
Perfect Dark Eurogamer review

Eurogamer writes:

Of all the things I wasn't expecting to stumble across in the XBLA remake of Perfect Dark, Peter Molyneux was quite high on the list. But there he is, the founder of Lionhead, a key creative force behind Populous, Theme Park, and the Syndicate series, waiting patiently in a dataDyne elevator so that Joanna can pop out from a nearby grating and kick him in the head.

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-MD-5252d ago (Edited 5252d ago )

Boooo! 10/10.

Good review though clearly this game is still fun to many people.

The BS Police5252d ago

His biggest complaint is how the game developers were not holding his hand when he got lost in the first stage which really isn't difficult to navigate at all.

bioshock12215252d ago

Seriously but 8 is still a good score definitely gonna get this

Cueil5251d ago

for a game as old as dirt... and older than some of the posters haha

kwicksandz5251d ago

im not one to complain about review scores. but if any game has ever deserved a 10 it is this one. FPS today still havent caught up to its featureset

ape0075251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

an 8 (which is a good score) because its an old game and under the xbo xlive arcade name

but in reality this game is a perfect 10 out of 10, I've never played or seen anything like it. period

@BS police, Eurogamer you are a fuking joke,that complain they issued in their so called Review is what make this game so legendary

one of the secrets that made perfect dark so amazing was exploring levels, search for objectives, I guess the reviewer is a lazy @ss modern shooter fan that wants straight lines with checkpoints, moving forward from point A to point B Or arrow guides, the game design is genius, it's wonderful to explore

Perjoss5251d ago

an 8, same score they gave Metal Gear Solid 4, this must be really good then.

y0haN5251d ago

Eurogamer gave MGS4 an 8? Wow, idiots.

edgeofblade5251d ago

8/10 for a 10 year old game with an HD facelift? I'd say that's pretty good.

RockmanII75251d ago

Because one reviewer has a different opinion than you, that makes everyone associated with him an idiot.

Claudinho695251d ago

^^ no it just clearly shows thats a idiot move

jessupj5251d ago

To be fair, God of War: Collection got pretty good scores.

But this was the funnest game playing with 4 friends on the N64. Love sticking laptop guns just above a door :D I was a sneaky bastard.

RockmanII75251d ago

Every game gets reviews that aren't 10's and 9's, nothing to complain about. And my point was that that was one reviewer. How can you say everyone that reviews for that site is an idiot because one reviewer gave a game from 2007 an 8.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5251d ago
Natsu X FairyTail5252d ago

8 IS a Good score for a XBLA title. If you're a fan of GOlden Eye and stuff this is a Good purchase.

Mo0eY5251d ago (Edited 5251d ago )

But but but Perfect Dark is suppose to be one of the best games for Xbox 360 this year!

Sorry bots, it was good 15 years ago when I played it on my N64. Let's hope Jason 360's big game, Metro 2033, proves to be worthwhile, LOL.

P.S. Murderdolls, give up, man. Rare ain't what they use to be - how many times have I told you that? Just look at Nuts and Bolts - that was by far one of the most highly anticipated games, and it turned out to be such a letdown that I lost all faith in Rare.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5251d ago

I know an 8 that sucks right, looks like it will only be Frozen Rain good but at least better than MAG and WKC :)

PopEmUp5251d ago

just lol, you seem to act like some angel, well you're not. When a game on ps3 got an 8, you sound like some stupid kid ranting and think it like the worses games ever made, but when it come to your belove console games you act like some 40 years old virgin. Get a life dude

plb5251d ago

I don't ever recall anyone saying Perfect Dark going to be the best game of the year. The game has been out for 10 years now this is just a HD remake for XBLA. You sound like an idiot btw

2FootYard5251d ago

Mooey, I'm come to expect better trolling from you. You done gone and let me down boy.

Droid Smasha5251d ago

hes resorted to trolling xbla games hahahaha

-MD-5251d ago

Nuts and Bolts was awesome you clearly didn't play it.

mcnablejr5251d ago

He pmed me a few times thinking that i didnt have a ps3.
i Do have one, Brilliant movie player.

snesfangirl5251d ago

SONY aren't what they used to be. have fun with your hundred dollar wii-mote ripoff from sony. i'd rather have a wii than that thing, especially since now i have a broken bone in my shoulder.

just love how droids say such and such aren't the same anymore, look at the copy cats, aka sony now, then tell me who isn't who anymore. RETARDED DROID.

edgeofblade5251d ago

Rare isn't what it used to be. Totally granted. One of Microsoft's worst business decisions of all time.

However, PD is the cream of the crop of classic Rare. It's great that they resurrected this dinosaur.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5251d ago
Nicholas Cage5251d ago

i guess i wont be getting this game then, i was looking forward to it.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5251d ago

You wont be getting this anyway because you don't have a 360.

ape0075251d ago

your comment make me laugh

peeps5251d ago

you wont be getting it because it got an 8/10... haha ok then

unknownhero11235251d ago

who are you kidding? I bet you don't even have a 360. everyone knows that perfect dark was the Sh*t back in the day. enjoy your console bias while I play PD next week.

OT: so the reviewer gave it an 8? it's more like a 10 in my book, it's that good. I had fun with the mutiplayer, used to make some nice senarios like alien outbreak, hunting the jedi, fight club, really fun times.

btw, does anyone know the download size?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5251d ago
Legionaire20055251d ago

This review failed thumbs down lol!!!!

Show all comments (44)

Don't Let The Botched Switch Release Fool You, Perfect Dark Is A Masterpiece

If Perfect Dark reboot's superb reveal pleased you and you're about to try the Switch release, stop right there; play the PC port instead.


Perfect Dark Reboot's Stunning Gameplay Checks All The Deus Ex Boxes For Me

Perfect Dark surprises in its gameplay reveal as the creative mechanics and incredible design choices bring back the Deus Ex feel perfectly.

isarai42d ago


Maybe you got your games confused but that was nothing like deus ex besides being a fps

Sonic188142d ago

It had more of mirror edge and Dying Light than dues ex

AsimLionheart40d ago

I don't get it. I watched the trailer and saw nothing mind-blowing. Why are articles trying to hype up a heavily scripted and edited supposed gameplay segment from a game stuck in development since founding of the Initiative studio in 2018? It wasn't even an actual live gameplay or a handson preview. Remember the early Crackdown 3 gameplay trailers and how the actual game looked and played?

Gameplay videos mean nothing without actual handson gameplay. This game has been in development hell for nearly 6 years with still no release date in sight. Games stuck in development hell almost never turn out to be good. People are only setting themselves up for disappointment by hyping this game up.

porkChop41d ago

Idk when I watched the gameplay to me it seemed like a mix of Deus Ex: HR and Mirror's Edge.

RaidenBlack41d ago

It had a sci-fi immersive sim feel (when not parkouring) ... which is Deus Ex's territory ... hence the comparison

MrBaskerville41d ago

Did seem like it had potential imsim elements. Probably less rpg stuff than deus ex I'd wager.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 39d ago
Inverno41d ago

I don't get how a scripted and edited gameplay video can have you believe this game is anything like Deus Ex. Especially without it having much context as to what the general gameplay loop will be like.

MrBaskerville41d ago

We saw some hacking, stealth, combat and such, that's where the vibe came from. Seems like you might get a wide variety of options for dealing with the levels. That's why people think of Deus Ex. It

Inverno41d ago

Yes but how many games have we've seen that have shown off mechanics that give the impression that it'll be one way and then turns out there isn't really much depth to those gameplay mechanics other than just being extra padding? Can't trust gameplay videos these days, half of it is deceitful marketing.

aaronaton40d ago

Same, I thought the animation quality was subpar. I don't understand what people are seeing that I'm not!?

Crows9040d ago

You're correct. Xbox fans have been not getting anything "exclusive" for so long that they don't know how to control themselves when after mostly 2 entire generations they've gotten close to nothing.

They lack the ability to look at things critically.

Crows9040d ago

Oh geez. People have really gotten drunk on the MS show Koolaid.

They didn't show what the game will be or play like at all.
If anything it seems to try to take the cyberpunk approach. So I'm actually really concerned for it since they didn't show anything specific or any long period of gameplay segments. It didn't show what the world would be like and how you fit in that world either


Insider Claims Perfect Dark Reboot Remains in a 'Very Rough State

Insider reveals Xbox's Perfect Dark reboot struggles in development, far from ready despite ongoing efforts.

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helicoptergirl78d ago (Edited 78d ago )

The hits just keep on coming. Will not be surprised if this gets canned. It already got rebooted and they had to bring on an outside studio to try and help developement. Some of the original creatives have left the project.

But I will say, just wait until the MS showcase. If you don't see it there, then alarm bells should start ringing.

RaidenBlack41d ago

looks like we don't need those alarm bells anymore

343_Guilty_Spark40d ago

Looking like a very dumb comment now

helicoptergirl37d ago

"But I will say, just wait until the MS showcase. If you don't see it there, then alarm bells should start ringing."

Are you stupid or something? Just asking. Because I clearly said, regardless of the infomation, I told people to "WAIT until the Xbox Showcase".

Snookies1278d ago

God, please don't screw this one up Microsoft! I am keeping my expectations super low, but Perfect Dark (the original) holds such a special place in my childhood. I want this to turn out well SO bad.

helicoptergirl78d ago

Are you expecting the game to be shown at the upcoming Xbox Showcase?

neutralgamer199278d ago

Just cancel it because we know you won’t be happy with its sales performance while giving it away on GP day one. GP is the biggest issue for developers and that affects the sales. No one can deny that now. GP equals to good deal for gamers and bad deals for AAA development. Take two CEO said it and he was 100% right. There are certain games that make sense on GP but not every game. 20 million gamers playing a game on GP doesn’t mean much to MS it seems because they still want sales. Just please start releasing all games on other platforms otherwise Phil is next now. You can’t spend 80 billion and be this bad

Inverno78d ago

The studio was founded in 2018. It's still not adding up in my head how it can take 6 years to develop a game, with a whole dev studio working on it.

jjb198178d ago

This is the only upcoming MS game I'm looking forward to. I hope it doesn't get canceled.