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Uncharted 2 May Be The Greatest Game in Existence

The stats, and awards speak for itself. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves could very well be the greatest game ever made. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves continues to win awards and get nominated world wide, almost 6 months after its release. The most recent nominations come from the GAME British Academy Video Games Awards, nominating Uncharted 2:Among Thieves for 10 awards. What other game has ever received this type of recognition in the past? None would come close to what Naughty Dog has created.

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Not news, opinion. and not even a good opinion. if this was an opinion for a 360 exclusive, it would never fly on n4g. also, uncharted 2 is kinda lame.
Sub4Dis5190d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Darkfocus5190d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Jesus another one.
AliTheBrit195190d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
2FootYard5190d ago

I don't know about all that. I'm having more fun with Onimusha 2.

Comet5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

I doubt this is all of the awards its received:

I don't consider Uncharted 2 a game, but an experience...

God of War 3 is GOTY '10
PS3, it only does GOTY


A fair game that the ps3 gets, and the fanboys get all horny about it..

Have you guys heard of Halo 3?

2+ years of release and millions still play it today!!
Did graphics matter?
Did it get many awards like U2?
Is it better than U2! HELL YEA!!!

Uncharted 2, 2+ months of release, 100 ppl online each day!
Now imagine when Uncharted 2, reaches 2+ years old, nobody is going to be playing online.

Its sad really!

lh_swe5190d ago

I have two questions 1.How old are you? 2. Do you own a PS3?

Comet5189d ago (Edited 5189d ago )

Are you 15 years old just like 90% of Xbox owners?
Go play power rangers and go "pyoo-pyoo" on your little aliens!

Oh, and I bet you get to play with all 80,000 kids online?
Uncharted 2 has 10,000 online and it brings more quality gameplay than any current of future 360 game!

Until there's a 360 game that can beat MGS4, Uncharted 2, and GOW 3 in terms of quality gameplay, don't even bother...

avengers19785189d ago

I don't know of any other game winning 4 different GOTY's. The single player campaign is amazing and co-op, and multiplayer are a lot of fun. The game looks great and plays even better, super controls, it basically nails everything, and ups the bar for the standard of games. Greatest of All Time, well it's in the running for sure.

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-Alpha5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

This is the upteenth "greatest game ever" article and winning numerous awards like this is recognition for technical feats and developer-related achievements. It does not prove a subjective opinion such as "greatest game in existence".

Also, judging a game based on achievements like this is not fair for games of past in which these awards never existed. Please stop with this "greatest game ever" articles, it's all subjective and stuff like this ends up becoming very inflammatory. As much as I love Uncharted 2 receiving awards doesn't make it the greatest no more than review scores make GTA IV the "greatest"

Chupa-Chupa5190d ago

You make a good point, regarding the older games, when awards like these were not around, but Uncharted 2 is simply dominating everything and anything it touches. 6 months after and it is still receiving awards.

Al Bundy5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

Is the author not entitled to his opinion? You say it's subjective, which it is, yet you have a problem with the author having an opinion. Hypocrisy.

Cold 20005190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

Final Fantasy 9 for me and MGS1 coming in as close second.

Whats your favorite game guys ?

-Alpha5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

Did I say he isn't entitled to his opinion? I have no problem with him having an opinion, just with the justification. Don't make inferences if your not going to reason well Bundy. It would be much more sensible to write that "UC2 breaks Award Records" or talking about UC2's latest awards. Saying its the greatest game ever due to awards when the concept is subjective and very vague doesn't follow.

Caper below says it best-- it's highly annoying seeing such a bold claim constantly about a game when there are varying tastes for gamers. If "greatness" is achieved through whoever receives the most awards then shouldn't the same be said about review scores? There is no justification then, to write up something that says Zelda OoT is the greatest game ever because of review scores. He tries to make a universal claim which doesn't make sense since the opinion is subjective. Of course, saying "UC2 is the greatest game IMO" wouldn't make for a good headline, so he uses achievements to justify it. I have no problem with the article, just that saying its the greatest game ever because of awards doesn't make sense when these awards never existed for games of past-- the reasoning is simply flawed.

Greatness in gaming has been measured in numerous ways: sales, popularity, brand power, awards, etc. No one way dictates the right answer.

DaTruth5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

It's not subjective at all, just everyone might not agree. But the movie that sweeps more awards than any other movie is generally accepted as the greatest.

Edit:Maybe some of these awards didn't exist before, but what percentage of possible awards did it win in comparison to older games and awards of their times!

I think Uncharted 2 has won every award for gaming/developing in the business!

Michael Myers5190d ago

no game in existance has ever got that many awards! the only game that came close was metal gear solid 4: sons of the patriots. a true metal gear game, not a knockoff like rising. everything , the gameplay, the music, the features, and online blend together perfect.

Greywulf5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

Awards aren't by [email protected]/ihateps3. Its industry professionals and co-workers giving recognition where recognition is due. If Awards were the same as reviews, then UC2 wouldn't get any because its just a "DUDE RAIDER" & oh yeah, the unreal engine runs circles around the technology!

Your silly statement would be better if GTA4 won as many awards as UC2 did, but unfortunately, it only won praise from the reviewers Microsoft & Rockstar shipped to paris to play the game after getting wined and dined. The same guys that forgot to mention the online was busted, that it had less to do than San Andreas, and that Saints row 2 was the real successor to the violent over the top GTA series.

If a general consensus of your peers, which is what all awards are made of by the way, isn't good enough to declare UC2 possibly one of the greatest games of all time, then please, enlighten us. What is YOUR criteria for Greatest game ever? And have there been any great games before UC2, and what was their criteria?

Thats where you will own yourself clear as the day is long. You can't keep stalking UC2 stories and crying about it getting praise for being a legit addition to gaming history. All of the reasons it was knocked for, it made up for, and went beyond. The story is great, the voice acting & chemistry of the actors was great as well.

I guess in your mind, the whole "AWARD" system should be thrown away from Earths history.. since Uncharted2 just won all of them?

So in your world, nothing deserves an award? Since its just an opinion of a person that voted? If the population & professionals agree that UC2 is one of the best games to come around in a long time, who the hell are you to say otherwise Alpha? I don't see you crying when MS says they have the "HIGHEST RATED" games?

@ Above:

"everything , the gameplay, the music, the features, and online blend together perfect. "

Exactly. UC2 knocked it out of the park, raised the bar for gaming as we know it. Yet, theres Alpha..

and back @ Alpha

Awards have always been used to deem the best of the best, but now that UC2 is taking them all home, its time to say they don't matter and cant be used as a measuring stick of greatness or quality? Thats a joke. Its been the stick we've used for ALL GAMES IN THE PAST, but now its different this time around? You knew full well the difference between reviews & awards for all other generations, but now.. theres confusion. You're sad.

To use your own words:

"Greatness in gaming has been measured in numerous ways: sales, popularity, brand power, awards, etc."

I agree, Awards do measure greatness, and if UC2 gets the most of them...? I mean is it this hard to spell this one out? Awards goes with being popular, having a brand, and getting decent sales does it not? Its like you're arguing with yourself almost. Its not like awards are given to obscure titles generally, sometimes even exceptions are made, like with Flower winning an award.(but i guess its meaningless since its just an opinion?)

athlon7705190d ago

What is with all the hate? Do you not like Claudia Black as an actress and because she voices for one of the characters you hate this game by mere association? Would you feel better if Gears won best musical score? WHAT?

deadreckoning6665190d ago

So the greatest game in existence is the one that gets the most awards. Oh my, how gaming has fallen :(

mal_tez925190d ago

I'd put Uncharted 1 as the greatest game in existence.

DaTruth5190d ago

That reminds me! GOW3 for best musical score 2010!

xTruthx5190d ago


So in superbowls, the one with the trophy isn't the best ? ah ok, now thats LOGIC right there

Yeah just because you win medals for being #1 doesn't mean you really are according to deadreckoning666.

jack_burt0n5190d ago


To me they are pretty equal, that opening bit on the boat from the first game is just such a great set piece its just good times all round.

athlon7705190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

I finally put FF13 down and opened my copy of GOW3. Another great game...brutal even. But yes, another game with a great soundtrack.

menoyou5190d ago

The first was ground breaking and only got 8/10 from the biased media. I haven't played the second but if even the biased media calls it GOTY, I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was the greatest game ever made.

athlon7705190d ago

If you played Drakes Fortune, I would absolutly suggest at least renting Among Theives. It is truely a great game. Don't know about "greatest game in existance"...but it is a great game. I still get together with a couple of friends and do the multiplayer. I have always wanted to get back to getting some of the trophies but FF13 and GOW3 currently have my attention. :)

halojunkie5190d ago

and cold200 shutit. you cant ever give credit when its due

5190d ago
Sm0k3y_Bac0n5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

My favourite game? Very hard. From the PS2 its probs FFX. This gen...Mirrors edge, BFBC, COD4 or Bioshock. Too many games this gen to choose from.

Uncharted 2 is good, but as an all round package...It hasn't got the best MP. The single player is very good, but again, its not the best. (Prefered Bioshock and MGS4's story)

EDIT: @ truth. The difference between the superbowl trophies and medals is that it isnt subjective to opinion. There is a winner and a loser. Media doesnt work like that.

@ Godfather - Prefer BFBC to KZ myself, but KZ is really good. Maps like Tharsis Depot are a bit drab though.

jammy_705190d ago

Uncharted 2, mgs3, San andreas, tomb raider 1, and crash 3/ spyro 1. Oh now that's some great games lol

GodFather875190d ago

We should thank ND for this game every single day. I really can't wait for the next Uncharted. But the PS3 has so much more to offer like great games like a Killzone 2 for example. In my opinion an amazing shooter which still has not been exceeded. Killzone 2 is my favorite shooter of all time.

siyrobbo5190d ago

personally nothing beats the original tetris

such a simple idea with infinite replayability

Chimerhazzard5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

Final Fantasy IX Is also my favorite game of all time :D I beated it 4 times and would do a 5th run if I didn't have better games to play :)

@ halojunkie and dragonwars

And why are ou guys bashing Cold 2000? He only gave his personal opinion on his favorite game :S he didn't try to bash Uncharted 2. Just because he didn't say it was the best game of all time you don't have to attack him I think :\

The Wood5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

better awards like goty than teh salez mate. You have to admit it U2 pretty much covered every base: Gameplay, graphics, story, music, sound, Multiplayer, and even teh salez.

Dont be coy, what should we grade it by. Its not my personal best game of all time (maybe futurewars by delphine studios or super mario sunshine) but as its stands it deserves to be put among the best. Of course its a matter of taste and opinion but the industry has collectively acknowledge U2 as a masterpiece. So again....what should the criteria be mate? Dont pull apart what somebody else has said without at least telling us what you feel it should be. Thats deflecting

-Alpha5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

Greywulf, I understand your points and thank you for the reasoning. You are right. Awards do indicate a game's greatness, but I find that calling it the greatest is a rather sticky issue: I can understand Uncharted 2 is a terrific game but I certainly don't think it's "the greatest"

But please, don't confuse my attitude towards how people perceive games with me hating Uncharted 2. "You can't keep stalking UC2 stories and crying about it getting praise for being a legit addition to gaming history" Er, I've praised UC2 numerous times and appreciate the game, try to understand that the problem comes with pushing a perspective or idea down as its fact.

My biggest issue with articles like this is that they create a very unified and sometimes unfair distinction between games: Fanboys especially use this sort of stuff to fuel a games greatness and it becomes near-impossible to then criticize UC2 without being perceived as some sort of hater. UC2 is a great game, it deserves its awards, and I have no idea why YOU think that I have a problem with the game: my only problem comes with how this sort of stuff starts to make it impossible to criticize UC2 as if it's "perfect"

Inside_out5190d ago

UC2 easily the most over hyped, over rated game..maybe in all gaming. Add that to it's awards list...LMFAO...Zero originality...As a matter of fact it spends all it's time copying other won awards so it's the best. What a joke...

UC2 has some of the worst game play this gen...The gun play from the barbaric weapons with the worst firecracker sound effects, to the idiotic grenade throwing mechanic are dismal at have to look up in the sky to throw with any distance...LMAO...Platforming stolen from Prince of Persia sands of time, right down to the mirror level and the death sequence, music and all... WITHOUT any of the genius...Strange drops in audio, nothing like being up on a mountain with no audio or back ground snow level with the " demon Yeti "...was laughable, terrible textures and collision detection. Should I mention the AI villager that didn't speak English BUT kept talking...LMFAO...and the Yeti...did that look next gen to anybody, AI that stares but doesn't shoot, Gears wipes the floor with these ending bugs...stuck in the sandbags outside hotel level...terrible bosses like the dreaded helo attack, real next gen stuff here folks...oh no a helo for the tenth The truck driving scene on the side of the mountain...looked great...for xbox 1...Game froze on me, ever here of that problem...The story steals every Indiana Jones movie cliche made...AND...I could go on forever...but...the biggest flaw that all PS3, cell processor-ed powered games seem to have...cut scene, after cut scene, after CUT SCENE...Open a door cut scene, run into somebody, cut scene, See a statue, yep, a cut scene....

The fact this game has won so many awards with so many problems says alot...MW2 has outsold this game 3 to 1, probably more...We are talking MILLIONS and MILLIONS of gamers have choosen MW2 over UC2 even with some multi player glitches...Millions playing on line everyday, all over the world...YET...UC2 gets the awards...Hmmmm...UC2 is for Ma, PA, kids, and CASUAL gamers who can't handle hardcore gaming, thats why the wii is in first place this gen...Like I said, The rats have taken over the ship....

The Wood5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

i sense a lot of hate and confusion in ur ur prescriptions thoroughly ;)

thehitman5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

UC2 is perfect. Not 1 part of the game I can say "oh only if" or "dam you should be able to" or "shyt this part sux". Unless you have valid reasons for saying its not a masterpiece then you cant downplay it as 1 of the greatest games ever created.

Edit: Lol @ Cez I know your entitled to your opinion but wow lol its like you woke up on a different planet or w/a a dyck in your ass lol. Rofl @ gears being better in anyway and how can u compare a multiplayer shooter to a action game tell me what action game sold as much as cod?

mal_tez925190d ago

The set pieces in U2 are definitely the best in any game I've evr played. I like U1 because it has better shooting mechanics.

Drake in centre screen instead of bottom left, strong guns, fast moving bullets, no aimer during run n' gun, less guns and ammo scattered everywhere. All these made the gunfights in U1 more fun than in U2.

I also liked how there were more cramped tight spaces in U1, the open environments are not as fun for shootouts. The best shootout in U2 is the chapter "only one way out" all the corridors and tunnels made for some awesome close quarters combat, same as in the train levels.

jlar5190d ago

You have obviously never played the game. lol
If you played it, then you should know that it's more efficient to throw the grenade where you aim and not by aiming at the sky. lol
-it was part of the tutorial wich you couldn't have skipped in order to progress.
The graphics are really some of the best, as anyone with eyes can see. The gameplay is faster, smoother and even has more enemys that gears fo war. I have gears, but its not as action packed imo.

The multiplayer used to be good, but know with the recent update....all you have to do is memorize the respawn positions and you will always get the most kills...........that sucks.

This dude even talks about the audio. Hahahaha gears has some of the worst audio in gaming. Almost all of the characters are have AWFUL voice acting, not to mention corny lines. The audio is also forgetable with no reall attempt at creating an atmosphere like U2 did.

You can complain about the graphics and sound, the story was alright yet nothing special, but the fact is that U2 is winning awards for a reason. Your gears is obviously outmatched in quality and gameplay, trust me I have both, but to bash on an awsome game is just flat out childish and biased(you know what you are).

I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time, that's why i took the time to comment on you "cez of rage," cause you need to spend your life go out and get a girl for love's sake and just enjoy life with out pouring your negativity on a great game in which many people worked hard for. In the end we should all appreciate the games people are making for us and as well as bashing on games without actually playing them cause it insults the people who could have poured their hearts into it.

By the way I do love Gears of War, but not as much as U2...peace.

FamilyGuy5190d ago

The only game to possibly win GOTY more than one year in a row...

-Alpha5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

I can name a few issues I had:

-Cover mechanic a little clumsy at close quarters
-Easy as hell puzzles
-Repetitive boss fights (circle plus blindfire was the gist of most of them, not that I didn't enjoy them)
-AI weren't too smart during stealth missions

That's pretty much all my problems, I loved the game though. I don't mind that u think it's perfect, I really don't, but my issue comes with people thinking that it's NOT not perfect-- and what I mean by that is that people become so elitist with thinking a game is perfect that they aren't able to listen to people that have issues with it.

That's why I don't like articles like this that glorify a game. I find that it promotes a lot of incompetence towards criticism. Again, calling it the greatest game, even though it's a great game, is completely opinionated.

likedamaster5190d ago

Hardly the greatest game. It was great for its time. It innovated in nothing more than "highly polished set pieces". 'Greatest game in existence' is seriously pushing it. It's pure hyperbole from here on out. Quote me.

cmrbe5190d ago

Its pretty logical what the author is saying. Uncharted 2 has won the most awards in existence sofar therefore it "may be" the greatest game in existence, sofar. What is the issue here?.

Oh yes i forgot. Its a PS3 exclusive.

Its just amazing how something so simple gets others incensed.

sid4gamerfreak5189d ago

Not only is the game visually stunning, the gameplay mechanics and the interaction with environments really heighten up the experience and make the game engaging.

Akagi5189d ago

You used to have a lot more bubbles.

Gee, I wonder where they went.

Inside_out5189d ago

C'mon, jliar, you NEVER played Gears, you wouldn't know how...LOL...UC2 IS exactly as I said, gonna trade it in for Alan Wake, ever here of that game???...Kinda hard with your head in the sand ...The best you EVER played...then you haven't played ANYTHING...LMAO...

Gears manhandles ( something thehitmen KNOWS about ) UC2 in every way possible...If you played Gears 1&2 you would know that...Lets talk about the train level in UC2 since I haven't mentioned it earlier...I like the train level, its pretty, with the big scenery in the back ground, nice shadows and lighting on the train, train rocks back and forth, maybe a LITTLE to green but nice none the less. My favorite level in some ways...Some brain numbing platforming and gun play and the the dreaded helo attack...Not so good...Do you remember the train level on Gears 1...3 yrs earlier...Maybe you don't want to remember...The train level DESTROYS UC2 ( and KZ2 ) attempt to replicate it's know why kid, because there game engines are not up to that standard, 3 yrs remembers the Berserker...Did you see the detail in the Berseker...want to compare it to the Demon yeti...LMAO...Remember the Reavers, they FLY along side the train with 2 locust on there back shooting on you...did you see the details in those animations, how fluid and life like they looked...Remember the they explode with fleshy bits and pieces scattering everywhere including on our screen. All the enemies do... Lets not forget the grubs & drones that attack you through out... The lighting in the dark sequence was amazing, firing at the Reaver thru the train car window, flashes everywhere, INCREDIBLE... What about the weapons and cover system, the best in gaming right now... Last but not least MR Raam at the end of the can you or anybody compare that level of detail, physics to anything on PS3 let alone UC2...All in game and part of the gameplay...NOT cut scenes or RTE's that are in engine or floating in the back ground... You spend more time WATCHING UC2 than playing think I'm talking to kids here...

You like UC2 great, greatest game ever made..LOL...keep your head in the sand like other fanboys and ignore the other games past and present...Ignorance is I here...LOL..Just So you know kid, happily married with kids in a nice big house and ALL the game consoles....Play the games, know the TRUTH...Cheers.. :~}

jeseth5189d ago

You can certainly make the argument that Uncharted 2 is the most celebrated and critically acclaimed game of all time. You can even make the argument that it is the greatest game of all time. But the arguments will always stay there.

Greatest game of all time can be determined in so many ways to so many different people.

While UC2 is one of the best games this gen and set the bar for everyone else, determining the best video game is like determing the best Quarterback, Pitcher, Hitter, Running Back, etc. of all time. You'll argue til you're blue in the face and ine the end will be right where you started.

GodFather875189d ago

would agree without any doubt that Uncharted 2 belongs to the best games ever made. This game simply sets a new standard according to tech and overall gaming at least on consoles.

SaberEdge5189d ago

Well, I'd have to say that Uncharted 2 is MY favorite game of all time. It's just so so good. Naughty Dog are incredible developers.

Lykon5189d ago

i agree and you write well ... bubble. btw i love UC2

otherZinc5189d ago

This is the paper champion of all times!

There were 8 games sold in 09 (no Wii games included) that outsold Uncharted 2 in 2009.

See, these fabricated opinions can hype something to death but sales will tell the truth of what the end user feels about the game in question.

Uncharted 2 also should not have won game of the year! And, sales prove that clearly!

solar5189d ago

great game?...yes. best of all time? no.

dawgsfan1175189d ago

Look its not that I didnt love Uncharted 2 but since playing it I have never considered it the greatest game of all time. Hell I would say it was a toss up for greatest game of 2009 with Arkahm Asylum. Its beautiful and plays like an Indiana Jones film but there in lies the problem. Its nothing original.

My problems with the game:
-Lack of originality
-Terrible Stealth AI
-In Close Quarters the cover system was annoying as hell
-Puzzles were simple
-Boss fights were not that hard

But again I did love this game. The writing and voice acting are the best in any game ive ever played and I loved the variety of environments (which the train level showed of amazingly).

Games I think are better:
-Fallout 3
-Mass Effect 2(my opinion simply because of a better story)
-GTA San Andreas
-Resident Evil 4
-Half Life 2
-GoldenEye 007

I could name more but I feel like a made my point. Also consider this game didnt even crack the top 50 in Game Informers greatest games of all time.

Denethor_II5189d ago

That fence must be giving you a sore bum:)

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GR8 15190d ago

Halo to me is The Greatest Game in Existence and it doesn't need any awards just take a look at the Millions who play the game which u won't find on ps3 those numbers.

Uncharted 2 May Be The Greatest Game in Existence:

My ass it is.

CernaML5190d ago

Totally. I mean, just look at all the millions who still go to McDonalds. It must be the greatest fast food restaurant ever. Now excuse me while I go to some concerts with the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and Lady Gaga since they are all very popular as well. :D

mrv3215190d ago

More people play farmville than Halo. So Framville>Halo?

I don't think Uncharted 2 deserve best game ever... we'll have to wait. That's the thing your forgetting, Uncharted 2 came out last year... most of it's rivals came out before this generation. It's an outstanding game none the less.

awesomeperson5190d ago

You saying that cheap cars are better then expensive cars...

That you would prefer a cheap shed over a mansion?

Quantity isn't quality.

RagTagBnd4455189d ago

Well, World of Warcraft is probably the most played retail game so that must be the best game ever? No, it is just the game with the widest appeal.

Also saying some game is the best game ever is something kids do, right?

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morganfell5190d ago (Edited 5190d ago )

If it isn't the top then it is a damn close second. In order for such an article to be written some time is needed from launch and the writer allowed that to pass.

As regards Alpha-Male's comments above, those words sound strangely hollow compared to his earlier remarks that writers are entitled to their opinion. The fact is many games receive such lauded remarks but few of them approach the level of praise or fidelity found in this game.

So unless detractors of these articles are prepared to deny hypocrisy by posting similar comments in EVERY similar article then perhaps such comments are best left unposted.

Omegasyde5190d ago

The thing is the author of the article did his research and this game won alot of game of the year awards last year and did push the envelope on a single player campaign.

Game also won those designer/developer awards.

In my opinion, this game is tied with Orcarina of Time. That game was epic for it's time.

ViciousBoston5190d ago

I can believe this. While yes some awards never existed before for videogames, do you still make the same assesment in the case of Barry Bonds v Babe Ruth/Hank Aaron? Babe

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Abnor_Mal1493d ago

Currently playing Drakes Fortune on crushing, next will be to replay Among Thieves, but I'm sure it still holds up today.

P_Bomb1492d ago (Edited 1492d ago )

Recently re-platinumed 1-3. Uncharted 2 aged better than I even expected. I enjoyed it more now than I did a decade ago. It’s more polished than 1, tighter than 3 and Yemen in 3 was gorgeous. Shambhala out-prettied Ubar though. 60fps w higher res’ made for a damn good rerun.

Abnor_Mal1492d ago

Question: When you say Uncharted2 aged better than expected, are you talking about the original PS3 game or the remastered collection on PS4. I ask because I think that a remastered version of the game would look and play better than the original.

I doubt that the original ran at 60 frames, how many years old is the remastered collection anyway.

I need to replay the original trilogy along with the collection, not a fan of the collection trophy of beating levels in a set time and don't think the originals required that for platinum.

P_Bomb1491d ago (Edited 1491d ago )

It’s true that the remasters have upped the resolution and given it 60fps, but the base game is the same. The art design and base textures/physics/ animations are the same yet still look contemporary. More-so than UC1 which isn’t as tight, or UC3 in some cases which I found a bit clunky in close quarters.

UC2 level design was a great evolution in bringing the verticality from the jungle into rural/urban settings while maintaining smooth animation transitions. Drake still moves better than the ginger in Star Wars Jedi. Outdoor areas are better lit.

UC2 also has more action and better pacing imo, which helps when replaying a game 10 years later. Kept me engaged.

You don’t need to time trial for platinum. They stuck the speedrun trophies in a seperate extended dlc category so have no fear.

MadLad1493d ago

I thought the originals were good, but not great. I understand that puts me in the minority here. That said, Uncharted 4 was freaking fantastic.

Profchaos1492d ago (Edited 1492d ago )

Yeah I understand the hate for 4 prior to playing it I was firmly against it and felt like 3 wrapped things up already but now after playing it I think it was the best in the franchise.

Now I look back at two and I feel like I'm playing an on the rails shooter everything is so tightly scripted including the infamous train scene you simply can't make a mistake

Rimeskeem1492d ago

I think Uncharted 2 is a lot like AC2. Both games took the idea and basically improved it in every single way.

Movefasta19931492d ago

Uc2, AC2,Halo2, Soul calibur 2, Killzone 2, Infamous 2 , Dishonored 2 and a few more. The only negative thing I have against uc2, and imo it annoyed me,are the blue apes, uncharted 1 handled the super natural far better.


15 Best Action Set Pieces in the Uncharted Series

Cultured Vultures: What's your favourite moment from the Uncharted franchise? Here are 15 that got our blood pumping.

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Community1528d ago
Imalwaysright1528d ago

My favorite is the building collapsing on Uncharted 2.

goldwyncq1527d ago

The entire final chapter of The Lost Legacy is the best setpiece in the series and it wasn't even mentioned.