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Mass Effect 2: Inside the Reviews

Metacritic Feature:

What exactly is so good about Mass Effect 2? That's what we aim to explore here, as we go deeper into the reviews to highlight aspects of the title that the gamer press is excited about.

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Cyrus3655349d ago (Edited 5349d ago )

Interesting, I think this game is better than what is suppose to be the best all time game this gen in GTA IV, but I doubt this will outscore it, I thought the same thing with uncharted 2.

Interesting although totally different games, uncharted 2, and Mass effect currently both scored at 96.

Is there game announced in the next year that will uncrown these kings, or take out top dawg GTA IV, and can it be an exclusive, or do sites tend to score an amazing multi-plat game higher.

Saaking5349d ago

The biggest flaw is probably that it's on two disks. That just plain sucks. The 360 is starting to show it's age, but at least the game itself didn't take a hit. It looks great, plays great, and the story is very interesting. Nearly the perfect game.

Captain Tuttle5349d ago (Edited 5349d ago )

And I admit, it was a bit startling, not game breaking though. I'm more disappointed in the removal of most of the RPG elements. That and the fact that the helmets from the bonus armors don't get removed during conversations are my 2 biggest peeves. Otherwise, it's a fantastic, immersive game. Much improved over the first one.

kingdavid5349d ago

The armour is disappointing and the lack of an inventory.

The lack of RPG elements is disappointing.

Theyve turned it more into an action TPS then an action RPG.

@ saaking. You cant only use that little agenda of yours for the 360 version. The PC version is on 2 discs too, I guess by your theory pc is starting to show its age too....

Apart from that, brilliant game but definitely not perfect.

ktchong5349d ago

Most PCs do NOT have a blu-ray drive. So it makes sense to release Mass Effect 2 on DVDs instead of a blu-ray discs.

thebudgetgamer5349d ago (Edited 5349d ago )

please dont take this as a slight against mass affect, i think bioware is a great team and they deserve the success their getting.

Unicron5349d ago

Here here. They are just as biased as any other outlet.

(Again, not a slight against ME2! Great game.

Christopher5349d ago

While I get what Sessler is trying to say in that video... a 2/5 is the same as a 40/100. There's no way to otherwise look at it. If Sessler was forced to score the game on a 100 point scale, that's what he is saying it would score. His points otherwise are kind of obvious, but he has to realize that most people don't even watch his reviews but look for the score just like they do with metacritic. So his providing a score on G4TV is no better than metacritic's providing of his own score on their own site.

The problem with metacritic is that they use a weighted score method and they don't take from the same sources with each game. They seem to pick and choose in an almost random method of which site's scores make it on the list and which don't.

thebudgetgamer5349d ago (Edited 5349d ago )

i think my main problem is there is no uniform scoring system, some score with quaters (ie 9.75) some are 5 stars half stars 3 stars, letters. i know its not possible but i would love for reviewers to just tell me what they like or dont like about a game without assigning a numer letter or star.

i wonder how metacricitic would score a thumbs up?

this is the kind of stuff i wish we had more of.

DeepInterludium5349d ago

Metacritic sucks because video game reviews in general suck. And they suck because whiny fanboys hype themselves up so much about a game before even playing it that they'll b**** about a 7 before they even get their hands on the game.

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JonnyBigBoss5349d ago

Still need to finish this game. I'm loving the impact of my decisions from the first game.

Christopher5349d ago (Edited 5349d ago )

I have a lot of issues with ME2, actually, so I do see it personally being much in the same boat as GTA4. Meaning, I think it's overrated by the media. I think ME2 is a good 9/10 game and nothing more; but throw away some RPG concepts, water-down the storyline with too many main characters resulting in many small storylines with a very stretched-out and almost as small main storyline, and up the shooter-elements and that's what people look for in RPGs today.

Anyway, I'll probably import my mail Shephard over and play a different class all over, but I'm going to despise having to waste time searching for ores just so I can actually use the occasional upgrade I'm lucky to run across or afford all over again. And, hopefully this time I find some way to make more cash because my first time through I couldn't afford all my armor and weapon upgrades for the shotgun or heavy pistol.

gamer20105349d ago

I don't agree with your complaints, but even if I did, you do realize that all games have flaws? Uncharted 2 had flaws. Gears of War 2 had flaws. All highly rated games have flaws, but it is about the overall experience that they provide. In that sense Mass Effect 2 is nearly unrivaled in my opinion.

Christopher5349d ago (Edited 5349d ago )

I understand all games have flaws. I would hope that with my writing you would recognize that I'm not a moron nor did I make that allusion in my statements above, especially considering I didn't bring up any actual bugs (such as black bars appearing behind text, mobs getting stuck in terrain, having to replay a mission because at one point a mob gets stuck in 'immortal' mode, clipping issues galore, etc.). This is more than just flaws, these are gameplay elements that really detract from the game being "the best RPG of our generation" as many sites or saying it is when they throw a 10/10 score at it.

kingdavid5348d ago (Edited 5348d ago )


nice read man. Although I dont fully agree with it (I do think its one of the better games this gen, its good to see people on this site still analyze games properly instead of just "LOLZ XBOX 3SHITTY GAME MUST BE CRAP".

I do think its very much more of a TPS then RPG. ME1 had much more rpg elements. I cant wait for the hammerhead dlc so i can go exploring again.

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SimpleSlave169d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan169d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.



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Diandra Lasandro (D4) and Brian Kindregan (D3) Interview – Diablo Podcast/Vidcast Ep16

Diandra worked on Diablo 4 and also other games at Blizzard including WoW: Dragon Flight. She’s also been at Bioware, Carbine, RIOT, and she is currently working at Crystal Dynamics.

Brian was the Lead Writer on Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls, worked on StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm, StarCraft: Wings of Liberty, and was also a writer on Mass Effect 2. He’s also been involved in movies such as the Iron Giant.

Diandra and Brian discuss their industry experience, the games they have worked on, how the writing process works, and much more.

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