
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International Arrives In Europe February 12th 2010

OneLastContinue write:

Square Enix Ltd today announced that the upcoming title Star Ocean: The Last Hope: International will be released on the PlayStation 3 across all PAL territories on 12th February 2010. The game is currently being re-developed for the platform by tri-Ace Inc.

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Baba19065483d ago

awesome but thats so far a way still. i cant wait.

dabri55483d ago

But will it fix the resolution to something higher then the 360 version?

foreverflame5483d ago

Have fun with my sloppy seconds sony fantards.

Kurisu5483d ago

Great! The wait for FFXIII won't seem so bad with another Square Enix RPG to play inbetween :D


The ten best console JRPGs this gen

Digitally Downloaded writes: "Some people (who weren't looking that hard) have claimed that the JRPG genre has been floundering this generation, lacking both in quality and quantity.

They're wrong. Though it can be argued that the genre's biggest franchises (Final Fantasy) has lost its way, a little digging beneath the surface reveals a wealth of great games that are equal to, if not better, than the best JRPGs from years past."

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Root4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

My favourite would be Lost Odyssey...it was the real Final Fantasy 13 game for me. Good characters, good voice acting, the music was amazing, the theme music was better, the battle system was good (can't beat turn based). I could go on...

Plus Jansen was hilarious...one of the best characters in a JRPG for me

Nate-Dog4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

I loved Lost Odyssey but really didn't like Jansen at all. Just too much of a forced attempt at humour with almost every single line.

Also this list is missing Tales of Vesperia!

Root4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

I know where your coming from but for a JRPG game he was pretty good in my opinion and I mean a JPRG where they have voice actors. Most games have came off cheesy when it comes to voice acting, look at Blue Dragon or even Cooke and Mac in Lost Odyssey but Jansen was pretty funny with the game being pretty serious at times.

His relationship with Ming as well was nice to watch as well, he kind of changed because of it through out the game.


SOD_Delta4194d ago (Edited 4194d ago )

Lost Odyssey was indeed a great game. It deserves a top spot. But They put Star Ocean over Tales of Vesperia/ or Graces? Also no Valkyria Chronicles? I know it's a (J)SRPG, But that still counts right?

Blue Dragon is also a good JRPG. I'd put it above Star Ocean (IMO)

EDIT: @ dedicatedtogamers I can't believe I forgot about that game. Yes, Resonance of Fate was AWESOME. I loved that game. I lose gamer cred. for not mentioning RoF.

Lykon4193d ago

I've never played a jrpg ...i'm scared of them because i think they might be hard , difficult and complicated..but the weirdness appeals to me .. weird penguins ..schoool children that fight monsters or win a lottery and become god . I like weirdness because i am weird and silly in my head . so what would be a weird silly fun jrpg for me to start with that is not too scarily hard and frustrating? btw im not a bad person ..my bubbles were taken because im weird and silly not because im horrible. you have to be really intelligent and talk about data buses and stuff to get bubbles . I dont understand any of that.

dedicatedtogamers4194d ago

No mention of Resonance of Fate is a fail. That game can easily go toe-to-toe with any of the games on that list. It had the combat that Final Fantasy 13 SHOULD have gotten.

MattS4194d ago

I love how people immediately act as though any personal preference list is 'wrong' just because it doesn't include their favourite game.

I am sorry that my tastes don't match with yours, oh supreme arbiter of game quality. ;-)

dedicatedtogamers4194d ago

Okay, then let me explain why I mentioned Resonance of Fate:

Several games on the list are niche. Nothing wrong with that, but not everyone likes the Atelier series. Not everyone likes Hyperdimension. Not everyone likes Star Ocean.

Granted, not everyone likes RoF either, but RoF suffered from having no marketing. SEGA just dropped it on store shelves and forgot it existed. Unlike a lot of the games you mentioned, RoF actually did some NEW things for the JRPG genre. Additionally, it wasn't a painfully supah-kawaiiiii anime-inspired game. It was a quirky action-JRPG that reminded me of the PS1 era.

MattS4194d ago

This is clearly a personal top 10 list, though. Niche or mainstream doesn't
really matter. I liked Meruru more than RoF, therefore Meruru was on the list.

I actually like RoF, it was one I was tossing up putting in there. But it isn't. I'm not out there claiming this is the definitive 'every single person must agree with me' list. It's a bit of fun to generate some conversation around JRPGs. There really wasn't any need for you to jump in and claim your opinion/ taste in games invalidates mine.

tl;dr - relax. No one was saying RoF is a bad game :-)

4193d ago
animegamingnerd4194d ago

hard one i really loved both graces f and xenoblade a lot

Pyrrhus4194d ago

Garces f, imo, should have made that list. Liked Ni no Kuni, Star Ocean and Nier. Really wished Last Odyssey came to the ps3.

BanBrother4194d ago

I got a 360 in 2008 and Lost Odyssey was one of those games I played religiously. One of the best JRPS's played. If it came to the PS3/PS4 (with updated tech) I'm sure many people would buy it. JRPG's are those games where fans want them, even if they don't have the console.

chrispseuphoria4194d ago

Tales of Graces f is an excellent J-RPG from this generation as well.

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5 characters that should buy more appropriate attire

PS3 Attitude: "From tiny outfits that provide no more protection than dental floss, to massive armour that even Chuck Norris would struggle to walk in, it has to be said that costumes in videogames often look pretty ridiculous. We literally could have picked a selection of games at random for this list and they’d still have been relevant, but these are the five characters we chose in the end (after we picked them at random)."

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DeadSpaced4451d ago

Ivy from SoulCaliber. She needs to cover up.

stefhutch204451d ago

True, but we decided to stay away from fighting games because they were a bit too obvious. :)

Gaming1014451d ago (Edited 4451d ago )

Kratos wasn't designed to be "one for the ladies" with his attire, he's wearing what Spartan soldiers usually wear, haven't you seen 300?

Kevin ButIer4451d ago

Lol this article is pure trolling...

DolphGB4451d ago

I had Ivy in mind when I saw the title too... Damn, I have Ivy on my mind most of the day if I'm honest... lol

HammadTheBeast4451d ago

Taki and most of the Soul Calibur girls are hot.

GaryOak4451d ago (Edited 4451d ago )

Hey,after suffering through all those "Kay's" I earned the right to see Myuria's skin!

CaptCalvin4451d ago

None of those games give any toss about realism. It's called style.

Hicken4450d ago

Now I feel like playing Star Ocean.


Substantial discounts offered for several HD RPGs

An online retailer is currently offering substantial discounts for several high-defitnion role-playing games on the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms.

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Rockefellow4509d ago

Eternal Sonata (PS3) - $19.15
Eternal Sonata (Xbox 360) - $19.90
Record of Agarest War (Xbox 360) - $18.15
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (PS3) $24.48

That's not really "substantial" as far as discounts go, especially with how old those games are.

Kratoscar20084509d ago

Only record calls my interest.

Wolfbiker4509d ago

Eternal Sonata is my favorite of that list....great game.