
New Tekken 6 Footage

Check out the new gameplay footage of Tekken 6 VS match.

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Phantom_Lee6287d ago

I hope Raven is not dead....

Blankman6287d ago

lol. i heard destructible environments were being added. The slam thru d glass. is tht wat was intended?

jpod6287d ago

Yea, there is an area on one of the stages where you can go thru glass.
Can't wait for this game. From reading around, people have said graphics are greater than vF5 and DOA by far even though this is still beta. Can't wait for teh real thing. New animations for all, system going back to t4/ttt like. Too good, can't wait.

jlytle12346287d ago

tekken 4 and ttt are nothing alike. tekken 4 was the weird tekken that no one liked. then tekken 5 was made. it resembles ttt. tekken 6 should be the style of ttt and tekken 5 crossed with the environment of tekken 4. you gotta know your stuff.

jpod6287d ago

Um, if you're talking to me, I do know my stuff. I've also been reading and watching a lot of vids to see why people say what they say. T4/TTT like means it's got elements from both games. Supposedly the juggles are T4 like with TTT execution. Movement seems to be TTT like again, but these are just from what I've read and seen. Until I play it for myself, I won't know for sure, but these are what top players are saying. Also T5 was already made TTT like.

Skynetone6287d ago (Edited 6287d ago )

Ill pick it up when it hits the bargain bin

How about a section were ya fight on glass and after a few seconds it breaks making you fall to your death, so you have to keep moving to stay-alive, last glass standing wins

and for the people robbing my bubbles, give them back there not yours

timmyp536287d ago

in mortal kombat.. i wonder if tekken will have it.. and oh yea...bad quality vids

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Sexy Videogame Robots

In response the recent UK survey, which shows 1 in 5 Brits would have sex with a Robot - Rice Digital takes a look at the videogame robots they'd most like to sleep with.

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Patashnik3785d ago

Some of those were just... wtf?

Don't think I've laughed so much in ages!

DaveyB3785d ago

The Chibi Robo one made me laugh - but the GLaDOS one was o_0


Tekken Bishoujo Ling Xiaoyu Figure Revealed

Following its official release in other territories this autumn, The Ling Xiaoyu Bishoujo Statue is now officially available throughout Europe. The latest addition to the popular line of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Bishoujo Statues, Ling Xiaoyu is based on a new illustration by master Japanese illustrator Shunya Yamashita.

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New Tekken Bishoujo Statue Launches: Alisa Bosconovitch

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