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taz8080 (2) - 5242d ago Cancel
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-Alpha (1) - 5242d ago Cancel
Chadness (2) - 5242d ago Cancel
charlescox4 (1) - 5242d ago Cancel
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PlayStationTEAM (1) - 5242d ago Cancel

Lost Planet 2 Review (DualShockers)

François Chang of DualShockers writes, "Lost Planet 2 is Capcom’s latest entry in its young and successful third-person shooter series. It sports single-player and multiplayer campaign, online competitive multiplayer, and so much going for it. And considering that the original Lost Planet may not have been the most technically sound game of this generation, one would think surely its sequel will make all of its past wrongs right. Unfortunately, Lost Planet 2 falls short of what could of been and ultimately disappoints in more than one way..."

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SiteBot5242d ago
Hitman07695242d ago

It's a sad day when a game gets hyped up beyond the levels of most multi-platforms by a single good trailer only to be crushed down by the wrath of god and all that is holy via the beloved François. But what must be done must be done. Let the truth see the light! @Capcom This is the first time you let me down in a long time, please try harder!

Chadness5242d ago

Happens all the time, I'm afraid.

Hitman07695242d ago

I'm trademarking

Nike5242d ago

"Beloved"? Does he hate N4G too? Or does the hierarchy have further ranks?

erathaol5242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

I bought Lost Planet 2, its a really fun game. It has pretty much everything I've ever wanted from a Starship Troopers game and more. Not to mention the grind-fest of Achievements/Trophies and Unlockables keeps something to look forward too for those who enjoy the game.

I did loose confidence in reviewers now. As most of these same sources ranted/raved that GTA IV was the greatest game to ever be made, when it was actually one of the most boring games I've ever played.

Nicaragua5242d ago

"@Capcom This is the first time you let me down in a long time"

Really, i thin Capcom has seriously fallen from grace and has been churning out crap for a loooong time.

Lost Planet 1 - crap
Devil May Cry 4 - crap
Bionic Commando - crap
Dark Void - ultra crap

Ok, maybe crap is too harsh of a word but lackluster certainly fits the bill.

Maybe the only half decent thing they have done of late is Super Street Fighter 4 which is basically what SF4 should have been in the first place. Stick on top of that the cheek of the whole “DLC on the disk” Resident evil 5 bullshit and you have one of the lamest companies in the gaming world.

Hopefully they can do something good with Dead rising 2.

iiprotocolii5242d ago

Couldn't agree with you more. Bionic Commands - which I bought on launch day - was garbage. I wouldn't say that Devil May Cry 4 was bad, though. It had its great moments; when comparing it to other DMC games(except for 2 which sucked worse) it did fall kind of short. The story was pretty good, I thought.

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taz80805242d ago

The first one was not that impressive and sadly it seems like neither is the second one. O wells.

N4GAddict5242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

Yeah, the first one sold on hype.


I disagree a little on both points. take a look back when lost planet released and tell me how many games really looked that good.

lost planet was a very good looking game for it's time. most of the people I know who hated, hated because they found it too hard. It had a good mix of big guns, monsters, mechs. it's only real problem was it had some crippling gameplay design flaws which made were mostly to do with the actual controls and movement ( when you think about it nearly all the capcom games that have been made in Japan have had really "Fu£"^%ked up " controls, LP, DR, RES5, )..

Anyway, I really enjoyed the first game, but after just playing the first demo for LP2 I lost interest in it. There was just something about it and didn't seem right and they didn't seem to address any of the issues that plagued the first.

there were some mad battles in the first one and some of the mech suites you could get were wicked.

anyway just my opinion.

DaTruth5242d ago

I played the first one in Futureshop and was very unimpressed. I shot the cars and they just disappeared into thin air. Then everything I shot would just disappear into thin air. The graphics looked pretty bad too and that is compared to R1, which was the only next gen game I owned at the time.

-Alpha5242d ago

This series just flew over my head, never really paid attention to it. It's an FPS, right? If so, I have more than I can handle right now anyway

N4GAddict5242d ago

I think this will be the last LP game


no alpha, it's not an fps ( thank god )...I would say it's prob too late to enjoy and get the fun out of the first one and the second is so crap it would put you off anyway, may was well let it fly by

HammockGames5242d ago

The original LP was ok for the time. Not great. Impressive in some respects, poorly done in others. And the PS3 version was actually one of the "bad ports"; the 360 and PC versions were truly considerably better.

And I can confirm LP2 is absolute crap. I don't know how Capcom made this game so much worse when it appeared to have much more promise.

If you can find a used copy of LP cheap, might be worth a few bucks for one of the decent versions.

But don't fork over any $$ to Capcom for LP2 - you'll seriously regret it. And it isn't worthy of your time either - an even more valuable commodity.

DannyVenom5242d ago

I remember the original Lost Planet trailer and thinking 'This looks really good.', and it just never performed.

Nice review, bad game.

Hitman07695242d ago

I played the demo and was like "FFFFFF this" Dodged a great bullet there. I know demos sometimes are awful even for a good game but something just told me nothing will ever make this fun...

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Capcom Is Updating Several GFWL Games To Bring Them Back On Steam

Capcom is updating Games For Windows Live (GFWL) titles on Steam to once again make them available for purchase on the digital storefront.

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Community4d ago

Capcom Summer humble bundle offers $349 worth of Steam Deck games for $30

Humble Bundle offers a new summer deal with classic Capcom games and additional charity support - you won't want to miss it.

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Community48d ago
Chryzz2348d ago

They the reason my steam library is growing, the bundles are crazy

__y2jb47d ago (Edited 47d ago )

As if that pile of old ass games is worth $350. I mean there’s some good titles there for sure but there’s no way most gamers haven’t already got or played most of them already. Lots of them haven’t aged well too.

It’s basically $30 for a bunch of games you’ll never play.


Capcom Sales and Profits Drop But Still Outperform Plans

Capcom announced its financial results for the fiscal quarter of the fiscal year 2024, related to the period between April and June 2024.

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Community57d ago
Zenzuu57d ago

Some love for Resident Evil Code Veronica, Dino Crisis, or Okami would be nice Capcom.

P_Bomb57d ago

Code Veronica’s gotta be on the way. It’s the biggest missing link as far as remakes. Make it so!

KyRo57d ago

What I'll never understand with Dino Crisis was that with RE6, they went down a action heavy route which people disliked and didn't fit the RE formula but I feel that would have worked perfectly for Dino Crisis if they went down the Dino Crisis 2 route of being a action game over the more RE inspired DC1.

As long as it's nothing like DC3, Id absolutely love a new DC game.