
First Dead Space 2 image shows off Isaac's new armor

TVGB: "As part of a teaser for GameInformer's next issue, one of the places where the game will be revealed, the very first Dead Space 2 image has crept out of the shadows, showing off Isaac's new, pointier looking armor and what looks to be a new necromorph. The new, meaner looking outfit seems to reflect Isaac's new Im'ma-whoop-your-ass approach which EA said the protagonist now sports as they officially announced the game yesterday."

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Delta5312d ago

That's some pretty awesome "new" armor. Cant wait to get this.

Sevir045312d ago

Dead Space totally rocked and this one will be better. and that armor/suit and new necromorph looks amazing as well.

Admiral_Benson5312d ago

Really hyped for this, can't wait!

Dead Space was awesome. I just hope they stick to a similar formula to the original and don't go all balls-out action like Capcom did with Res 5.

"The new, meaner looking outfit seems to reflect Isaac's new Im'ma-whoop-your-ass approach which EA said the protagonist now sports as they officially announced the game yesterday." - That has me just a little worried. The feeling of being totally outnumbered, alone and vulnerable was what made the original great, i just hope EA don't ruin it by going in the opposite direction for the sake of boosting sales.


I am not a sales man, just a gamer like everyone else, but seriously, if everyone loves the game, show your support. Buy the game new, if any game deserved the sales for 2008 it was Dead Space.

once i played it i was recommending all my friends to go out and buy it asap.

I really regretted paying full price for FarCry 2, Fallout 3 and Gears 2.. Dead Space was the only game that left me feeling the game was worth every penny I paid on Day one release.

Support the Dev's and the publishers will support them more and invest more in such new IPs.

hope this game is every bit as awesome as the first. again, its one of the few games I actually bought DL content for. The Astronaut suite looked totally AWESOME !

can't wait for this game !

my GOTY.

solidt125312d ago

Man i feel the need to go back and finish the first one all of a sudden. great game.

ceedubya95312d ago

Agreed. I actually did just that by downloading the game from Live this past weekend. Same with Mass Effect. I wanted to run through both of those games again, especially before the sequels release.

miasma5312d ago (Edited 5312d ago )

I am digging the new armor, but I do hope they explain why or how he got it (i.e. he custom made it to deal with this Sh_t). Not just another upgraded suit or some crazy "super -space-marine" armor. That, to me, would develop the character more seeing as he is an engineer.

Oh, and that 'new' necromorph in the picture is his girlfriend :)

Ace Killa 085312d ago

couple days ago the images of Dead Space 2 was approved and i was intrested in the ame again, so right now im playing 1 or 2 chapters a night. and man even though i passed this game its still scary !!

TheBlackSmoke5312d ago

Definitely buying this day one but im a little unsure about this whole bad-ass butt whoopin version of isaac. What makes DS so good is that your just a regular guy trying to fix the ship so you can escape, all your weapons are mining tools and your armor is actually just the equivalent of space overalls. If it becomes isaac in a batsuit running through left 4 dead in space tearing up everything the survival aspect will be lost.

HammockGames5312d ago

I'm eager to see what they crank out for the higher level suits in DS2.

The Scorpion suit was my personal favorite from the original, although the obsidian and stormtrooper-like suits were pretty bad ass too.

Saaking5312d ago

this game is gonna be great. The first one was amazing, and imo one of the best new IPs this gen.

jerethdagryphon5312d ago

my guess is that custom armor he designed to counter necromorph sharp bits

less holes for clas to snag in and such

still looks good im 3 trophys from platinium on it

:( impossible is not fun

bruddahmanmatt5312d ago

I just hope the game doesn't go all action-adventure on us as Dead Space really filled the void created when Capcom decided that RE5 would be more shooter, less horror. As much as I enjoyed the original RE games, Silent Hill and other similar titles in the past I've never been TOO big a fan of the survival horror genre. Survival horror games were usually rentals for me when I was a kid. Dead Space however, well let's just say that I'd be lying if I said that Dead Space didn't turn me on to something new. The game is simply phenomenal and I still don't know how it's not on some folks shelves when the game can be had for as low as $10 these days. I'm definitely looking forward to DS2 and have come to enjoy the franchise so much that I hope a third person remake of Extraction one day makes the jump to the PS3/360 as a PSN/Live download for fans of the original to enjoy.

ThanatosDMC5312d ago (Edited 5312d ago )

Day 1 since i liked the first. I had some trophy problems though. I finished it twice without cheating. Heck, i didnt even know there were cheats. Anyway, i stopped getting trophies after chapter 3 or 4.

Yeah, i still kinda want co-op but it's fine if it's single player. If it's co-op, i bet there's still a way to make it creepy and have that survival feel.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5312d ago
FunAndGun5312d ago

The first one was so damn solid and polished, I am really looking forward to this sequel.

Doc Sony5312d ago

I thought he died in the end, at least I assumed it.

But cool, lets hope he talks this time around.

m-s-8-25312d ago

The game came out a year ago. If someone hasn't played it by now they probably won't. There should be a 6 month cap on mandatory spoilers alerts.

rogimusprime5312d ago

using that logic, how would you like to have every movie you haven't seen spoiled just cause you hadn't gotten around to watching it yet?

there is NO statute of limitations on "spoiler".

I don't care if I sat down to watch the godfather III after seeing the first two, and some A-hole yelled "hey, you know he dies at the end right...I mean c'mon this movie is OLD"...he would still get socked.

Fade_Walker5312d ago

Seriously, this is not a spoiler. It shows in the title of the article that he is still alive and he did not mention how the game actually ended.

redsquad5312d ago

Actually, I found the very final scene to be utterly expected - Standard 'horror movie' fare - And I would imagine anyone who plays the game from start to finish would expect it too.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5312d ago
very normal guy5312d ago

not so sure maybe... With the end of the first dead space who know...

Redlogic5312d ago

in excitement! Dead Space has to be one of my all time favorites for this generation. This is a day one purchase, no doubt!

nnotdead5312d ago

completely agree. Dead Space is in my top 5 games this gen.

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EA Shoots Down Dead Space 2 Remake Rumors: 'No Validity to This Story'

EA has shut down rumors that EA Motive considered a Dead Space 2 remake before shelving it due to low sales of the previous game, saying there's "no validity" to the reports.

XiNatsuDragnel75d ago

Sure.... right.... at least remake dead space 3 w/o microtransactions bs.

XiNatsuDragnel74d ago

I sometimes I wished I didn't Ngl lol

Knightofelemia74d ago

Why not remake DS2 whether shot down or not it's still my favorite game next to DS1. As much as I hate EA I would buy or would have bought DS2 day one.

MeteorPanda74d ago

No validity XD "Guys guys, we cant possible make a good game or cater to the gamers wants, stop"

Yi-Long74d ago

I don't know if sales met their expectations or not. I just know that the high review scores received my attention so I was interested in buying it, but its price stayed high (50+ bucks) for so long that I simply never bothered picking it up.

Tacoboto74d ago

Doesn't pay full price
Doesn't pay *any* price
Ponders if sales met expectations regarding an allegedly canceled sequel.


Yi-Long74d ago

Well, for starters, I'm sure there are plenty of games I never bought which did, somehow, still, meet their sales-expectations.

Concerning Dead Space; I never played and thus cared for the original. It's in multiple genres (shooter, sci-fi, horror) I don't particularly care about so it was barely on my radar pre-launch. I was never its target-audience.

When reviews hit, and it was scoring big, it gathered my interest, so while it wasn't in my field of interest, it mrans that I wanted to give it a fair shot and at least give it a try, as I do with many games across different genres; I tend to just cherry-pick the good stuff and see if it's for me or not.

But, I do wait for sales on those games I take a risk on.

Kornholic73d ago (Edited 73d ago )

Lol, you are a huge part of the problem. If a very high-quality game is not even worth 50 bucks to you, then what is?

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13 Years Later, Dead Space 2 Is Still A Perfect Video Game

Nameer from eXputer: "Dead Space 2 is a sequel that delivers such a feast that by the time you're done, you're not only full but also satisfied."

Aaroncls794d ago

It was amazing. All 3 DS games game solid for me, but 2 was special.

hombreacabado94d ago

i can do without ds3 but the first two are solid.

mariopasta94d ago

Hope they remake this one too. Just like they did with number 1. The remake of Dead Space 1 was perfection

Terry_B94d ago

thanks to the digital pass for it it was not perfect..in fact its difficult to find a working copy since many years.


EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX197d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled197d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa197d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno196d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac196d ago (Edited 196d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast196d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial196d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!