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1Up Prototype Review

No matter how deeply they may be buried, even the most tortured antihero usually possesses some redeeming qualities. Not Alex Mercer. He pursues his quest for answers and vengeance with wanton disregard for humanity against the backdrop of a New York City torn apart by the violent struggle to stop an aggressive plague-like viral outbreak. In any other story this could make it nearly impossible to connect with him as the main character. For Prototype it works well. His ability to completely ignore the collateral damage caused by his actions unhitches the moral reins, allowing players to fully exercise the breadth of powers and abilities at his disposal without a second thought. If only the game itself were equally accommodating.

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ViRaL-5584d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
NewScratch5584d ago

this short? seems a bit on the light side for such a big release...

CaseyRyback_CPO5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

Thats a double dipping of owned.

Is that not hilarious?

Montrealien5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

"Is that not hilarious?"

Only to the special people of N4G, you know, the tiny vocal minority of the gaming world. People in the other zone might care to respond to such an "enthusiast" comment. Here you are just annoying.

/on topic

Good review, I got it today an it is a great game it's nice to see it is receiving positive reviews. This was a great game to follow the amazing Infamous.

@the dissagrees. WTF? Infamous is amazing. you guys are weird!

AKNAA5584d ago

This game is messed up in terms of average score! I mean, WTF?! first its in the 90's then drops to the 60's,70's then back up to the 80's and now what?...... F$@K this! I need a demo to try for myself.

XDF5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

Serious dude, you are the TROLL of trolls. Every post is a flame bait from you. Get a life dude.

MNicholas5584d ago

Looks like a PS2 game with bump mapping. The textures are disastrous, the character models are blocky and the overall visual quality is simply not up to the level of other next-gen multiplats.

Very disappointing.

Gameplay looks fun, however, despite the last-gen looks. Then again, I can get God of War 2 for PS2 for about $20 with free shipping from Amazon.

This game is sure to be fun but there's no evidence that at $60 it succeeds in providing a true next-gen gaming experience.

God of War 2 (last-gen)

Spiderman (last-gen)

megaglitcher5584d ago

I wonder in what planet is Prototype scoring higher on ps3?

they only reason the meta score is higher on ps3 is because there's 16 scores aggregated on the xbox version and 13 on the ps3. Plus it seems xbox only sites gave the game lower scores.

Some people here are brain dead.

PrimordialSoupBase5584d ago

It's a concise length with pertinent information.

DMason5584d ago


Yeah dude, you're absolutely right. Some of these idiots don't know how to average scores. They just look at the initial score and shoot their mouths off.

This game is great, it got a bad score from 2 uncredited foreign blog sites. Otherwise, this game has been scoring pretty damn good. And it should, because it is a super fun game.

To all the graphics whores out there, try something new for a change. Try playing the game instead of looking at it. I'm sure you'll have more fun.

All-35584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

The multiplatform game, PS3 version of Prototype currently has a higher metacritic score than the PS3 exclusive InFAMOUS too...

dustgavin5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

Which means that both PS3 games are scoring higher than the 360 version.

Arnon5583d ago

To the people up above:

The playstation 3 version of Prototype is not scoring higher than the Xbox 360 version. There's stuff they haven't factored in, and some reviews are exclusive publishers, so it's not even a fair judgment.

DaTruth5583d ago

Remember how every little graphical glitch was held against Infamous, even when owners of the game haven't noticed it after 2 playthroughs. But let's not hold the numerous flaws(every technical aspect of the game) against Prototype, because hey, it's fun!

rockleex5583d ago

When PS3 versions of multiplats score less and PS3 fans explain that its due to the different amounts of reviews for each version, 360 fans just end up calling them crybabies.

Now that 360 fans are in the same position, they are using the same explanations that PS3 fans used to justify the different scores.

Its just funny to see both sides use the same arguments whenever they're in the same position.

All-35583d ago

Strange how sales or review articles seems to get so many posts on this site when so often people say neither matter.

If reviews don't matter then why does my copy of Killzone 2 have...

"5 out of 5 stars" - PlayStation: The Official Magazine - on the cover?

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WildArmed5584d ago

this game seems solid.
i gotta get this.
imma give this to my couzin as a bday gift n play all day :D

Ravage275583d ago

After reading various reviews of this game, i've came to a (personal) conclusion: It may be lacking in gfx,story and controls, but compensates with a deep leveling and combo system + plenty of mindless fun.

Ok, this is just a theory but it could perhaps explain the inconsistent scores for prototype. Maybe reviewers from this site appreciates a good plot with clever storytelling and immersive atmosphere opposed to pure and simple fun derived from insane combo-chaining? Reviewers preferring prototype gfx might be a fan of gore and bloody animations, and hence downplay the low quality textures?

At the end of the day, prototype is definitely not a flop and is a welcome addition to both systems. For me however, prototype is not my cup of tea and i'll stick with inFamous.

Unicron5584d ago

That's why Metacritic is sh1t.

Please, if you want to play this game, play it. Don't let some arbitrary review number tacked on to someone's opinion deter you from checking out a game you are interested in.

OGharryjoysticks5584d ago

They have to punish the game because some fool gave it a 98 even though it has "a lackluster stealth and disguising mechanic". Well, somebody is trying real hard to make this game a big deal even though 98 games shouldn't be described as lackluster on anything basically.

PS360PCROCKS5584d ago

yeah that's stupid. Lol a 67 = a b-? A 67 is a D. 70 is a C. This should be like an 82/83

The Great Melon5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

The review from 1up feels about right. Although I understand why it translates that way, I doubt anyone including 1up feels that a B- or A translates to 67.

It seems that letter grades will always be over converted when put in metacritic, because even a D is above 50% in most grading systems.

boodybandit5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

They are flawed on so many levels that it would take far too long and end up being a complete waste of time listing all their faults.

Ju5584d ago

Well, its mathematically correct, assuming, they have a scale A to F and +/-, which results in a scale from 1 to 15. B- == 10 -> 66.7%

Shadowstar5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

@Dirtyharry: Huh? 60% was generally a C in my schools. It was true of my high school and my university. And I think my elementary school, too, though that was a long time back now. 80% is an A. 90% is A+. B is 70%, with A- 77-79, B+ as 73-76, B- as 67-69...

Are grading systems really that different in some places, or is there some inflation of marks going on that's caused schools to change what they consider a B?

Veneno5584d ago

inFAMOUS and every other game are subject to the same scale, so it technically is fair for everyone.

Arnon5583d ago

Metacritic hasn't even factored in:

Play3 - 83/100
CN - 85/100
PALGN - 80/100
Action Trip - 85/100
G4TV - 4/5 (80-99/100)
PSi - 90/100
Xbotist - 4/5 (80-99/100)
Daily Joystick - 80/100
Now Gamer - 71/100 - 90/100
PGNx Media - 95/100
CheatCC - 98/100
GamingFront - 90/100

These are GREAT scores. The game is a definite AA title. Same as inFAMOUS. And GTA IV SHOULD be the same... but we all know how that turned out >.>

DaTruth5583d ago

It is based on the British system of grading, which applies to most of the World. I am Canadian and that is a B- here. It is said many times on this site... America is not the whole world!

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badbond15584d ago

to buying it but I'm satisfied with Infamous! Looking forward to buying DC universe online (exclusive), Uncharted 2 (exclusive), Ratchet & Clank (exclusive), MAG (exclusive), Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (upgraded exclusive), Bioshock 2, God of War III (exclusive) and Gran Turismo 5 (exclusive). Xbots don't even waste your time competing with that list!

Montrealien5584d ago

those xbots are pesky ones.

But I can compete with that tiny list. I got infamous, got Prototype today, will get most of the games that you listed in your fantart list. However I will be geting many other great games on the other consoles and the PC.

Ah...being a gamer is so much better then a little useless anonymous brand whore, its such a bottom feeding existence, and could never compete with real gamers.

II Necroplasm II5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

"being a gamer is so much better then a little useless anonymous brand whore"

70% of N4G is proud of being brand whores. I bet everything in their house is a Sony product.

Beg For Mercy5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

this game today and my oh my is this game horrible sloppy controls fuced up camera alex mercer just flys all over the place out of control this game is trash im not even going to mention the graphics cause well you know they are simply terrible.

Nelson M5584d ago

Why dont you book a Room for your BoT self and NecroSlime
And dont forget your Favorite Backstreet Boys CD

rucky5584d ago

That's not true, I own a Microsoft mouse

STONEY45584d ago

Maybe you should stop just buying exclusives and open your eyes to the many great multiplatform titles out there. Just because it's multiplat and not exclusive doesn't mean it sucks.

talltony5583d ago

but I am not getting it cause I did not like the hulk ultimate destruction.

-MD-5583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

Why did you put an exclamation point after Infamous? And didn't they remove pretty much all the gore in the PS3 version of NG2? How lame is that gonna be?

And why are you buying all exclusives? Half the time Multiplats are more fun than any first party title.

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HQLocated1115584d ago

Mixed reviews=rent. Very good rent actually.

Montrealien5584d ago

yeah, you will surely enjoy the rental, myself I bought it though, I love Radical and to me they deserve the support.

HQLocated1115584d ago

Yea I wouldn't mind buying it, but I already have infamous. I don't really like buying too many open world games at one time.

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Ranking The Coldest, Most Ruthless Protagonists In Gaming

Not all video game protagonists are sweet, jolly, or wholesome. Folks like Agent 47 are cold, ruthless, and reserved and it shows.

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cloganart69d ago

I'd like to believe Joel's situation is more about turning into a calloused survivor in a cold-hard world who may have made selfish decisions. Not inherently ruthless.

Armyofdarkness70d ago

Ah, fond memories of strangling all the people in their hotel rooms in Hitman 1

bunt-custardly70d ago

Lara Croft, Nathan Drake etc, cos they pretend to be the good guys but are mass murderers that show no remorse.


6 Fun Games Where You Actually Play As The Bad Guy

While the mainstream media always sees things turning in favor of the hero, here are 6 games that own being a bad guy.

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Profchaos152d ago

Pretty much all of these games listed are based around a morality system you don't have to be bad and you don't have to be good.

It seems to have left out some real amazing games like red dead redemption 1/2,ass effect and true crime la/ny

Tacoboto152d ago

Armored Core VI?

Ok, I'm really missing something here. Just beat chapter 3 earlier this evening, unlocked A-rank Arena fights. I'm not seeing or sensing any branching paths or morality system and I've done every side mission and arena fight available to me up to that fight.

Is something big coming soon to branch the story?

banger88152d ago

No mention of Grand Theft Auto? Saints Row (original trilogy), Manhunt? Also The Suffering (depending on the ending you get).

ChasterMies151d ago

Trevor in GTA 6 is a sadist and psychopath who dabbles in cannibalism. Should be top of the list. These game “news” sites should hire people that know games.


Six Activision Games I’d Like to See Revived Under Microsoft

As the world reels from the shockwaves of the seismic news that Microsoft is acquiring the proverbial swamp of the video-game landscape, Activision Blizzard King, it only seems natural that our minds should now shift towards what the fallout will be for presumably years if not decades to come.

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MadLad975d ago

Another Prototype would be awesome.

As for Singularity, I don't necessarily need a sequel, I just want to see Raven be able to flex their creative muscle again; not just be relegated to assisting with CoD. A lot of the old guard is still with the company.

That's part of what I'm hoping to see come from this acquisition. Revive teams like Vicarious Visions and Ravem to actually allow them to work on their own new projects again.

Crows90975d ago

As great as that would be the deal wont finalize until end of fiscal year 2023. Until after that date MS wont really have a say as to where resources will be spent. So we wont realistically see anything until perhaps 2026 or later.

LWOGaming974d ago

I think that’s a point that so many people are missing. Things will not change this year or next year at all. Maybe some changes might be apparent in 2024 but 2025/2026 is a good estimate of when things will really start happening. And I don’t think we will see as big a set of changes as some are suggesting.

TallDarknWavy975d ago

Those teams having not worked on anything, the employees find jobs at other companies, they don't just remain unemployed till someone at the publisher decides to revive the team, they need to eat lol

That said, this list of games makes me unexcited for anything outside of CoD that Activision has to offer. All games are in stale genres, like Guitar Hero, Simpsons Hit and Run, these are long surpassed genres that are going to be difficult to revive.

gamer7804975d ago

I want to see new IPs. Not a bunch of forced renovations of old franchises.

Gamer75975d ago

Why not a combination of both

gamer7804975d ago

@gamer75 if it is a combination it has to have my seal of approval. Such as a new Warcraft game or a new Warcraft mmo, or an action game based off the night elves orcs and humans if it’s a new IP. I’ll let you know after I talk with Microsoft

King_Noctis975d ago

Man I’ve been waiting for Protoype since the last one. Protoype could seriously be MS’ answer to Infamous (freaking loved that game as well, hope Sony make a new one soon).

porkChop975d ago

I'd love to see Raven take another crack at Heretic and Hexen.

MadLad974d ago

That's one I see being tossed around a lot to bring back, even if not from Raven themselves.

Put so many hours into those games over the years.

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Knightofelemia975d ago

I'd like to see Activision get the Transformers license again and continue the War and Fall of Cybertron games. the movie games were crap and the game that combined both movie and Fall and War of Cybertron sucked a new Prototype would also be good as well.

jaymacx974d ago

You deserve a 1000 likes haha 😂. It’s a shame High Moon didn’t get to continue making Transformers. If they got a decent budget i think most of us TF fans would be excited.

wolf581974d ago (Edited 974d ago )

Ms bought Activision and everybody dancing for what? For cod? Ms want to atleast earn some money Back from those 70 billion dollars.... The only thing they count on is more gamepass subscribers via Activision cod, diablo and over watch 2 1st Day free at gamepass. If they decide to make them exclusive to xbox they Will lose profit from ps4 and 5 sales. As For a New ip or an existing ip like over watch 3,diablo 5 or anything else like a New transformers Dont you think that developers need at least 3 years to Do something decent?
Anyway my opinion is that ms want to make videogaming Just a subscription a la netflix and that ps5 will beat xboxsx in sales like ps4 beat xbox and xbox one x..... All the money ms spending It Will defentily make more gamepass subscribers as for games we all must wait at least 3 more years... And thats why ps5 will get ahead in sales they have more AAA in the pipeline already plus lets see their answer for gamepass... P. S i Dont support subscriptions from neither company and i didnt buy switch plus for n64. If they give me the option to buy n64 games then yes i Will buy them but i am not paying for a rental.

975d ago
975d ago
rlow1975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Re-imagining of River Raid and the original adventurer Pitfall. Oh Zork is also a great game.

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