
Eurogamer.nl: Red Faction Guerrilla: Demons of the Badlands Review

Eurogamer.nl writes: "Red Faction Guerilla gave us earlier this year very pleasant surprise. Though the game mainly revolves destruction, long enough to know the buoys to continue play. It is the combination of the many upgrades, freedom, arms and especially the pleasure of the tearing down of buildings that the game keeps. And if you can not get enough, then from now the singleplayer-DLC Demons of the Badlands is for sale."

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Why Red Faction is Better Than Your Mother

From PixelApocalypse.com

"The answers should be fairly obvious. When I pitched the idea for this article to the rest of the staff, they all said the same thing: “You came out of your mom’s vagina! How could Red Faction be better than the one who gave you birth?” But there are so many things you can do in Red Faction that make it awesome, whereas there are only two things you can do in your mom’s vagina..."

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Organization XII5004d ago

My mother is better than you all bitches.

Quagmire5004d ago

Not what I thought last night....giggity.

poopface15004d ago ShowReplies(3)
Quagmire5004d ago

And on that note, I'm off to sell my own mother at the market to earn enough money for Red Faction :)

x8005004d ago

how old is this guy 10? better than your mother get out of here. kids.

ApocalypseShadow5004d ago


is this really going to get approved?.....

Komega5004d ago

Your right, it shouldn't have been approves because it's not a "PS3 FTW" article;)

Bathyj5004d ago


Now why do YOU have to be that guy?

poopface15004d ago

are you really going to cry about it?

Kon5004d ago

Why this article keeps talking about my mom's vagina?

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Bargain Raiders - Red Faction: Guerrilla -StickTwiddlers

It's another Bargain Raiders and Alan, braving the three feet of snow in chilly Scotland, takes a look at the exploderrific Red Faction: Guerrilla for the rock bottom price of six hundred pence.

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THQ Bundle Free Copy of Red Faction: Guerrilla with Metro 2033

This incredible bonus demonstrates THQ's confidence in Metro 2033 as a product, with the PC release of Red Faction: Guerrilla arriving much later than it's console counterparts, the publisher obviously believes that the incentive of bundling the game with Metro 2033 will prove more profitable than the continued sales of the game at a reduced price.

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Silly gameAr5317d ago

THQ is the s*** for this. I would like to see more people go all out like they did with Darksiders. Thanks for the free RFG THQ! I hope more people take advantage of this.

kevco335316d ago

RFG is a pretty new game to be giving away free. I suprised they didn't just give you RF 1&2 and a demo of Guerrilla.

akaFullMetal5316d ago

Did anybody else get their copy yet??? I put my order in about 2 weeks ago? Does anybody know how long it takes to get theirs? Thanks in advance.

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