
First NBA Elite 11 Screenshots

The Sports Game Guy has the first 3 screenshots of NBA Elite 11.

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jacksonsgames5228d ago

Kinda just looks like NBA live 10 pics.

Kevin263855228d ago

They look similar. I do think they lost some of the "shine" to them though, which is a good thing.

mikeslemonade5228d ago

Graphically looks good, but already can tell that this is hardly a sim when Dwight Howard dunks like that.

xHarvey5228d ago

Finally they got rid of that shine. I hated how every player looks like Sammy Sosa in NBA LIVE 10.

Biggest5228d ago

They may have removed the shine. But wow do those players look horrible. Is there a problem with EA in that they can't make realistic looking sports games? In Madden it's the stiff animations and the ridiculously huge heads. In Live/Elite it's the blocky players that all look like a variation of each other, wearing basketball jerseys that don't wrinkle or absorb sweat.

simplyRealistic185227d ago

Still look sh**ty, Still look Fake, no thank you i think ill be passing on Nba Games this year, 2k10 think they won everybody over because their goin to have jordan in their game, their 10 years 2 late

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5227d ago
Sigh5228d ago

lol at the dwight howard dunk pic. How do you knock down a guy while dunking-one handed-with-both-feet-spread-o ut like that in mid air? I really hope they changed the animations in this game, really do.

Kevin263855228d ago

They have real time physics in NBA Elite 11 just like in NHL 11. I am sure they will go more into detail about that soon.

Sigh5228d ago

we'll just have to see. Because if EA doesn't change the physics from the past Live games, then this will be doomed to suck as Live.

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The most expensive PlayStation games around – PS1, 2 & 3 games that can cost as much as a PS4

OPM: How much do you think people are willing to play for an old PlayStation game or a rare collector’s editions? A few hundred? A few thousand? Here are some of the most expensive PS1, 2 and 3 games ever bought or sold.

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OmniAtlas4045d ago (Edited 4045d ago )

I'm still looking for an affordable english version of aquanauts holiday for the ps3. 5 years later and still no such luck.

Luckily ico and sotc was rereleased on the ps3..

sypher4045d ago (Edited 4045d ago )

Same here! Plenty of Chinese language ones but trying to find that Hong Kong english one... has to be the rarest officially released (non recalled) game on PS3? :/

Inception4045d ago

They forgot:

1) Tales of Destiny PS1 = $500

2) Tales of Destiny 2 PS1 = $250

3) Vagrant Story PS1 = $150

But man, that UC2 Fortune Hunter Ed price is overkill! >.<

pecorre4045d ago

I bought Vagrant Story in like new condition on ebay for 35$ earlier this year. PS1 games on Amazon are almost always overpriced.

wishingW3L4045d ago

it happened just like with Persona. You could buy Persona 1 and 2 for like $10-15 on Amazon but then Persona 3 came out, the series became mainstream and all of a sudden the prices from the old games jumped dramatically. And now the same thing is happening with Tales...

Inception4045d ago

Maybe you right for other titles on amazon. But Tales of Destiny 1 & 2 copies always been rare this years. I've been searching for a cheap copies for both of them on playasia or ebay and it's no luck >.<

- Destiny 1 = $700
- Destiny 2 = $250

That's why i never trade my Tales of Abyss and Tales of Graces f + Xillia Day 1 Edition. In case they became very rare in the future.

wishingW3L4045d ago

only one I have it's Megaman Legends 2 but I think the Tron Bonne game is more expensive.

Majin-vegeta4045d ago

I have a shadow heart and LOD unopened copies at my mothers place maybe it's time to dig them out.

wishingW3L4045d ago

just remember that the more you wait to sell em the more valuable they will become!

RoseSapphire4045d ago

This isn't always true. Even a sealed game loses value when a digital version is released. Granted, Legend of Dragoon has already had the digital hit the market.

RoseSapphire4045d ago (Edited 4045d ago )

Most of these games on the list are not even half the price they had shown. I own a used game store and, using Mega Man 2 Legends as an example, we have it for $55. Legend of Dragoon is a $15 game.

These titles are grossly overpriced in this article and it seems like they grabbed the highest listed eBay price rather than doing any research.

hockeyjockey664045d ago

Thank you. I was saying this to my computer screen the whole time I was reading this terrible article.

4045d ago
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Five Rare PlayStation 3 Games

Junkie Monkeys: Before the PlayStation 4 releases and starts to gain momentum with gamers, we decided to take a look at five rare PlayStation 3 titles.

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Christopher4206d ago

Technically not 'games' except two of them. The rest are 'special editions'.

guitarded774206d ago (Edited 4206d ago )

I have the MvC2... I should have left it sealed and just downloaded from the store. Kicks self in butt.

EDIT: Just remembered it wasn't sealed when I bought it (GameStop) had them check other stores, but that was the last one from San Antonio to Austin. Only some stores got them.

Treezy5044206d ago

When I used to buy games from GameStop all the time I would refuse to get a copy that was opened. I hated when they would do that, especially since they keep sealed copies in a drawer usually.

Derekvinyard134206d ago

Lmao nba elite 11 was terrible I would never pay for that broken game

KrisButtar4206d ago

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Fortune Hunter Edition worth 10k, just wow

guitarded774206d ago

It ain't worth that to me... I'd sell it in a heartbeat if I had one. Love Uncharted, but damn... 10k is a lot of money.

HammadTheBeast4206d ago

A game you've beat, or a new car/full blown entertainment system.


Eyeco4206d ago

Yeah if I had 10k now that'll go straight to my Masters fee, that said Uncharted 2 is relatively new game just imagine how much it'll cost in 10-20 years time I would probably keep it for that matter.

brianunfried4206d ago (Edited 4206d ago )

Just Cause 2 is becoming rare for some reason. The price used at Gamestop has gone up from $17.99 to $29.99. You better get it soon, its an amazing game. I was lucky to grab the last new copy in my city last year for $19.99.

Treezy5044206d ago

Keep that one wrapped up! I wonder what could be causing it's price increase?

4206d ago
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15 Rarest & Most Valuable Playstation 3 Games

The fifteen rarest and most valuable games on the Playstation 3 and what makes them so rare.

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Dart894751d ago

Lol the cod ones arent rare i could look them up online and find them cheap.

Now the uncharted one that's a rare one weren't only a select few made if i call correctly??

Aussiegamer4751d ago

Yeah uncharted was only 200 made.

And agree on the cod ones not rare at all.

WhiteLightning4751d ago

Never understood that stupid decision...

Even if it was like £150...I would of still bought it.

HebrewHammer4750d ago

And I have one! Courtesy of the 2009 tournament in Rosemont, IL! Team Drake represent!

tiffac0084751d ago

I thank God I was able to buy Ar Tonelico Qoga for $60 and Hyperdimensional Neptunia for $50. lol!

I better get Hyperdimensional Neptunia MkII on release day to be safe. ^^

sashimi4751d ago

Yeah...i kinda wanna play Hyperdimensional Neptunia but its way overpriced >.< although i did get Qoga on release date. Now i'm just wondering if i should get MKII.

dragonknight44751d ago

I too, am glad I got the limited editions of those two games before they became rare. Atelier Totori, which is also published by NISA, will probably become rare as well.

tiffac0084751d ago (Edited 4751d ago )

The funny things is I didn't even know Ar Tonelico Qoga and Hyperdimensional Neptunia where release in limited numbers. lol!

No wonder a lot of people in my area can't seem to buy those games locally XD

UltimateIdiot9114750d ago

I will be preordering H.N MkII also. As for Ar Tonelico Qoga, I wanted to get that but I'm not made out of money and I never play the other titles, I skipped out.

I still have the first one. xD Wish I remember who on N4G insisted that NISA limited editions are not limited and that the price for Hyperdimension Neptunia will fall in price.

It's really only the Disagea series that seems to be mass produce and on almost everything.

BuT_TeR4751d ago ShowReplies(2)
sealion884751d ago

railfan games are pretty rare are they?

noxeven4751d ago

I so angry I didn't buy elite when I saw it randomly on the shelf and I'm glad I got hyperdimension

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