WarHawk dev knew about tilt

WarHawk developer Incognito may only have "officially" known about the PS3 tilt controller for a couple of weeks before E3, but Sony Santa Monica game director Brian Upton now claims the companies had been plotting for ages.

"Actually, Incognito has secretly been working with Sony on the tilt technology for a while," he says in an interview with IGN, "but it wasn't until the last few weeks before E3 that they received a working controller."

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TheMART6598d ago

Well the txt from this article sounds like Sony is having well thought idea's NOT.

Having some new stuff immplemented just before E3 while normally their PSZero would have launched then (so it's put in there and stolen from Wii) just to get something they could try to get the E3 hype going. Which didn't work obviously.

Then there's only one game announced. HELLO it's a freaking couple of months before the next launch if it's not delayed any further. Have they already begun producing? Otherwise I think it will be E3 2007 when it can be bought by little bits in shops

Actually, Incognito has secretly been working with Sony on the tilt technology for a while," he says in an interview with IGN, "but it wasn't until the last few weeks before E3 that they received a working controller."

Speaking to us at E3, Incog's Dylan Jobe said that the team only received the final controller the Sunday before Sony's Monday press conference.

WarHawk is still the only confirmed supporter of the tilt sensor technology Sony unveiled at E3, although everyone from Pro Evolution Soccer producer Seabass to Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has expressed interest in working with it since then

shoota336598d ago

Mart Your an idiot PERIOD.Go play xcrap if it is so damn good and stop spreading your bs everywhere no one wants to hear it.

TheMART6598d ago

Well are you glad with only one game officially anounced using this new great controller?

And that one game is also WARHAWK?

On top of that NO RUMBLE?

You think that's going to sell systems?

TheMART6598d ago

And Lametime, you're ssj so go watch yourself again and again


andy capps6598d ago

Quit with the straw-man argument. Of course Warhawk is the only confirmed launch game to use the tilt functionality, they're the only ones that knew about it prior to E3. No news has really been announced for PS3 launch games, or any games really that wasn't made known at E3. Numerous devs have expressed a desire or made known that they will be using the tilt functionality, I haven't read one interview yet that said that a dev wasn't going to use it. They just can't confirm if they will or how they will at this point because of corporate PR politics. That's the way these kinds of things work prior to the launch of a console. And I personally am very excited for the tilt feature, but I do hope that they get the rumble resolved prior to launch. I wouldn't miss it that much, I have a Logitech wireless controller now that I didn't notice prior to buying didn't have rumble. When I got it out of the box of course I noticed it, but after playing through a bunch of games I didn't really miss it that much.

I've already listed several times the numerous PS3 exclusives, that you have conveniently ignored, so quit with your BS about PS3 not having any exclusives.

TheMART6598d ago

Which LAUNCH exclusives that sell it by Christmas that are worth buying?

NONE, the 360 launch line up was very great compared by this weak line up

andy capps6596d ago

Can you tell me what the launch lineup for the PS3 is yet? Cause last I heard they haven't released it... The best games at the XCrap 360 launch were Kameo and CoD2. PS3 will have Warhawk (with supposedly PS2 graphics according to you), Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, new Rainbow Six game, Resistance: Fall of Man, Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom, probably new Tony Hawk game and new Call of Duty 3.

andy capps6596d ago

Still waiting for your comment on this one, TheMART. And since when does the acceptance of the tilt feature among devs hinge on what LAUNCH titles use the feature? Hmmm?..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 6596d ago
super bill6598d ago

i think the ps3 will loose this year,but next year the ps3 will start to close the gap on the 360.there will be more games for the ps3.i see all the shops taking preorders have sold out already,even quicker than the 360.

TheMART6598d ago

Yeah it's quit obvious that PS will loose the war this year when 360 already sold 5 million. They can't get that straighten out for sure.

But you forget one thing. Christmas is selling time nr.1. If they miss this Christmas again, which it looks like and 360 will get Sony fans who want Killzone 2 but won't see it again after CGI E3 2005, but can get Gears of War which is all of that CGI but then ingame, Sony is loosing their hardest fans.

Furthermore, I don't think PSZero will win next year. Have you read the reports of the analysts?

And last but not least, there is quit a reasonable doubt about Sony's financial position.

First quarter 2005 already showed over 500 million dollars loss for Sony. Which they had every quarter of that year. This year started first quarter out with almost 600 million dollar loss. As they will do every quarter of this year.

That combined with every 10 million PS's sold, with an average loss of 300 to 400 dollar a unit, makes 3 to 4 BILLION dollars loss over those machines.

Their shares already rocked bottem from high point 120 dollars. The shareholders probably are getting enough of barbie ken. Especially when one sees that with TV's, Samsung is gaingin much terrain on Sony's former master position.

"Howard Stringer has assured Sony shareholders that he's turning the company's fortunes around, with PlayStation 3 a major factor in planned growth.

At a packed shareholder meeting in Tokyo today, Sony's boss said, "We have entered a period of re-emergence."

Sony's losses for the January-March quarter were up to 66.5 billion yen (US$578 million), worse than the 56.5 billion yen loss for the same period in 2005. Investment in PlayStation 3 was one of the reasons cited.

Stringer said the company is on target to hit an operating profit margin of five percent by the year starting April 2007, up from 2.6 percent last year. However, margins this year are down to less than 2% due to PS3'as introduction."

And don't forget, the normally fanbased Japan is off the hook also for the PSZero:

"Japan's development community shared anonymous thoughts on the PlayStation 3 in the latest issue of Japan's Ge-Maga. The magazine asked developers throughout the nation a number of questions regarding Sony's next generation platform. While the number of responses was not revealed, Ge-Maga is pretty well-connected (name changes aside, Ge-Maga is the oldest videogame magazine in Japan), so we're going to assume the survey reached a good portion of Japan's development community.

Of course, the big question concerned price. 90.29% of the surveyed feel the PS3 is too pricey, compared to just 9.71% who feel that it's priced just right. One developer commented, "It's more expensive than my rent."

Last but not least the analysts say:

For 2007, IDG predicts Microsoft dominance for the next two years in the North American next-gen game hardware market, at least in terms of installed base. The forecast predicts 10.6 million consoles in homes for Xbox 360, 6.8 million for PlayStation 3, and a modest 3.5 million for Wii in 2007. In 2008, Anderson suggests 15.5 million units in homes for the 360, 13.5 million for PS3, and 6.8 million for Wii. He does mention that his group expects the PS3 to win out in the installed based race in the end, perhaps in 2009."

So there you have it

Silver3606598d ago

The shops stopped taking pre orders because they will only be getting 20 units per store. Where with the 360 they got 50 - 80 units. Talk about your shortages and price gouging. November is gonna really hurt those Sony fans wallets.

achira6598d ago

how can someone talk such bs ? "they stopped": are you crazzy ? go into a shop and you can order one you fool.

shoota336598d ago (Edited 6598d ago )

Mart you still cant prove xcrap sold 5 million you just think they did but they are barly at 4 million. they are selling a crappy 200,000 consoles a month which will not do it.ps3 will come out and make MS look like an ass. they wont even reach 6 million by th time ps3 come out.

TheMART6598d ago

OMG Oh my FREAKING God. You are as dumb as barbie Ken himself.

That sales figures you're mentioning are only from North-America. And still then you're scaling them low. April sold 294.000 units, may 221.000 units. Europe/Australia and rest of the world sells 500.000+ consoles every month.

So 700.000 to 800.000 every month. @ March they sold 3,2 Million. Plus 3 months x 700.000 makes 2.1 million or 3 x 800.000 makes 2.4 million

3.2+2.1 = 5.3


3.2 + 2.4 = 5.6 million

You must be under 8 and can't count. So by the end of this year it's another 6 months x 800.000 at least (see sales kicking in higher gear when Gears of War is here).

5.6 million + 4.800.000 is over 10 million sold period.

And you're PWNED again


kingboy6598d ago

this mart guy is always the first on every ps3 post talking sh*t..does he even have a 360? i will luv to buy u one so u shut up a little.

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Roundtable: Dead Game Franchises We Miss

With every big game now belonging to a big intellectual property, there are those that have become redundant. Here are the series' we miss.

RPGer1181d ago

I miss Dark Cloud I mean damn, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the best Action RPG game ever made. The game have: Rich Worlds, different setting, tons of contents, vareity in gameplay like never before (and even after), best buliding mechanics, crafting system like no one did and finally impressive graphics.

Most underrated game ever. It deserved the popularity and sales of Zelda and Final Fantasy. ut unfortunately, Level-5 and Sony didn't advertise it at all.

titans99991181d ago

My franchises I wish would make a come back, are Battlefront by pandemic studios - galactic conquest was the best, mercenaries 1 and 2, and prototype 1 and 2...great games!


Remembering Warhawk – one of the PS3’s first multiplayer must-haves

TSA writes: "For many PS3 owners and members of the TSA community, Warhawk was our first foray into the mesmerising world of online multiplayer. Now, after more than a decade of dogfights, the skies over Eucadia are clear, the game’s two warring factions having called an eternal ceasefire. To put it in less poetic terms, Sony finally pulled the plug on January 31st with the online servers no longer accessible."

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ArchangelMike1963d ago

I hope we do get a next-gen Warhawk, that would be awesome. Warhawk was so underrated for it's time.

SegaSaturn6691962d ago

This game...my god. What a masterpiece.

mkis0071962d ago

I really enjoyed warhawk on ps3. Hope it isn't dead because of Starhawks average reception.

Knushwood Butt1962d ago

Time just flew by when playing this, and I always had that, 'just one more game, then I quit for the day.' urge.

Spent entire days playing it. Not healthy, but endless fun.

PoSTedUP1962d ago

after a very long hard days work i would come home and drink a few coors light 24 ounces while playing this game on my vita through PSnow, for hours and hours. it made me happy. it is one of those experiences i will never forget.

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Sony Plays Nice, Renews Life of Servers for Warhawk and More Until January 2019

Back in September 2018 Sony broke the news that online servers for PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sounds & Shapes, Warhawk, and Twisted Metal would be going offline on October 25th. Sony has now given them an extended lease on life.

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TheColbertinator2093d ago

Warhawk had a good run in the early PS3 days

jukins2092d ago

It's still very active considering its age. The primary reason I had and will reactivate my psnow subscription

tucidic2092d ago

Wyatt . if you think Benjamin `s rep0rt is unimaginable... on friday I got Mitsubishi Evo after I been earnin $8977 recently and-even more than, ten thousand this past munth . it's by-far the most-financialy rewarding I have ever done . I started this eight months/ago and straight away started making a nice minimum $72.. per/hr .
try here .......... http://tiny.cc/9ygp0y

bouzebbal2092d ago

I wish killzone was extended as well

2092d ago Replies(1)
Majin-vegeta2093d ago (Edited 2093d ago )

Guess I can now plat all stars😁

porkChop2092d ago

A Warhawk remaster or remake would be nice, but we know Sony isn't going to bother.


I only diagree because please dont say that. We have had zero games like this so far. No MAG, SOCOM, TWISTED METAL etc...

TheSaint2091d ago

I'd kill or die for a MAG 2 on PS4.

Babadook72092d ago

Yup. Remaster or better yet. A remake.

FunAndGun2092d ago

Please, for the love of all things gaming, make a Warhawk remaster. I logged on for Warhawk day last year, and promptly got destroyed by ground and air. Some hardcore players still playing today. Warhawk is my favorite MP game ever made, hands down!

Sevir2092d ago

Honestly, Warhawk and the original Resistance was pure multiplayer bliss on PS3 in it's first few years on the market. If they did a ground up remake of Warhawk for PS4 I'd be so happy. In similar to how they did Wipeout Omega collection on PS4

Concertoine2092d ago

I miss the simplicity of early 7th gen shooters.

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