
In-depth Review: Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - Electronic Theatre

The island itself is beautifully detailed throughout it's stunning 220 km2 area, with recognisable landmarks scattered throughout. The first mission tasks the player with assaulting the area located around a lighthouse (as a secondary objective), and many other such features exist throughout it's landmass. The sheer range of terrain types is also fantastic, and more than simply an aesthetic change as with the knowingly bland Red Faction: Guerrilla. Skira provides Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising with beaches, lush green fields, dense forests, military outposts and civilian housing, steep inclines and long winding valleys, lakes and flatland. A large mountain ridge provides some fantastic tactical opportunities and the dormant volcano will be the highlight of the map for many, but the real star of the show is quite simply how seamlessly it all fits together, without loading delays or draw-distance issues.

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Dazel5370d ago

That can see what the game is about without having to say it ain't MW2. Great read!

THC CELL5370d ago

this game is not for call of duty fans
in other words call of duty players will suck at this non run and gun game

and call it battle field all u like Flash point is a sim not a hardcore shooter

kevco335370d ago

There's actually very little else quite a realistic as Op Flashpoint out there, especially on consoles.


I disagree a little bit....

some Cod4 fans may suck at it.. indeed most cod4 players may suck, but it's not fair to say all. some people that play cod to play tactically, not everyone like to run and gun ( when you don't play like that in cod you get accused of being a camper anyway ).

I love cod4, but I am loving the sound of this even more !

Bathyj5369d ago

I love Brothers in Arms, Full Spectrum Warrior, GRAW, RB6.

I think this will be right up my alley. I just hope its not too hardcore. Challenging but not frustrating.

Rom8285369d ago

@ Bathyj - I think our patience will be tried while playing this game. That is not necessarily a bad thing. Hopefully it will encourage the player to think through the objective and try, try again. I'm going to give the "hardcore" mode a go. If it makes me miserably frustrated, then I will lessen the pain on a milder mode. :LOL:

See you on the field!

Bathyj5369d ago

I love going slow in games, taking my time and being sneaky. My favourite XBox game is Tenchu.

Its probably why I dont play online, which is mainly variations on deathmatch and CTF. Everyone running around after the same thing. I like going against the AI and using the rules of the game world to my advantage at my own pace.

lowcarb5369d ago

Well you've got some good tastes. I'm just glad we finally got something here that will hold us off until the next big thing. This game is right up mu alley.

YogiBear5369d ago

Brothers in Arms is an excellent series. I wasn't crazy about Hell's Highway though. Might have to sign out Operation Flashpoint from Gamestop.

Grown Folks Talk5369d ago

that bought Full Spectrum Warrior. Loved the strategy, hated struggling to find someone to do online co-op. I'll be picking up OF:DR as well. I like the more tactical, strategic shooters. If I just want to strafe & shoot without thinking, i'll play Max Payne.

Bathyj5369d ago (Edited 5369d ago )

I'd love a current gen FSW.

Ten hammers was excellent. Allowing your two teams to splint again gave 4 teams of 2 and let you really use some strategy. It took some keeping track of but was very rewarding.

Creating distractions and flanking enemies is so much fun. Having your guys breach a door in Rainbow 6 while you come in a second later from a different door is awesome. Nothing so pretty as the back of a mans head.

I'm thinking maybe this game should have stolen Killzones cover system. I think it would be a good fit.

Anyone ever play Joint ops Typhoon Rising on PC?
Its a bit like Battlefield but with huge map, and hundreds of enemies AI (no respawning but individual soldiers. We used to play co op at LANS and take out all these villages.

SWAT 4 is cool too. Great game.

chak_5369d ago

FSW was awesome, didn't play much the second one, but loved the first !

and Bathyj, keep an eye on angel falls, next joint ops

Grown Folks Talk5369d ago

will do 1 as well. Don't know if it did the #s they want. More mindless shooter fans than strategic ones it seems.

bjornbear5369d ago

Only to have the plan mess up and have to improvise =D LOVE OFP !!!!

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Gamer_Politics5369d ago

i've been waiting along time for this game to hit consoles...

hoops5369d ago

This is what real tactical shooter games are all about.
We heard it a thousand times before:
This ain't no COD4....and it's true...that's why this game kicks ass.

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Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising – The FPS I’ve Needed

Twinfinite's Henry McMunn revisits Codemaster's military simulator and realises it was actually really great all along.

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DanielGearSolid3768d ago


Play Red River next... Tell us if it's worth it!

porkChop3768d ago

Dragon Rising wasn't bad, but it had a lot of questionable design choices. Red River was just horrible in every aspect, huge step down from DR.

BALLARD323768d ago

Yup, Dragon Rising had some potential, but it was way too restricted from what I remember. Red River was indeed horrible. Wish I hadn't wasted the money on that one.

djplonker3768d ago

Ugh I just remembered this game and it makes me want to me sick in a bowler hat and drown myself in it....

The only good thing about this game was borderlands was out a week later!

Elwenil3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

Dragon Rising was a really great idea but with Codemaster's typically shoddy execution of anything not racing related. Their poor handling of the criticism, bugs and outright lies on the packaging was eerily similar to EA's BF4 flustercluck. The game was a breath of fresh air in many ways and was really the only truly tactical, open map shooter of it's kind on consoles. Anyone who played the original Flashpoint or ARMA games would feel pretty comfortable with Dragon Rising. It's just a pity Codemasters dropped the ball completely on the online portion, allowed several annoying bugs to remain to this day and lied about features in the game and later charged for these promised features as DLC. With the way they handled the whole situation, Codemasters earned the first spot on my ever expanding list of developers that I refuse to buy anything from them. Again, much like BF4, you can easily see the awesome game it could have been and yet it's still totally out of reach.


Hidden gems of the generation (Part I: First Person Shooters)

There are games wich shine with light. However, not all games have the same opportunity to receive support from their editors.

This results in remarkable games, even outstanding, which have been forgotten or, unfortunately, were never known by the mass audience. Even their reviews, do not capture the true quality of the title, since most anticipated games, are unfortunately better received in the newsroom.

Part I: Hidden gems in First Person Shooters

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Screw "realism" in video games

"I’m tired of the need for more 'realism' in games. I don’t want to hear about how realistic Call of Duty is while you’re cowering behind cover watching the red Kool-Aid disappear from your screen. I don’t care if Battlefield 3’s bullet drop somehow makes it a better shooter. Does it really matter if you play Forza Motorsport, Gran Turismo, or Need for Speed? They all look and feel fantastic; why does it matter if one is more realistic?

"You want to see a realistic game? Go play Operation Flashpoint on the hardest difficulty. After you’ve gotten out of the fetal position, tell me how enjoyable it was. Unless you happen to be a masochist, I’m going to bet you didn’t have a very good time. That’s realistic.

"We use video games as an escape, just like movies, literature, and music. They tell us stories, let us make our own, or let us live out an experience. I can’t drive a race car (heck, I don’t even have a license), but that doesn’t stop me from playing Need for Speed. The cor...

Batzi4370d ago

Exactly. I love the fact that you can jump and shoot with a .50 cal sniper rifle in COD. That adds to the fun whereas realism reduces the fun and makes the gameplay boring. Games aren't suppose to be realistic, we as human beings are very limited when it comes to abilities and powers and such and having game designers implementing what we fantasize the most in terms of technology and surreal action in video games make us people happy cause we get to experience our own "world", the world of fantasies and joy in those games which brightens our imagination and give us something to think about. If I wanted realism, I would rather stick to the life outside of home and drive a real car instead of playing GT5/Forza for instance. Realism ruins the fun, fun is surreal or simply like our folks at Epic Games call it, Unreal.

SeekDev4370d ago

Some people would like the opportunity to "be" a soldier, so to speak, but without having to risk their life to do it. In that sense, realism in games is wanted. Some people would like to hop around in a land full of giant mushrooms and clouds you can stand on, and that's where "unreal" games come in. There's a place for all types of gamers in this world.

WeTheBelievers4370d ago

Doesn't an escape from one reality into another make all the more magic though?

StreetsofRage4370d ago

Operation Flashpoint on hard is BOMB! I loved it! Intense! One of the few games that was genuinely hard and not just cheap like playing COD on veteran.

TheColbertinator4370d ago

Most of my favorite games this gen are unrealistic

Valkyria Chronicles

Tales of Graces F

Disgaea 4

Atelier Meruru

Mass Effect 1

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