
PluggedIn: LEGO Rock Band Review


"P!nk's "sneer in the face of divorce" anthem "So What" is the most rough-edged piece in the pack ("I guess I lost my husband/I don't know where he went/So I'm gonna drink my money/I'm not gonna pay his rent"). But these jumpin' jams ultimately can prove to be a bit of a problem. And that's because of the wide range of bands they represent. The bands' songs inside the game aren't so bad, but the rest of their music available outside the game can be-and there won't be any LEGO characters around to cutesy things up."

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5268d ago
5264d ago

Top 10 Family Friendly Games for Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States so the staff of VGU have compiled a list of ten great games/game series that you can play with your family during the holiday.


Through The Years | Take a Look Back at Harmonix’s Rock Band

Despite popular belief, music games are far from dead. Rock Band is still holding strong, and newer titles like Dance Central add more ways to game and jam at the same time. Starting with the original title, Harmonix continued in its efforts to innovate the music game genre, succeeding with each entry. With Rock Band Blitz releasing this coming Tuesday, iGo Gaming is going to take a look through the years of Harmonix’s history with their critically praised Rock Band series. Let’s hit the same time machine Harmonix is implementing in Dance Central 3 and take a look at the past…

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SoundGamer4309d ago

Rock Band was cool the first two games for me. After that, I was done.

Emilio_Estevez4309d ago

Why? 3 is the best one and if you import the other games' songs you have a ton. Rock band will always be fun with a group of people, way better than guitar hero imo.

SoundGamer4309d ago

I played Rock Band 3 too, but the novelty of these rhythm games with instruments just wore off for me personally.

Not saying it was a bad game; Just saying, I was done. lol

NoobJobz4309d ago

I like the games. I think everyone just got tired of them when both Guitar Hero and Rock Band were consistently coming out what seemed like every few months. Luckily, we got rid of Guitar Hero and Rock Band has slowed down as well. If they come out with one every two years, I would enjoy that.

dboi7874309d ago

Couldn't agree more. This Rock Band Blitz is a fresh take on the formula. Hoping to hear some more from Harmonix in the future.

Amplitude4309d ago (Edited 4309d ago )

Im so pumped for Blitz. I do have an incredible list of complaints (one difficulty, no online vs mode, only two buttons instead of three, etc) but my excitement for an Amplitude-esque game is way too high to be put off by the minor complaints.

Im seriously curious how they're gonna pull this game off to be honest. The one difficulty thing in particular.

But i mean, Blitz works with ALL OF MY DLC and has 25 songs that work with Rock Band 3 all for 15 dollars?
Probably the greatest deal ever. =D

dboi7874309d ago

Wow, you just cleared something up for me. Had no idea there was only one difficult. That's pretty lame actually. :/ Still, 25 DLC tracks PLUS a new game that utilizes all other tracks for $15 is pretty damn good, as ya said.

Perjoss4309d ago

I loved Rockband and I played it for so many hours with friends, but I believe that a 2nd and 3rd game was not needed, the extra features they added in the sequels could have easily been patched in or even sold as some kind of DLC expansion, there was no need really for 2 more full priced games.

dboi7874309d ago

While that could probably be said for Rock Band 2, there was no way the additions seen in Rock Band 3 could have been added as DLC. Keyboard support, Pro modes, etc.


Music Game Meltdown

Co-Optimus says - "The causes of the great video game crash of 1983 were complex, but over-saturation of the market and poor quality game releases were major factors in the outcome. In the past two years, the once thriving music game industry went through a similar downturn. At one point, the genre seemed invincible, and yet it still crashed, hard. The similarities between the great video game crash of 1983 and the demise of the music genre are impossible to ignore."

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