
Rumored PS Store Content for 10/01/09

PlayStation LifeStyle writes:

"This week might just be the largest update the PS Store has ever had. Most of the content will be geared toward the PSP, to ready for the launch of the PSPgo. However the PS3 is still getting plenty of content, namely a few demos and a few downloadable games. Also don't forget to to download the Uncharted 2 demo, which is available in the PS Store now."

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DoucheVader5413d ago

For reals. I was trying to figure out a way to get it from UK.

Sev5413d ago

Because they waited so long to release Trine, I wont be getting it. I have too much I want to spend my money on now. Especially with the launch of the PSPgo, I got to fill that 16GB flash mem.

They should have released Trine in August or Sept. Now the holidays are here, and retail disc-based titles are what people are spending their money on.

GameGambits5413d ago

Hmm I'm curious what .detuned is about. The screenshot you have on your site Sev alone has me interested. Reminds me of the Persona series style of art. :)

Hellsvacancy5413d ago (Edited 5413d ago )

Trines a fantasic game im on my way 2 earnin my 5th Platinum

Edit: So is the Fallout 3 dlc not cummin 2 the Uk this week? it sais US only

Lifendz5413d ago

I'm loving Broken Steel so far. I haven't even played the DLC. I just wanted to get my char past level 20.

Oh and I'm sorta peeved at Bethesda for punishing people that didn't play the game with a trophy guide handy and didn't search every crevice of the stages prior to leaving. I'm talking about the darn bobbleheads. Decided to plat the game after beating it and low and behlod I can't get 2 of the dang bobbleheads now cuz thoese areas are closed off. That really grinds my gears.

But hey, I was wrong about the game and love it. Too many games coming.

Sprudling5413d ago

Trine was released 17. september on PSN in Norway, and I'm sure in some other countries too. If you can't wait it's just a matter of creating another new PSN account and download it.

5413d ago
DaTruth5413d ago (Edited 5413d ago )

You have to be able to pay for it! I can pay American on my credit card, but I don't know about Euros. Most people use PSN cards and not credit cards, so they will have to buy a Euro PSN card from EBAY or something(might be illegal).

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5413d ago
DoucheVader5413d ago

Crossing my fingers for Trine. I suppose Uno can keep me occupied. :)

riksweeney5413d ago

It's £15 in the UK, *way* too much for a PSN game.

Sev5413d ago

So who is getting a PSPgo to download this massive amount of PSP content?

Lucreto5413d ago

I would get one but I have a good few UMDs I want to transfer over.

Confused5413d ago

I have loads of UMDs so i'll be keeping my old 1000 as well. I'm not even sure why I'm getting a Go to be honest. Guess I'm just a sucker for new things...

The_Count5413d ago

The count thinks your confused.

Ah ah ah

jack_burt0n5413d ago

No but after seeing the dualshock BT demo, and the game resume feature I want one its very nice.

Dir_en_grey5413d ago

I thought you could download the games on to a normal PSP.

MoneyBagz295413d ago

Over here!Lol,don't know which games to get though. Have a PSP-2000 but UMD drive is broken

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5413d ago
kingboy5413d ago

No NBA2K 10 Demo?i believe it`s out on xbox live if i`m not mistaken

Sev5413d ago

It is on Xbox Live for gold members only.

The official press release says the NBA2K10 Demo would be out "shortly after".

Just like the latest trend of demos, Live Gold members get everything first, then PSN and Live Silver members the following week.

kingboy5413d ago

ah! that explains it then

joeyisback25855413d ago

hey do u know when us ps store gets uno it was release on japanese ps store last week

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Cancelled Fallout game gets turned into mod while everyone waits for London's release

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I Have A Confession, I Like The Fallout 3 Green Filter

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isarai69d ago

How about you actually SHOW wtf you're talking about

Nacho_Z68d ago

Always annoying when articles do that.

I agree with them that the tv show was a bit on the clean side. They got loads right regarding set design etc but there's room for improvement.

gold_drake68d ago

i dont. it hurts my eyes. but im fairly ssensitive when it comes to that sort of stuff.

RyanWritesGood28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Every Fallout seems to have their own color palate... New Vegas is basically brown, while 3 is green and gray. It's only 76 that has a robust color palate.

3 just isn't 3 without the green.


Amazon Prime Gaming May 2024 Games Lineup Looks Highly Promising

Amazon has announced its gaming lineup for May 2024 and it is one of the better months especially if you are an Amazon Prime subscriber.

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Retroman82d ago

I have Amazon Prime hardly ever use it and these games will not make me jump back to Prime.
Only use Prime for discounts on shipping.

Retroman82d ago

Games line-up looks Highly Promising.
Yeah if you Never played those games before.
or you just started gaming for the First time in your life it would seem "Promising "