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Destructoid Non-review: Why I couldn't finish Demon's souls

Destructoid writes- We're not in the business of reviewing games we don't finish, so I'll say right away that I did not finish Demon's Souls, the latest action RPG for the PlayStation 3. Because of this, we will not be giving it a review score this week. This write-up is going to have to suffice. Sorry.

It's not that I didn't want to finish it. I truly do, and I look forward t doing so. It just isn't going to happen now. The review date is upon us, and I've got plenty more game to go. On top of this, Atlus has pulled down the gaming press test servers to prepare for the game's retail launch.

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jmare5469d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Pennywise5469d ago

Another day, another Destructiod article making Sony look bad.

How about they just hold this article and wait for a server to be up.

gamesR4fun5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

just admitted it was too hard for him to finish in time for the review...

yep id rather have an honest article like this than another fake review

Parapraxis5469d ago

Well people expect a review.
I think they are doing the right thing.
Read the "preview" and see how it is. Demon's Souls is a pretty hefty games, and it sounds like the author wants to finish the game before giving out a score (which is good). Some reviews are questionable at best, and sound like only the first 1/2 or 1/3 of the game has been played.

I think it's important we gamers recognize this article to appease those waiting for the review as a GOOD thing.

I definitely don't want to start giving sites the impression we'd rather them just review the games by review date whether or not they've finished it.

Simon_Brezhnev5469d ago

Demon's souls is a hard game i just hope whoever plays it have patience. When you beat the game the difficulty gets even harder. Hell i gave up after i finished the game the game got like 4 times harder for me i guess because my character level was to the max lol.

legendkilla5469d ago

it was just too difficult for him too finish. They were not hating on anyone :)

callahan095469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

Good lord what is wrong with some of these reviewers. They play games professionally, for God's sakes. I get to spend a lot of time on the computer during the day so I can read about and talk about games online all the time, but I'm away from home all day so I don't get to play games nearly as often as I'd like.

So for me, someone who is passionate about games and loves games, I don't really consider myself the most skilled gamer because I just frankly don't get to practice enough. I play through most games on the normal setting, only touching the harder difficulties on games that absolutely love. Well, I find "platinum trophies" to be extremely hard to get in nearly every game. I almost never earn them for the games that I buy. But Demon's Souls, I earned it. It wasn't frustrating at all. It wasn't a "controller breaker" at all, like Dale North claims it is in this article.

I get frustrated quite easily in videogames, but Demon's Souls is just a game that is easy to accept that when you died, it wasn't because the game was being unfair, it was because you didn't approach the situation correctly. You learn from your mistakes, and you come back and do better next time. I got the platinum trophy, and I'm not about to say that it was easy, but the game really isn't frustrating, not in my opinion. I would think that people who plays games for a living would be even better at gaming than I ma, and I had little to no trouble with Demon's Souls. Some areas are challenging, but once you ascertain the appropriate approach to the situation, you get through it without any difficulty.

Strategy and patience are all that's required to succeed here. Twitch response and reflexes and other gaming skills like that are not needed in the slightest. This game is a mind-game.

Maybe that's why some critics don't do well with it. They're good at the types of games I'm not so good at. But mind-games, those I'm good at.

Pennywise5469d ago

I own this game and have beat it 4 times. So I guess I am on NG+++

It is not that hard if you just use your head and attack with skill. If you rush in, you die.

I didn't say he bashed the game. It is common knowledge that the servers wont be up until tomorrow. There was no need for this article.

JL5469d ago

Do y'all read the articles? Or do you just read the headline and description then start whining? Admittedly the contributor should've probably posted the last two paragraphs for the description then it wouldn't have been as 'misleading'. But seriously, people, read things before bashing them. This reviewer says absolutely nothing bad about this game really. He even goes on to "wholeheartedly" recommend the game, calling it a "beautifully crafted game" that he "can't wait to jump back into".

Basically the only 'bashing' he does is of his own gamer skills saying he himself just didn't approach this game and underestimated it or something. That his skills just didn't stack up to what this game demanded at the time and he went about tackling it all wrong.

Other than that though he gives this game good praise and says it's a great game.

scheme_a5469d ago

Basically he is saying that he wasn't ready for the challenge and realized too late that he had been making a mistake.
He is right. You shouldn't mindlessly rush into enemies and expect to survive.

I'd even say it's honorable that he admit he couldn't finish and even saying that it wasn't game's fault but his.

nbsmatambo5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

Just caused he sucks he couldnt finish the game, pass it to some1 who has the skill to finish it jk

but seriously i respect this guy for owning up and not making a bs review

deadreckoning6665469d ago

This article is a breath of fresh air.

callahan095469d ago

Yeah, I read the article. And I honestly don't understand how so many people who are paid to play videogames and write about them can find this game so frustrating. I'm easily frustrated and a gamer of mediocre skill, and I found this game to be fully rewarding and pleasantly challenging, never frustrating. It's one of the most fair and balanced games of all time, truly.

ThanatosDMC5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

To take on the King on your first go... you need to have reached at least lv65 even then the chances of survival is low. I fought him at lv 78 and loss several soul levels before he grabbed and impaled me with his sword.... ahh... good times.

Penny, i guess they dont think you have the game? He imported the game before i did.

ITA_Mafia_Boy5469d ago

Time to go and play with ur Barbie doll kiddo ?

ReservoirDog3165469d ago

Yeah, I think this was the first reviewer that couldn't handle the game.

SuperStrokey11235469d ago

You mean this is the first reviewer to ADMIT not being able to beat it. Honestly i totally respect this article and the way it was done. Very classy and really a credence to the quality of the game. Im so pumped for this game. If i cant get another kings field i will get this!

JL5469d ago

This is what I don't get: For so long now this game has been touted for its difficulty level. People saying this game will chew you up and spit you out. Saying it's the hardest game to come along in a LONG while. Now, when one reviewer comes out and admits that it did indeed chew him up and spit him up (though it was his fault for kinda underestimating the game) y'all want to jump on him and rip on it just because he freely admits what has been known for so long now and what other site's have been saying? Why, just because he actually owns up to it? You know I bet he hasn't been the only one that wasn't able to beat it all that quickly either.

MeatAbstract5469d ago

The fact this reviewer had to step back to re-think the way he was playing this game makes me happy I'm waiting for this on import. This guy, a guy that reviews games for a living, actually tells he is struggling with the game and the review will be late.

If anything, this makes me happy because it would be nice to play a challenging game this gen.

xenogamer5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

you guys are annoying, how is this making sony look bad? the guy wasnt skillfull enough to beat the game before the review period, so he couldnt give it a score, and had to put up something... so he wrote this... are you guys stupid? this sorta review did something the OTHER ACTUAL reviews didnt, made me want to buy the game, and remember these guys are journalist, not fvcking pro gamers, they dont get paid to play games, THEY GET PAID TO WRITE ABOUT GAMES, fvcking fanboys these days...

ReservoirDog3165469d ago


I'm still not sure about this game. I don't think I'm masochistic enough to enjoy it.

mastiffchild5469d ago

I read the article and I don't find it a breath of fresh air or refreshingly honest. It's just poor-why give the review to someone who clearly can't play this kind of game? All it really achieved was leaving the impression that the game's probably harder than it really is.

People will think "Wow, if a guy who plays games as part of his job can't manage how the f am I going to?"-it's really gonna put people off imo whether designed to do so or not. Mainly, though, D'toid should have put someone capable of playing a game on the review instead of leaving it to this guy as it, above everything else, looks REALLY amateur. Though considering the souce are we meant to be shocked?

pippoppow5469d ago

I consider my self an average skilled player at best and I beat the game. I did cheat by quitting the game before the death screen came up to start off where I died instead of playing the whole level again. I heard doing so may corrupt your save file but everything went ok for me. It took me about 50 hrs to beat and it was a very enjoyable experience. It is a very hard game but it's good enough to keep chipping away at it. Online implementation is really nice and hope other games use a similar online component.

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Morituri5469d ago

I don't have any copies of this game yet , and even I know that if you go into Boleteria like a meathead, you won't last long.

He said that he treated it like an ordinary action title, when he should have been assessing his enemies, learning their patterns, blocking when necessary and not wasting his stamina by flailing away like a madman. From what I have learned, button mashing is the best way to get killed quickly.

In other words, use strategic combat. This is not God of War.

DonCorneo5469d ago (Edited 5469d ago )

what did you do next, boy? ran away crying to your momma

yeah, demon's soul will break -- if you are not tough enough.

if a chick can beat it, you have no excuse

ReviewsArePolitics5469d ago

This trash Xtard website thinks anyone cares about their reviews? Only Xbox 360 fanboys do

Why Dat5469d ago

Jeez... people complain about a game being difficult? Wasn't there a huge uproar a few months back about today's games being way too easy and short to beat?

Come on guys... is this a valid reason to hate on Demon's Souls? That's pathetic! I personally think, the more difficult the game is, it just increases the longevity of the game (you gotta WORK for your "victory screen"!)

Noctis Aftermath5468d ago

For some reason this review has left me with a really big grin (Think heath ledger in The Dark Knight) and i now regret opting for the cheap mailing service.

JonnyBigBoss5469d ago

Before clicking I checked who wrote the article. Sure enough it's Destructoid. No thanks, I have yet to see a good article from them.

maikphisto5469d ago

is not bad at all, it actually said positive thing about the game and blames himself for not being up to the challenge

They even told this about the game:

"Would I recommend Demon's Souls? Wholeheartedly. It's a beautifully crafted game that demands your undivided attention and forces you to recall gamer skills that you proably haven't used in more than a decade."

I'm not a fan of destructoid...but i do not see a problem with this one... (looks through the window checking if the world isn't everything is fine)

madjedi5469d ago

Believe it or not this actually a positive article for once, and one not written by that sony hating retard jim sterling, the article was very open about how badly he underestimated the game.

I can't blame anyone for not clicking on the article it's from destructoid, they are worse than most openly fanboy 360 websites.

JonnyBigBoss5469d ago

Well my bad. I have heard about the game's difficulty and figured it'd be an article complaining about it. I suppose I'll check it out. There's no doubt this is a hard game but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. It being hard really creates a lot of play value, and getting good at it sounds rewarding.

pokeystaples5469d ago

I read destuctoid pretty regularly and they are one of the most balanced sites I read. I actually consider Jim Sterling to be a rather big Sony fanboy. If you listen to the podcast and actually read the site you'd get that. He's like a guy dating a girl with no job. He loves her he just gets tired of her crap sometimes.

Also @ deadreckoning way above: I thought it was a good non review too.

Psn: pokeystaples

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cmrbe5469d ago

Because they are a bunch of Candy ass pansy?. They should stick to Wii fit.

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Why Soulsborne Games Are So Popular Despite Being So Difficult

Soulsborne games are infamously difficult. But why has that difficulty been the secret sauce to success for many of these titles in the genre?

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GamesAsAService231d ago

Rewarded effort feels good.

Starting out bad at something and getting better with practice makes accomplishments meaningful.

Getting through these games feels like a journey of self improvement, lol.

You only have yourself to blame if things go poorly, but in a similar way overcoming challenge is similarly a function of your own growth.

franwex231d ago

I think because the games are fair. Gamers can tell that it’s due to their own abilities and not some BS.

jjb1981231d ago

I've always loved the sense of adventure and wonder in these games. There's no hand holding, there are surprises and traps everywhere and you have to figure out what some items do. Beating a heide knight was like an accomplishment for me the first time and it felt good to earn that sword he dropped. I've spent hundreds of hours in souls games ever since Kings Field on PS1. The lore is incredible and it makes you think about the history of the world you're in. I can't wait for Shadow of the Erdtree.

SyntheticForm231d ago

It's the recipe of fair difficulty, presentation, boss battles and lore that attract me to these games. The From Souls games have always had a nebulous quality to them that I find fascinating. Demystifying them is a big part of the fun.

OhReginald231d ago

I think its the atmosphere and gameplay. Each of these games unique ways to play and unique settings/atmospheres that are in a league of its own.

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Demon's Souls - Here's Why We Are Excited

The first look at gameplay from Demon Souls was shown off at the PlayStation 5 showcase a few days ago. Here's why we are excited for it.

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RpgSama1465d ago

Because it's a full blown next-gen from the ground up remake of one of the best games ever made, what more could anybody want?

1465d ago
SullysCigar1465d ago

This. It has legendary status among gamers for a reason. Technology has come a long way since, and we now get to combine the two!

Newcomers in particular are in for a real treat!

robtion1465d ago

Having finished it back at release on PS3 (I even imported it from the US as it didn't release in Australia initially), I am excited to play again but hope it has some significant changes, fresh content, updated mechanics as it does show its age being the original souls game.

KwietStorm_BLM1465d ago

Significant changes like what?

P_Bomb1465d ago

I wonder if we’ll finally be able to access the broken arch stone? Surprise new level?

Sunny123451465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

When I first ordered it 12 years back I didnt like it, when I really got into it, I loved it and didn't get up until I got the platinum trophy for it.

Flame lurker still haunts me sometimes. And that crystal lizard farming with 1 in a mil drop rate.

Cant wait to do it all again with no load times, next get graphics and higher fps.

Mithan1465d ago (Edited 1465d ago )

Agreed. The 6th area they never released in Retail would be nice.
Few more bonfires on select runs would also be nice, as dying was worse than the boss.

My prediction is they will make some fixes, but it will be controversial with fanboys bitching and whining about how it "ruined the game".

I pre-ordered the game so far for $830. Comes with a PS5 ;)

1465d ago
Mithan1465d ago

To Stevej336:
Canadian Prices. $630 for the PS5 plus tax.
My PS5 cost me $705. Then another $90 for the game pre-order.

I should have said $795, not $830.

NEXUS-61465d ago

Everything about Demons Souls screams next gen - something that cant be said for many supposed next gen titles. Souls games now have a cult following and DS is the one many haven't played. This is going to be HUGE for Sony and PS5. The marketing should be hitting overdrive around this game.

Rambokind1465d ago

It's the only reason why I'm buying the PS5 at launch. Cannot wait to play this game.

1465d ago
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The FOMO Club - Huge Titles Passing You By? That's OK

The 'fear of missing out' is a natural trait of us social creatures. Of course, most of us naturally manage our FOMO because we have no choice. We can't play everything.

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Community1549d ago
PrimeVinister1549d ago

Thought it said MOFO for a second.

ChristianReggieWait1549d ago

I really want to change the article title now 😹

Ra3v3r1549d ago

The FOMO kicks in pretty much every time a new game gets released. Somehow I’ve managed to resist buying RE3 and Doom Eternal though. It’s Desperados 3 that’s calling me right now though.