
Sin and Punishment 2 Hands-On Preview at CheatCC

CheatCC says, "While we're not ready to say Sin and Punishment 2 will be able to fill the very big shoes of the first game, it's clear that Nintendo is giving Treasure what they need this time. What we saw looked beautiful, controlled well, and had everything we'd expect from a first level. If the follow through is strong, Treasure might just be back on top again."


How I Learned That Not Every Game Is Ikaruga and Loved Tyrannosatan | Black Flower Music

A satirical dialog regarding the treatment of niche titles like Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor and Deathsmiles by mainstream gaming media.

Original title: Lolis Smile Back At The Star Successor: or How I Learned That Not Every Game Is Ikaruga and Loved Tyrannosatan

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Game Revolution: Sin & Punishment 2 Review

Game Revolution writes: "Few game genres summon the sounds, sights, and downright stink of the good old arcade days more than shoot-'em-ups. Back before the days of teh Haloz, these were the real “shooters”. But over the years, the genre’s been pushed further and further to the fringes of the gaming landscape, where shmup fans now have more in common with elderly shuffle-board players than with the youngsters pwning them in Call of Duty."

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Sin & Punishment: Star Successor Review-TGH

TGH writes: "Sin & Punishment Star Successor (Successor Of The Skies in Europe) is a direct sequel to Sin And Punishment for the N64 and recently WiiWare. The original as highly praised and loved by gamers of all ages. So does the sequel live up to the template that the first one set, or is this simply an upgrade, not a Successor."

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