
US Bayonetta demo shows minor improvements

Nick @ PS3Center writes:

Earlier this week, rumors hit that Sega had enlisted the help of Sony to get the game up to snuff. I contacted both Sega and Sony but couldn't come up with anything conclusive. Nonetheless, it looks like the rumors may have some truth to them, given credence by a Japanese tech analysis.

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Bodyboarder_VGamer5403d ago

Wow, instead of running below 30fps most of times, now it runs at constant 30. That's not minor but a microscopic improvement. One of the selling point of the game it's that it runs at 60fps and the PS3 version struggles to keep at constant 30... Man this piss me off. >=(

Rikitatsu5403d ago

even though its not as good as the 360 version, it ran totally fine and it did not hinder the gameplay at all, the media has overblown these issues again.

Rikitatsu5403d ago

US and JPN demo have better framerate than the EU demo for some unknown reason, I tried both and I can tell you for sure that the framerate in the EU demo is a LOT worse than the other regions. Dunno why...

gauntletpython5403d ago

Not even the 360 version runs at 60 FPS, I think Eurogamer/Digital Foundary said it ran at 45 fps on average. So, from 30 -> 35, it shows some improvement at least.

SixTwoTwo5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )

Its being made to seem that the PS3 version is unplayable which is pretty ****ing ridiculous. The game is awesome and a definite purchase for me.

raztad5403d ago

Unless the demo is not a faithful representation of what to expect from the final game I would say the PS3 version is quite playable, so if are looking forward to this game and happen to own only PS3, or just enjoy this kind of game on your PS3 go ahead and get it.

jack_burt0n5403d ago

Rikitatsu spks truth bubs 2 u

MEsoJD5403d ago


Wait for the price drop if you have to get it.

Redempteur5403d ago

i'm sorry but what's wrong with constant 30 fps and a fun game ?


SaiyanFury5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )

I have both the Japanese and American demos, and while it appears the US demo is a bit smoother, neither is unplayable. The Japanese demo might have a bit of a reduction on framerate, but it's still extremely playable. I've been saying this for a while now. But good on SEGA for seeking help in streamlining the game for their PS3 version. I'll be getting it on the PS3 simply because I'm more familiar with the controller.

andron5403d ago

30 fps should be a minimum for an action game, and any improvement is welcome. Still since the game was designed on the 360 it's probably too late too make major changes to the PS3 port.

Still not as good as the 360 version, even though the 360 version has some minor framerate drops to according to the Digital Foundry blog too. But that's not as impactful since it drops from 60 fps to 45-50 in some hectic scenes...

peeps5403d ago

after playing the 2 demo's heres my thoughts. The game is awsome and should deffo satisfy DMC fans. before playing the demo i wasn't fussed about this game at all but now can't wait to get it.

in terms of which version. If you have the choice, 360 all the way with this game however if you only have a ps3, thats not to say you shouldn't pick up the ps3 version since it still runs well, just the 360 version does run noticably better.

kinda annoying for me cus obv i do own both systems, but i actually prefer trophies, so in the majority of cases i will buy the ps3 multiplat, even if the 360 version is slightly better in comparisons. In this case however i'm gonna have to go with the 360. like i say though, it's certainly playable on the ps3 and i mean ppl can play the demo themselves and make up their own mind

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 5403d ago
slave2Dcontroller5403d ago

played the US demo last night and turned it off after 4 minutes. Its garbage. I would really like to see this game perform well on the PS3 but thats just not going to happen since it wasnt created with the PS3 in mind.

Frame rate still hiccups, frequent screen tearing, and horrific textures makes it impossible to support this crap port. I'll get it for my wackbox360 since this and Splinter Cell;SC will be the only action it sees in 2010 before I box it back up. My Xbox360- It barely does anything.

raztad5403d ago

Yeah the port is pretty poor, but still playable. The lack of commitment from the devels of this game turns me off on it as well.

To get it for your xbox is for sure the best idea.

slave2Dcontroller5403d ago

Yeah. I will just wait for the price to drop first. Not really in a rush to get it with GOW3 right around the corner.

5403d ago
wpggamer5403d ago

It's prize not price you idiot.

And it's not just Edge that gives it perfect 10's.

But in true fanboy fashion, anything that isn't better on the PS3 is automatically the developers fault, because you guys are all programmers and know how to optimize for teh cell. Or the game is garbage, it must be, I mean it's better on the xbox. So of course.

I'm gonna buy two copies just to piss off the fanboys. lol

mastiffchild5403d ago

I don't see anything that made the Japanese PS3demo that bad, tech wise, to be frank, and I had more issues wioth it being a little too similar to Kamiya's DMC blueprint and while that's no bad thing in itself it does seem a little lazy. All I feel he's done is add a little sex and a little more crazy so, to me, the perfect scores are a little mystifying but we all have different tastes and demands.

Whatever, the only real issue I've found is the up and down framerate and if Sega/Sony are smoothing that out I struggle to see anything worthy of changing you from buying the game for whichever platform you usually would. It's not as if the screen tearing is that bad on either version(though present on both at rare occasions)and I rhinjk it's been blown way out of proportion. Sega haven't done a terrible job at all and all it lacks is the same FPS to me nd if that's now stabler I can't fnd a major issue anywhere-this isn't a port of the same degree of crap as The Orange Box was, now is it? THAT was the last game that forced me away from buyin a multi for the PS3(controller preference for me as I really don't like the 360 pads bulky shape, wonky stick placement or being seemingly designed for right handed gamers with bear size mitts!)and, though I personally feel Bayonetta's fooled a lot of people into thinking it's amazing when it's just a variation on DMC it's still going to be a fun game and definite rent-at least-and if it's better than expected a purchase in the future for me.

The only accusations I would cnsider about the game wopuld be Kamiya not straying very far from what he's done before and Platinum not designing for both platforms as it's never ideal if the creator of the game doesn't make the ports too-that's where the laziness is and without them saying they hadn't the tiome/money/team to make it for the PS3 we're left to guess whether they ever wanted it to be a multi-maybe we'd be seeiong a truly amazing 360 exclysive had they not had to worry about a port they weren't even making and just properly optimised it on all levels for the 360. A little explanation would go a long way I feel but, that said, I honestly don't gind the issues some people have reported with the Japanese demo-harfly anything to moan about and certainly seeing as Sefa at least bothered I fail to get why they're in any wrong here. They only tried to bring the game to PS3 when noone else was, it isn't their game and they look to be getting some help now-what is their crime here?

Anyway, I don't see anything game breaking and don't think the fuss is proportional to the actual faults at all. If it's up your street buy whichever version you wouldnormally once you check out the demo to see if you're one of those who sees more of the faults as I'm starting to think I must just not be seeing stuff here-and as I wasn't blown away like Id imagined by the game itself I doubt I'd be trying to be over fair on the port anyway! As ever, when there's issues like this, it's a question of whether they're big enough to overcopme your usual controller or platform preference which is completely personal I suppose but I don't see the massive issues being reported. I really don't.

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King Hippo5403d ago

I mean they should've fixed the generic button mashing gameplay and fixed the character so it doesn't look so much like a shemale. I thought it would be like DMC1 (or at least a little bit) but it was just terrible. The game is really bland (good thing there are better games like God of War 3 coming out to fill the void).

Rikitatsu5403d ago

Watch this and say it again with a straight face


it's obvious the crappy port has skewed your perception of the title. if it had been the other way around you'd be thinking differently and be singing a different tune.

what exactly is so male about her, to me she's almost like Gloria from DMC4. (with the long legs and all) http://www.youtube.com/watc...

ultimolu5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )

So nobody can have an opinion about games? So the reason why he thinks it's a crappy hack and slash is because of the "superior 360 version"?

If he thinks it's crap, then that's his opinion. Who are you to tell a person what they should like from what they shouldn't like? Gamers can't like the games they want to like without people jumping down their throats.

Keep harping about multiplatforms. That's all 360 fans such as yourself love to brag about instead of actual exclusives.

The PS3 version isn't unplayable. I'm still getting the game.

5403d ago
Redempteur5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )

"now tell why Star Ocean is viewed so highly, i mean it was on 360 first right? "
because disc swapping is gone ?
dual voices ?
anime or cg character face ? ( choice again )
new lock system ? ( improved battle )
New events ?

i know you're a troll but it's just too easy to destroy your pathetic and ridiculous attempt that your answer was .

just like tales of vesperia ...improved on almost every aspect ...
Just like ninja gaiden sigma 2 ...

Do you want me to continue ?

FACT: bayonneta PS3 condition has nothing to do with the PS3 itself and it's so unnatural that they are trying to fix it ...
And again , since when 38/40 is a bad score for a game ..??? The ps3 version is far from being unplayable ... i know that because i finished th demo at least 5 times ...

PS: if you like to read the open zone that much , you should try to write in that part of the comments too ...

5403d ago
peeps5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )

the cool thing about bayonetta is like dmc, you can play it as a button masher if you like, but take a step back and you realise that the combot is v v deep and u can put a lot of work into mastering the combos (as demonstrated in the video Rikitatsu posted)

if u wanna go for those perfects and high combo's u'll need to get good at the long list of moves and combos available

and i agree with Redempteur. The fact is that this game was built for the 360 and they screwed up porting to the ps3, basically cus of how they game uses the architecture of the 360 and how the ps3's is so different. So yes Bayonetta is better on 360, but if you're a ps3 only owner theres no reason why you shouldn't pick this game up if you like it's style

Nikuma5403d ago

"3.1 - Button Mashing Gameplay?
Watch this and say it again with a straight face

This just owned everyone who says the game is just a button masher. Bubs to you sir.

Most people are ignorant to the fact that this game has the option "Easy Automatic" and that essentially makes it a easy button masher. This is like EZmode for any noob that was to play the game without getting owned hard. Lots of hardcore games are doing this now to attract casuals as well.

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Bungie5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )


good to know that $ony cares

CernaML5403d ago

Ah ha. Being not as annoying as all the other 360 fanboys just to rank up bubbles was just a diabolical plan of yours! Now that you have much more than 2 like most of them, you decide to spread your jackassery!


5403d ago
Bungie5403d ago


be gamers

not fanboys

cmacdonald5403d ago

I hope it flops on the ps3. Lazy developers need to be punished in the pocketbook.

CernaML5403d ago

It already sold more on the PS3 in Japan. But sure, let it flop so they don't have the incentive to make more games on the PS3.

raztad5403d ago

Fully agree with cmacdonal and fully disagree with cernaML.

Sega and Platinum, Platinum the most, must understand sub standard ports dont make the cut anymore. PS3 owners are not starved for games. I doubt Sega can afford no to make games for the PS3.

LeonSKennedy4Life5403d ago

Honestly, it's a great port!

The graphics suffered very little...and I mean VERY little.

It's a fantastic port!


But anyone thinks that at least in the PS3 this game is going to sell a lot? NO!!. Thats because PS3 owners like me will be waiting for a better game that is based in GREEK Mithology. The game will sold good on the 360 because thats the only thing they can play. The game will be hyped to death as the best Hack and Slash only by 360 FANBOYS and their fanboys sites like EDGE.

Im a big DMC fan and if the DEMO of BAYONETTA is representative of the final game I would say that it will be a good game but not the game 360 fanboys are hyping. This game is cheesy and its competition is towards DMC. The background in the demo is boring and the Bayonetta character really look weird. Anyway I believe that NARIKO is a better female charcter. I will be playing it on the 360...pirated thats what its worth.


bigrudowsky5403d ago

I dont think they were lazy just inexperienced thats why they are trying to correct it

raztad5403d ago


Platinum pulled a Valve. Those guys didnt even try. They handed out the codebase (made from the ground up for the xbox) to Sega. I commend Sega for trying. I know game is playable because I tried the demo, but still not up to par specially framerate and screen-tearing.


I think you are so excited about this game that have no problems overlooking details. Thankfully those details dont break the game so it's perfectly fine.

CrippleH5403d ago

Sega is trying but not Platinum. It's not even Sega's work it's somebody elses. It's not Sega that's lazy, it's platinum brushing off the PS3 version to somebody else.

Kojima has it right, Japan is falling behind in the gaming industry in quality. This game looks like it can be a Xbox 1 game.

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Atsuko Tanaka, The Japanese Voice Of Bayonetta, Has Passed Away

She also played Chun-Li and Major from Ghost in the Shell

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EternalTitan29d ago

Dying at 61 in Japan is too young.

gold_drake29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

oh shit, i did know that the Major voice actress passed away but i didnt know she voiced bayonetta too

rest in peace

jznrpg29d ago

I saw this on an anime site yesterday. She had an awesome voice. RIP

Chevalier29d ago

Major is definitely one of my all time favourite anime characters so this is really sad

FACTUAL evidence29d ago

Too many greats passed in 2024. Life is never promised. R.I.P


Bayonetta Developers Discuss Plans Of A Sequel

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CrimsonWing69547d ago

Let’s hope they don’t go the prequel direction… yeesh


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jznrpg551d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal551d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.