
First Gears of War 3 Gameplay Details

Gears Of War 3 will feature a reworked cover system and underwater missions for the first time, Edge can reveal.

Developer Epic Games is set to evolve the franchise's combat by introducing Locust foes with tentacle-like appendages which are capable of extending to player cover spots.

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SnuggleBandit5223d ago

So wait, did they announce it then??

xXRight3yeXx5223d ago

No but they did announce how the gameplay is going to be like and it sounds interesting.

Eamon5223d ago

Uhh, I think Edge spilled the beans before Cliff did/could.

Well, here it is. Gears of War 3 has been confirmed.

EVILDEAD3605223d ago

LOL @ Eamon..I'm with you..Edge completely almost completely took the 'edge' out of Cliffy B announcing it on the show.

Why would they take a couple of extra days to 'polish the game'..unless Cliffy is doing a live demo on the stage.

Maybe they are re-doing the trailer for the announcement..

Either way..sweeeeeeeeeet!

'MAD WORLD' GEARS OF WAR trailer..easily one of the greatest commercials for a new IP in gaming history..

Life is good..cant wait till Monday



I'm having a sh*tty day at work and this definitely puts a smile on my face :) and also an OMG =O

Montrealien5223d ago

Can`t wait! Gears was the reason I actually bought a 360. I hope this ends on of this gens greatest franchises in style.

DOMination5223d ago

The game that's defined this whole generation is BACK.

Lightsaber5223d ago

This is just a rumor that they are trying to pass off as fact. If you read the whole thing you notice they said "our US publishing source told us." The source is a link if you go to it. It links to another page on their site. So their source is theirself.

JokesOnYou5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

"While the first two Gears games offered mobile cover in the form of objects like burnt out cars that could be pushed around, Gears Of War 3 will feature a heavy duty mech suit the COGs can utilise both for protection and to wreak havoc."

"All of these new features will be present in the singleplayer campaign and multiplayer modes, Edge understands."

-I think I remember some talk about Gear3 being on the next gen consoles, and last I heard some talk about it releasing in March or April 2011 I think that would be the perfect time for Gears3 and looks like thats closer to the truth with this news from Edge. Releasing Gears3 about 6mo after Reach should give me plenty of time to enjoy Reach multiplayer to its fullest as my main game. Damm more good times, thank the Gaming Gods 'cause I'd love more Gears this gen and next gen, Gears, and ME are easily my favorite new IP's this gen. The chainsaw machine gun(Lancer Assault Rifle) is the most iconic weapon of any game this gen, hell you could just show a pic of it and even the most casual gamers would know its Gears of War and the enemies in Gears reminds me of Bungie/Halo when it comes to variety and tactics, except of course Cliffy goes for the overgrown/gruesome effect vs the sci-fi style of Halo. Also the campaign/story for Gears2 was much improved. Great news today.


Inside_out5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Here we go...Alan Wake ( E3 trailer dropped ) Crysis tomorrow...no doubt cliff wanted the last word...They want to see what Crytek has and will reply on Monday...I hope Cliffy demos an in game piece like Gears 1...This year just keeps getting better....Epic said Gears 3 would shock everyone... Crytek said the best graphics on consoles...Hmmmm...fighting words...Remedy drops their E3 trailer and it looks like a very serious contender....where the heck is Killzone 3, you have to be blind to not see what's going on...Sony better get off their butts and join the fun, I expect alot from guerrilla...the more the merrier...Bragging rights HUGE this year...CoD 7, MoH, Splinter cell, Lost planet 2, Brink, Halo Reach, KZ3, Gears, Crysis and Alan Wake...plus whatever surprises at E3....

Quick...somebody ring the bell...It's time to RUMBLE...

Government Cheese5223d ago

I bet some of these news sites had an embargo placed on them until today, because the game was set to be revealed last night. But since it got a last minute delay, they didn't have any time to delay the embargo either so Edge was within their 'right' to reveal the game lol. Sorry Cliff

GameGambits5223d ago

A lot of this doesn't add up. Hasn't Cliffy always said he wants the game to be a bit slower paced with stop and pop gameplay. If there is things that rip you out of cover, and other grenades that burrow in the ground to get you out of cover, then it seems kind of like a full on gameplay changer for the game series as a whole.

If this pans out being true Monday, then wow I'd be pissed as Cliffy B, because it lowers the hype.

sid4gamerfreak5222d ago

Has the game been announced already?

oh wait, this is edge?

Now everything seems to make sense...

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5222d ago
Fishy Fingers5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Under water huh, they better be in some form of vehicle because if I see Marcus swimming about in that suit I'll laugh my ass off.

Edit: To those disagreeing, you can imagine someone in COG armour swimming? Or is it more like, "is he saying something negative about Gears, I dont know, better disagree"

The Time Reaper5223d ago

Yup. Logic be damned. You're a fanboy for saying anything.

Good ole N4G.

IaMs125223d ago

I didnt disagree but i do see what your saying but who the hell cares its a freaking game, if you want reality walk out your door.

Solidus187-SCMilk5223d ago

maybe its to drill a hole in the ocean floor and flood the locust holes.

Fishy Fingers5223d ago

My bad for trying to make a light hearted observation. Sometimes I forget gaming is serious business.

GameOn5223d ago

I have actually seen giant lumps of metal float. seriously though, we don't know anything about their armor except that they have a metallic finnish.

Godmars2905223d ago

You never know: the padding beneath the armor might be enough to counter its weight in water.

Greysturm5223d ago

It most be heavy as hell to explain the way they move and their limited sprint time.

Fishy Fingers5223d ago

Actually, we know pretty much everything about every type of armour http://gearsofwar.wikia.com...

Seriously though, I was just joking.

The Time Reaper5223d ago

+Bub Fishy. Humor isn't allowed in gaming.

Best not to mock Snake's cardboard box hiding either.

Kratos Spartan5223d ago

today you are a PS3 fanboy. Which side will you be on tomorrow? Stay tuned to N4G for the latest update...

SolidSystem5223d ago

Bioshock big daddy moment. the Cog's gear weighs em down, so we will walk on the ocean floor perhaps...

or maybe we can see the fabled female cog.... wet.

sikbeta5223d ago

Ah... maybe the Suits are "amphibious", I mean the suits are huge enough to have all of kind of stuffs, who knows...

Montrealien5223d ago

I don`t know what`s funnier, the hilarious comment Fishy put up. Or the fact that he is suprised by the reaction he got. rofl

corneliuscrust5223d ago

there is no limited sprint time in Gears...least not in Gears2. Been a while since I've played the original

k-Lan5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

It doesn't sound like you were joking to me. lol! It's the most common excuse to use when you make yourself look like an ass. lol!!

kwicksandz5223d ago

lol @ fishys indignant reaction. Im sure if i was to browse his post history id find a distinct lack of jokes about ps3 exclusives =)

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5223d ago
Kamikaze1355223d ago

They went out of their way to show off new game mechanics at E3 a few years ago. They also went into detail showing off the new capabilities of the engine Gears of War 2 ran on. In the end, none of the features they mention made it into the game; not the important ones, anyway. I hope the same doesn't happen this time around.

nilamo5223d ago

Lol fail, every feature that was shown in that tech demo made it into the game. Locusts swarms? in the game. Meatball? did you miss that worm level? better watereffects? in the game. Tiles that can be shot of the environments? in the game.

Kalowest5223d ago

Most if not all of those features made it into GeoW2

mcnablejr5223d ago

the features he mentioned were present, but not in the way which i had hoped, most of them didnt seem quite as amazing as they appeared to be in the tech demo's.


@ mcnablejr

totally agree..

technically yes the new stuff did make it into the game... but the way they were actually implemented in the final game didn't do them any favors in my opinion.

none of it impressed and the destructible cover and all that was a joke. whats the point just having bits chip off with the under section remaining the same and making no difference to your position.

anyway, lets see what gears 3 holds, gears 2 was a let down for me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5222d ago


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anast140d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


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402d ago
402d ago
KicksnSnares402d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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dazzysima559d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto560d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned560d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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