
IGN UK: MAG Review

If and when MAG finds a dedicated audience and the casual, blood-crazed floating audience drifts away, it should blossom into something tactical and smart, those 128-player teams creating a militarised war that nothing else on console can come close to. That's the game it wants to be, and the game it deserves to be. Alas, it may have shot itself in the foot with the epic headcount: even in the early, 64-player modes it's going to be daunting and punishing for newcomers. A fiddly HUD that makes getting a bead on squad- (as opposed to faction-) mates and objectives far less obvious than it should be doesn't help there – without a good, talkative commander, relative newcomers are going to flail around desperately.

Presentation - 6.0
Graphics - 8.0
Sound - 7.0
Gameplay - 7.5
Lasting Appeal - 7.5
Overall -

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PlaystationSamurai5295d ago

I guess this review is fake two? lmao

ryuzu5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

Seems like a perfectly reasonable review to me... Overall, the first paragraph is the point of the whole thing

"It works. That's the thing. It's not some empty, broken OMG-next-generation promise, it's not a glorified tech demo and it isn't just 256 people standing in a ring and taking it in turns to fall over. MAG is a first-person war game, in the vein of Battlefield or Enemy Territory, but oh-so-much bigger: 256 players facing off in 128-man teams scattered over enormous maps, and without demolishing the frame-rate so much that it looks like 1950s Czech stop-motion animation (though that would admittedly be pretty awesome). "

IGN get the first review out that accurately sums up MAG - well done them.


Lucreto5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

If you can consider the servers are only up for a day so the reviewer must have been playing since midnight to get a feel for the game. Also did he review before or after the patch?

So I am surprised there was a review so quick.

Yes I just read that. But the review code would have just started to work today it seemed they reviewed the beta more that the final game. They should have spent at least 2 days before a review.

Like the article says once the people who are out for just blood lust are gone there will be a good crowd who will play properly.

TheHater5295d ago

Nope, they said with their time with the beta and limited time with the final game. I really think all the reviewers should wait a week to review this game. They can't just review it base on the beta and only a few hours with the final product.

WildArmed5295d ago

lol hopefully we won't get articles calling IGN a blog o_O

But I do agree that reviewers should atleast put 20-40 hours into the review code b4 they give us their impressions.
If the game's SP is 40 hours long, i'm sure reviewers would gladly put that in. Same goes for MAG, you need time to test all it's stuff.

But I think the score is what I expected it to be. 7-8s is basically it's avg score.
Ofc, exceptions like eurogamer can freely drop it to 2/10 :)

darx5295d ago

Or are there pre-set types?

callahan095295d ago

This is easily the worst review I've read from IGN. It does absolutely nothing to justify WHY it's not worth more than a mediocre score. It fails to justify how the game isn't fun or addictive, or give any reasoning as to why gamers won't get hooked on playing war with this game. It's just a bunch of superficial statements that don't give me a clear idea of what it's like to own this game. Not to mention that it's quite obvious from the text of the review that this isn't even based on the experience that gamers who go out and buy the game today will have. It's a review based on the pre-patched game, meaning that they haven't even played the game that's currently in owners' hands. They clearly haven't done much in the game, they haven't experienced all of the maps, this review, like all the others so far, is based on a single session at the "review event" and beta impressions, not the actual experience of the game that you can have TODAY if you buy the game. Getting really tired of seeing EARLY IMPRESSIONS being passed off as REVIEWS OF THE FINAL PRODUCT this week. Give us a break, IGN.

Blaster_Master5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

These people get freakin paid to review games, and they dont even spend 8 hours with the review code to properly give it a decent review. I bet he spent more time actually writing the review then actually playing the game. LOSER! Which is exactly why nobody should go by what these douches that work for gaming websites have to say. They obviously only like noob friendly titles that require no skill, or friends to play with.

mint royale5295d ago


7.6 is more than a mediocre score. Back when reviews were legitimate this was a very good score. Unfortunately upset fanboys seem to deem anything below a 9 a flop.

JokesOnYou5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

Listen basicly the main draw advertised by sony and zipper for MAG is 256 players online, and that's exactly what they put out, lol there's no surprise solo or co-op campaign included in the final version vs the beta, many in the press knew exactly what they were going to get since sony/zippers recent "MAG Event" where the press & devs played all the modes and 128 vs 128 matches...under a best case controlled environment too.(All in the same room, no server problems, all had mic's, adults, nobody quits= no yelling and screaming, err well who knows about that).

So what exactly are reviewers going to learn about MAG that they don't already know, what takes a week, if you mean leveling up, NO, reviewers don't need to "prestige" in MW2 to judge whether or not they like the game or how much they like the game(score they give). Reviewers just simply do not play every aspect of a game to completion, they simply playtest all its functionality and experience a sampling of all its modes, this is an online shooter so its not like a story driven game where you need to play from begining to end.


edit: Oh for the record 7.6 is not a bad score, its obviously not exceptional either, but every game can't be exceptional.

callahan095295d ago

That's besides the point. Doesn't really even matter what the score is, or whether 7.6 is mediocre, less than mediocre, or better than mediocre. It's about the fact that they don't justify their numbers, and that they shouldn't even be reviewing the game right now, given their limited experience with it (they haven't even experienced the version that gamers who buy it have, because it's been pretty drastically changed for the launch-day patch). They haven't experienced even a fraction of the maps in this game!

Montrealien5295d ago

I got one question for people that think early reviews of MaG are not fair.

What is difference between the final product and the open beta?

Disccordia5295d ago

Since when has 7.6 been a mediocre score? It's in the range that I was expecting for this.

All along, I've got the impression that this was a fairly generic shooter and the overall reviews we've been seeing are saying this. What it does do however, is prove that games on this scale CAN be done and considering it's one of the first of it's kind, Zipper have done a pretty good job. In a couple of years, I think we'll be looking back on MAG saying how influential it was and that can not be a bad thing.

mint royale5295d ago

Totally agree that they should have spent more time with MAG but that wasn't my point. 7.6 is a good score and used to be considered a score worthy of a must buy game if your a fan of the genre. This is a good score, but is it accurate? Given the nature of MAG which is online only, probably not.

callahan095295d ago

What is up with all the disagrees on my last comment? IGN didn't play the retail build of the game. They got to play it during one session at a restricted "review event." They haven't played every map, they haven't leveled up and customized their characters to their desires and skills. They shouldn't have reviewed it yet. That's my point, and I honestly don't understand how anybody can disagree with it. What use is a review that's essentially just a superficial early impression with a number thrown onto it? That doesn't help gamers decide whether it's worth their money.

raztad5295d ago

This review is MEH but I can live with it. By now my copy of MAG is flying right into my mailbox. I know that when everything is said and done, the MAG fanbase will be a lot stronger than others on the PS3.

What pisses me off is that Zipper did an awesome effort to put together a breathtaking tech, gameplay innovations and those guys didnt even take the time to level their character past the 3 first levels.

Need to choose: RAVEN or SVER. Decisions, Decisions.

callahan095295d ago

This is pathetic. If you're not here to bash MAG you're gonna get disagreed with.

mint royale5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

I don't see anyone above bashing MAG or anyone coming up with a whole new account just to bash the game (see Mass Defect or whatever he is). No need to be defensive about disagrees, its N4G.

Seems to me xbox fans have it worse for disagrees whilst wii fans get trolled more than anyone for no reason. PS3 fans are numerous here but that doesn't stop BS 'ps3 is failing articles.' Its N4G and it is what it is.

5295d ago
sack_boi5295d ago

I'll be getting the game very soon.

GreenRingOfLife5295d ago

Hmm, I thought this ps3 exclusive would for sure be AAA.. guess not....

sikbeta5295d ago

Guys, This is IGN UK, so this is more like an 8.5/10 from IGN America, IGN UK is more harsh than the the other 2

And this is NOT a bad score, This Game is in League of its Own and that's HUGE knowing that it's a FPS Game and the FPS Genre is The Most Generic of all Genres in Gaming...

pixelsword5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

Well, you asked...

-The first part of the Beta never had thousands upon thousands of people, which meant...

1. if you got in the first parts you were often waiting for a game, which doesn't happen now, and didn't when the game hit public status.

2. you had many games with whole squads missing sometimes because they were playing in other modes, which alters the gameplay.

3. The game ran smoothly but many mechanics were changed (names weren't above the characters at the beginning, for example)

* If you made your judgments based upon that part of the beta, then you missed out having quick games with full servers

-For the open Beta

1. More people played, but a lot of people didn't want to download the game because of the connection speed at the time they could download it would take them hours.

2. The public beta only ran for a week or so, hardly enough time for everyone to be cohesive in terms of working as a team.

3. How are you going to appreciate maps that rival the size of an actual city in a week? There are nuances in each map that requires time to learn in terms of defending them or attacking them. Spending just a week trying to learn SEVR's maps for attacking ain't hardly enough.

4. The servers were fuller, but you would run into a lot of people who played MAG for months, so you had three or four guys that basically could mop the floor with your brains versus the other four that was just a clueless as you, except the three or four guys on your team that were in the Beta for months are shooting them.

5. people on your team who know the back ways and tricks will often lose you because you only had a week to figure out what they had four months to learn through trial and error.

6. the open beta had a lot of server crashes, which were fixed as far as I know.

*if you made your judgment based upon the second part of the beta, then you're basing it upon laggy servers that crashed which was fixed.

-How does this compare to the actual game?

1. a lot more people are on the game which means:

a. if you're new, you're going to find a whole lot less people who aren't experienced, which means you are going to find it easier all the way around because your enemy are also newbs.

b. if you decide to get the game later, you're going to be surrounded by a greater percentage of people that are experienced, not the nearly 70/30 split of newbs and vets that made the game more chaotic than it had to be during the public beta. if you say you're new, there's almost always an a dude willing to help and will either stick close or tell you to follow him; I was one of them on both sides of the fence.

c. The servers will be full at almost all times around the world; not between 8am-12pm and then 5pm-11pm. Depending on when you play, and if you have an ear for it, you can learn how to say "medic" in six languages before a month is out.

2. The progression of rank is slower than the beta, so you're not going to hit level ten instantly, now will you be able to get weapons as fast, so you get time to know yourself and which weapons you can do well with without having to upgrade all the way, and which weapons you do need help on.

3. In the actual game, and down the line, a lot more people will be using mics. When I first played the beta, I didn't put on a mic for like three weeks straight; when you are in it, you'll realize that teams that communicate win.

4. Cohesiveness isn't going to happen in the week-long beta, which most of the so-called "reviews" are coming from. It took weeks to get people who knew how to bomb an area and not kill their own teammates, to know where to set-up an ambush to stop the vehicle an enemy might be taking (which was not in the public Beta, by the way) to know where to go to snipe nearly across some boards and still be effective to your squad.

5. Cohesiveness isn't going to happen in the first weeks of the game, which the rest of the so-called "reviews" are coming from. See above.

FamilyGuy5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

I agree, is that what happened to them (being the "newcomer") while they were reviewing this game? This line indicates that the current community caused their score to take a hit. That isn't exactly fair considering the game and its actual community JUST started playing. (since it just came out.

This is one of those reviews that should be discredited because of not playing the game long enough to write an acceptable review. This review IS decent (well thought out and written) for what it is.

SignOfZodiac5295d ago

I informed gamers that this title was no where near ready and it would FAIL!

3sexty rulzzz5295d ago

xbox fanboys: confirmed flop, expected; LOL

Pos3 fanboys: I smell bs, the games still doesn't have dedicated servers. LOL! the game was released today, LOL. IGN was generous with their score, it should've gotten a 6.5.

vhero5294d ago

Give it up people the game isn't that great not every PS3 exclusive is gonna be great get over it. I also think this game has been massively overshadowed by Mass Effect 2 (I am aware they are different genres I am not comparing them). If it released last week scores probably would have been higher but that's life.

ShadowCK5294d ago

Another failure exclusively on the PS3.

raztad5294d ago


When such "FAILURE" is the most tactical/team oriented, massive, lag free, huge, anti-campers, competitive and definitely fun multiplayer game out there. I'm glad its exclusive on the PS3. I wouldnt like to spend 300$ on a xbox just for something like this.

Thanks Zipper and Sony for pushing multiplayer gaming with this gem.

Still I dont know what faction: SVER (I'm feeling its overpowered) or RAVEN (seems like the underdog). I like the underdogs.

y0haN5294d ago

As expected ever since playing the betas.. generic game.. crap/10.

The Lazy One5294d ago

did you read it? They give plenty of reasons for their numbers. Even just their summary has plenty of good reasons.

You may not agree with their reasons, but the reasons are definitely there.

It would be more accurate if they had more time, but game reviews are there to help people decide if they want a game or not before they play it. If they wait a week or two after release then their review doesn't fulfill its primary function.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 5294d ago
Chicken Chaser5295d ago

Sooo.. can i scratch this one from the PS3s "AAA" list?

Bnet3435295d ago

You have to go by Metacritic, not just one website.

-Alpha5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

Maybe by a few rabid fanboys, but this game was never really hyped the same way Killzone 2 or Uncharted 2 was.

It's getting what I thought it would and it's an A-AA game.

That's not a bad score, but it isn't outstanding either, especially considering the fact that MAG ends up being another average shooter with a weak selling point.

Regardless, it's not the best FPS, but it's decent.

I think the problem was that Zipper worked so hard on just making it work that they lost the time and resources to polish the rest of the game up.

I personally think the animations look horrible, the graphics are average, the scope may be big, but it's not NECESSARY. I enjoy a game of Killzone 2 or Bad Company with just 24-32 players-- 256 is such a big jump and it feels like Zipper just wanted to do it just for the sake of doing it first.

WildArmed5295d ago

Zipper shoulda done SOCOM: Confrntation and let Slant Six screw up MAG lol xD

Chicken Chaser5295d ago


" It was never hyped AAA "

Really? I think it was

" Sony has just confirmed its Q1 line-up, which will contain three AAA exclusives. God of War, Heavy Rain, and MAG "


DirtyLary5295d ago

Zipper is already doing Socom:4. The official squeal to S:3. Confrontation was never the legit successor, just a place holder.

It's been stated by Zipper it's already 2 years in development.

Hopefully we will see some teaser info after the MAG release hype is over.

Kakihara5295d ago

Chicken chaser. One of the popular pretty girls from your highschool just called me. She says she heard how a game coming out on the system you don't own got an average score. She also heard about the good scores for Mass effect 2. Because of this she thinks you're super cool wicked awesome and she wants you bad. I just thought I'd pass on the message.

-Alpha5295d ago

It still didn't have AAA hype. I can equally pull sources showing A-AA hype.

Obviously some people hyped it AAA but the general attitude was very doubtful, especially here on N4G. I, along with others were very skeptical of MAG.

I'm saying that a significant majority of skeptics were against MAG. It was rarely hyped LIKE Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 was.

Now, the game is decent, but nothing special and I do agree that there are many people who are butthurt over this because, like any PS3 game, they hype it to the death.

Shang-Long5295d ago

i Agree with Am22

i still want this game tho. i enjoy it enough

sikbeta5295d ago

@Chicken Chaser

"Sooo.. can i scratch this one from the PS3s "AAA" list?"

Well, if you HAVE a PS3 you can do it, but not being an AAA Game doesn't mean is a bad Game so you can enjoy it as I'll do

If you don't have a PS3 but you have a List of PS3 Games and you search on teh interwebz for Bad Scores...man that's Pathetic


bjornbear5295d ago

hyped as AAA by the media. remember Haze?

Let the fans define the game.

This is a solid online MP game, ala warhawk. if it was ever in your AAA list, then you were tricked and "over hyped" something that was meant to be a solid unique experience, not a GoTY contender =)

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5295d ago
Mr Lahey5295d ago (Edited 5295d ago )

funny that they gave the graphics the highest score. one aspect people seem to complain about the most.

And it seems like it's a game built on tactics rather than running around building up kill streaks, which can be a bit hard to adjust to for many people. Now thats a problem if you don't want 256 player chaos.

ryuzu5295d ago

As the review pointed out - there is no 256 player chaos. If you play as a lone-wolf and ignore the team objectives, you die and have no fun.

Play towards the objectives and it's fun.

That's where MAG has succeeded where the other 2 FPSs that managed >=256 players failed.

Still doesn't mean everyone enjoys that kind of game though and MAG has other problems so reasonable score.


ryuzu5295d ago

Planetside + WW2Online/BE.

Both v. old now, not really played, and due to major issues, never really became that popular either.

MAG is it for large scale FPSs right now - that's why Zipper have done such a good job.

The fact that it works where others haven't even tried, or tried and failed is good enough.

Not only that, but it's fun too.


TheHater5295d ago

The game is no fun to them because they spend more time dieing that actually killing people because they don't know how to work as a team. So they run and gun, thinking this is COD, without the support of their team mates, get kill by a squad and B1tch about it?

SmokeyMcBear5295d ago

thats what I dont get... that comment about them spending more time in spawn then playing.. seriously? you spawn every 15 seconds... you cant go 15 seconds without dieing?

smittyjerkins5295d ago

Totally agree. *Sigh* even gaming journalists are casual players nowadays, sucking the c*ck of Modern Warfare. It's sad really, very few people ever play a game for a satisfying experience anymore, but instead want an easy experience with win handed on a platter to them.

NYC_Gamer5295d ago

those who played the beta and enjoyed it should go out and support this game....so what if the reviews arent perfect....

Dev8 ing5295d ago

The reviews are bullsh1t. IGN gives it a 7 for sound. The game is THX certified with DTS HD. You can hear the armor crunching when the characters run, the panting is really well done. Clearly they are basing this review on the beta because the beta didn't have THX quality sound or maybe they are playing the game off of a crt screen with 10 W Tv speakers.

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MAG was one of the most ambitious shooters ever and deserves a PS5 sequel

Zipper Interactive were once one of Sony's most important studios and became a household name due to their work on the SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs series during the PlayStation 2's heyday. Their most ambitious title was MAG. Could it make a comeback?

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yellowgerbil1642d ago

Best game ever. I had put over 1700hrs into that game before it deteriorated too far with cheaters getting out of the map and sadly decided it was time to let it die (Zipper had already been closed down by that time).

_SilverHawk_1642d ago

Amazing game. Hopefully sony makes a sequel

XisThatKid1641d ago

This is the game in modern gaming that even got me into shooters i spent literally days with this game Raven All the way. War against the the mighty D ride oh so edgy S.V.E.R.

NecrumOddBoy1642d ago

Original Battle Royale. No microtransactions. Definitely ahead of time.

XBox4eva691641d ago

It's almost as far from battle royale as you can get. o_O

frostypants1641d ago

It didn't have a BR mode.

Da12RespectA1641d ago

That wasn't a battle royale game at all.

rdgneoz31641d ago

3 teams of 32 fighting it out would be considered Battle Royaleish. If you're gonna saying teams are OK when you start doing teams of 2 or 3 or 4, then 32v32v32 should work. And on besides that, it had 128 v 128 which was insanely fun.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1641d ago
Muzikguy1642d ago (Edited 1642d ago )

I personally hadn't played much of it. I did spend a lot of time in PlanetSide 2 though (somewhat like MAG). Games like these tend to get overrun by cheaters and then ruined too often.

Teflon021642d ago

MAG didn't have that issue as far as I remember. I use to love the 256 matches. That game had an amazing community. Everyone actually communicated and played together. No one B****ed at the team. Everyone understood there was so much going on that if things are going wrong. Everyone had to think of new strategies.
Fav moment was when all 3 other squads 32 took their objectives but we were struggling with ours and had one more to blow up. The other leaders were communicating asking if the 2 nearest squads should send ppl. Our leader was like Naw I got a idea. So he told us all to die and set ourselves at the nearest hills prone without being seen. So we all did and surrounded the areas.
He said everyone on his count throw your grenades. Then snipers go all out and everyone else run in. They won't be able to get everyone and if needed the snipers go in about 10 seconds after.

Everyone did that and I got to the objective and set it off. 9 of us survived and got it. felt amazing to say I got the objective, cover me in that moment. Wish it was PS4 so I could have saved that moment
It was literally the coolest moment I had in a online shooter, closest since was BF4.

Muzikguy1642d ago


That does indeed sound like an awesome moment. One that makes games like these memorable for sure. It does seem like MAG had a lot more cooperation than most any online shooter

Teflon021641d ago

It did because you absolutely can't get no where in it without teamwork. It also didn't have an extremely big base of players. Everyone who played really wanted to play. I really hope they bring it back and do the same thing to only have serious players get into the big matches again

UltraNova1642d ago

Wow, what a run! This game looks better than PUBG!

Muzikguy1641d ago

Watching that video you wouldn't think the game was on PS3.

Spenok1642d ago

I adored this game too. Some of my best FPS online memories on it. So freaking good.

I'd love to see another game like this come out at some point. And NOT like Planetside... M.A.G. was something special.

yellowgerbil1642d ago

Yeah problem is if it existed now adays, it would likely be riddled with xp boosts and dance moves and all that other pay garbage...
MAG and Warhawk are the only 2 online games I ever got into, and both need a PROPER sequel on PS5.
Remember the first time I got 100 kills in a match, was in a turret with a repair kit and just mowed down wave after wave on Valors map.

1641d ago Replies(1)
1640d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1640d ago
PrinceOfAnger1642d ago

I had so much fun with this game

TGGJustin1642d ago

This is a game that was ahead of its time. Had it came out on PS4 it would've done much better. I put hundreds of hours into this despite the problems it had on PS3.

UnholyLight1642d ago

Really interesting as an Xbox owner at the time. This game had captured my interest as a kid but I never got a chance to play it. Being on PS4 and soon possibly PS5, I would love to see this franchise brought back to life. I imagine with the power of next gen it would be really quite fun.

From what I hear and what I remember, this game was FAR ahead of it's time. A real shame it never truly took off from my understanding.

grifter0241641d ago

I'm an xbox boy since mech warrior but got a ps3 slim for mag. If you liked halo or cod you'd have had a blast in mag. Was one of the first games you could actually do something other than shooting and still make a difference in game.

spicelicka1641d ago

PS4 needs something like it. In the multiplayer space it's far behind the Xbox, there are no quality multiplayer games on it that aren't on other consoles.

Dirtnapstor1642d ago

Yes, yes, and yes. Way ahead of it's time. Would love to see a PS5 variant of this game.

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Modern Warfare Ground War mode has MAG vibes

Erina Rose, Sausage Roll writes, "Call of Duty: Modern War introduced a new, improved, Ground War game mode this weekend that reminds us of the old PlayStation 3 classic, MAG."

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ilikestuff1766d ago (Edited 1766d ago )

I never played mag, I did play this beta however, and if mag was like this beta then (fart noises) for mag.

1766d ago
TheGamez1001766d ago

Man do I miss mag and zipper.

TheSinsibleOne1766d ago

Seriously though. Nowadays this and next gen are practically begging for a new MAG.

zodiac9091766d ago

How did we go from having games like resistance 1, 2, warhawk with 30 vs 30 player battles, and M.A.G. with 128 vs 128 players, ON LAST GEN to now having 20 vs 20...such a step back.

JEECE1766d ago

Because Sony hadn't figured out how to market their exclusives yet. Plus at that time COD craze was at its peak. So "generic high school bro #7," who was the primary purchaser of FPSs at that time (or at least represented a crowd necessary to sustain a playerbase), if he even had a PS3, would have just seen a game like MAG as a "copycat of Black Ops, man."

Not to mention MAG was pretty terribly uninviting for new people after awhile, because it was more skill-based. This was great for veterans, but if you weren't willing to put in the time getting destroyed for awhile, you would never appreciate the game. The Battlefield: Bad Company and BF:3 games out during that gen were far more accessible to lower level players.

Vegamyster1766d ago

Battlefield 4 was at the start of the generation and had 64 players, to me it depends more on how the map/gameplay is utilized, i enjoyed the 20vs20 modes more in the MW Beta than the 64 player ground war mode.

1766d ago
moomoo3191766d ago

It feels absolutely nothing like MAG lol. Way more battlefield vibes

xX-oldboy-Xx1766d ago

And even those are very small vibes, it still feels like COD at the end of the day.


MAG: The Greatest Game You Never Played

Almost 10 years ago the greatest first person shooter came out and most of you probably never heard of it, never got to play it and never will.

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FiLTHY ESKiMO1886d ago

Who would the next gen version nor that Zippers gone?

_SilverHawk_1886d ago

I remember this game and it was amazing. I would like it if Sony would make another one because this game was ahead of it's time.

RememberThe3571885d ago

It was an amazing concept and it was a cool game, it was just ahead of it's time. I played the sh!t outta MAG, but the game itself played just okay. I'd love to have seen a sequel, even just a spiritual successor, especially with the next gen coming and the way cloud computing has advanced a game like that nowadays would be awesome.

Elwenil1885d ago

It may have been amazing if you played for SVER, but if you played for Raven or Valor, it was an unbalanced mess. I had some fun with it, but the player count was an illusion at best and false advertising at it's worst. The map and faction balance was so ridiculously skewed you knew who was going to win as soon as you saw what team you were against. It definitely had some interesting ideas, but was far from an amazing experience in my opinion. I would have much rather Zipper have made another SOCOM game rather than MAG.

darthv721885d ago

that game would make for a great battle royale release. So many players all at once... it was ahead of its time for a console shooter.

TheGamez1001886d ago

Was such an underrated game. One of my most favorite fps of last gen. So unfortunate zipper was closed down. Imagine if it was a success and thered be a 2nd game by now.....

TekoIie1886d ago (Edited 1886d ago )

I can think of many better games that I've yet to play...

"Almost 10 years ago the greatest first person shooter came out"

HAH. So is Planetside 2 now the best FPS ever? Because it does everything MAG can and does it far better. I'm afraid that MAG is basically your standard FPS but uses scale as it's selling point. The vast majority of shooters that focus on smaller scale matches have gameplay leaps and bounds better than MAG so it is definitely not the greatest FPS.

I know many people are going to try and refute this by telling me to look at the three factions but MAG has literally no character. The game is call 'Massive. Action. Game' for gods sake which is a contender for 'The Worst Title a Game Could Have' award. I've never been a fan of Zipper but I hear great things about them from their PS2 days. However, with MP gaining popularity in the generation that followed I think it says a lot that they couldn't keep up with the competition.

Knushwood Butt1886d ago

'HAH. So is Planetside 2 now the best FPS ever? Because it does everything MAG can and does it far better.'.

It was released years later.

Was there anything offering what MAG did when MAG was released?

TekoIie1885d ago

"Was there anything offering what MAG did when MAG was released?"

Yes, Planetside 1.

Knushwood Butt1885d ago

Fair enough.

Can't say I've played it, but I enjoyed MAG for a while.

FantasticBoss1884d ago

MAG was one of the very few games trying to do scale like it did, but I think it missed the mark. Wish it could have had a sequel though as they may have been able to iterate on it to create something pretty neat.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1884d ago
Profchaos1884d ago

Sony had a awesome approach to online in the PS2 days with SOCOM co op that had games working together to achieve a tactical goal they pioneered voice chat on the PS2 for SOCOM but as they steamrolled ahead it was clear team Deathmatch would take over in popularity which shifted zippers approach so all their experience amounted for not much when designing online in the PS3 era.
It still was a decent game but couldn't stand out compared to cod which had millions of players consistently

yellowgerbil1886d ago

Loved mag had over 1700hrs into it across many accounts, remember my first 100 kill sabotage game, was insane

BLow1884d ago

Yes, so do I and not that game they released on PS3. I'm talking the one Zipper did and not Slant Six. At least Slant Six tried to do the series justice once they fixed the issues.

The one Zipper did didn't feel like Socom to me. It felt more like Ghost Recon to be honest. I absolutely loved the voice commands and I figured they would be even better on next gen hardware. They didn't even bother doing anything.

Maybe, I just wanted it more grounded and not so techy if that makes sense. I just wanted to go into jungles or missions just using my wits and patience and not have to use a bunch of gadgets. I wanted to be able to give orders with my voice to squad members. Yeah, they can at least have earpieces lol.

It's hard to explain but I know the old school Socom players know what I'm saying. Socom just had a certain feeling and the new game didn't feel that way. Slant Six yes. Zipper no...

We can only hope but if they bring it back they have to do it right. If not don't bother and just make something new. I rather have the memories I had with Socom be mostly positive than negative. Unless you pull a God of War, don't bother lol.

I've already said too much but that goes to show how much I loved Socom. Especially 1 and 2.....

Deathdeliverer1885d ago (Edited 1885d ago )

Game was simply ahead of its time. If mag came out now with improved graphics people would be blown away. Back then people whined about the graphics even though it had players literally everywhere. It was several great games in one. Battlefield, Ghost Recon, and Call of duty.

Hungryalpaca1885d ago

What exactly was it ahead of its time in? Player count? Planetside released in 2003 and and played count per match was over 300.

xkvcq1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

The BETA for MAG was one of my fondest gaming moments. I was highly anticipating the start of the beta servers but I had school that day. I had started downloading it that morning as soon as it was available and just when it finished downloading I found out school was cancelled, last minute, because of weather. BEST. SNOW DAY. EVER. I played the beta all day, continuing to put off my homework :P

TekoIie1884d ago (Edited 1884d ago )

Well have I got news for you pal! Planetside 2 has been available for nearly 4 years on the PS4 and longer on PC and people still aren't blown away. Maybe the novelty of scale is actually overrated and people don't care as much about it which is why MAG failed when multiplayer shooters were at peak popularity during it's lifetime?

If you were blown away by 256 players in 2010 why would you not have been blown away by 1000 roughly 2-3 years later?

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