
Gears of War 3 re-confirmed?

No-one seems to remember way back in 2006 when Gears of War first came out, from day one it was set to be a trilogy, though over the last few months Epic have said things like "There are no plans for a GoW trilogy" and they were handling things on "a game by game basis." Yet now it seems a third title MIGHT be coming.

KingKionic 5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

hey my avatar.

This would make sense because in the same oxm book there talking ,cliffy talked about gears of war movie coming out next year . cliffy saying "hopefully a 2010 release date"

ShabzS5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

i'd be excited for the movie if they just get the rock to star in it... i mean look at it this way if street fighter legend of chun lee can get the green light for a movie .... gears of war definitely has a chance... and the game actually has a good story behind it ... about adam fenix and marcus's treason to save him .... whats the deal with the queen and adam fenix... a lot of unexplored and frankly bad story TELLING from epics part hold it back... but the story is definitely there

KingKionic 5515d ago

It wasnt rushed at all. Maybe when it first launched it was pretty uh..long wait for matchmaking. But the single player and multiplayer are solid.

Jaces5515d ago

*looks at DOOM, Street Fighter, DOA, Blood Rayne*

This isn't going to end good if it ends up turning out a movie.

Defectiv3_Detectiv35515d ago

The only reason I kind of doubt a Gears announcement is because part 2 kind of underperformed for the series and I can't see them putting Gears3 up against HaloReach. It might be smart for Epic to bring this one out early in 2011.

And a Gears movie? Really? I just think the Gears universe is kind of weak for a movie. I mean, why is it so significant that they are on a different planet, it looks the same as earth to me? And why is it that these monsters just happen to emerge from the depths one day?

The characters are underdeveloped and the whole dystopian future thing is really getting cliche.

JohnnyBadfinger5514d ago

same can be said about Killzone 2, weak characters, under-done story plot and absolutely nothing new or memorable.

badz1495514d ago

nobody is talking about KZ2 here! people are talking about Gears!

SevWolf5514d ago

@ johnny...seriously dude, get a life, this is a Gears article nobody even brought up the mention of Killzone, if you wanna answer to a fanboy comment answer logically...nothing new or MEMORABLE??? lol, now ppl may say the story is weak but I really enjoyed it especially the ending, the characters were great, I mean they really made you HATE Rico, and if you go to Killzone.com you'll see there's a very nice story...
on topic: hopefully, if they choose the right actors, and the screenwriter wasn't bluffing about his script being great, then we could have a really good movie, hope both this and the bioshock movie end up to be blockbusters

Buttons5514d ago

lol @ Epic saying there won't be a trilogy. I completely believe them when they say they don't want millions of dollars.

Giriath5514d ago

Exactly. Gears of War sells millions on the name alone, of course there will be a third. It will probably be touted as the biggest, best and most badass game we've ever seen.

Dude4205514d ago

I think the reason why movies like Doom, Blood Rayne etc... fails is because there are so many things to cover and the movie ends up being rushed. Yes a big problem is the director too, but when you play a game for a whole day, how long will it take you, 6 - 8 hours? How long is your average movie, 1.5 - 2 hours? The movie has to live up to expectation within that time frame and there are things in the movie that end up changing stuff, or missing stuff.

The same thing with movie games, they try so hard to cover everything from the movie but ends up failing. When you look at games that have a different story like Riddick, Ghostbusters etc... it ends up being well received.

Beast_Master5514d ago

Wasn't this confirmed at the end of Gears 2? Same with every other game with a 2?

king dong35514d ago

halo in september, and gears in november...like it or not(the people i'm referring to know who they are) if they did this, then microsoft will have another bumper xmas.

i think, gears 3 running on the already outdated unreal3 engine. then, a whole new lot of gears games set before the locust, running on the unreal4 engine on the next xbox.

gears is probably the biggest new franchise this gen, expect to see alot more of this future!!

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5514d ago
PirateThom5515d ago

With the way GoW2 ended, I think anyone could predict a third wasn't far off. November of next year, unveiled at GDC 2010.

KingKionic 5515d ago

Yeah it lefted with a big cliff hanger. Cant wait for next one...wonder whats going on with the queen...

butterfinger5515d ago

Gears 2 a couple weeks ago, so I'm hoping that the final chapter in the trilogy will have an epic ending to make up for the ending to the second one. I bet we'll see Gears 3 in 2010.

Digital Commando5515d ago

There's no reason for it to, Halo: Reach is coming out fall 2010. So why would MS make the decision to release a Halo and a Gears at the same time? Also, whoever played Gears 2 when it came out would now it suffered from being rushed.

Bnet3435515d ago

It also ended with one of the crappiest boss fights ever

"hey, stand still and hold the Right Trigger until the monster dies"

Good one Epic.

meatnormous5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

I agree with the weak ass last boss comment. I really don't see a problem releasing both halo and gears in the same year. I am not a halo fan at all but I do like gears. Hate to see gears pushed back just because they compete for sales.

butterfinger5514d ago

that 4 people disagreed with me about Gears 2's ending. If you thought that was a good ending, I'm terrified that Epic might decide to do the same thing again.

GarandShooter5514d ago

@ Butterfinger

You are absolutely right, the final boss was weak and anti-climactic, especially when compared to Gears 1. Working your way up the train, fighting nearly all the different types of enemies to finally reach the final fight with Raam was awesome.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5514d ago
jack who5515d ago

does it really need to be confirmed?

KingKionic 5515d ago

Well it`s going to be a interesting site to see next year if gears 3 comes out.

Halo : reach and gears 3....damn

-MD-5515d ago

That's gonna be like what 15 million+ sales? Rofl

KingKionic 5515d ago

Yup there`s a possibility. But this will be the first time we see both flagship titles come out in the same year.

Obama5515d ago

"That's gonna be like what 15 million+ sales?"

That's the first thing you care about apparently. Wiifit must be your favorite game.

-MD-5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

Actually I just find Sales interesting. If Halo Reach sold 3 copies it wouldn't phase me at all.

Sorry you jump to conclusions so quickly.

TheBlackSmoke5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

gears of war 3 confirmed for 2010 only on xbox 360... aaaand in other news... water is wet... barack obama is black... Aaron greenburgs a douche.

EDIT: A Disagree? im sure that was all fact...hmm ok barrack obama is a bit light skinned but apart from that..

Stevie Ray Vaughan5515d ago

Halo: Reach and Gears 3 will probably easily pass 15 million.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5515d ago
Troll-Killer5515d ago

GOW was NEVER "set to be a trilogy". When they said they would take a "game by game basis" approach, they meant in not LIMITING it to a trilogy. They even referenced Star Wars in that same interview, as they hoped for that kind of long-term success in the franchise.

To even seriously question whether or not there'll be a GOW3 is complete stupidity. Epic..or ANY developer...wouldn't walk away from a franchise that's netted them over $500 million in net sales, through 2 games.

SnuggleBandit5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

God Of War= GOW

Gears Of War= GeOW

PS360PCROCKS5515d ago

GeOW is a stupid way of saying it. Just say Gears.

5515d ago
All Time Greatness5515d ago (Edited 5515d ago )

Everything related with Sony feels out-of-touch and like it's still the year 200o or something.

Gears of War is the bigger franchise. Sales more than twice as much + one of the biggest multiplayer games out there(God of War has none)+ 2nd biggest MLG game + Google recognizes GOW as Gears of War + Both are highly acclaimed in reviews + everyone online already says GOW for Gears = GOW = Gears of War.

But I really don't care what you call God of War. We know who big boss is. ; )

Buttons5514d ago

How does Google's page rank system 'prove' that "GOW" is Gears of War?

5514d ago
Arnon5514d ago

What does that have to do with Gears of War and God of War?

Comment reported as "Off-Topic"

Erotic Sheep5514d ago

Arnon if you would see the other comments, you would see All Time Greatness started by saying Sony is 2000, so I believe Eagle was simply defending and countering his argument. If Eagle is off-topic, so is All Time Greatness.

eagle215514d ago (Edited 5514d ago )

My comment is in response to "all time greatness". I don't think the article is even about God of War. God of War is a much richer, deeper, and satisfying experience than gears. They don't even compare in genre. Both the original games (GOW and GeOW) won AIAS GOTY for their respective year but God of War: Chains of Olympus also recieved Handheld GOTY 08' from AIAS this year. Gears 2 took home zero. I think he is just nervous GOW3 (God of War III) will own in March.

GOW came out first, it deserves the GOW

likedamaster5514d ago

Gears of War = The real GOW ;D

YogiBear5514d ago

LoL that was a funny joke.

TheCagyDies5514d ago

GOW Gears of War (video game)
GOW God of War (video game)
GoW Gods of War (Jedi Academy gaming clan)
GOW Grapes of Wrath
GOW Garden of War (War2 map)
GoW Gates of Winter (band)
GOW Goods Outwards Warehouse
GOW Government-Owned Wetlands

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5514d ago
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anast140d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


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402d ago
402d ago
KicksnSnares402d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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dazzysima559d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits561d ago (Edited 561d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto560d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned560d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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