jahcure5397d ago

can't believe we pay for live to have this happen

Gamer11115397d ago

meh halo wars was lame anyways....now if it happened to halo 3 there would be riots worldwide.

GWAVE5397d ago

Sadly, Live subscriptions offer very little substance. You'd THINK there would be more stable servers. You'd THINK there would be stronger cheat-prevention measures. You'd THINK, but it's not the case. At this point, people are paying $50 for cross-game chat. Everything else can be found for free elsewhere.

Raf1k15397d ago

Some people put a lot of time into their stats.

5397d ago
JokesOnYou5397d ago

Maybe they will recover them...this isn't a huge stat-driven game I don't think, personally I thought the game was awesome..as long as my achievements are still good I'm fine.

lol, he's baaaaaack....


KingsofOmega5397d ago (Edited 5397d ago )

This has never happened to me on my supposedly "crappy" free PSN.

Get what you pay for? Not with Microsoft.

EDIT: Didn't take long for the disagrees, you all seem to get so stuck up when I mention PSN's continued reliability.

leila015397d ago (Edited 5397d ago )

It's funny how the people that think XBL is a "rip-off" are the ones that don't have X360s.

Guys give it a rest, no amount of bashing will make a X360 owner buy a PS3 or stop paying $30 a year for XBL.
Just enjoy your PS3 and let the others get "ripped-off" peacefully, you don't see them complaining.

EDIT : Can the people that disagreed with my comment at least tell me why they disagree?

Chubear5397d ago

Why would I go and support a console that only lets me access half the content I paid full price for and only lets me access the other half after I've paid and additional cost to the console maker while another console lets me access all of the content on a disc that I paid for?

5397d ago
IcyJoker1875397d ago

wating for games huh! ya know i coulda sworn the 360 hasnt had a game to talk bout all year.....except this

and everyones stats got wiped......awsome

keep siding wiht MS they give you a great gaming experience

Winter47th5397d ago (Edited 5397d ago )


Wow, someone's gonna get fried for this one, I'd love to hear their excuse. The consumer must be feeling he paid to get screwed, that's poetic.

danarc5397d ago

"It's funny how the people that think XBL is a "rip-off" are the ones that don't have X360s."

Well yeah... they wouldnt buy an Xbox if they think its a ripoff lol

matchgrade5397d ago

"It's funny how the people that think XBL is a "rip-off" are the ones that don't have X360s."

Obviously, as people who think something is a rip-off usually tend to avoid it.

I've had both Xbox Live and PSN and I really believe all that's missing from PSN that a sensible person would need is more people to talk to via headset, but that's provided solely by the users, not the company, so there's no sense in paying Microsoft for that.

Rampant5397d ago

360 sells more than ps3. People must enjoy being ripped off!

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 5397d ago
docsavage5397d ago

Don't you mean "Ha Haaaaah!"?

Winter47th5397d ago

HAHA man that is just so sad! you get what you pay for, if you're dumb enough to pay for a service that's in fact nothing more than a permit visa that grants you what, access to online play? WOW, hey, makes sense. knock yourselves out gents.

IcyJoker1875397d ago

so thats where the 50 bucks you spend goes, i thought it was for the dedicated servers.......

wait a second............

Ninver5397d ago (Edited 5397d ago )

lol too true. man i heard MW2 will be butter smooth on xboxlive with it's dedica... oh wait a sec, that's on the ps3 never mind lag on.

Edit: @ below. dude regardless we'll still be able to download the same files. just cause you get it quicker doesn't mean you're a winner lol. face it you're paying for a service others get for free and more. you guys are too easy to own.

Gamer11115397d ago

i only payed 30$ for a year. pretty soon ill be streaming 1080 movies...while your still downloading...worth the petty cash.

-MD-5397d ago

Jealousy is a powerful thing Icy.

topdawg1225396d ago

don't worry gamer111, we already got bluray and you got the free streami..... wait it hasn't come out yet, darn

Gamer11115396d ago

i have a ps3 also. and netflix. and i love my blu-rays from netflix and i love my netflix on my 360. shhh

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5396d ago
Ninver5397d ago

hmm guess you get what you pay for huh? this is epic fail. how people could cough up $50 yearly for a broken promise is beyond me. sheeps deserve to suffer.

Ninver5397d ago (Edited 5397d ago )

anyone who still defends M$ for such a crappy service is a sheep. atleast on the ps3 it's free so you needn't be bothered. the fact that it comes standard with dedicated servers is a deal stealer.

i know i wouldn't want to pay for the telephone line while i'm already paying for the calls i make. you people just don't make sense.

excuse my rant but i sympathising with my fellow gamers. stop paying unecesary cash and start being smart. if no one paid M$ wouldn't have an excuse to charge you.

man no wonder why the 99.9 percent of the world think video games are for kids. because we have people making childish decisions.

Edit: @ below. well guess you've been staying far too long in your bat cave cause all ps3 gamers have been playing AAA games since launch. i'm not even gonna mention the first half of the year.

sounds to me you're doing massive damage control cause i could have sworn the 360 hasn't had one decent game worth mentioning the whole year. now just smile and act cool k. we wouldn't want you to blow a circuit bo...

Double Toasted5397d ago

...there isn't a game that I would want to pay to play on the PS3 except Uncharted 2, but yeah Playslaves have a winner with that game...nothing else though.

Z4ST3R5397d ago

Sheep are Ninty fanboys....

Gamer11115397d ago

yeah it is free. i don't really play my ps3 online. doesn't feel like a community or well put together everything is a hassle on psn i feel like at least. plus i know 3 people with a ps3 who dont really play online and 40 people who acctually play xbox live.

IcyJoker1875397d ago

doing some serious damage control
you cant justify the price dude

plus whats a hassle on psn?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5397d ago
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The Halo Wars Formula Has Potential to Fit More Microsoft Franchises

Halo Wars is still widely considered one of the best and most accessible RTS games around, and that formula could work with other Microsoft IPs.

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gangsta_red421d ago

I think Crackdown would fit in a more turn-based tactics system via Xcom then a RTS type game play. Being able to customize multiple agents, deploying that group in an crime infested urban zone, going against other super powered enemy and fodder type thugs. The potential for that is huge if they won't do another successful, ground breaking, GOTY open world outing like Crackdown 3....

P_Bomb421d ago

I could see that. I feel like State of Decay could spin-off into something strategic as well.

giovonni420d ago

Actually that would be kind of fly if they made it a turn base RTS.

lellkay57d ago

Crackdown tactics would be legit!!


10 Best Halo Games

NoobFeed Editor Joshua Burt writes - There are many games in the famous Halo Franchise that are stellar titles and need to be revered. And some that do not. These games stand out from the crowd and deluge of colossal Halo titles. Games that made Halo great. We do need to iron out what qualifies the game for this list. They have to be in the Halo franchise… Obviously.

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730d ago
730d ago Replies(2)
-Foxtrot730d ago

Halo CE over Halo Infinite anyday

Not to mention the impact it had at the time

Flawlessmic730d ago

Halo 3 at the top is correct the only thing id change is swap infinite and halo ce around.

AuraAbjure730d ago

Halo 4 best campaign and multiplayer. Halo 3 best story.

ChubbyBlade729d ago

Are you trying to give people cancer?

AuraAbjure729d ago (Edited 729d ago )

Halo 4 has the hottest Cortana too which explains why the MC is the hardest in that campaign and why H4's multiplayer is the illest. Chief ain't afraid to take on teleporting enemies that can one hit melee kill.

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Ranking The Halo Games From Worst To Best

Since debuting on the original Xbox, the amount of games released means it's no easy task to rank the best and worst Halo games.

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Deathdeliverer1007d ago (Edited 1007d ago )

I feel like I see these articles often. Either way, just going by main titles as a whole package not just on MP I’d say;
Best 2,3,1,4,5 worst.
Story only;
Best 1,2,3,4,5 worst.
MP only
Best 2,3,5,1,4 worst.

Popsicle1006d ago (Edited 1006d ago )

Great list Deathdeliverer! The only place we differ is that I would put Halo 3 MP over Halo 2 MP, but gaming preferences are subjective and there are really no right or wrong answers. We match exactly on everything else. And yes, these list are made all the time, but they still get me to click on them. Lol!

Deathdeliverer1006d ago

I was really torn between the two so I’ll call it a toss up. They are head and shoulders above the other Halo Mps. It’s Halo 2/3 (in any order) then a pause, then the rest.