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New Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ Trailer

New Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+ trailer for the PSP from Sony's Playstation Premier 2007 in Japan.

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J@D6218d ago

Bring IT! Konami. Bring the game toward US ASAP ^^.

Vojkan6218d ago

If i am not mistaken Kojima wasnt working on this reharsed version of MGS:oPs

thatdude6218d ago

is this a new game or an add on?

Rybnik6218d ago

Old Snake??!! Kojima did say that Portable Ops would tie in directly with MGS4. I haven't played the first PO (don't have a PSP), is Old Snake in that as well, or is this the first evidence of tie-in between stories?


7 Lesser Known Metal Gear Solid Games

Metal Gear Solid is a hugely popular series, but not every game has achieved true notoriety. Here are 7 lesser known Metal Gear Solid games.

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Chocoburger381d ago

The list is missing Metal Gear Solid Mobile for Nokia phones, but it includes the well known and multi million selling Portable Ops? 🤨

cerpintaxt44381d ago

lmao theres like 10 mgs games what a dumb article idea

SegaSaturn669380d ago

Metal Gear Acid 1/2 are crazy good games. Great portable experience.


Metal Gear Solid Can Work Without Hideo Kojima

There are more good non-Kojima Metal Gear games than one would realize. Scientifically, three examples prove a trend, and in this feature are three excellent Metal Gear games that Hideo Kojima did not direct.

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masterfox419d ago

I hope so, still cant forget MGS Survive , the first MGS game without Kojima involvement and it was a complete failure, the thing is Kojima way of thinking is outside the box and that's why their games 99% end up unique, original and a almost instant classic. MGS series are full of intricate things that somehows connects to each other, Lalulilelo, the Patriots, Outher heaven, Foxhound, PMCs , heck even Kojima manage to insert DARPA in there lol, a US government Defense Agency. So is really great MGS3 Remake is reviving the series but without Kojima who knows of the end result, I hope Konami have another or more developers insight their studios who can also think outside the box.

senorfartcushion418d ago

It actually can’t. But it won’t matter.

Kojima is Metal Gear the same way that Christopher Nolan is The Dark Knight, or David Lynch is Twin Peaks: The Return episode 8. Artistry is the creation of a thing from your own thoughts and feelings. Take away the original artist’s thoughts and feelings and you have a new thing entirely.

This isn’t going to stop the mega corporation creating a fake version and spending millions TELLING customers that it’s made with the same thoughts and feelings. The masses will buy the idea the same way the corporation will sell the idea.

just_looken418d ago

I guess everyone forgot metal gear solid rising was tossed to platnium games with a story script and that is it.

Z501417d ago

Kojima was involved in Rising tho

just_looken416d ago

kpjima just did the story everything else was platnium games look it up.

Hence i said script

neutralgamer1992417d ago

i think the bigger issue is whether or not Konami is actually interested in fully funding AAA games development. Even this remake is done by a studio not really known in gaming industry. Quality remake/projets vs cheap cash in quick releases. Which way will Konami head. I am a huge MGS fan and i feel like Kojima did long time MGS fans dirty with how made MGS5 and it's story elements

senorfartcushion417d ago

Remakes and remasters provide a gateway through to producing AAA games faster and cheaper.

RaveTears417d ago (Edited 417d ago )

Actually MGS Portable Ops which was technically the first canon MGS game that Kojima wasn’t mainly involved with it. Kojima was only the producer but not the writer and director.

Konami did other MGS spin off that were successful but that because Konami put effort. Just along Konami is not lazy and cash grab, they can a MGS game without Kojima.

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gold_drake418d ago (Edited 418d ago )

i mean sure, but he made it the thing it is today and why people love it so much.

i think its not easy to replicate.

Flawlessmic418d ago

I doubt it could.

Say what you want about the bloke, but his games are uniquely his.

I don't think anyone makes games like kojima does, for better or worse.

Could mgs continue without him, yea maybe, but it would lacking his genius so wouldn't be the same.

Soulsborne418d ago

Well , he already created it. They just have to recreate it? Not like its a new concept or IP. Trash article.

Terry_B418d ago

Yes. It only needs motivated clever people.

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Metal Gear Solid's David Hayter Reflects on the Legacy of Snake

David Hayter, the original voice of the legendary Solid Snake, opens up on the Metal Gear series, discovering the character's iconic voice, and why Snake is still so meaningful to people.

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