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djtek184 (1) - 5420d ago Cancel
Nineball2112 (4) - 5419d ago Cancel
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Dringostarr (1) - 5420d ago Cancel
Madusha (1) - 5420d ago Cancel
maawdawg (1) - 5419d ago Cancel

Section 8: Halo Killer?

Jason Evangelho writes:

"Section 8, Timegate & Southpeak Interactive's upcoming sci-fi themed FPS, looks more compelling with each new reveal. While cries of "Halo rip-off" and "Halo competitor" have been sounded when previously discussing Section 8, there's new evidence that suggests this shooter could be much more than just another FPS.

In fact, it could move beyond "Halo competitor" and become the game that removes its crown completely."

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As much as I'm going to hate doing this, cause that title is going to draw some heat but... Use original title. Don't change titles.
JL5420d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Blaze9295420d ago (Edited 5420d ago )

While the game did remind me of Halo as its the thought that popped in my head and is looking kind of great lately...come on. This isnt killing Halo, just had to lol at the thought of that....but then again, I haven't played it yet so who knows.

killyourfm5420d ago

...From the publishers that brought us the craptastic Legendary...But still, I think this one deserves a 2nd look.

shocky165420d ago

How many other Halo killers have there been that failed to 'kill' Halo 3

5420d ago
Nineball21125419d ago (Edited 5419d ago )


No Owned. That was Haze. :-)

I think all that hype contributed to Haze's failure, not to mention it was (apparently) a crappy game! lol...

On Topic: This article title alone probably just jinxed this game into crapdom.

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Magaman5420d ago

I got to sit down with Section 8 at E3 this year, and its good, fairly deep, but too deep to kill Halo. The drops and the way they work is really awesome, but there are just way to many. Its less of the run and gun of Halo, more of the lets plan this out of a RTS but not.

shadowdancer5420d ago

That's funny cuz @ first glance it didn't look deep at all. Does it have a personality conflict? Lol

shadowdancer5420d ago

This comment thread is gonna get ugly, innit?

dragonyght5420d ago

any game that get branded as halo killer is bound to commit suicide

xabmol5419d ago

Same old song and dance...


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TimeGate Shooter Section 8 and Unreleased Project In Bidding War With Atari

SegmentNext writes: "Defunct developer TimeGate Studios is currently experiencing interest from numerous bidders on its intellectual property (IP). After its bankruptcy earlier this year, due to lawsuits and other bad press, the studio’s shooters are up for grabs."

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Community3867d ago

Bundle Stars offering 12 PC games for only $5

For a limited time only, Bundle Stars, the direct-to-consumer company focusing on digital downloads, is launching its biggest PC game bundle to date. Gamers have the chance to download and own 12 standalone PC games for the price of just $5.

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Community4036d ago

TimeGate loses appeal: Court orders Section 8 developer to pay $7.3M in damages Publishers and developers are like soap-opera characters. One day they’re working together, then the next they’re plotting how to take each other down.
That’s how developer TimeGate, which produced the Xbox Live Arcade first-person shooter Section 8, ended up owing publisher SouthPeak Interactive $7.3 million in damages, as originally reported by Polygon. This comes after the latest court appeal in the long-running case went in favor of SouthPeak.

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Community4082d ago
-Mika-4082d ago

Awww, this is horrible. This is going to destroy them. Southpeak, this is not cool. You could of just told them to pay your lawyer fees and then just let them be. I know what company I will be boycotting in the future.

Thirty3Three4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

"I" will be boycotting in the future?

It's not a boycott if it's only one person.

No offense, but I think people on the gaming scene just use words they don't know :O

No idea why I'm getting (at the moment of this edit, only one...) disagrees...

It's true.

kreate4082d ago

Hey I just googled for the official meaning of boycott including dictionary. Com, Wikipedia amongst others, but it doesnt state anywhere that there needs to be a headcount requirement.

From my reading, it seems like one or a party can boycott whatever they want.

Idk but if there's anything else to it, plz enlighten us.

Soldierone4082d ago

Both sides are idiots here. TimeGate isn't innocent, they are the ones that originally opened the lawsuit. Their publisher just said "yeah? Well take this" and won.

Honestly I'm normally on the developers side, but it was stupid to do that and greedy. Just say "we are done" and walk away, find someone else to publish. If they want the crappy Section 8 license, let them have it.

hano4081d ago

Whenever someone says both sides are wrong, it means they don't have the balls to be fair or they just don't know the facts.

Soldierone4081d ago

To be fair to what? The developer was stupid for opening the lawsuit, and the publisher is stupid for taking it too far.

I would say it takes a lot more balls to say both sides are morons instead of picking a side.

hano4081d ago

The law is always on the side of the guys with more money.

In this case, the publisher paid more so now the developers have to give up the franchise and go bankrupt. Justice isn't served.


This is why dueling should still be legal.