
Why Front Mission: Evolved Lives Up to its Name

ConsolePress writes: "When it comes to Mech strategy games, Front Mission has consistently stood out in terms of skill requirement, with some users reporting hundreds of hours of gameplay for previous installments. But when Square Enix announced that Front Mission: Evolved would be a fast-paced 3rd person shooter, a lot of previously uninterested gamers suddenly took notice. And for good reason."

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Enate5130d ago

Took notice lol yea right the only people that took notice were the people who actually had love for the franchise like me. An when we saw how they destroyed the series an turned it into a rather mediocre looking third person shooter. What actually happened was most of us became highly uninterested an believe me the sales will show. Square Enix is gone learn one way or the other.


Retro First Impressions: Front Mission 2

TDS' lone Asian writer talks about an entry in the mech strategy series that never left Japanese shores.

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Save 50% on Square Enix Games all Week at GamersGate

GamersGate are currently offering 50% on Square Enix games as the weekly sale.

Save on a large selection of games while this sale lasts.

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GNT: Cracking the Case - Front Mission Evolved

GNT: Welcome to Cracking the Case, a new feature that I am introducing on Game N Train. Each week, I will try out a new game and give you my first impressions on what this game does right and what this game does wrong.

Today, I’m Cracking the Case on Front Mission: Evolved, by Square Enix.

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Godmars2904493d ago

Its sad that games like this exemplify JP devs inability to make games for HD consoles.

Many Western devs for that matter.