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Embargo Lifted – Darksiders: This is the real " God of War "


"Sure, it's a bold statement to claim THQ's multi-platform title Darksiders, due for release January 7th 2010, as the real God of War of this hack 'n slash action game genre.

Maybe it's not entirely original, but the game does do an excellent job of taking what worked in many great 3rd person action titles such as God of War, Legend of Zelda, Soul Reaver etc. and mash them in with a post apocalyptic/Armageddon time line to create one of, if not the, most visceral games I have played in a long time."

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BadCircuit5294d ago

Not sure about this one, but it sounds okay

Bungie5294d ago


Darksiders feels more like an adventure game

Bayonetta is the real deal for hack n slash fans

whothedog5294d ago (Edited 5294d ago )

I think this game looks pretty cool, it has Zelda elements and I love Zelda so I think this game could be cool, but definitely a renter(at first at least), for me. But I am interested in this game.

Bayonetta is cool if you like butterfly's,Hannah Montana and cute kiddie stuff like that, I like more gory games so I will be going with the EPIC GoWIII, unless you like butterfly's. :P

Haha I kid, Bayonetta might be cool, I wasn't impressed with the demo but seems like people really like the game, so I might give it a go when it comes out.

XboxOZ3605294d ago

Having seen several of the Bayonetta Developers diaries, and actual game play from Sega, I can not see what all the fuss is about the game. It's rather lacluster to be honest, and even cutsie to so levels (Bayonetta).

The original script and concept was ten times better, but it have changed so much, it's almost not recognizable from the concept designs.

Darksiders is a much more "mature" game and offers far more than Bayonetta can even hope to offer. I think because it's a mindless hack-n-slash, younger gamers will like it, for a very short period of time, then lose interest in it.

But with this, it will require some solid gameplay to get through, and involve the gamer much more than Bayonetta even could hope to.

gaminoz5294d ago

Yeah I'm not sure about it either but the concept seems cool. But if it is all my boss is bigger than your boss it will just get ridiculous.

Darkeyes5294d ago

Too many GOW clones out next year. I pity most of these games, cause many will get over shadowed (by the PS3 crowd) who will jump on GOW3 over these games. Especially with early 2010 over loaded with massive titles like GOW3, GT5, ME2, SC:C, Heavy Rain, MAG, Alan Wake..... List goes on.

No disrespect, but most of these games have ideas straightly ripped from GOW. But frankly none can at least hold a candle in front of GOW in the story and graphics department. Ya GOW might have the same combat system as GOW1 & 2 (which ironically were praised for having it), but still it works great for me as I hate memorizing combos... I need a game where I can straight away jump from 1 game to it without having to first remember all the combos... It's just me, but I feel GOW is the most accessible game in the H & S genre. For Veterans of NGS and DMC, it may feel 'Easy' and 'noob friendly', but for the first time when you see spilled intestines or the ripping of heads, you know you are into something epic.

Besides, I am pretty sure Santa Monica has surprises installed for GOW3 (titan battles, battles on titans...). It will take A LOT for any of these game to claim the crown of the best H & S from GOW3.

Guido5294d ago

As quoted above... Often imitated, never duplicated. Sorry, but GOWIII will show each of these websites how it is done and the crow that will be served will be served with the blood of gods.

Trebius5294d ago

So dont pay him any mind...

Bayonetta is DMC for girls.

nix5294d ago

and not to mention - the EGDE.

EDGE still thinks that it can fool people. oh wait...

gaffyh5294d ago

@1.3 - Yeah I agree, Bayonetta isn't as good as DMC in some ways, although the combo system is pretty good. Darksiders looks kinda like what Brutal Legend should have been, with good and fun platforming elements.

Raf1k15294d ago

I quite like the way this game looks TBH but it reminds me of World of Warcraft and how I would like it to look. Also, the main character reminds me of a more colourful Arthas.

whothedog5294d ago (Edited 5294d ago )


Yeah, I didn't get it either, but I seen two perfect scores (even though I don't trust Edge), and I see people talking that game up like crazy lately.

I think Darksiders has way more potential than Bayonetta, I just remember hearing a interview where the developer was saying how your going to need certain items to get to certain areas and certain weapons will help against certain enemies and it reminded me of a Zelda but in a dark universe, which he also referenced. I haven't seen much gameplay from the game other than small tidbits, and I didn't know it was going to be that gory where limbs are being ripped off, and a stat that measures how much blood you spilled haha.

On another note I forgot I liked you guys and respected your site and opinion haha. The title shied me away from clicking the link at first but I read it now :) and good article, you know if any demo will be coming? Stay cool!

Sarcasm5294d ago

You know God of War is the true benchmark when competing titles have to mention it in every article.

Nuff' Said

morganfell5294d ago

Sarcasm is correct.

I have Darksiders reserved and am looking forward to a great story and a wonderful voice cast. But seriously, if you are attempting to go head to head against the warrior that killed the God of War then you are going to lose.

nycredude5294d ago

When will these people stop shooting themselves in the foot. How can you possible give your game a chance when you say things like this. Trying to say you are better than GOW 3 is setting yourself up for failure. I understand you have confidence in your product but come on use some better judgement.

What does that even mean "The REAL GOW"? Does that mean GOW 1 and 2 and 3 are the fake GOW of the hack and slash? Stupid.

It's the same with Turn ten dissinig GT5. How is Forza 3 doing now?

GrathiusXR5294d ago

I'm the one who used the Real God of War term for Darksiders lol.. That's not to say that THQ don't have any confidence in there title though..

I'm surprised It isn't getting as much advertising at the moment.. I can say that almost everyone at the sit down for Darksider last week they were all impressed with the game..

Their only complaints were the same as mine they do not want the game to become room after room which are exactly the same where you must defeat set enemies just to complete a mission.

As well as combat at times.. Other than that Darksiders for me has one compelling and interesting story..I for one am really looking forward to it just to continue the story..

Noctis Aftermath5294d ago

I think this type of promoting does the opposite of what they want, cause now with each new H&S game i see them comparing it to GoW and that gets me interested in god of war since everything is claiming to be better then it, i hadn't even heard of God of war until i started browsing n4g but now i'm probably getting it day 1.

Also i've been interested in darksiders for a while, but i'm much more interested in god of war and if i had to pick one game out of the two it would be GoW handsdown, but i'll prob pick this one up when the opportunity arises.

WildArmed5294d ago

Looks pretty awesome imo.

Though i hate the fact that all the action/HnS games are always lumped up together.
Couldnt they spread it out a bit more -.-
first half of '10 is gonna be packed with hack n slash, and the rest of the year is gonna be missing them.
I hate it when a genre gets over saturated in a matter of months n then drops dead again.

erathaol5294d ago

Joe Mad is the Creative Director. Pass. His characters have always been ridiculous looking and will always be ridiculous sounding. You can choose better titles than this, such as Bayonetta, Dante's Inferno, No More Heroes, God of War III and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

2010 Looks to be the year of the Hack n Slash.

Kind of sad that Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden won't be making it to the show. :/

FACTUAL evidence5294d ago (Edited 5294d ago )

But why do someone always try to make ps3 games look bad.....have anyone notice the competition with GOW lately(mostly 360 sites)? "The new god of war!!" "bayonetta slaps kratos". Lol, all MP games. This game is going to be great, but they need to give it up, kratos is THEE man.

DMason5294d ago

How can this be the "real" God of War? The real God of War is, well, God of War.

shawnsl655293d ago

I'll be definitely picking up Darksiders, it should keep me busy until the barrage of games that are coming out in March. Story seems interesting, voice acting is pretty much superb, graphic is okay. According to what I've seen so far, it's definitely not a renter, I'll keep this baby in my collection.

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Raoh5294d ago


what a clever title for an xbox 360 site...

GrathiusXR5294d ago

Having had the chance to give God of War 3 a spin at E3 It just felt more of the same of what I had previously seen.. Sure the gore was cool and the guts was awesome but it was the same pretty much for most enemies..

Darksiders to me is a lot more massive in scope and features just as much blood and limb removal as GoW3..

The 360 is lacking in a title like GoW3 and Darksiders looks to fill that gap even though It Is a Multi-Platform title it still is awesome for 360 owners xD

Plus It's out in under a month!!

XboxOZ3605294d ago

Which means it too will be Refused Classification closer to release in Australia, as now they OLFC are looking at MW2 and having it removed from the shelves, and have RC two games in the last 10 days or so. Crime Craft and now Aliens V's Predators . . . both of which got banned. Yet the movie of the same title (Aliens/Predators)gets passed - work that one out.

I think this, and a few more titles will cop the chop in 2010 IF the R18+ is not pushed. As there are moves by the very conservatives to push the OLFC to ban even more games in the coming months and crack down even further.

So do NOT be surprised when more get the big RC in 2010.

XboxOZ3605294d ago

Thanks mate, we bounced several names around, and so many were fixated around the 360, But the platform is the target, but it also allows us to branch out later, as we do preview/review PS3-PC-Wii-iPhone games as well from time to time.

Thanks for the kind words, most appreciated.

nycredude5294d ago


Obviously you haven't really played any of the previous GOW games because then you would know how much like BS your comment sound. I've been gaming a freaking long time and no game, I repeat no game have impressed me with regard to being massive and sheer scope more than GOW 1 and 2, and soon to be GOW 3. You might think it sucked and GOW 3 sucks and people will have different taste but saying GOW is not massive and epic is false.

And also you ripping GOW for the same as old stuff from playing just the demo and going on to praise Darksiders, even though in this article it is clear all it does is the same things other games have done. Aren't you a hipocrite there?

"Maybe it's not entirely original, but the game does do an excellent job of taking what worked in many great 3rd person action titles such as God of War, Legend of Zelda, Soul Reaver etc. and mash them in with a post apocalyptic/Armageddon time line to create one of, if not the, most visceral games I have played in a long time."

GrathiusXR5293d ago

See now to you personally God of War has been the only game to impress you above the rest.. Only to you as you so clearly state.. Just like I have stated to me GoW3 does not impress me as much as Darksiders..

On the floor at E3 when GoW3 was being demoed over at Sony's booth on the massive screen there were a bunch of gamers around me and few that I had been hanging around with that were in the same boat as me..

At 1st they were like amazing looking game but then when the demo was over they were in the same state of amazement.. Mainly due to the graphics not really being as good as they were being touted, the kill animation of the guts coming outs was the same each time.. and they felt as if the game was not doing much overall to become better..

Over at the Darksiders booth though were you could sit down and play as long as you wanted the people I was attending with were overly impressed with what the game had to offer..

It blended what is good in other 3rd person games like I have stated which made the game that much more fun to play.. They knew they had seen and done this stuff before but they appreciated the fresh coat of storyline, art design, characters and maturity of the game.

GoW3 to me at the time featured updated graphics engine, guts and that was it. And no I'm not a hypocrite when I say what I have said..

Darksiders blends all the great elements that worked in other games but and what I should have added in the article does it in a way that does not feel tedious and boring but instead adds a fresh layer of Darksiders feel to it.. Because of the setting of Darksiders It allowed Vigil to add their own unique touch to these elements.

We can continue to butt back and forth in our arugements but in the end I'll stand byw hat I've said/written and you'll stand by what you have said/written..

So I'll suggest we pretty much leave it at that cause it won't go any further and we won't really get anywhere with it all.. Both will be great games like I have stated but I'll personally be interested in Darksiders a lot more than GoW3 come release for both games.

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Why Dat5294d ago (Edited 5294d ago )

While I agree Darksiders looks and plays great, I really want to know what is with all the [unjustified] hate on God of War all of a sudden?

XboxOZ3605294d ago

Actually, if you read the article, it's more a play on words. Remembering that the player is WAR, a God, one of the 4 Horsemen . . . He wages war on the other gods . . . Check the storyline and the article, and Vigil Games comments about it.

XboxOZ3605294d ago

And we don't care if it is an exclusive, as it's a bloody great game (GOW3), and we'll be reviewing it when it does front.

NOt as a comparison, but as it stands on its own two feet.

nolifeking5294d ago

Your play on words falls apart once you realize none of the 4 horsemen are gods, they're simply manifestations of their respective names working under death, who himself is not a god. In the bible only one god exist so the title is simply flamebait.

nix5294d ago

it's a flame-bait nonetheless. the only good thing about this all is that we're not clicking on HHG's article.

Nitrowolf25294d ago

right after that GOW3 demo impression, honestly right after i read that more comparison between bayonnete popped up, cause that impression said it hated 1 and 2 and it comes nothing compared to bayonnette(btw played both demo GOW3 so much more fun, there are so many more enemies to kill on one screen)
idk much of this game but for some reason i see thise game relating more to GOW then bayonneta

Why Dat5294d ago (Edited 5294d ago )

@ XboxOZ360

Ohhh... I get it now. Yea, I'll be honest I didn't read as thoroughly as I should have.

Thanks for the reply.

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sugatmahanti5294d ago

Suddenly every new hack n slash game is better than God of War :|

emk20045294d ago

this article just reminds me of all the stupid kz2 killing halo articles there all stupid.

i still haven't seen this game really distinguish itself at all yet.

peeps5294d ago

my mate was going on about this the other day, personally i haven't really paid it much attention but from the video's i saw it didn't exactly blow me away. i think i'll wait to see my mate playing it before i decide.

the 1 big thing for me is the art style. i imagine some will love it, but for a game based on 1 of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse it would have been nicer to have seen a much 'darker' art style. it seems a bit too cheery lol

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Check Out A Feature Length Documentary on the Darksiders Franchise

Gameumentary is proud to share with you our feature-length documentary covering the Darksiders franchise.

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Community2256d ago

Darksiders: The Documentary – Official Reveal Trailer

Gameumentary: Good afternoon everyone! We're super proud to share with you the official trailer for our upcoming documentary on the Darksiders franchise.

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The Darksiders Remaster isn’t much of an improvement for PC gamers

A short opinion piece about the PC version of the upcoming Darksiders Warmastered edition.

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Community2865d ago
Jimboms2866d ago

I mean is anything ever an upgrade for the PC Master Race?

Booggeyman2866d ago

When it comes to graphics rarely, but a bit of new content would have made this much more appealing for all gamers, including those on PC.

Maxor2865d ago

Lets get real. The PC got this upgrade on day one. All they had to do was crank the graphics to max and run it at 60 FPS.

VJGenova2865d ago

No free upgrade I take it ...

jeromeface2865d ago

They didn't when they remastered 2...

JamesBroski2865d ago

The "Deathinitive" edition of Darksiders 2 was disgusting anyway. Never seen a game with so much stuttering. I don't think they did anything but to resell it to most of their fans.

marioJP872865d ago

As usual for any remaster game from last gen.