
GayGamer Review: Tatsunoko Vs Capcom - Ultimate Allstars

GayGamer writes: "Capcom heads back to its "vs" roots with their newest offering, Tatsunoko vs Capcom. Any fan of Capcom's earlier fighting games, particularly Marvel vs Capcom 2 are going to find much to love in this new game. The cast of characters is exciting and diverse and include some new faces to the franchise as well as many old favorites.

Making its debut on the Wii, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom has a "2.5D" presentation which means 3D characters and backgrounds set on a fixed 2D fighting plane. This has the outcome of giving the game an old 2D fighter feel with a decidedly new and updated feeling. The control system, consisting of three attack buttons and a partner button, is simple by modern day fighting game standards which makes it palatable for new players. However, with some skill you can pull off some great moves which will be familiar to veteran "vs Capcom" titles."

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The Wii is 15, so here’s 15 Wii games that deserve Switch ports or sequels

For the Wii’s 15th birthday, here’s a list of 15 Wii games that deserve ports or sequels.


Every Capcom Vs. Game Ranked

As common as it is today, it is hard to believe that there was a time where gaming franchises crossing over was just a pipe dream. Capcom broke down the wall, but they took the combination of some of the most unlikely of franchises and made it the norm.

Whether it was a colossal successful partnership with Marvel Comics or a collaboration with rivals Namco and SNK, the “Vs.” series brought unforgettable experiences to the fighting genre.

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Skuletor1708d ago

They should make a collection of all of them, for this gen or the next

PhoenixUp1708d ago

The 90s was a time when videogame IP established themselves heavily to the point where a lot of major companies could start doing crossovers

MIDGETonSTILTS17375d ago

MvC3 did NOT have a larger roster than 2…


The Capcom Crossover Fighting Game People Hardly Ever Talk About

Ever wanted to see Mega Man’s sister, Roll, beat the crap out of Yatterman-1 from the series Yatterman! Gan Takada? TvC has you covered. Did you know that the game only released on the Wii? Fortunately, it supports fight sticks and GameCube controllers in addition to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Unfortunately, Capcom’s licensing deal with Tatsunoko lapsed sometime in 2012, so we never got a sequel.

PhoenixUp1975d ago

Because not many western audiences are familiar with the Tatsunoku brand.

I’m grateful for this game existing because it led to some of its devs to also work on the later MvC3

Majin-vegeta1974d ago

Also didnt help that it was only on the wii.Instead of the other popular platforms

DarXyde1974d ago

MvC3 was broken too. Dark Phoenix and the infinite combos really made that game a drag to play online.

I love Marvel and grew up loving the comics, but I got more out of TvC. I also loved Tatsunoko growing up.

Both games are hilariously broken fighters, but MvC3 was perhaps more frustrating. Sure, TvC has serious problems that could not be patched.... but the fact that Capcom left MvC3 in that condition when they COULD have patched it and preferred to release UMvC3 is perhaps worse. They gave some flimsy reasoning about the earthquake in Japan.

gangsta_red1974d ago

We need another Capcom SNK crossover. In fact throw in Namco for the ultimate in fighting game goodness

DarXyde1974d ago

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom was a blast, but it had some serious balancing issues. I guess it wasn't really practical to allow for DLC and patches on Wii, but it was pretty bad in terms of balance. I had modded my Wii to play the original Japanese version which was, in my opinion, better than the western release. Western release added Zero, which seriously broke the game.

Vandamme211974d ago

I wanted to play this game but it was a wii exclusive

Segata1974d ago

Not only the one people forgot but it's actually the best Capcom Vs game there is and the best fighting game Capcom made in the 7th gen and they have yet to top it in the years since.

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