
GameOn: Army of Two The 40th Day Review

GameOn writes: "Army of Two: The 40th Day sees the return of lovable mercenaries Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem, set to wreak havoc upon the streets of Shanghai when a "simple" contract turns into total chaos. The whole city starts to collapse around you, entire buildings start exploding around you, the civilian populace fleeing for their lives, and even at one point you even see a plane fly into the very tower block you're trying to ex-filtrate from. This scenario quickly turns into one of simple survival as you try to escape the armageddon."

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Top 10 Xbox 360 Games That Need to be Backward Compatible

Kevin F. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Many of the best Xbox 360 games are playable on the Xbox One and Series X|S consoles. Some even with some enhanced visuals and performance. Unfortunately, not every game from the Xbox 360 library has received this glorious feat of being able to be played on more modern Microsoft consoles."

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Orchard1181d ago

Max Payne 3 needs to be on that list.

1181d ago
autobotdan1181d ago

The Spider-man games will never happen. The xbox 360 Marvel Ultimate Alliance games have a better chance of happening than Spider-man titles but won't happen. The Xbox One Ultimate Alliance games delisted years ago

Vits1180d ago

Yeah... you can totally forget about those entries that got delisted because of licensing issues. Those are not happening.

MetalProxy1180d ago

Wait everything isn’t BC? You guys act like it is lol

porkChop1180d ago

Almost all of the games people want to play are BC, and that's a hell of a lot better than having none available.

ApocalypseShadow1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

Almost all the games people want to play? Not true. Majority picks screw over the minority who have games collecting dust. Metal is right. Fans make it seem that it's all. 39/997 games from OG Xbox is NOT all. 568/2154 from 360 is NOT all. But you guys play it up like it is.

And from my count, there are 4,000+ PS4 BC games on PS5 that I see. And almost every VR game. Series X has no Kinect games or Kinect 2. But you played that up too. No more dancing.

As for the article, some of the BC games make sense. The others with Spider-Man aren't happening.

1180d ago
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God of War 3, The Last of Us, Army of Two, Skate 2 and more showcased running on the PC via RPCS3

The team behind the best Playstation 3 emulator, RPCS3, has shared a new video showing some major graphical improvements that has implemented in the latest version of the emulator. As such, the team showed God of War 3, The Last of Us, Army of Two, Skate 2 and more games running on the emulator.

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Razzer2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

For pirates. I love running PS2 games on my PC. I can run them directly from the *real* disc. That is not an option for PS3 emulation. Thus....the problem. Endorse this and you endorse piracy. Period.

AmstradAmiga2351d ago

Well, Sony could have kept backward compatibility and not locked it behind a GaaS pay wall.

Outside_ofthe_Box2351d ago

Emulation is going to happen regardless if BC exists or not lol

Razzer2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

"Well, Sony could have kept backward compatibility and not locked it behind a GaaS pay wall. "

Right....cuz that halted Xbox 360 piracy in its tracks? Oh....wait.

bigmalky2351d ago (Edited 2351d ago )

How about for people who own the discs and a broken console?

Creating backup copies to play games that you own on an emulator of a console you have, and working or broken, is pretty much legal.

Yes, there will always be pirates, but there are some people who like to go back to their old games without having to buy a second hand console that may or may not work.

Emulation is a great idea, especially if you have already spent a fortune on the items you own, but cannot use.

2351d ago
starchild2350d ago

Most people would just rip the disc to their hard drive anyway. There's nothing wrong with PS3 emulation and it doesn't equate to piracy.

Razzer2350d ago

"Most people would just rip the disc to their hard drive anyway."

Oh come on. Most people go find the bit torrent.

cj1pate1012350d ago

Mr by the law, considering I owned a original ps3 and if I download the games I owned whats the big deal.

MadLad2350d ago

Offer your games on PC, and then less of this will happen.
And that's not even speaking of the visual and performance difference.

Christopher2350d ago (Edited 2350d ago )

***Well, Sony could have kept backward compatibility and not locked it behind a GaaS pay wall.***

They actually couldn't. They shot themselves in the foot in that regard by going the route of the cell architecture. It requires a much better cpu than current generation consoles have to emulate and run.

Fact is that these games are running poorly on PC now and likely will for another two+years.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2350d ago
phinch2350d ago ShowReplies(1)
2351d ago Replies(1)
Thomaticus2351d ago

I need to build a PC that can at least play PS2 games. I have a working PS3 and I don't mind using it to play PS3 games.... but since Sony doesn't support BC anymore.... you have no choice. The PS4 pro, should allow emulation for PS1 and PS2 games....

Guyfamily9992351d ago

The PS4 actually does emulate PS2 games in HD. It's just not universal (it's only a select few games) and you can't actually use your discs, you have to pay a bunch for digital versions. At that point just use a PC.

I'd love if the PS5 was fully backwards compatible (PS4 games natively as a PS4 Pro, PS 1-3 via emulation).

Thomaticus2351d ago

Someone made a video saying that PS4 has software emulation built in according to hackers that were able to hack an older firmware and enable the ability.

found the video: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

PUBG2351d ago

I'd like to se Sony do this on their own, and come out with a proper digital marketplace on PC. Consoles will always be around in some form, but PC is the future.

ziggurcat2351d ago

there's a better method here:

it's called buying a dirt-cheap PS3, and playing the games natively on the console.

conanlifts2351d ago

I would say the better method would be to copy MS on the X. Backwards compatibility with increased resolution and frame rate for no extra cost. The pro could do this. Or even just B/C on a ps4 without having to pay anything.

Bladesfist2350d ago (Edited 2350d ago )

How is that better? You spend money on a console that has a limited lifetime and will only play the games as they were made instead of not spending money and just emulating the games at resolutions and frame rates that will only get better over time, better yet, It will last for as long as the software is executable. Which will be much longer than the lifespan of any hardware.

It might be the best way to play the games if you have to play them right now but I imagine that people that have held out for this long don't mind waiting a little longer. If you're buying used, morals don't come into the question as no money is going to Sony or the developers either way.

ziggurcat2350d ago

"How is that better?"

you're playing the games natively on the console.

"You spend money on a console that has a limited lifetime and will only play the games as they were made instead of not spending money and just emulating the games..."

heaven forbid that you spend money on something instead of stealing...

BVFTW2350d ago

Buying the game and playing it on an emulator is not stealing, there are people playing pirate copies of games on a hacked PS3 (real hardware) right now, as well as stolen discs, morals are up to the individual and not the format/hardware.

Bladesfist2350d ago

@BVFTW I agree, I own three of these games but don't have access to a working PS3. I would love to be able to play them again without shelling out any more money.

BVFTW2349d ago (Edited 2349d ago )

I know, Bladesfist XD my PS3 is on it's last legs and I hav'ent even played half of my backlog yet! I've a lot of retro games as well and sometimes I play one of my oldies in the office through emulation, it's a great advantage not having to haul my old consoles and a crtv with me if I'm just looking for one quick fix with one game.

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Game Series That Desperately Need A Part III

Nowadays, game sequels rarely end at the number two mark. So here are five two-game series in need of a third installment.

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SheenuTheLegend2374d ago

finally someone who enjoyed Army of two. story was not that great. but co op is one of the best out there. cometo india and i will show you people playing it all day at gaming parlours.