nearly as big a hit. I think if they did an HD remaster of Wii Sports, or a new entry in the “series”, it would have immediate name recognition and would pull in some casuals, as well as some who want to get that sweet sweet nostalgia.

iplay1up21246d ago

I did not like Skyward Sword. I played till the bird part, and just couldn't do it anymore. It felt like a chore playing it. Also, I am a Zelda fan, and this is the only Zelda game I didn't like.

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