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Mass Effect 2 is overrated and here's why.

A.I. Hess of Burn360 writes: Playing through Mass Effect 2 on my first go was some kind of experience, one that was absolutely amazing in nearly every aspect of video gaming. I breezed through almost all of the missions and clocked in at just under 16 hours to finish the game in it's entirety. Like many reviewers I was amazed by what Bioware had accomplished with the title. Revolutionary in more ways than one, Mass Effect 2 has certainly set the bar in terms of visual fidelity and story. It wasn't until my second play through of Mass Effect 2 did I realize that reviewers probably made a big mistake and here's why.

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Poorly written flame bait
Theoneneo815235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
lame attempt on n4g by the sony fanboys to down play a great game on 360. uncharted 2- overrated killzone 2- overrated heavy rain- over rated, there that fixes it :)
snesfangirl5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
blacklist already
Acquiesc35235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
teenieboober5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
"Mass Effect 2 has certainly set the bar in terms of visual fidelity and story." i can agree with that, the rest is just not much of a real complaint, or real reasons to form a complaint.
7ero H3LL5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
nitrozsz5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
JasonPC360PS3Wii5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Truthfully, this shouldn't be approved, it's just 3-4 paragraphs and its really short and vague. It's like he thought this out loud and just decided to submit it as a serious article.
-Alpha5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Foxgod5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
lame another article for HITS.
Karooo5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Jorrel565235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
this site just is looking for polemic, and HITS. NOT NEWS
BubbleSystemSuck5235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Saaking5235d ago

Perhaps it is a bit overrated. I mean, it's a great game and definitely one of the best WRPGs around; however,it does have it's flaws. I think the reason it got such high scores is to balance out all the high scores UC2 got last year. Still, it's a great game. 9/10 from me.

kaveti66165235d ago

I can't take a reviewer seriously if they use the word "your" when they should use the word "you're."

we won5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

LOL at you. LOL at the article 2.

The PS3 fanboy writer needs to worry about PS3 games and the charity scores they're getting even though some are still scored as flops.

ME2 is great playing different classes and playing the story differently, after the 1st run through. I like paying attention to the story and play each character the way they are suppose to be played and placed, you can get much more story that way(example: bringing Legion to the Flotilla)

The writer sounds like a little witch play this game on insanity.

"I think the reason it got such high scores is to balance out all the high scores UC2 got last year"

LOL I thought that same thing when Uncharted got all the praise it did last year based on all the years PS3 had nothing.

CWMR5235d ago

-To be honest it sounds like it was written by a PS3 fan trying to console himself that the game isn't on his favorite console.

I'm on my second play through and it is an amazing game through and through.-

Digitaldude5235d ago

Its over rated, beat it and thought it was very good but definitely not one of the best games i played, not even this generation.

crck5235d ago

It's a good game but I think a 96 average is too high. If anything its a dumb down version of the first game which I thought was better. Now it feels like a buggy version of Gears Of War with dialog trees. But maybe people like that. Then they wonder why there isn't any innovation in the industry. Personally, I enjoyed the first Mass Effect and Dragon Age more then Mass Effect 2.

PoSTedUP5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

make my own website and start posting my random thoughts on n4g, it seems they will get approved. i can't wait. my first article will be: "Guys I Was Playing Socom Eairler And I Thought 'Hey! Did I Leave My Stove On?' And I Got Killed, Hears Why Socom Sucks..."

360FTW25235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

So typical! First off he plays the game beats in in "16 Hours in". Then plays it again, on a harder level and gets his ass handed to him and claim that the game is overrated.

Then, 75% of the people that respond to it an agrees with him are known PS3 fanboys. I'm sorry have we seen this movie before?


Edit: Lastly, determining whether something is overrated is clearly subjective and therefore makes this story both pointless and lame. But, if its gonna get approved anywhere on the internet, it'll be N4G.

@PostedUp, that sh!t was hilarous! Bubbles for breaking the

Bathyj5235d ago

Whatever, he's an xbox lover on an xbox site, pointing out a few flaws he didnt notice till his second playthrough.

And as for the 75% of PS3 fanboys agreeing with him, most the PS3 fans here are saying what a great great it is, even if he has a couple points.

Even Saaking gives it 9/10 and you still blame the PS3 crowd for everything. Get over it.

And yes its subjective. So that would make it his opinion wouldnt it? Not universal law. I dont see where its written we all have to abide by his opinion.

Bigpappy5235d ago

Because the AI gets kill in insane mode? Are you serious?! Just remove insane mode form the game then. Then you can justify the 10/10. What a dumbass argument. There is simply no game on the market as complex as ME2. The game just does so many things, and they are all very polished. ME is not a 3rd person shooter like UC2. It is an RPG that uses TPS as the battle system. It has the choice to revive your team mates. Stop trying to rush through the F'ing game in 16 hrs and maybe you will see the barn option on the wheel. You are playing the game like it is "Gear of War". It is an RPG, so you must level-up your crew and choose wisely if you want to move forward on insane level you turd. Everyone else is taking 30 plus hours to play through the game and this guy is doing it in 16 hrs then complains that his AI help keeps dying on insane level so the game is not as good as everyone else is saying it is. What a nob and a tool.

GameGambits5235d ago

There's a big list you can chalk up against this game. ESPECIALLY if you compare it to ME1 which is still a much better game in my opinion.

ME2 is about an 8.8 for me, but that's mostly because of how much more was put into ME1 in comparison to ME2.

Things that salter ME2 on its own merits for me are:

1) Planet probing. It's unavoidable if you want to earn a good ending for yourself and not one where you fail and don't have upgraded gear.

2) Too many box rooms. Where are all these boxes headed? It's a VERY cheap way to try and make an environment look like it has a lot in it when in reality it doesn't.

3) I would've thought with ME2 there would be MORE customization just for when you make your character in terms of hair, facial hair, jaw, etc...but nope. In fact its less if you think about it, because in ME1 I remember being able to make my character have a scar over his eye and in this one you couldn't.

4) Too many similar story lines for the characters. What I mean is everyone seemed to have some sort of children issues.

5) There's still pop-in, but not nearly as bad as on ME1 which was my only complaint for ME1.

All in all great game, but some massive over hype.

CWMR5235d ago

-Now let's write an article about how Uncharted 2 is a good game, but on our second play through we noticed some faults and now we think it is overrated.

PS3 fans are so desperate to downplay anything on the 360 it is just ridiculous. And then they hide behind stupid excuses like "well, I'm still saying it deserves a 90, just not a 96". Do you guys think people are stupid? It's the oldest trick in the book. You try to give the impression of being a level headed gamer that simply has a little different opinion, but in reality it's obvious what your real motives are. You simply want to say that "yeah it's good, but not as good as Uncharted 2". That's what this is really about, plain and simple.-

TheBand1t5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

Funny, I don't recall 360 fanboys making such a fuss when the same site posted this article:

JonnyBadfinger5235d ago

Of course Mass Effect 2 was over hyped as was Uncharted 2, all Halos, KZ2, MW2... once the media get a whiff of a new potentionally great game they set about ruining it for you by building up your expections to unrealistic levels.

Thats why i didnt look at any reviews or previews about ME2 until i had finished it. I the game did not disappoint me. I'd give it a 9.6, its not perfect but then again no game is. If any game is 'perfect' then in my opinion somethings is seriously wrong with it.

You need something to hate about every game. What i hated most about ME2 was the blood on the screen when your near death... not only does it cover the screen almost completely but its not even transparent... seriously who f***en idea was that, take him out the back and shoot him.

Pistolero5234d ago

"Funny, I don't recall 360 fanboys making such a fuss when the same site posted this article"

How could we make a fuss when the ps3 hordes did it for us?....with all the trash talking ps3 loyalists were doing in that thread it put us in the position of having to defend Reach from unwarranted criticisms and attacks....but it seems to me this guy writes with too much hype and exaggeration.

360FTW25234d ago

You are always trying to make yourself sound intelligent using silly plays and reversals of other people comments. (you do it all the time, guess what, it's annoying. You have a lot of bubbles for someone that really never bring a quality debate to the table.) I've been around here long enough to know that you are one of the most rabid PS3 fanboys on this site. One of the guys above nailed it, you're willing to give ME2 any score in the book as long as your favorite game has a score above it. This is what the 75% that i'm talking about are doing also. Once a game passes your favorite game then the hating and fake articles start to show up on N4G


360 fans didn't need to comment on the link you provided, there was so much PS3 bash and hate going on about the writer and the article, that if a 360 fan needed to make a comment, it would have landed on page 4 if it wasn't done within 10 minutes of the article being approved. I remember that day, the SDF was a battle stations immediately. No one else could get a word in edge wise.

How do you guys not see some of this sh!t? I get it you see it, you're just denying it because "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH."

nix5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

yup.. public memory is always short! no wonder we keep voting idiots who are politicians. q:

and lol@people who are saying it's written by PS3 fanboy.

@PoSTedUP: please don't. we already have EDGE, Eurogamer, Gamesradar etc. already.

menoyou5234d ago

The game is definitely overrated. I would give it an 8.9, it's good but it doesn't really build up or get too mind blowing or anything.

nnotdead5234d ago

overrated yes, but still a great game.

Bathyj5234d ago

Ok 360FTW2.

So you're no longer playing the cards, you're playing the player?

Good strategy if you're playing Texas Hold'em, but here, in this forum, it just comes off as if you have nothing to say to my remarks and attack me because it was easier.

I just pointed out the situation as I see it. Dont agree with me if you dont want too. And its funny how its always the same group of people who dont.

But you cant find one bad word I said Mass Effect 2 because I havent said one. I dont try to sound intelligent, at least not more inteliigent than I am, thats just how I talk. And if I use your own words against you, maybe they weren't very well placed to start with.

So an Xbox guy on an Xbox site as some minor (MINOR) issues with an Xbox game, and the first thing I read is Damn PS3 fanboys, why cant they leave our games alone. You think getting picked on is an Xbox exclusive? Like every single gae on PS3 be it exclusive or multiplat doesnt get run over with a fine tooth comb looking for faults? Oh, look, a shadow is missing on MW2, oooo XB superior version confirmed.

When it comes to media hate XBox has had nothing this gen compared to PS3, so get off your high horse.

coolfool5234d ago

Aside from the fanboy back and forth can anyone actually confirm that they have seen something similar to what the author has written about?

Who has actually played ME2 on Insanity? I haven't......

CrazyOrange5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

if mass effect 2 was overrated then uncharted 2 would be even much worse!

nothing original with boring gun fight, with great story that get rediculse at the end.
and the world is design for nathan! the platform is limited to nathan must go.

PSN. Militant_07, look at my trophies completed the game.

Aloren5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

I have. And Harbinger is a pain, other than that, I didn't see anything especially different from my other playthroughs (in normal and veteran), except it was obviously more difficult. I wouldn't call the game a mess just cause every once in a while your teammates do something stupid or cause you lose your cover...
I mean I only used 1 medikit to revive a teammate during the last fight on insanity, so they're not that bad.

duplissi5234d ago

uh 16 hours? thats all it took him?! my first playthrough was around 45 hours... and i hardly did side quests!

something doesnt quite fit here....

pixelsword5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

Almost everything's great; if you don't have it, get it if you can. The only think I can think about that I didn't like so much were the side quests, other than that, it's a must buy.

Although I must say that I haven't played it on the hardest skill level yet, I don't think this article holds much weight, but you never know.

SL1M DADDY5234d ago

My own score is an 8.5 and nothing more. It's a great game and with the improvements they made over the first one, which I gave an 8, they nailed this one for me. Is it overrated? Yeah, but what Bioware game isn't?

morganfell5234d ago (Edited 5234d ago )

No CWMR, it isn't an angry PS3 fan. Personally, I like so much that they did in ME2. They got so much right. But then they turned around and broke the main feature of the game. The title is hardly an RPG, particularly in comparison to ME1. That is the entire point of a RPG and that was gutted.

Also there are things they still failed to fix. True galaxy exploration for the available planets (I smell DVD limitation) and the fact that your choices still do not matter. I kept reloading multiple parts of two areas where I had to make choices about our engineered Krogan friend. Either way I was going that same route.

For an RPG the game is highly linear. I don't have a problem with that. They are telling a story. But to all these same people that were trying to attack Killzone 2 for not being a sandbox their comments reek of hypocrisy. If any game is going to have sandbox characteristics it should be an RPG. To reiterate, I don't care but apparently the people attacking Killzone 2 do take issue with non sandbox titles.

Then there was one of the most touted features - porting your character from the first game. What you ended up was far far less than Casey Hudson had led us to believe. Sometimes certain devs should really learn to shut up.

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-Alpha5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

It still doesn't take away from the fact that a game is great, but it's a tactic to take a critical look at popular games.

Now if writers are attempting to do that, I don't mind, but an article like this fails at trying to write a properly constructed argument. It's like he was thinking this out loud and decided to publish it as news.

Before anyone says he's a PS3 Fanboy, he also wrote the "Bungie eclipses God of War Hype in seven minutes and fourty five seconds" article.

This is still sadly going to be approved by fanboys who are jealous of ME2. Any random person writing a few lines of poorly supported reasons can get approved here, and that's exactly what this is.

Bigpappy5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

All I am going to say is: I played the game and there is no way in hell that this game should be completed in 16 hrs. That is just dumb an insulting to Bioware. I have heard of speed reading, but I have never heard of speed listening. The game has hours and hours of dialog; you can only upgrade if you do the mining or have plenty of money; Shepard can revive his down team mates. All of these facts make the article pointless and "Foxgod" correct (even if he only went by intuition)

Foxgod5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

He complains that his second playtrough in an rpg wasnt so great?

Whats next, hes gonna complain that the sixth sense wasnt so much fun to watch the second time, as the first time he saw it?

dktxx25235d ago

He complained that the game has a lot of technical issues that don't really show up until you turn up the difficulty.

Read the story, then make a smartass comment.

ClownBelt5235d ago

" Read the story, then make a smartass comment."

Fanboys don't have the comprehension skill to decipher such complicated article.

Foxgod5235d ago

I dont read crap articles.

mythamp5235d ago

Then dont comment when you havnt read it...

TheTwelve5235d ago

Then how do you know it's crap?


Foxgod5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

Cause i looked at it for a couple of seconds.
Besides, i am on my second playtrough on Hardcore, and i can tell hes full of crap, just cause hes complaining.

Bathyj5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )

The title told him. It was anti-xbox.

On an Xbox site, by an Xbox lover.

FlipMode5235d ago

The only reason he thinks its crap is because its saying bad things about ME2

nix5234d ago

i hope, we've learnt a lesson today. don't let your tail get caught!

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BubbleSystemSuck5235d ago

Why here on N4g yo can get 100 Reports, but sitll be aproved by "for example" 10 Trolls/Fanboys?

What need a story to FAIL?

just a hipotetic situation an question

-MD-5235d ago

It's not overrated at all, been playing it since last night and it's epic.

unknownhero11235234d ago

agreed. I beleive that this will be one of the top contenders for game of the year IMO. Bioware deserve the praise this game gets.

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

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SimpleSlave71d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan71d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave71d ago (Edited 71d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



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Diandra Lasandro (D4) and Brian Kindregan (D3) Interview – Diablo Podcast/Vidcast Ep16

Diandra worked on Diablo 4 and also other games at Blizzard including WoW: Dragon Flight. She’s also been at Bioware, Carbine, RIOT, and she is currently working at Crystal Dynamics.

Brian was the Lead Writer on Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, worked on StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm, StarCraft: Wings of Liberty, and was also a writer on Mass Effect 2. He’s also been involved in movies such as the Iron Giant.

Diandra and Brian discuss their industry experience, the games they have worked on, how the writing process works, and much more.

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