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40 Hours? 100 Hours? How A Game Developer Determines RPG Duration

Kotaku: One of the creators of White Knight Chronicles, the upcoming PlayStation 3 role-playing game, just wanted to know how long their game was. "So, that was the point of the question," Yoshiaki Kusuda said through a translator, laughing. Not really.

Level 5, the studio behind White Knight Chronicles, is an RPG juggernaut in Japan. They make the top-selling Dragon Quest games these days, are working with Studio Ghibli on a major adventure and have the Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy RPGs to their credit.

So if anyone would be able to explain the art of deciding how long an RPG is, I was sure it would be someone from Level 5.

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Ninjamonkey5377d ago

The length of a game really depends on how much they want to put into it.

A game like oblivion lasted me somewhere around the reigon of 300 hours, but thats becuase the devs put a TON of missions and side quests in the game, with optional extras like taking out oblivion gates and searching dungeons.

Plus the game word helped, it was great just to walk around trying to hit animals (or the occasional person =P ) with arrows from far away.

dorron5377d ago

I hate it when games are too long. For me it's enough around 30 hours for an RPG or else I get bored...

Well, not always. Oblivion was great, but for me the duration of Eternal Sonata is the game length I want in an RPG.

Sangria5377d ago

Well, honestly i found Eternal Sonata really too short, especially considering how quickly it ends (i had the feel the battle against the butler dragon was only at half the game, it was actually nearly the end).

In my opinion, a RPG isn't good following its length but its scenario. You can have a short RPG with a brilliant scenario, it would be simply awesome. And you can have very long RPGs but with a crap scenario. Unless this RPG have something unique in its gameplay, you'll soon enough forget about this game.

Tony P5377d ago

It's complicated. I expect long hours from JRPGs but I don't hold WRPGs to the same standard. I feel like you can and should get more out of a WRPG with multiple replays due to greater flexibility in the design, narrative, and play style. The JRPG is quite linear in most regards so it's better to tell the best story you got in one shot since there are usually fewer reasons to warrant a replay.

Oblivion and the TES games are really in a class of their own.

Rifle-Man5377d ago

I just finished Persona 4 a few nights ago: 101 hours and 6 minutes.

That's a bit too long, if you ask me. 50-60 would be better.

Si-Pie5377d ago

But arent alot of RPGs like oblivion up to the individual on how much time they spend on it? I mean im a big RPG fan and spent almost 300 hours on Oblivion but my mate wanted to play it mainly for the achievements so he managed to get all the achievements in around 30 hours.

So at the end of the day you can stick to the main story line and finish it around 30 hours or if you like you can do all the side quests etc and spend hundreds of hours on them. But of course with Japanese RPGs it is different as well as online rpgs.

callahan095377d ago

From the article: "I have spent 1,500 hours online and I don't feel I have finished doing everything."

Well, I'd estimate that 1500 hours is a MINIMUM for getting the platinum trophy in this game. That's if you have some serious luck and you do everything as efficiently as possible. I can see spending 4000 hours on this game and STILL not having the platinum. It requires an incredible amount of time, devotion, focus, and luck.

Anyway, this is a fun game. I like it a lot, but I wouldn't ever attempt to get the platinum. Just not enough time for me haha.

Si-Pie5377d ago

wow thats alot of hours. I dont know much about this game is it really good? whats the fighting scenes like?

but yep id agree 4000 hours is too much for me I think haha.


RETRO Review - White Knight Chronicles (PS3)

Grab your longsword, shield and round up the fantasy archetypes - there are Ice Dragons afoot!

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Memorable Music in Gaming #21

Chalgyr's Game Room writes:

I am kicking things off by going back to a familiar well here - with a song from the Neverwinter Nights soundtrack. This is still arguably one of my favorite music scores in a video game ever, but I decided to lead off with it and then create something of a theme as I decided to pull all of this edition's songs from RPG games.

Neverwinter Nights (PC) - Battle - Forest Boss

I touched on the somewhat mystical quality of another Neverwinter Nights song last week when discussing City Docks Day. There were a lot of really good battle tunes in this one, but the Forest Boss song always stood out in my mind. The battle itself was not even the most memorable one, but right around the one minute mark, it reaches an epic level that just stuck with me.

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The ten last-gen games that should have "HD Remasters"

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Below are the ten games we'd like to see make their way to the new generation of consoles this year. Or, perhaps, game collections that could be pulled together into a single disc package for even better value as we have seen other recent HD/ Remaster releases."

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Snookies123444d ago

B-But FFXII isn't last-gen. I'd love to see it remastered regardless though. Brilliantly fun game, I just disliked the story unfortunately.

hkgamer3444d ago (Edited 3444d ago )

story was ok, but very unlike the other ff storylines where there is a clear villian.

i just want the game for vita/ps4. international zodiac version would be interesting to play but i hope that the original glitches(?) are still there.

i had more fun breaking the game then playing the game properly.

would also be cool if they added dual wielding. would make some rare weapons actually useful.

MrSwankSinatra3444d ago

I really would like to see a HD Remaster of both Twilight Princess & Skyward Sword. Those games deserve to be in HD

Relientk773444d ago

Are you saying that they could make Ni no Kuni look even better, because I would like to see that.

hkgamer3444d ago

they could easily make that game look better. just make it as detailed as the animation. the 3d models had a lot less detail.

not saying it didnt look nice, just saying it could be improved a lot.

DougLord3444d ago

NONE - lets keep remakes to games from 2-3 gens ago!

PeaSFor3444d ago

what i want to see:

Patapon HD Collection
FFIX & FFVII Remastered
MadWorld HD
Thrasher:Skate&Destroy HD
EA Skate series HD
Lumines Collection
VibRibbon remastered
Mario Galaxy 1&2 Remastered
BF1942 Remastered

WheatBread3444d ago

Screw that we need new games

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